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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood Ok. I have the Rifts book and, now, the shadow run and robotech macross book. I just needed to get a feel for what we are doing. Now that I know its the same Rifts, that is much easier. What you suggest for skills? I will have my attributes finalized in a bit.
Purr Purr Good call on the math. Guess I should put some points into IQ.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug Another thing I don't think I've seen mentioned recently concerning your character - thanks to Psychie, Sherwood has allowed us to take on a free Attribute of 24. Unless you have an RP reason to keep an Attribute low, you might swap your lowest Attribute with the 24.

1. I don't know if you answered this and I missed it so I'll ask again - is there a nickname you like to be called or is it "cthuluneedsahug" all of the time?

2. How familiar are you with Rifts?
Sherwood Sherwood Ok. I have the Rifts book and, now, the shadow run and robotech macross book. I just needed to get a feel for what we are doing. Now that I know its the same Rifts, that is much easier. What you suggest for skills? I will have my attributes finalized in a bit.
Some of this depends on what OCC you go with. If you want to do the doctor thing, I'd pick the Technical Officer one. As a Karbarran, you are too big for a Cyclone, so you'll need to get Pilot Ground Veritechs and MECT Silverback.

I would suggest you take the Storm Team Basic Training. That gives two pilot skills that can cover your Silverback needs, and gives you HtH Commando as a part of the package.

Next we have the Science Officer MOS. It gives you two medical and three science skills.

You also get three other skills. I'd get Boxing as a matter of course. This leaves you two more skills to pick.
You also get to pick your Natural Aptitude Bonus. So far I think that everyone had taken the Jack of all Trades to get the extra skill package.
Sherwood Sherwood

For the Silverback:
Rear mount: HRG-140 Rail Gun
(Wheel 1: HRG-70 Rail Gun)
Wheel 2: CADS.
Wheel 3: GR-97 Mini-Missile Dual Launcher
Wheel 4: GR-97 Mini-Missile Dual Launcher

On his person, he can carry the Gallant and the Karbarran Ion Rifle, but what about the rail guns? Each are 50 pounds, but big, but so is C'osmo. Can he carry either the HRG-140 or the HRG-70 into combat?

Also I don't know if you caught this:

Edit for Sherwood: With the time we have off, is it all right if C'osmo tricks out one of his guns (the portable HR-140 railgun)? I have a wild paint scheme in my head.

Also, would it be all right if he added a couple of upgrades to some of his guns? That way the squad might look at them and want some of their own in the future?
Psychie Psychie
Out of all her squad, it is C'osmo that has her attention at this moment. From what he told her, his past commanders never trusted him with a weapon so this might be his first combat.
If you don't mind a correction, every one of C'osmo's's former squads trusted the nerdy bear with their weapons (especially after they found out how he could improve them - with his combination of Skills, he can really "trick guns out" while making them look extremely cool - a favorite combination of firearm-lovers everywhere, in my experience. See his now-2nd level Character Sheet if you'd like his list of W.P.s and related skills.

Where all of his previous squads didn't want him was on the battlefield. Sometimes this was a trust issue (he's a science-guy), other times this was just plain ego on the part of the Marines (they didn't want him "in their way.") This results in C'osmo never having participated in live combat. Especially since he's 1st level. He's seen it, but he's never been in the thick of it (which too is night and day, at least I feel it is).

Pyrrah was there when C'osmo explained some of this in his intro (plus, I imagine the rest can be gleaned from his file which Pyrrah has had days now to peruse - here's something Pyrrah would have learned by now - the Dragon Slayers are C'osmo's 16th squad. He's been kicked around and out of 15 prior squads).

So yeah. The difference between being trusted with squad firearms and not having performed in live combat is, to me, wide enough to be worth mentioning. Given the number of games you and I share together (and the sheer amount of data in each), I can see how this could get easily jumbled up.

But you know me - I can't help but see the details. =)
And speaking of details, one more for the two of you, Psychie and Sherwood. Does Pyrrah have the strength to fire "Mikah" without penalty?

Pyrrah's AP Cannon requires a "human" Physical Strength attribute of 25 or the gunner eats a hefty negative. Pyrrah's got a P.S. of 22, but she's Meltrandi. Meltrandi are, by their very nature and diet, stronger than humans, but are PCs considered Augmented or do they get a racial P.S. bonus or what?

