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Dice To Kill A Primordial - OOC Thread

I have been at work, without my computer for the past two days, and won't be back home till 12 hours from now, and then go to sleep. Will try to get my character posted then.

Most of his Charms have been chosen, but there are still some things I haven't fully cemented.
Get some rest and post when you can. Sounds like you need the down time. E we still have some time before we will start the game.
Psychie Psychie do you have a ruling on the range of Flesh-Sloughing Wave? It's missing in the draft book. It seems like it must be Short Range. At Close Range it's quite dangerous to execute in combat. At Medium Range it completely eclipses Death of Obsidian Butterflies. I'm trying to decide if I should take a Necromantic mirror of Death of Obsidian Butterflies (Withering Bone-shard Hail or something) or Flesh-Sloughing Wave. If FSW is Medium Range there's just no question - it's the obvious choice, for flavour in making bone constructs and for combat. If it's Short range or less, DoOB looks more attractive for being able to hit targets from on top of her bone hydra-spider-thing. Or an Oblivion-themed Unslakable Thirst of the Devil-Maw.
Cost: 13nm, 1wp
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
The necromancer shapes a singing sphere of ivory Essence in hand and hurls it down to shatter at her feet, unleashing a wave of shrieking light to cleave flesh from bone.
The necromancer unleashes a wave of Essence, rolling an unblockable (Perception + Occult) decisive attack against all living enemies within range, ignoring cover. Each hit enemy suffers (Intelligence + extra successes) dice of damage, or (Intelligence + Essence + extra successes for battle groups. Damaged characters suffer an additional die of lethal damage, ignoring Hardness, at the start of each of their turns as their flesh seeks to escape them. This ends if a damage die doesn’t roll any successes. This spell also tears the flesh free from all corpses within range, leaving only clean bone behind.
Control: The spell’s attack inflicts agonizing pain upon the living as it attempts to rip their flesh free. Enemies injured by the spell increase their wound penalty by −1 for the rest of the scene. The necromancer may call forth a sphere of illuminating ivory light, making skin crawl and flesh twitch where light falls upon it.
I will go with short range for the spell.
We start with 80 regular XP. and 50 Abyssal XP for non-Charm stuff.

I'll boost Stamina and Dexterity to 5 for 32 XP.
I'll boost Athletics, Dodge, Melee, Presence, and Resistance to 5 for 20 XP

For Merits I'm buying a Dripping Slaughter Stone (Standard Abyssal Hearthstone) for 4 XP, a Gemstone of Shattering Force (Standard Hearthstone) Arms of the Chosen 134 for 4 XP, and a 2 dot Retainer (a God-blooded advisor who also serves as his personal chef, entertainer, and interpreter) for 4 XP. If the Retainer's serving too many roles I'm fine with spending buying another 2 dot Retainer to split off the roles.

I'm buying 5 extra Charms for 50 XP

I'm spending 12 XP on the On Your Knees Evocation for Five Edicts Dominion since it seems like it works with my build and theme.

So that's 50 Charm XP and 76 nonCharm XP spent.

I just need to add up the numbers to finish off the mechanical parts of the sheet so now I just need to figure out backstory and Intimacies/Principles and then I'll post my character sheet.

Would these work for them?

Defining Principle: "Existence is meaningless, only pleasure matters."
Defining Principle: "I will devour every thing worth consuming in existence and cast the rest into Oblivion."
Major Tie (Negative) : Gods of Creation (Hatred and Hunger)
Major Tie: His own destructive capabilities. (Pride)
Minor Principle: "Bloodshed and destruction bring me joy."
Minor Principle: "To strike terror into a victim is as sweet as wine."
Minor Tie (Negative): Asceticism and abstinence (Hatred)
Minor Tie: The Deliverer of Dark Dreams and Nightmares (Grudging gratitude)
Minor Tie: Material pleasures. (Love)

Also what's a good code for posting the character sheet on this site?
Nice intimacies. Sounds like they’ll do the job.

If you want, you can copy/paste my character sheet and then plug in your numbers and Charms. That layout works well for me, and it should do well for you, too.
Okay, I think I filled out everything I needed for mechanics on the character page (thus making the PDF character sheet obsolete) and have the intimacies down.

Now I just need a backstory to complete my character.

Currently my thought is my character was a warrior of some sort who lived a life of self-restraint and rigorous training (I think it's better if he didn't pick this path) only for his life to be ended by unfairness.

I've got 3 ideas I could use:
  1. He was a spoiled noble's bodyguard and the noble thought it would be funny to spike his meal to make him less uptight only for that to result in his death when his impaired state left him unable to properly fight against an assassin/other opponent.
  2. He was a warrior dedicated to a god of (insert whatever subcategory of disciplined warriors) sworn not to partake in material pleasures. Same as the above except the god had him executed even though he didn't purposefully break his oaths.
  3. He was trained for "honorable" combat only for him to first be poisoned and then killed with a dirty move during a battle.
Enraged at the fact that all his discipline and hard work was for nothing he's embraced his monstrous new condition to consume in undeath all that he denied himself in life.

