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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Eon, thanks for clearing up the confusion! I was really lost there for a moment! =)
Yeah sorry, I have had a rough weekend, one of my cats got hit by a car and was killed and I found him on the road when I was leaving for work on Friday. It kind of has disrupted my whole weekend. Looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule, so my writing should improve.
Yeah sorry, I have had a rough weekend, one of my cats got hit by a car and was killed and I found him on the road when I was leaving for work on Friday. It kind of has disrupted my whole weekend. Looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule, so my writing should improve.
Oh my gosh! That's terrible! Eon, my heart goes out to you. Yow!

Are you planning on getting another cat or do you have others? The only cure for a fuzzy is another fuzzy (at least in my world). =)
Are you planning on getting another cat or do you have others? The only cure for a fuzzy is another fuzzy (at least in my world). =)
I actually have five other cats in my household. My wife and daughter have a hard time saying no to strays. One of the five was a buddy of the deceased and we are watching him carefully as he seems a bit distraught, we'll see. I am trying to keep their number at five though as food, litter, and vet services are expensive.
I actually have five other cats in my household. My wife and daughter have a hard time saying no to strays. One of the five was a buddy of the deceased and we are watching him carefully as he seems a bit distraught, we'll see. I am trying to keep their number at five though as food, litter, and vet services are expensive.
No doubt. Good on you for being a friend to strays who would otherwise have little future at all! =)
"Just some speculation here, ma'am, but if these Robotech Master carriers are armed only with deck guns and bioroids with power sleds, the ships themselves might have been stripped of big guns to hold more refugees or supplies or maybe they stole the carriers somehow while they were in dry dock. I think it would help us to find out where these Invid are coming from though. Don't tell me they flew all this way out here by themselves. Maybe they've got Clamshells nearby?"
Sherwood Sherwood If any of this is data you don't feel C'osmo should know or whatnot, just let me know and I'll adjust. =)
Yeah sorry, I have had a rough weekend, one of my cats got hit by a car and was killed and I found him on the road when I was leaving for work on Friday. It kind of has disrupted my whole weekend. Looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule, so my writing should improve.
I have been a cat person for most of my life, and it is never easy to lose a fluffy guy, no matter what the circumstances. Hopefully you can feel better soon. :(
Sherwood Sherwood If any of this is data you don't feel C'osmo should know or whatnot, just let me know and I'll adjust. =)
There is an inhabited planet here, so it is likely that these two ships came from there. It is possible that the Invid came from there, but you are right in the fact that there may be a clamship somewhere nearby that launched these Invid into orbit. The other option is that there is another source of Invid nearby.
Ooops that is my bad, for some reason I thought the CARRIERS we’re called shuttles…I will fix this in my posts

UPDATE: I have fixed my post.
Just to make sure that everyone is on the same page here, the two ships are roughly the same size as a modern US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (1,600 feet long, 650 feet wide, and 900 feet tall), and are capable of carrying up to 350 bioroids - 400 if they crowd their hangar bays - along with six ground-to-orbit shuttles that can carry up to 50 bioroids on hover sleds. There are no big guns on these ships, but they do have teeth in the form of several dozen tri-barrel laser turrets that are usually tasked to protect the ship from fighter class targets.
Just thinking out loud here. Are these Invid mecha capable of reaching orbit on their own from this planet's gravity and atmosphere (whatever it is made up of)?

Because if they aren't, then whatever brought them all here is, at least in terms of starship distances, nearby. =)

Think Sesame Street GIF
Just thinking out loud here. Are these Invid mecha capable of reaching orbit on their own from this planet's gravity and atmosphere (whatever it is made up of)?

Because if they aren't, then whatever brought them all here is, at least in terms of starship distances, nearby. =)

Think Sesame Street GIF
You are fairly certain that the Invid can go from ground to space on their own. The Clam ship is used to transport the baddies because it can carry so many at once, and can fly much faster than the Invid themselves can.
Note that Onni is aware of the escort, his idea is a suggestion...in the end its Pyrrah's call on how they approach.

