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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Keep going in and out of service. Will try to post soon)
"That's the spirit, chap!" Lite smiled and clapped Blank on the back enthusiastically "If this were a movie, we'd be reaching the 3rd act by now!" He straightened his trench coat and glanced over at Rick with an interesting smile "Hey, Darth Vader, you comin' with us? Wait!" He reached his finger forward quickly to silence him "Don't answer! Why the hell should I ask, Of Course you're coming with us? Why wouldn't you?" He folded his arms confidently "Now lets go!" Lite paused, "Uh..Where are we going?" He asked casually.

Before he could wait for a response, Lite turned towards the mysterious man who was now in front of them. "Yeah, perhaps we Do have super powers, what's it to you, pal? You're Kinda ruining my inspirational moment"



@Joshua matt
@Robyn Banks[/URL]
Natalia looked at him before scoffing at his response."I already have a replacement it is currently being prepared for me and will in the morning. Like I need to get pity from you... But I will stay in your so called high place for tonight and leave in the morning." She turned to the timid girl that approached them. It seemed like everyone knew her former mansion's location now, luckily the knew one was more secure. Not even the CIA knew of its existance. She watched as the girl bandages feel off of her head revealing her burnt marks. "How well do you fight?" She asked the girl in a nonchalant manner, keeping her hands in her pockets and she looked at the girl as if she was looking through her soul.


Once again, she had been ditched. Or, was in the process of being ditched. Although, at this point Alice had grown a bit used to it. That, she she really didn't want to follow Mizuti to any other destination; unless he was headed back to the city. In that case, then she still wouldn't follow.

Shifting uncomfortably on her feet, the girl took a babystep away from Natalia. The temptation to just full on sprint away from the mansion was strong, but she was scared that the woman would pull out a gun or something if she did. So, slow babysteps were her solution. She was just kind of hoping that if she moved slowly enough, and if the random appearance of the stranger was enough of a distraction, then she could escape.

@Robyn Banks @Echo Dreamsong

"Well, I believe you'll find this interesting."

Dr. Maximilian quickly takes out a syringe and sticks it into Lite's neck. He injects the juice, then pulls the needle out and buts it back into his pocjet. The effect won't take place immediately, but in a bit, Lite should experience an extreme adrenaline rush.

"I think you'll find that an inspirational moment, too."

@Knightling @DaManofWar

(Sorry for the wait...)
(Sorry I didn't post, tell me if I missed anything)


Gate kept persisting to let Void give him control, Void had now gave it to him. Even though he was still unconscious Gate can use the power. He began ripping apart the vehicle, the wheels and doors were split into many pieces. Each personality had a unique telekinetic powers, Gates was cutting. The car flipped continuously as Gate continued to Slice it.
"As the truck was being ripped to shreds Nathan decided to detonate a sonic grenade point blank to Void to destabilize his telekinetic powers"I blame my self for this"As the sonic grenade detonates Nathan activates his sonic inhibitors to protect him from the high pitched sound"


( you didn't miss much except Nathan was allowed to torture you)
Crazyabeldog said:
"Well, I believe you'll find this interesting."
Dr. Maximilian quickly takes out a syringe and sticks it into Lite's neck. He injects the juice, then pulls the needle out and buts it back into his pocjet. The effect won't take place immediately, but in a bit, Lite should experience an extreme adrenaline rush.

"I think you'll find that an inspirational moment, too."

@Knightling @DaManofWar

(Sorry for the wait...)
Blank was stunned. "What did you just do?" He asked sternly.
Echo closed her hand, trying to extinguish the flame as it struggled to spread. "I-i'll be going now." She brushed her hair over her face and turned to run, prepared to call on the flame if needed.
[in an undisclosed CIA lab]

"Carmichael is Standing in his office Drinking his Coffee until a CIA Officer enters reporting"Um... Sir We have a Building destroyed by a Terrorist"Let me Guess another attempt to find our Main Lab?"Um... No sir it wasn't brought down by explosives it was brought down by some person with telekinetic powers"Hmm... Send the spec ops team to handle this"Uh... Sir the man was apprehended"Well good job officer-"It wasn't us sir it was Nathan"Well... looks like Nathan is becoming more of a hindering object in the battlefield send in the Elites to take capture Objective-A"Yes Sir!"As the officer Salutes and leaves to prepare the team to capture Void"Hmm... Nathan what are you planning?"Activating the speaker Carmichael says"Squad Bravo-110 report to my office for mission briefing"
Echo hid behind a building, still attempting to calm the flame. It had already destroyed the curtain covering the awful burns, what else might it destroy if she allowed it to escape. Tempted by the power, she turned to the building and released a small spark from her hands. It gently floated to the building, slowly spreading in small flames. Echo sat mesmerized by the beauty of the tiny flares, the power was unlimited, but was that what she really wanted? Emily brushed her hair behind her ear and sat down, staring at the building going up in flames. She softly began to sing, "If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song,

Uh oh, Uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother

She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors

Oh, and, life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no

Ain't even grey, but sheburies her baby

The sharp knife of a short life

Oh well, I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn

Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life

Oh well, I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom

As green as the ring on my little cold finger

I've never known the loving of a man

But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand

There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever

Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life

Oh well, I've had just enough time

So put on your best, boys and I'll wear my pearls

What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar

They're worth so much more after I'm a goner

And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing

Funny, when you're dead how people start listen'n

If I die young, bury me in satin

Lay me down on a bed of roses

Sink me in the river at dawn'

Send me away with the words of a love song

The ballad of a dove

Go with peace and love

Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket

Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them,

The sharp knife of a short life oh

Well, I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys

And I'll wear my pearls"

Lite gasped and jerked back suddenly, like he had suddenly been bitten by a rabid dog. "What the hell dude? You trying to give me a Roofie?!" He looked over at Blank, hoping he would be of help if the drug was a sedative. Forgetting his usual go-lucky self, Lite moved forward and grabbed Maximillian by the jacket collar "Start explaining!" he insisted.



