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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

George turned his katana back into a hand, and took the scale off the lad. He admired him for not flinching, but the boy had known when he was beaten. He nodded. "I give you my word," he told the lad. Before he left however, he asked another question. "Who is your captain?" He inquired.

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"Hmmmm?" Fin said his eyes squinted as he began thinking."Hey George why do you insist on calling everyone boy? Your only 19 yourself aren't you? Plus I'm somewhere in my 60. Fin said smiling now amused by the battle. @DaManofWar
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/esmeralda_by_uncrnp-d5d3ivf.jpg.29650a0013c31bd89ceec07938b9f248.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/esmeralda_by_uncrnp-d5d3ivf.jpg.29650a0013c31bd89ceec07938b9f248.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aki stood there for a moment in slight shock by his behavior. Her face went bright red and she pulled her hand away. "I a...thanks good to know." She laughed nervously. Note to self stay far away from the captain.(@Tylor guillory) Anyway she had to figure out where they were going. She had quest after all. She was going to find out about her parents no matter what. Even if she had to stay on this ship. "So where is this ship heading?"(@anyone)



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"Hmm well I heard stories of a treasure that bestows great power to those who possess it." Fin said as he rubbed his neck still sore from the battle."So we were going there after we prepared for the journey. Which he already did so I guess that's our next location." Fin said as he moved towards a chair and sat down. @animegirl20
George then realized something. "That ship..." He recognized it immediately. The Black Rose. "I must go now," he said to the snake, and walked over to Fin. He put the scale in his pocket. "Two things, Fin," he began, "first, I need to go to Preda. Second, why was your ship fighting the Black Rose?" Then he noticed the girl he had been kissing. "Ah, a firebird." He said. "Would you like to join my crew?" He asked her.

@Tylor guillory
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lhm0cv3e7g1qdfv3oo1_500.jpg.2348b3ff06db67c26c54714543d8a0a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lhm0cv3e7g1qdfv3oo1_500.jpg.2348b3ff06db67c26c54714543d8a0a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She wen through her pocket and pulled out the letter she had got when trying to fine her parents. In the letter it mentioned a map. That's what she was looking for. Maybe they have the map. She put the letter back in her pocket then said. "Would you mind if I took a look at the map? You are following one aren't you?"

@Tylor guillory



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All our maps are in the navigators quarters even though currently our navigators spot is open. Hmm would you like to be our navigator? It would give you access to all our maps and tools plus I'd make sure no one attempted to eat you. " Fin said smiling he then turned to George and smacked him hard on the head."Don't go trying to steal my crew you rusty armed fool!" Fin said angrily but not a serious anger more of a playful annoyance kind of anger. @animegirl20 @DaManofWar
Edamus tapped the head of his serpent, and she swam with a huff back to the Black Rose. He stepped off and ran back belowdecks, where Annabelle lay. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing, but barely. "Ssssstay with usss, Goldenheart." Edamus said, brushing the hair out of her face.

"Jeremiah...." Annabelle murmured her eyes fluttering open for a moment before her head lolled to her chest.

Edamus sighed. "I hate thissss." He took Annabelle's hand and gently sank one fang into it, sending a small dose of knock-out poison into her system to allow her to rest and get better. He licked his fang, tasting the sweet droplet of venom coming off of it. He looked up and said to no one "I'd better be getting paid for this."
She laughed little at the two arguing then thought for a moment. "Navigator huh?...Ok I could give it a try. Besides I am good with directions. Oh and what's with people wanting to eat firebirds?! Does that really sound like something people should be eating?? I swear." She started to head to the navigators quarters when she realized she had no idea where they were. "So uh which room is it?"

@Tylor guillory

Anthea leaned back and looked at The feathered bird who was now a girl. She crossed her arms and spoke out loud, "The men on this ship don't think twice about what comes out of their mouths." She told Aki as she walked up to Aki's side and looked at Captain fin and then Aki as she put her hands to the side and relaxed.

