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Dice To Kill A Primordial - OOC Thread

Psychie Psychie I want to alter my artifacts rating. Drop my hand and eye to 2 and give them minor ability. Maybe he can detach his eye and spend a few motes to have it float around and spy on people. Or fire his fake hand out like a rocket punch
Psychie Psychie I want to alter my artifacts rating. Drop my hand and eye to 2 and give them minor ability. Maybe he can detach his eye and spend a few motes to have it float around and spy on people. Or fire his fake hand out like a rocket punch
Dropping the artifacts by one dot while lowering the power level is ok, but if you want a ranged attack or to be able to remove your eye as a scouting tool would be adding an Evocation to what you have already.
Dropping the artifacts by one dot while lowering the power level is ok, but if you want a ranged attack or to be able to remove your eye as a scouting tool would be adding an Evocation to what you have already.
The I’ll drop those ideas since they’re a level two artifacts maybe they can bolster a charm? He’s got crypt bolt maybe it can add decisive damage?
The I’ll drop those ideas since they’re a level two artifacts maybe they can bolster a charm? He’s got crypt bolt maybe it can add decisive damage?
Do you have access to 2nd edition's Oadenol's Codex? There was an artifact (I believe in that book) that modified Dragon Blooded animas and the attacks they produced. It also hinted at Abyssal-themed ones called Entropic Lenses to modify crypt bolt attack, could possibly get some ideas for there?
Do you have access to 2nd edition's Oadenol's Codex? There was an artifact (I believe in that book) that modified Dragon Blooded animas and the attacks they produced. It also hinted at Abyssal-themed ones called Entropic Lenses to modify crypt bolt attack, could possibly get some ideas for there?
I do, but I’m not at home right now to look. Let me check it out later tonight.
The I’ll drop those ideas since they’re a level two artifacts maybe they can bolster a charm? He’s got crypt bolt maybe it can add decisive damage?
2 dot artifacts are generally not combat boosters. That's usually the purview of 3 dots and above, and generally through Evocations. Adding flat decisive damage is also quite a strong effect in 3e. The only gate on how often you can launch decisive attacks is how often you can build enough initiative to do damage. Flat damage not tied to initiative starts to allow you to bypass the initiative system entirely and spam decisive attacks, like Sorcerers/Necromancers, who are theoretically gated by having to accumulate sorcerous motes, but in practice can cast their control spell almost every turn. We'll see how annoyed Psychie gets with Sherwood and I hitting all the enemies she pits us against with decisive damage every turn. 😂
Who, me? I am sure I don’t know what you are talking about. I am as pure as the driven snow.
2 dot artifacts are generally not combat boosters. That's usually the purview of 3 dots and above, and generally through Evocations. Adding flat decisive damage is also quite a strong effect in 3e. The only gate on how often you can launch decisive attacks is how often you can build enough initiative to do damage. Flat damage not tied to initiative starts to allow you to bypass the initiative system entirely and spam decisive attacks, like Sorcerers/Necromancers, who are theoretically gated by having to accumulate sorcerous motes, but in practice can cast their control spell almost every turn. We'll see how annoyed Psychie gets with Sherwood and I hitting all the enemies she pits us against with decisive damage every turn. 😂
Well what minor effect would you recommend for a two dot replacement hand and eye?
Well what minor effect would you recommend for a two dot replacement hand and eye?
You can look at the 2 dot artifacts described in the books for inspiration, but they're usually minor situational magics. A jar that prevents anything inside it from spoiling. A staff that makes firewood each night. A brush that takes dictation for you and never runs out of ink.

Honestly, a prosthetic full replacement eye that lets you see through it and hand that doesn't limit your dexterity are probably by themselves 2 dot artifacts.

