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Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

Brutus was nervous he wanted to find his brother and help him that moment Marcus walked in "sir there is no trace of your brother so far" Brutus stood up and said "the last person you couldn't find is dead so i'm giving you a day before i'll need a new assistant"
The night passed uneventfully, and despite her foreboding, Nikrael did manage to fall asleep before the sun rose. By now, her men had grown somewhat bored with the illustrious task, and were losing sight of their grand visions promised them by Brutus.

With some grumbling, they helped the shipment back on the trail and kept moving towards their destination.

Thank goodness we're close, Nikrael thought.

They continued on their way till midday, when they finally reached the edge of town. Nikrael sent her scout, Twyn, to find Brutus.
Marcus woke Brutus and after some grumbling announced "we still haven't found your brother but someone is here to see you" Brutus walked to see twyn waiting for him "sir the shipment has arrived nikrael sent me" brutus thought for a moment and said "Marcus get a feast ready and prepare my carriage" and he left to great the shipment
Nikrael sat on top a stack of barrels, men littered about the rest of the shipment. The men enjoyed looking haughty and important to the villagers around them, rather than the usual rag-tag roguish thieves they usually appeared to be. Nikrael smiled to herself for a moment, watching the simple pleasure they took in the moment.
Brutus noticed heads turn as a carriage pulled up and a very important looking man stepped out he hopped up on the barrels with nikrael and said "people of our kingdom we have brought food for you these wonderful men and women helped me escort it here we will be dividing the food evenly so please enjoy" Brutus stepped down off the barrel and said to nikrael "there is a feast prepared for your group at my villa my men can take it from here" Brutus gestured to his 7 men guarding the shipment "one of the royal guards the one you told me about has been found dead we were suppose to meet up i also think someone is after my brother i'm trying to find him"
Nikrael blinked.

"Talirone? Tal.... is dead?" The news that one of her fellow Royal guards was simply found dead astounded her. Royal guards were notoriously difficult to kill. They were good survivalists. And most were smart enough to keep their previous occupation a secret. That he'd died was difficult to wrap her head around. But there was no time for that.

"I apologize for your brother," she said. Then she began herding her men into Brutus' hall.
"thank you i am sorry for your lose" Brutus said to Nikrael then to her men he said "you worked hard so you deserve this" presenting a large feast "dig in"
Nikrael's men lost no time in attacking the food. It was more than they had probably seen in their lives at a single table.

But Nikrael had lost her appetite. She picked at some food since she was there, but her mind was elsewhere.

Talirone was one of the best in combat, she thought. And he would never go starving. His one flaw was trusting. Far more trusting than any guard she had seen.

A flaw she was gaining.

Brutus appeared to be the friends of the late Emperor's friends. So it stood that there would be enemies too.

Silently, she vowed never to take anything from this man.
"Not particularly," Nikrael said. She looked at Brutus, gauging his physical abilities and weapons. What dangers did this man pose, not just in the present, but in the tumult of an entire land?
Brutus was approached by marcus who whispered in his ear "if you'll excuse me" Brutus said walking away
"we found my brother i'm getting him then we'll see what is wrong and move from there" Brutus says
Nikrael looked at him with a steely gaze. "You have my condolences for your brother, but I was not asking about your personal life. What is your plan for stabilizing the empire?"
"well first i'm going to hunt down the threats to the throne then i'm going to create alliances with neighboring kingdoms and make our country rich with trade" Brutus said "now if you'll excuse me"
Nikrael could see the conversation would go nowhere important yet, so she retreated back to her men for the time being. After they'd finished shoving as much food as possible in their mouths, she slipped off to find Brutus' study.

She wasn't certain if she liked Brutus, but he was better than nothing. So she sat herself down behind his desk, took out a quill, opened a bottle of ink, and composed a letter.

Aspiring Emperor,

I asked you earlier what your plans were for taking command of the empire. You replied that first you would eradicate all threats to the throne.

You have an issue here; you
have no throne. I would advise claiming the authority before acting upon it.

Popularity and authority are not the same thing. Popularity can shift and change. Authority must be challenged. If you think yourself wealthy and armed enough, your authority will be firm. Then you will have a strong hold of the throne.

As it currently stands, wealth does not appear to be an issue. You're a well to do merchant with connections and the ability to make allies. Your strength, however, is dismal. Your "army" of seventy five men is laughable.

My advice is this. Grow your forces using your wealth. Use your forces to take authority. Use the authority to build your forces more. Then you can focus on ensuring your claim to the throne is absolute.


Lady Nikrael.

She folded the parchment and slipped it under a paperweight, then hoped he wouldn't try and assassinate her for the impertinence.

Merchants, she scoffed internally.
[Ditto. Good timing.]

Nikrael went back to her men, rounded them up, then returned to their grove in the forest.

We'll see what comes of it all.
[outside the city being attacked by a siren in a lake, yay]

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