Huh! I didn't think 2ndLt Pyrrah had the option - it read like an order from the Normandy to me.

Sherwood? Could you clear this up for us?
Re: This post.

Sherwood Sherwood If this was answered, I missed it. What's the case here, please? I thought we were ordered by the Normandy to follow the Fire Cats in and board (ASAP from the sound of things), but do we have the option of taking Onni's suggestion to Pyrrah and bailing on the Fire Cats to try and sneak our way there?
Re: This post.

Sherwood Sherwood If this was answered, I missed it. What's the case here, please? I thought we were ordered by the Normandy to follow the Fire Cats in and board (ASAP from the sound of things), but do we have the option of taking Onni's suggestion to Pyrrah and bailing on the Fire Cats to try and sneak our way there?
You need to get to your target as soon as possible, and inside an active dogfight, powering down and coasting the distance between ships might not be the best idea. You will not be able to take advantage of your automatic dodge in case you are spotted. If there was more time, the sneak approach could come in handy, but right now you are on a time crunch to save the ship from the Invid boarders.
You can see from the video feed that there are mostly Scouts and Armored Scouts, with a handful of Shock Troopers in the mix. Probably 80% of the Invid here are the lightweight scout models.
You need to get to your target as soon as possible, and inside an active dogfight, powering down and coasting the distance between ships might not be the best idea. You will not be able to take advantage of your automatic dodge in case you are spotted. If there was more time, the sneak approach could come in handy, but right now you are on a time crunch to save the ship from the Invid boarders.
Good to know, but my core question is - the Normandy appeared to give our squad orders (to follow the Fire Cats in, etc.). I know what to expect out of Real Life military, but in this game, does the UEEF give 2ndLt Pyrrah the option of changing the plan?
Good to know, but my core question is - the Normandy appeared to give our squad orders (to follow the Fire Cats in, etc.). I know what to expect out of Real Life military, but in this game, does the UEEF give 2ndLt Pyrrah the option of changing the plan?
The plan is to get to the ship and deal with the boarders as soon as possible. The exact how of this is up to you.
The plan is to get to the ship and deal with the boarders as soon as possible. The exact how of this is up to you.

I want to know this now because I love the idea of options, but the last thing I want to see is our squad leader or entire squad get their asses seriously chewed or worse for "not being team players" and "not following the battle plan. This isn't Top Gun, you know, and you're not Maverick!"

That's the last kind of crud C'osmo wants to hear if we "break" the rules. So... I think it's best to make certain what those rules are early on. =)
In World War II, according to his book, General Patton was really big on telling his Third Army what to do and what he wanted done, but he enjoyed leaving it up to his troops concerning the how. I believe he mentioned they pleasantly surprised him from time to time. I also imagine that the war was tough enough as it was without having to deal with what we today call "micro-managers" trying to run the show.

Edit: It's good to know we've got the same kind of freedom. =)
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Sorry for the Hard Science Fiction take on their entry...I realize that Robotech is far from hard science fiction, I have been watching The Expanse lately. ;-)
Sorry for the Hard Science Fiction take on their entry...I realize that Robotech is far from hard science fiction, I have been watching The Expanse lately. ;-)
Eonivar Eonivar Nothing to apologize for in my perspective! I liked it!

This is roleplaying which to me is part science, part art. If we can't express ourselves here on RP Nation, where can we? =)
OOC Thanks to the electronic reach of C'osmo's Silverback, everyone in the squad gets the following bonuses:

+2 to initiative, +2 strike and +3 to parry/dodge to all mecha.
Yeaaah buddy! 8D. High tech in action!

Machine Learning Crypto GIF by xponentialdesign
Edit 2: my skill roll is only a 56%, not a 61%. Either way I failed my roll, but I don't want to have the wrong number for my roll. Sorry.
Details matter! Go Psychie! =)

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