From deep within the depths of the alley, somebody had noticed the fire. Unfortunately, it was not a very pleasant person at all. His eyes stared at the burning building, amazed and shocked. Who Dare vandalize His turf? Somebody was in for a world of pain.

From behind, a strong hand grabbed Echo by the shoulder and spun her around harshly. Rex scowled as he leaned forward, his face full of fury and animosity. "Hey, freak! What the hell possessed you to do this?! I saw you burn the building! If you think you're going to walk away all fine, prepare to 'die young'"

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily's eyes widened and she glanced back, realizing what had happened. She should have felt sorrow, but instead her flame feed the anger. "I shall not die young, I command a force far more powerful than you can imagine. It could save or destroy this world. Do not test it." A flame flickered behind her eyes, angry and determined to be released.

"You're a pyro!" Rex stated, even more agitation in his harsh voice then before "You're just another Punk! I don't know who you think are you, some sort of Princess? You're in the wrong neighborhood, and don't expect to walk away with a simple warning!" Rex's face turned into a dark smile, before he gave her a shove, sending her against the wall "I've seen my fair share of freaks, So keep talking!". With his other hand, Rex whipped out a blade, the stainless steel metal glistening in the moonlight.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily held out her hands and blue flames leapt from them, eagerly clinging to Rex. Emily did not stop, she couldn't. The flame danced in joy of being free, but this time, it had a purpose. The scorching fire traveled along Rex's arms, bending to Emily's will, but it would not be long until they had destroyed her attacker, whether Emily wished it or not.

Rex pulled back, the burning pain instant. "Get that shit off me!" He exclaimed, trying to shake the pain off like somebody would shoo away mosquitoes. Of course, this was a little more treacherous. Instead of burning from the flame, the skin of his arm began to melt into a layer of gray slime. He was not made of normal flesh, but was instead composed of a weird chemical compound from an accident. His eyes shot up at Emily, Pain mixed with anger in his face as he was trying to stop the flame from melting his entire arm off. "I would have gone easy on you, being a little girl, but it looks like I'll handle you like any other punk!" His other arm turned gray, then stretched forward and caught her by the throat "Lay off!"

@Echo Dreamsong
"Hey, It's alright, I didn't do anything that can hurt you. Just gave you...a boost. Trust me. Just put me down, and you'll see. It should kick in any moment."

Dr. Maximilian hangs limp, so as to not anger Lite any further.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
Emily whimpered in fear, she hadn't meant for the flame to escape. Her fear only feed the flames as they burned hotter and quicker. Emily certainly had no control of the flame as it burned another building, caving it in. The only thing she could do was watch in horror as her flames attacked the world around her.

Lite let go of Maximillian slowly "I don't know what you're talking about, pal" He stated sarcastically "You've got a lot of nerve!" He paused and clenched his fist, feeling more invigorated. Not only that, but his echo location sense expanded, making his detection ability even better. "What, Steroid! Am I gonna turn into Bane?" He joked, with a slight smirk, then added "I mean, the Bane from the Comics, not the one from the movie. The movie was cool and all that, but why the hell did they leave out the Venom?! That stuff is essential to his character!" He looked around, needing to find a way to use his energy!


"Holy shit!" Rex exclaimed, letting go of Emily as he watched the destruction unfold. This madness was quickly beginning to look like Apocolypse, which he was Not cool with. Rex turned back to Emily and grabbed her by the arm with a steel grip "Okay! You made your point! Knock it off with the fire! Just Go! Leave my neighborhood alone!"

@Echo Dreamsong
"I-i didn't mean to!" She glared at the flames. Closing her eyes she chanted a few things, recalling the flames slowly. The blue fire struggled to remain free, but after a few moments Emily was able to absorb the flames. The fire was absorbed into her after burning her skin, leaving deep burns across her skin. "T-there. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it, I-i'll go now." She stepped back, trying to hide how much energy it took to recall the flames. If there was one thing she had learned, it was to know your opponent and adapt your appearance to the situation, and here would not be the place to look weak.

(Lol, now Knight is going to wonder why she got tagged in this random thread)

Lite narrowed his eyes, detecting flames from the other side of town with his amped up powers. "I'll be back!" he exclaimed "Find out what this Max creep is up to!" He pulled out a rope and threw it onto a building, then swung through the air. Even in his normal state, he was a very vibrant person, but this was even more so



Rex stepped back "Just wait to next time, freak!" He shouted "You won't have the Chance to burn anything! I will make sure you bleed if I see you again!" He threw the knife at Emily's feet, then looked up, seeing a figure in the sky. "Damned heroes" He growled, then melted down the drain.

Lite landed on a nearby building, watching the flames "Dang! That was sudden!" He smirked, still bursting with energy. Normally, this was a task too much for somebody like him, but not at this point. Jumping off the building, he landed suddenly on the ground. "Time to put out the flame!" He jumped in the air, doing a triple flip, then struck the cap off a fire hydrant with his feet. Water began to spray out, while Lite momentarily gripped his injured foot. With the adrenaline overcoming the pain of his injured foot, Lite gave the fire hydrant another kick. With the extra strength, the hydrant was pointed at one of the buildings and began to douse the flames. If this is what pure adrenaline was like, he wanted more!

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily fell over in surprise, she had never seen one of the fabled heroes before. She would probably have done something if she wasn't being attacked by the water. Her flame threatened to overwhelm her and destroy the water if she didn't manage to move soon. Using her last bit of strength, she pulled herself out of the stream of water before collapsing. A small flame flickered in her hand before disappearing.


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