Eyes that let you see through a limited amount of solid matter.
Eyes that let you see people's emotions as a coloured aura around them.
Eyes that can roll freely in the socket, allowing you to see through your own head in any direction.
Hands that copy signatures.
Hands that can telekinetically grasp objects at a small distance.
Hands that let you listen through surfaces you touch.
BTW, in case it's not clear, since my character is Mute, all his conversation is done by invoking Screaming in Silence, which means that when the Dark Lady is answering him, the rest of you only hear her part of the conversation.
From the answers of the Deliverer, we can have a good idea of what was asked, if not the exact wording.
I have the write-up of a unicorn that could be pretty cool. If you'd like, I can share it with you.
White as Northern snow with eyes that glow an unearthly
blue, bearing an iridescent horn that glitters in
cold sunlight, graceful beyond the finest poetry — a unicorn
seems like a dream given life. Unicorns have served
as war mounts for raksha nobles for ages, and as the subjects
of stories and nightmares for many a mortal. A unicorn’s
horn, while lovely, is a deadly weapon, and those
who approach unwisely find their blood staining the
snow. Masterless unicorns run solo or gather in groups
of three to ten in the northern Wyld’s bordermarches,
defending fantastical lands of pristine allure from any
who would despoil or reshape them. Some unicorns
boast glorious wings, with massive spans and feathers
as pure white as their coats. Unicorns are highly intelligent,
and happily converse with those who don’t offend
them; but they’re Wyld creatures, not animals, with
alien drives that make them highly unpredictable.
Unicorns obsess over harmony and pleasing aesthetics.
Unity, symmetry, and wholehearted dedication — to anything,
be it love, wealth, or the basest cruelty — attract them.
By contrast, contradiction and turmoil are unspeakably ugly
to them. Beauty, too, draws a unicorn, but its idea of beauty
is as strange and ever-shifting as the Wyld itself. A unicorn
smiles upon a blood-spattered battlefield as often as a sublime
flower arrangement, as long as the latter doesn’t mar the
former; it would stamp the flowers into pulp to keep them
from spoiling war’s gruesome elegance. Unicorns are proud,
haughty beings who spare no mercy for any who insult or
mistreat them; they view captivity as the worst offense of
all, and those held
against their will sicken and die quickly. But unicorns don’t
stay dead: They rise again from the ice in Wyld lands after a
year and a day, and hold grudges that last centuries.
Essence: 3, Willpower: 8, Join Battle: 8 dice
Health Levels: −0x2/−1x2/−2x3/−4x2/Incap.
Intimacies: Defining: “I must preserve perfection
in all its forms.”; Major: “Insults are forever.”; Myself
and My Kind (Pride)
Speed Bonus: +5
Actions: Feats of Strength: 8 dice (may attempt
Strength 3 feats); Fly: 10 dice (winged only); Inspire:
9 dice; Northern Navigation and Survival: 7 dice;
Occult Knowledge: 12 dice; Persuade: 6 dice; Read
Intentions: 5 dice; Resist Disease/Poison: 10 dice;
Senses: 8 dice; Threaten: 8 dice; Tracking: 5 dice
Appearance 5, Resolve 5, Guile 5
Attack (Horn): 12 dice (Damage 16)
Attack (Kick/Stomp): 9 dice (Damage 13)
Combat Movement: 10 dice
Evasion 4, Parry 3
Soak/Hardness: 7/0
Gore: Decisive horn attacks add threshold successes
to damage against enemies with lower Initiative,
as long as the unicorn hasn’t taken any other actions
(including reflexive movement actions) that turn.
Sky Runner: In Creation, unicorns can run across
the surface of snow or water without sinking in. In the
Wyld, they can take to the sky, galloping over clouds
and mist as though they were solid ground. Winged
unicorns can fly normally in any environment.
Cold Iron Bane: Iron weapons deal aggravated
damage to unicorns.
Glorious Aura: A character must pay one Willpower
to attack the unicorn as long as it hasn’t attacked
her yet this scene; once she spends a Willpower, she
may attack at will for the scene. The unicorn’s Inspire
rolls have a target number of 5, as long as the emotion
it’s inspiring aligns with its Intimacies in context.
Hearts Unmasked: Unicorns can sniff out the
stench of dissonance and asymmetry. The unicorn may
use its Senses and Tracking pools to detect conflict of
any kind, including physical combat, arguments, or
internal turmoil such as clashing Intimacies. They can
also sense magical conflicts, such as the use of Wyld-
Shaping Technique (Exalted, p. 335) to carve
reality out of chaos.
Oaths Eternal: A unicorn cannot go back on its
word once given; its pride is a magical force that
prevents it from doing so. However, it doubles 8s on
non-attack actions to uphold a promise or agreement.
Storyteller Tactics
Unicorns are quick to slay those who offend them, and
focus single-mindedly on destroying these offenders
before moving on to other targets, regardless of relative
danger. They leave injured kin to die if the wounded
can’t recover quickly — to see their perfection marred
thus is disgusting to them. Many unicorns now serving
as mounts for the Chosen were abandoned this way, only
for an Exalted champion to rescue them. Such acts win
the fae creatures’ undying loyalty, as long as their masters
live up to their high expectations.
A unicorn is a 3-dot Familiar.

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