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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Void readied the the freeze guns in his trench coat but didnt show it, if Nathan would attack him Void will be prepared, but the other men will be no problem. Hey hey hey!!! Nathan come on the party started! Void said while frantically waving his arms. The 12 hostages were still gagged with the duct tape behind him. Did princess Al Queada come?!
"No, But she did tell me to shut you Up!"As Nathan tells Natalie's men to stand back due to the brutal showdown about to commence so let's do this old school fisticuffs only, As Nathan disables his gauntlets from shooting"This is going to be fun"

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VirtualNotoriety said:
"No, But she did tell me to shut you Up!"As Nathan tells Natalie's men to stand back due to the brutal showdown about to commence so let's do this old school fisticuffs only, As Nathan disables his gauntlets from shooting"This is going to be fun"

Nathan whats wrong with you? If you want we can go to another CIA lab and take it down, I just did a favor for you! Void said monotonously, just as he said the last few words Void pushed back Nathans men with his telekinesis in quick succession. He lifted Nathan by the throat and began to choke him with the TK, You could get your revenge easily right here right now! But no you chose to be a pitiful slave! Your father must be ashamed of you! Void screamed through the heavy rain (pun intended) he knew choking cant kill Nathan but it can immobilize him.
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John Wolf exits the asylum he works at. He's wearing some jeans and a thin jacket. He begins walking to his small apartment, checking his phone for messages and emails, hoping someone hired Dr. Maximilian for whatever reason. He needed the money right now, as he can barely pay rent. John soon reaches his apartment. He quickly puts on his Dr. Maximilian suit in his room, which has no windows. He first puts on a black tuxedo, with a white undershirt and a dark red tie. He then takes his eye patch off and pulls on the mask, well more of a burlap sack, really, with one hole for his left eye. He then slips on the noose and puts an abundance of syringes, pills, and cremes under his tuxedo jacket. He locks up his apartment and exits it through a back window, then jumps down into a dark alley. He roams the streets, staying in the shadows, looking for someone that might have any money.
Void let go of the grip as he recoiled from the grenade. THEN PROVE IT!!! Void yelled back, he pushed Nathan back 30 feet with his TK and pulled out the freeze guns. Void began to fire.

"As Nathan turns on his Gear back on he turns invisible and dodges the incoming fire"Heh let's see how you combat this"Nathan runs in his cloak to close space between him and Void, Shooting him in the leg and chucking a Sonic Grenade"

VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Nathan turns on his Gear back on he turns invisible and dodges the incoming fire"Heh let's see how you combat this"Nathan runs in his cloak to close space between him and Void, Shooting him in the leg and chucking a Sonic Grenade"
The bullet bounced off Voids armor, this served as a warning, he saw the sonic grenade coming and threw it back the direction it came from. You might be invisible but you gave away your location! Void said as he grabbed the closest thing he can feel with his telekinesis.
"If you think I woudn't have came prepared to fight a Telekenetic person you're so wrong"As he was being lifted by Void again he engaged his Sonic blockers in his helmet he chucks two sonic grenades at the sides of Void"How you like me Now!"

Blank decided to try to find some people. He left the HQ, but not before putting in a disguise. He was now wearing a large trench coat he had found in a spare closet.

He decided to go to the park, and wait for people there.
bloodfire said:
Mizuti nodded and spoke. "Yes natalia. But just so you know..killing me will do me a favor..but know this.." Mizuti held up a photo of his mother and natalia as well as someone he assumed to be his father. In a position as though it were a family photo. "Where was this taken..? Why are you in this photo..are we...related??...and why was it in my mom's old family photo scrap book..??" Mizuti had a look of understanding that quickly turned to confusion about the photo. Could this at all be possible.? "Anyway..what is the first order. Intel? Science?...both?" Despite the circumstances mizuti actually was looking forward to this work.
@Robyn Banks
Natalia looked bewildered at the picture before looking back at Mizuti kind of pissed at his assumption. "Why the hell would I be related to you? If I was, I wouldn't be able to stand the fact that I would have a pathetic lunatic for a brother.... I already have sister and she's a problem." When he shifted to finally talking business, her face started to get calmer ."You will tell me everything you know about this organization."

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Void screamed as the sonic grenades hit his helmet, he was going deaf, all he could hear was a buzzing sound that soon faded away. Void took off his helmet and silently shoved a grenade in it, he made sure Nathan couldnt see it. Void pulled the ring and threw the helmet (which also had the grenade in it) at Nathan. It couldnt kill him but it can still do damage.

