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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

And just to provide everyone here the same decency and courtesy, "C'osmo" is properly pronounced, "Yeah-that-honey-loving-science-bear-because-science-is-cool-and-there-are-over-six-trillion-miles-in-a-single-light-year-and-I-bet'cha-didn't-know-THAT-now-DID-YA?!"

(Because why be normal?) =)
I don't know about the rest of you, but the more Eon continues to excellently play his Onni, the more the Garudans remind me of Mass Effect's mask-laden Quarians. So cool!

Eon! My lady, Kaerri, and I have been wondering - how does one properly pronounce "Onni," please? Kaerri (who is better with Western languages than me) thinks it is pronounced "OHn-ni" with "On" sounding like the word of the same spelling (as in "on" and "off") coupled with "knee?"

So... "On-knee?" Is that right?

Awwww, thank you for the complements. I like making my characters unique, and my aliens seem really alien. ;-)

I have never played Mass Effect FYI. I know I should, its more of a matter of a time commitment for me. I would rather be writing than playing mass effect.

Right now most of the inspirations of my take on the Garudans have partially come from learning about the Borg in Seasons 1&2 of Star Trek Picard and the concept of a Collective that embraces individuality and uniqueness which I made into the Hin. The rest is working with the few pictures we have of their physiology, the are short mutant fox/dog/panda things with very strange weird tri-pod feet that make no physiological sense or relation to the rest of their bodies. I am actually trying to ignore their feet by just having them wear boots all the time.

As for saying his name...

I have been saying "AWN-nee" so the ON is pronounced like the "On" like when you say "Step ON it" BUT based on this:

There is more "Oh" like the "Oh" in "Oh myyyyy" (said with Mr. Takai's voice of course...)

so it is pronounced more like "OHN-nee"
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug O.K.! Heya Jake!

Given how combat-heavy Robotech games can be, may I recommend you put an above-average Attribute into Sark's Physical Prowess? P.P. is the Attribute that determines one's combat abilities in a game like this one. If you haven't already, maybe take a look through our Characters? You'll notice everybody has a P.P. with an above-average number. That is by design, friend.
Got it. I swapped my MA and PP. So both have decent scores instead of one very high and one low.
There is more "Oh" like the "Oh" in "Oh myyyyy" (said with Mr. Takai's voice of course...)
Eonivar Eonivar Like George Takei? Eon, that's all you had to say! 8D

"George Takei -- Oh My ... My Cologne 'Eau My' | TMZ" - This is so funny!

Got it. I swapped my MA and PP. So both have decent scores instead of one very high and one low.
With a Physical Beauty of 24, Sark is far more than cute, I'm willing to bet. Those lady bears are going to be tripping over each other to stand at his side!

Plus, he can go around saying, "a healthy mindset is my biggest asset but my butt is a tough competition."

"Ohhh Myyy!"
surprised oh my GIF
Sherwood Sherwood If I take medical doctor that counts for 3 medical skills? Can I take that and count it as my two medical and one of my science skills for science officer? that would leave me with two more science skills.
Does Medical Doctor count as three skills in the Rifts book? Because all I see for it in the Shadow Chronicles book are several prerequisite skills, but it in itself counts as only one. Your three Science skills can cover the prerequisites, and you still have a medical skill that can be something like Field Surgery or something like that.
Does Medical Doctor count as three skills in the Rifts book?

I think because since there is education and training available in that world that it would be only one skill as long as you have the prerequisites. But I do not have my book with me or anything to know for sure.
I think because since there is education and training available in that world that it would be only one skill as long as you have the prerequisites. But I do not have my book with me or anything to know for sure.
Hmmm. Now I'm curious. Let me go look at my Rifts book and see.
In my copy of the Rifts Ultimate Edition it only shows it costing one skill, but with several skills needed to buy it.
I found that I'm when I searched the robotech core rules pdf but it wasn't the shadow chronicles.
Well, it only takes one skill once you have the prerequisite skills of Biology, Pathology and Chemistry. You already have the Math skill needed, so that is no problem.
Well, it only takes one skill once you have the prerequisite skills of Biology, Pathology and Chemistry. You already have the Math skill needed, so that is no problem.
Another cool thing we as a team get by Sark having those three fields of science? They are three that C'osmo does not have and between the two of them, I think they've got all the science a STORM team will ever need and then some! 8D
You can come up with your own unit name. Right now you are simply designated as 3rd squad.
Ok guys. We have a great opportunity here to come up with a epic name. Any suggestions? I like Chimera Squad, or Hydra Squad to represent the different alien races in our team.
Sherwood Sherwood I didn't take a high IQ in favor of a high charisma, well trusted character. Do you think I need to switch my PB or MA for IQ since I won't get any bonuses to my skills?
I ended up switching it with my PE skill. Running and boxing give me 2 more points on PE so that offsets a little. It gives decent scores for both but I originally wanted him to be a bit of tank for damage. PE ended up as a 22 and IQ 24.
I ended up switching it with my PE skill. Running and boxing give me 2 more points on PE so that offsets a little. It gives decent scores for both but I originally wanted him to be a bit of tank for damage. PE ended up as a 22 and IQ 24.

I ended up switching it with my PE skill. Running and boxing give me 2 more points on PE so that offsets a little. It gives decent scores for both but I originally wanted him to be a bit of tank for damage. PE ended up as a 22 and IQ 24.
I originally rolled an 8 for hit points but accidently added another dice.
Height and weight
Height: 7 feet +5D6 inches (2.2 to 3 m). 7 ft+ 14 in= 8ft 2 in.
Weight: 400+1D4x100 pounds (225-360 kg). 400lbs + 100lbs= 500 lbs.
Ok guys. We have a great opportunity here to come up with a epic name. Any suggestions? I like Chimera Squad, or Hydra Squad to represent the different alien races in our team.
Versa squad? As in versatility. Different alien races but also we can adapt to any mission.
I ended up switching it with my PE skill. Running and boxing give me 2 more points on PE so that offsets a little. It gives decent scores for both but I originally wanted him to be a bit of tank for damage. PE ended up as a 22 and IQ 24.
Don't forget that in an MDC universe, a lot of the damage you might take is going to be uniformly lethal to you, or at the very least, very maiming. Having that extra 10% on your skills from the high Iq will be a good bonus.

Its not my choice, but Cerberus or Hydra sounds good to me.

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