I don't know how UEEF PC Meltrandi are figured out (I took my Robotech: Broadsword info from prior Palladium data I was already comfortable with). See you! =)

Edit for Psychie:
Pyrrah goes over to where he is examining his Silverback. "LT C'osmo, how's it going over here? Is your mecha fully prepped and ready to fly?"

C'osmo's mood will be highly-dependent on what he's been doing for the past few days (re: my questions for Sherwood). =)
Sherwood Sherwood

For the Silverback:
Rear mount: HRG-140 Rail Gun
(Wheel 1: HRG-70 Rail Gun)
Wheel 2: CADS.
Wheel 3: GR-97 Mini-Missile Dual Launcher
Wheel 4: GR-97 Mini-Missile Dual Launcher

On his person, he can carry the Gallant and the Karbarran Ion Rifle, but what about the rail guns? Each are 50 pounds, but big, but so is C'osmo. Can he carry either the HRG-140 or the HRG-70 into combat?

Also I don't know if you caught this:
What kind of warheads do you want for the mini missiles?

As for the rail guns, I am less concerned about the weight than I am about the recoil and the amount of ammo you can carry with it. Let me think on this a bit. I will say that the HG-140 will be too much to haul and shoot.

What mods are you considering for what firearms?
What kind of warheads do you want for the mini missiles?

As for the rail guns, I am less concerned about the weight than I am about the recoil and the amount of ammo you can carry with it. Let me think on this a bit. I will say that the HG-140 will be too much to haul and shoot.

What mods are you considering for what firearms?
Plasmas all.

The weight and the recoil? Should be no problem for a guy who can lift over 900 pounds. By contrast, the firearm weighs 50 pounds - The Karbarran War-shovels weighs more than that in at a base weight of 70 lbs. and they swing that thing around like a claymore. I mean, if you don't want it for any reason, that's fine. It's your game after all. =)

From the list I gave you earlier in March, what mods are you comfortable with?
A. Scope/sight upgrades. +1 to Strike with the addition of a mounted and sighted scope with a few tweaks for better accuracy (Nerd Alert: like auto-lighting red dots that shine just enough light to be seen without having to be adjusted. Wouldn't that be cool?).

B. Fine-tuned triggers. +1 to Strike. (I have yet to meet a firearm enthusiast that didn't love a sweet trigger or hate a bad, mushy trigger.)

C. Quick-draw holsters/properly set two-point slings adding a +1 to Initiative. (These bonuses do not stack. So you can't draw one firearm for a +1 then draw another to stack an additional +1 for the next Round of combat.)

D. Custom grips (+1 or +2 to Saving Throws involving accidentally dropping the weapon especially during combat/being disarmed. Plus, they're really comfortable and fit better in the hand).

E. Beam weapon light alterations. Tweak the color of the lasers to either be a little harder to see or much easier to see (shoot rainbow lasers?). No bonuses, but it might make it harder to be spotted if your weapon is firing dark-grey lasers instead of some brighter color.

F. Ammo upgrade. 5-10% more ammunition per magazine/E-clip. Because having an extra Strike roll is better than having one less. =)

G. I could also get into using non-stock ammunition (hollow points, tracer rounds, Dragon's Breath shotgun rounds, armor piercing, etc.) to add an additional flat 1d6 damage until one ran out and has to resort to stock ammo.

H. (And because, just like cars...) Custom paint job. Laser-etched stickers, phrases, flags, mottos, camouflage, you name it. Make this baby yours while letting everyone know who's got the coolest-looking piece on the battlefield.

I could go farther (quick-swap magazines, suppressors, flash-hiders, lasers that blind instead of damage, etc.) but that's probably enough, right?
And to answer the question of "can Pyrrah for the rail gun", the Cyclone gives the pilot +6 P.S. that is Augmented, letting her use it without penalty and not needing to go prone to use the bipod attachment.
Plasmas all.

The weight and the recoil? Should be no problem for a guy who can lift over 900 pounds. By contrast, the firearm weighs 50 pounds - The Karbarran War-shovels weighs more than that in at a base weight of 70 lbs. and they swing that thing around like a claymore. I mean, if you don't want it for any reason, that's fine. It's your game after all. =)