There's a ton of stuff in the setting so any lore that could be used to flesh that out would be appreciated.
Okay, I think I filled out everything I needed for mechanics on the character page (thus making the PDF character sheet obsolete) and have the intimacies down.

Now I just need a backstory to complete my character.

Currently my thought is my character was a warrior of some sort who lived a life of self-restraint and rigorous training (I think it's better if he didn't pick this path) only for his life to be ended by unfairness.

I've got 3 ideas I could use:
  1. He was a spoiled noble's bodyguard and the noble thought it would be funny to spike his meal to make him less uptight only for that to result in his death when his impaired state left him unable to properly fight against an assassin/other opponent.
  2. He was a warrior dedicated to a god of (insert whatever subcategory of disciplined warriors) sworn not to partake in material pleasures. Same as the above except the god had him executed even though he didn't purposefully break his oaths.
  3. He was trained for "honorable" combat only for him to first be poisoned and then killed with a dirty move during a battle.
Enraged at the fact that all his discipline and hard work was for nothing he's embraced his monstrous new condition to consume in undeath all that he denied himself in life.

There's a ton of stuff in the setting so any lore that could be used to flesh that out would be appreciated.

That really depends on where he's from.

I don't know in 3e, but in 2e it was said that each MA style had it's own god, and that there were gods of warfare, so there might well be a god of dueling or ascetics.
And plenty of nobles he could have served.
I mostly need help with figuring out specifics on location, names, and stuff like that.

I'm going with my second idea so I need a name for a god of asceticism and combat, a city where it makes sense the god would have a shrine, along with some other information that would help me write it.
There's no canon god like that, but we can invent one.

Skandar - God of Ascetic Warriors is a southern god, under the command of Ahlat. His followers mainly come from the various nomadic trives of the desert, though he used to also have a great following in An-Teng, but that's been decreasing. Most of his followers call themselves Dervishes, and they wield curved blades, and light armor, and live in the deep dessert, meditating and working on perfecting their style.
But some, especially from the great cities of the South, prefer a more impressive armor, and weapon, and do not keep themselves from society like their more backwards kind.

He could well be from one of the cities of Varang City-States. There, one's life is determined at one's birth, by the seers. He might have been raise din the temple due to the seers seeing that as his destiny, only to turn on him for some reason, real or imagined.
I haven't finished my character sheet, but I did get some of the basics.

I did go with just Brawl, and gave him Starmetal God-Kicking Boots, called Tulat's Tread.
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I need to get all my Intimacies in order, but I think the rest of it is done. I've spent all but 1 Abyssal XP.

And my character is Mute.
Interesting choice to go with that Flaw. Ok. I can work with it.

I’m just glad that we have such enthusiasm for the game. We are getting closer the m to the start of the game. I hope to not disappoint.
Interesting choice to go with that Flaw. Ok. I can work with it.

I’m just glad that we have such enthusiasm for the game. We are getting closer the m to the start of the game. I hope to not disappoint.
I’m really looking forward to this.
Okay, how's this?

The man who would become Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains would likely have lived and died an ordinary mortal if he'd been the shrine guardian for any other god than Asceticism Born of Duty. The aptly-named god governed those who abstained from pleasure to better serve others and although he never left the shrine he dwelled in his presence touched everything in the town surrounding his shrine.

Sold into service by his parents when he was old enough to begin training the man who would become Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains was taught honorable methods of combat (and that it was better to die with honor than win a fight dishonorably) and the important of discipline and obedience. He swore eight oaths regarding his duties and the prohibitions he would live under. As time went on he had almost convinced himself that this was what he wanted to do with his life.

That lasted right up until a visiting noble decided it would be hilarious to "shut up" the shrine guardian when the man tried to explain the protocols for visiting the shrine by shoving a bottle of wine in his mouth. Even if he hadn't broken the oath on purpose and had served loyally for nearly 20 years Asceticism Born of Duty was deaf to his shrine guardian's begging as he ordered the man's death. The visiting noble found humor in that as well, ordering his bodyguard to carry out the sentence.

Impaled through the back as he knelt at the feet of the god he served begging for his life the man who would become Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains tasted the wine still on his tongue mixing with his own blood and found it the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. A voice called out to him, offering him the chance to get revenge on those who had stolen his life, taste every one of life's pleasures, and have the power to never be bound again and bring ruin to any who would oppose him.

He accepted, casting the name he'd been given into Oblivion and taking up his new name Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains. His hometown no longer exists, every inhabitant was slaughtered by the new Abyssal except Asceticism Born of Duty, who fled his shrine when he saw the monster coming for him.

Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains now takes great pleasure in violating the oaths he swore at every opportunity. He indulges in material pleasures whenever possible, delights in acts of destruction and slaughter (he adheres to the chivalry of death only because it's in line with his own sadistic personality), and leaves a trail of ruin wherever he goes.

Since there's tons of lore I kept his backstory relatively vague so if necessary it can have more specifics added if it needs them to fit into this campaign.

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