@Tylor guillory
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Fin stood up to his full towering 6'8 and sneered down at Anthea."You really should learn to respect your Captain otherwise your going to end up getting thrown off this ship." Fin said to Anthea before turning to Aki." As for you the navigators quarters are just below the deck first door on the right." Fin said smiling hearts still in his eyes. @animegirl20 @sprouhtt
"I could say the same to you," Anthea told him in a stern voice as she glared at him. "I've been on this ship for about a day and a half now and you haven't shown any of your crew men any respect." She spoke again this time out of anger and a little bit of unknown jealousy.

@Tylor guillory
Aki nodded in agreement with Athena then looked over at the captain. After he sneered at Athena and went to look at her Aki could of sworn she saw hearts. She then smiled slighty trying to be nice. "Thanks..." She then whispered to Athena so only she could here. "Does the captain always have hearts in his eyes?"

@Tylor guillory

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"Grrrr I respect my crew plenty ya fool! They only ones I don't show respect to are those who haven't earned it ya lil punk!" Fin said now a vain in his head throbbing from his agrivation. He glared down at Anthea barring his Shark teeth." Yeah captain respect us plenty newbie if he doesn't show you any respect its because you haven't earned it yet." Said on of the crew mates who was fixing the mass. (Believe thats how its spelt @sprouhtt
"I believe he's going after you but don't let him fool you he does that to every single living creature that have breasts." Anthea whispered back so that fin couldn't hear her. She looked at Aki and smiled a bit and then back at fin," first I'm called a 'she-devil,' and now I'm being called a,'lil punk,' my day just keeps on getting better." Anthea said as she laughed.

@Tylor guillory @animegirl20
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/untitled2.png.0aeb4ab9f86903972905f382fd31d196.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/untitled2.png.0aeb4ab9f86903972905f382fd31d196.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh that type huh? Oh I can handle those." She said quietly to herself with a smirk. "Well I'm going to head to the Navigators quarters...Well I guess it's my new quarters now. I'll be there if anyone needs me." She left and headed to the room. She needed to see if any of those maps had the symbol. "You know being part of a pirate crew might be kind of fun."

@Tylor guillory




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"Huh?" She heard the Captain yelling out. "Oh he knows I'm here I just saw him." She went in to her new room and looked around. "Wo it seems pretty organized in here." She looked around and spotted the maps. "Perfect here they are." She walked up to the self and then picked them up and sent them on the desk. She then sat down and started to look through them. "Alright let's see if your here."
George smiled at the goings on of Fin's crew. "Well, I respect you and your crew, Fin. However, if anyone of them wish to leave your own and join my crew, I will welcome them. Now, if you would excuse me," he said, and marched over to where his ship was. He hopped off, and landed on the ship. "I'll need to ask some of you some questions," he told them. "Just let me get something," he said, and picked up a bottle of beer from his ship. He then got back on the Sea Devil. "I made a promise to the snake boy who attacked the ship," he said.
The Sea Devil

Fin looked over at George still stating names."Look George I respect you somehow you managed to become one of the warlords of the sea. Even though almost no one knows about you. So let me tell you something about me and my crew..." Fin said as stopping only to say a new name. He then gave George a deadly serious look."No one on my crew uses poison!" He said in a serious tone almost intimidating. Then he switched back to his usual happy go lucky way of being."I mean if we had poison we would probably end up drinking it by accident!" Fin said laughing loudly and his crew joined in before quiting down so the names could be heard. @DaManofWar
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Anthea later on goes to the navigational systems below the deck, where Aki was. She knocked on the door before opening it, "Hey Aki." She said to her and walked in the room and heading over to the table that Aki was at. @animegirl20
"Huh?" She turned her head and saw Athena. "Oh hey need something?" She was scanning the maps and then quickly tossing them aside. "Damn...." None of them so far had what she was looking for.

"Just came to check up on you," Anthea said. She sat down on the chair across from Aki's desk and smiled looking at the maps, "Why did you stowaway?" She asked her. @animegirl20
George put a hand on his chin. If what Fin says is true, then that means.... George closed his eyes. "I believe you Fin," he told him, "but may I speak to you in private? There is more to this then I first thought."
The Sea Devil

"Hmm very well. I've finished the role call all hands are on deck.So lets meet in my quarters." Fin said as he stood up a crew mate picked up the list and board and put it away. Fin walked to his cabin gesutring for George to follow. @DaManofWar
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