From the list I gave you earlier in March, what mods are you comfortable with?
Let me get home from work and I'll be able to look the list over closer. I'll also make a decision on the rail gun then.
And to answer the question of "can Pyrrah for the rail gun", the Cyclone gives the pilot +6 P.S. that is Augmented, letting her use it without penalty and not needing to go prone to use the bipod attachment.
Great! 8D But Meltrandi go by normal human strength or Augmented? If she had to use it outside of her Cyclone?
Let me get home from work and I'll be able to look the list over closer. I'll also make a decision on the rail gun then.
Sure! I'm going to crash this overactive brain of mine. Thanks for helping me get to sleep! Drive safe! =)
Great! 8D But Meltrandi go by normal human strength or Augmented? If she had to use it outside of her Cyclone?
IIRC, they have standard strength, but I'll double check. If she wants to use the rail gun, she either has to up her PS or use the bipod.
A. Scope/sight upgrades. +1 to Strike with the addition of a mounted and sighted scope with a few tweaks for better accuracy (Nerd Alert: like auto-lighting red dots that shine just enough light to be seen without having to be adjusted. Wouldn't that be cool?).

B. Fine-tuned triggers. +1 to Strike. (I have yet to meet a firearm enthusiast that didn't love a sweet trigger or hate a bad, mushy trigger.)

C. Quick-draw holsters/properly set two-point slings adding a +1 to Initiative. (These bonuses do not stack. So you can't draw one firearm for a +1 then draw another to stack an additional +1 for the next Round of combat.)

D. Custom grips (+1 or +2 to Saving Throws involving accidentally dropping the weapon especially during combat/being disarmed. Plus, they're really comfortable and fit better in the hand).

E. Beam weapon light alterations. Tweak the color of the lasers to either be a little harder to see or much easier to see (shoot rainbow lasers?). No bonuses, but it might make it harder to be spotted if your weapon is firing dark-grey lasers instead of some brighter color.

F. Ammo upgrade. 5-10% more ammunition per magazine/E-clip. Because having an extra Strike roll is better than having one less. =)

G. I could also get into using non-stock ammunition (hollow points, tracer rounds, Dragon's Breath shotgun rounds, armor piercing, etc.) to add an additional flat 1d6 damage until one ran out and has to resort to stock ammo.

H. (And because, just like cars...) Custom paint job. Laser-etched stickers, phrases, flags, mottos, camouflage, you name it. Make this baby yours while letting everyone know who's got the coolest-looking piece on the battlefield.
After a bit of pondering, I'll let you take a HRG-70 as a heavy firearm. It will have a 100 round magazine to it, giving you 10 bursts per magazine, and you can carry an additional two magazines.

For the mods, you can pick any two at this time for your HRG or whatever you pick as your main weapon.
For the mods, you can pick any two at this time for your HRG or whatever you pick as your main weapon.
I just realized that depends on what we're doing. Until we have orders, it's a little hard to pick, isn't it?

If we're going solely into space battle, that's one battle kit to bring (say, beam weapons and missile launchers) but if we're to board an enemy vessel and fight in an atmosphere, I think I would use a different kit (say, a request for a Mk. 25 grenade launcher as main).

At the moment, you are prepping for a possible space battle. But as anyone in the military can tell you, things go to crap when the enemy gets involved.

Given more time you'll be able to make more weapon mods
Sherwood Sherwood
Can the two weapons on the rear wheels be linked to shoot at a single target?

I'm asking because I want to know if two GR-97 mini-missile launchers can be fired in a four-missile salvo or if two EP-37 beam guns can both nail a mecha-sized Invid target?

Edit: I'm also seriously considering going for the OSS-88 Sensor Suite instead of the HRG-140. C'osmo doesn't have the Electronic Countermeasures Skill, but he has the other base skills which I'm willing to burn Action Points on if it means giving all those bonuses to our team.

If he likes the sensor suite enough, you may pick up the ECM skill at the later date. But I have (somehow) forgotten if the Invid use radio and radar?
Last edited:
Yes, you can have a dual shot of the four missiles at the same target while using only one action.

Don't forget that you also have another 24 mini missiles in the box launchers on your arms, 12 on each side.

The Invid don't use radar and radio, but they are not going to be your only opponents out there.
Yes, you can have a dual shot of the four missiles at the same target while using only one action.

Don't forget that you also have another 24 mini missiles in the box launchers on your arms, 12 on each side.

The Invid don't use radar and radio, but they are not going to be your only opponents out there.
1. Neat! But what about the EP-37s?
I'm asking because I want to know if two GR-97 mini-missile launchers can be fired in a four-missile salvo or if two EP-37 beam guns can both nail a mecha-sized Invid target?

2. Silverback mini-missiles. I remembered! =)

3. Re: I didn't think they did being "telepathic-like" creatures and all.
Forgot to add a comment on the EP-37s. I'll let you for them together but it will be at a -4 to your to hit roll.

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