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Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

Anya facepalmed herself. Some of her men chased after the shipment. Of course her boss would send amateurs with her. As she watched their bodies drop, she shook her head. "Your fault. Greedy pigs." She whispered to herself, sneaking onto the ship with ease. She hid among some kegs and sighed, observing her surroundings.
[rping as guard sent to check on nikrael] there was a woman hiding behind kegs so he called out "NIKRAEL ITS AN ATTACKER" while drawing his sword
Nikrael's crew continued to stalk the small caravan from the woods near the path as they ventured further from the town. They could expect better attacks out here. Luckily, this was her men's element; half of them were born in these woods.

Suddenly, she heard someone cry out her name. She gripped her spear, darting towards the caravan. Arrows were nocked and swords were drawn in the woods all around her as the circled in on the shipment.
Anya sighed in exasperation as a man called out that there was an attacker. Pulling out her dagger, she ducked and started moving farther down the ship. She didn't want the shipment. Her target was on this ship.
Nikrael's crew circled in, looking for an intruder.

"There's no one here, Lady Nikrael," Breeze said with exasperation. "I think that guard was getting antsy."

Nikrael's brow furrowed. No one had attempted to take anything.

"Keep up guard so anyone here can't leave without us noticing," she finally said.v
[s'alright... makes it easier to catch up. ;) Question: do we want to work towards a specific goal, or just fly by the seat of our pants? I can RP either way.]
[i have an overarching plotline that I'd like to run with, but i'm down to wing it if everyone agrees."
Draco's horse managed to gallop for thirty minutes straight, without stopping so he set a small camp by a lake, the horse drank and Draco sat down to rest [done for the night]
Draco had been fishing with what bait and materials he could find and had managed to catch a trout, he started the fire and cooked it until it was edible. As he munched, he saw a bubble, he dismissed it at first but more were appearing from the lake, at regular intervals too. The bubbles stopped about two metres from the camp. By this point, Draco had stood up, a sword is drawn and ready for whatever it was in the lake, but without warning two green squid-like tendrils shot out from the water at the speed of a gun. before Draco could react he was being dragged into the lake, in the panic he had dropped his sword, Draco struggled, however, it was useless he was dragged under...
just as Brutus was preparing to leave Marcus burst in the room "sir" he said "we found the royal guard he is in the liemi district" "i'm going there"Brutus said and began the journey to the liemi district (the poor zone)
when Brutus arrived he saw someone beckoning him in an alley the man said "i am the royal guard, who are you and what do you want?" after Brutus explained what he wanted the man said "no i will not support you" Brutus frowned and said "well that's unfortunate" Brutus drew a dagger from his belt and stabbed the royal guard several times he then went back home explaining to everyone it was an ambush and he was already dead
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[i'm thinking Brutus isn't someone I want on my bad side unless I'm well armed and possibly in a high tower.]

The shipment moved onward, Nikrael growing crabbier by the mile. The further they went, the more and more ridiculous Brutus' plan seemed. Distribute food to people who hadn't worked for it in order to win popularity. Use the late Emperor's own guards to win popularity. What made Brutus a worthy emperor?

What about him is worth crowning? What about him is worth guarding? She wondered.

But until Nikrael had a reason to rebel, she would do what she could to bring peace to the kingdom. At the moment, a tyrant would be better than anarchy. A tyrant can be overthrown, twisted, replaced.


Anarchy was a death sentence.
Brutus was sitting in his study when Marcus brought him a letter inside it read "hey brother i need help i can't tell you where i am just try and find me. i love you" Brutus's eyes opened "Marcus" he cried "find my brother do whatever it takes"

After a full day's slow travel, Nikrael stopped the caravan.

"Pull it into the woods for the night," she told Breeze. He helped the drivers maneuver the shipment into the forest, leaving the dangerous trail for the relative safety of the forest. Her men circled up around it, then dozed off in trees and under bushes.

Nikrael knew she should rest, but she also knew she would spend most of the night tossing and turning, getting more and more exhausted with each troubling thought.

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