"Nathan was knocked down by the explosion but got back up and walking towards Void"Well looks like, Void underestimated me, goodnight!"As Nathan shoots a tranqualizer Dart behind his head to knock him out as the Mafiosos wake up they place him in the truck with the hostages Nathan stays at the back to make sure Void doesn't wake up too early, as they get near the Mansion he calls Natalie"Hey Natalie do you want to torture void cause I kept him alive for some... Interrogations if you want just make sure he can't concentrate enough to use his telekenetic powers"

@Robyn Banks

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Void has passed out completely now, part of him knew what happened but cant seem to control his body. This *part* of him was also the self conscience and yet psychopathic side of him, Gate was his name. Void actually has multiple personality's which fight for control. Their names are (from most dangerous to least dangerous): Null, Abyss, Gate, Spirit, Void, Scar, Dale, Stim, and the final one Path. They all would communicate inside Voids head, but its Void that gets the most control somehow.

You were weak Void! Let me take control! Let me free you! Gate whispered.

Go ahead, like I care!

(didnt have enough time to post will edit)

Even though she technically kept her promise about keeping up, there was no way that the girl was going to get any closer than she had to.

Already, it was easy to tell that Natalia was someone that she did
not want to mess with; even though her job description already tipped her off about that fact. Alice was camped out a little ways away from the duo, hiding behind a piece of rubble. She couldn't hear every word that was being said, but managed to pick up little bits and pieces. One thing she was able to tell, though. Mizuti had apparently thrown logic out of the window for a moment.

The brunette considered turning back, and trying to find a way back to the city. However, even though she had managed to find her way here without getting caught immediately, she wasn't sure that it would be the same case if she tried to leave. So, more out of fear than anything else, Alice just stayed put.

@bloodfire @Robyn Banks

(Lol! Yeah, cause the CIA has the technology to make ice guns! Do they work with Mister Freeze?)

Landing on a branch above Blank, Lite looked down at him with curiosity "Hey dude, I heard you at the base. I had to take the time to change into my uniform, this was another failed attempt to live a normal life" He joked, then jumped to the ground "You needed help with something? What's on your so-called mind?"

Dr. Maximilian walks by the park. He sees a man in a trench coat sitting on a bench. He watches as someone jumps from a tree. Dr. Maximilian tries to get a closer look at the two, while still trying to stay hidden in the shadows.

@Knightling @DaManofWar
Knightling said:
(Lol! Yeah, cause the CIA has the technology to make ice guns! Do they work with Mister Freeze?)
Landing on a branch above Blank, Lite looked down at him with curiosity "Hey dude, I heard you at the base. I had to take the time to change into my uniform, this was another failed attempt to live a normal life" He joked, then jumped to the ground "You needed help with something? What's on your so-called mind?"

Blank looked up at Lite. "It concerns Project Blank, and the General. None of you know what you're getting into."
Mizuti put the picture away and jumped up onto a piece of tall rubble. It was not as high as his mountain place but mizuti figured it was high enough for him. "The commander of this organization is general blanc. His other name which he had mentioned was Joseph gardner. He says he is human kinds "protector" yet he wants to kill both heroes and villains. He has been using blank not only as a tool but as a personal telephone. I know this because he has used blank to speak to me several times in the past. Now there are two individuals we can go to to get us information. With one of them being a magnet for.general blanc and his men. We can go to Sgt Stephen Goodrich ((ooc-don't remember the name for the guy besides the veteran and you mentioning the name Stephen @Sgt.Goodrich ) who the general seems to have a more personal connection. Or we can risk getting attacked by more of those men of his by going to blank directly. Either way we will need to find out what the motives of his plans are. I told you everything I know so far. But am currently waiting for more intel from rick or lite." He then sent a message from his mind to rick and lite hoping the would hear it. "Rick..lite..we're going to need more intel than what we know from the last encounter with general blanc. See if you can find any. Then report it to me..I'm going to need it." Mizuti looked at natalia. "I can personally go pay a visit to blank. But someone else will have to go find stephen."

@Robyn Banks @Knightling @DaManofWar @Joshua matt
Aridis said:

Even though she technically kept her promise about keeping up, there was no way that the girl was going to get any closer than she had to.

Already, it was easy to tell that Natalia was someone that she did
not want to mess with; even though her job description already tipped her off about that fact. Alice was camped out a little ways away from the duo, hiding behind a piece of rubble. She couldn't hear every word that was being said, but managed to pick up little bits and pieces. One thing she was able to tell, though. Mizuti had apparently thrown logic out of the window for a moment.

The brunette considered turning back, and trying to find a way back to the city. However, even though she had managed to find her way here without getting caught immediately, she wasn't sure that it would be the same case if she tried to leave. So, more out of fear than anything else, Alice just stayed put.

@bloodfire @Robyn Banks

Natalia picked up her phone responding to Nathan "Do what you please as long as you get information from him, it doesn't matter but I want him to suffer for a fact.How? I leave that to you since this is your operation." She listened to what Miz had to say before saying. "Fine who do you suppose go to see this Sergeant?" She watch a bush move noticing a little girl hiding behind it. "You might as well come up or I'll have no choice but to go hostile if you don't."

@bloodfire @VirtualNotoriety

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