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Dice To Kill A Primordial - OOC Thread

Anyone want to figure out character connections before we start?

Did our characters know each other before the start of the campaign, how compatible are their desires/goals, how they'd interact, etc.?
Unless you are absolutely new to your Exaltation, you are all aware of each other as fellow Deathknights of the pair of Death Lords that share the domain of Shadar Logoth.
My character won't be looking for "friends" necessarily, but will understand the advantages of good working relationships with other Abyssals in service to the Deathlords. Especially the fellow Abyssals sworn to the Deliverer.
You would know that Voice That Whispers came from Lookshy, but was hardly a model soldier. She is a Necromancer with a high amount of skill and dabbles in the art of Sorcery. Voice That Whispers feels the Whispers of the Neverborn in her mind continually, and looks up to the Deliverer of Dark Dreams and Nightmares with awe and devotion, frequently referring to her as the Dark Lady.

Voice has a strong hatred towards the nation of Lookshy (especially to her former husband and his mistress), and plots on ways to shatter her former home and grind the very stones into dust. Her only weapons are a pair of knives and the power of her necromancy, and for defense she has her Silken Armor that she wears concealed under her dress. Voice enjoys the 'fun' of summoning demons and letting them loose in Creation with the order to cause as much mayhem as possible.
Your characters would most likely know Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains by his reputation, which his destructive tendencies have made common knowledge in Shadar Logoth. He doesn't talk about his past so that would be more difficult to learn.

Anyone between him and what he wants is slaughtered and usually eaten, anything between him and what he wants is demolished, and he'll go out of his way to spite the gods and nobility and break them and their stuff. He has no real goals beyond continuing to indulge in material pleasures such as eating, drinking, music, storytelling, bloodshed, and destruction.

He spends the majority of his time in Shadar Logoth feasting or enjoying whatever entertainments he can find. Other than the minions he suborns from The Deliverer of Dark Dreams and Nightmares and his personal retainer only the brave, foolish, inedible, or those he's been forbidden to eat tend to spend any time around him.

He's never separated from his artifact grimscythe Huskflayer and he rarely takes off his artifact soulforged plate Five Edicts Dominion.

Voice that Whispers would probably know Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains since she wants to destroy Lookshy and he likes destroying things.
Seven Jeweled Eye of Sovereignty
Attunement: 3m

The Piercing Eye
The user can perceive immaterial beings like spirits and ghosts for an entire scene for 2m.

Weighty Gaze of Lords
grants one bonus die to all Presence rolls involving intimidation and allows the Exalt to reroll (Essence or three, whichever is greater) non-successes on rolls to intimidate for 2m and 1wp

Iron Hand of the Dragon Prince
Attunement: 5m

Greedy Grasp of the Dragon
The user can attack immaterial beings for a scene for 3m using brawl, melee. archery or martial arts

Spiritual Subjugation
The user can bind lesser ghosts and spirits in to servitude that have a negative intimacy of fear to them.

Still working on the artifacts hows this @RandonWord
Out of curiosity what would an artifact that's a suit of armor capable of expending money for protection look like mechanically?

I'm not going to use it for this game since it wouldn't fit my character, but I've got ideas on other characters I'd be interested in playing if I play Exalted in the future.
Out of curiosity what would an artifact that's a suit of armor capable of expending money for protection look like mechanically?

I'm not going to use it for this game since it wouldn't fit my character, but I've got ideas on other characters I'd be interested in playing if I play Exalted in the future.
I have no idea how that would work. That is an interesting idea, though.
Maybe spending motes and being able to add Resources to parry at the cost of temporarily lowering Resources after a certain number of uses to represent the expenditure of wealth?
Seven Jeweled Eye of Sovereignty
Attunement: 3m

The Piercing Eye
The user can perceive immaterial beings like spirits and ghosts for an entire scene for 2m.

Weighty Gaze of Lords
grants one bonus die to all Presence rolls involving intimidation and allows the Exalt to reroll (Essence or three, whichever is greater) non-successes on rolls to intimidate for 2m and 1wp

Iron Hand of the Dragon Prince
Attunement: 5m

Greedy Grasp of the Dragon
The user can attack immaterial beings for a scene for 3m using brawl, melee. archery or martial arts

Spiritual Subjugation
The user can bind lesser ghosts and spirits in to servitude that have a negative intimacy of fear to them.

Still working on the artifacts hows this @RandonWord
Generally artifacts have an attunement bonus. Some effect they grant just for attuning to them in addition to having evocations. If they have a weak attunement bonus they often have a condition under which they unlock the first evocation for free.

For evocation design, you're looking to do something about as powerful as a Solar/Lunar/Abyssal/Sidereal Charm of similar Essence rating, or another Evocation. It will help Psychie (and you) if you can point to the Charms you're using as a reference. That way she can better judge if the authors thought it was a good idea.

Maybe spending motes and being able to add Resources to parry at the cost of temporarily lowering Resources after a certain number of uses to represent the expenditure of wealth?
My first thought is allowing you to lose dots of Resources instead of Health Levels. It would let you take crippling wounds to your resources rating. Someone would hit you with a daiklave and you would appear unharmed but your plantations would wither, mines would be exhausted, vaults of gold would turn to lead, palaces rot before your eyes, etc.

You could do a discounted parry booster that cost dots of Resources that would replenish over time. Adds up to your unexhausted dots of Resources to Parry for 1m each, but if you add your full resources rating or get hit while using it you exhaust a dot of resources. That's probably too strong, but it's in the ballpark of okay. Maybe you also exhaust a dot of resources if you use it more than once in a turn, or two turns in a row. Strong, but not around forever.
Cuckoo of the Endless Facets is a bit of an enigma, mostly because he doesn't share much, due to him being mute. But he's definitely from the south, and he is skilled in combat, sneaking, athletics, and stealing. He has a Soulsteel light armor, and Starmetal boots. You know he does have the ability to speak to you directly to your mind, but seems to be reluctant to do so.

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