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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Holy cow! Using this method for C'osmo, I rolled that low for his Attributes? (Imagines that many d6s rolling mostly but 2s and 3s).

Or was C'osmo rolled using this method? (You never mentioned rolling an extra die and dropping it so... I don't mean to complain; I'm just ...surprised. I mean... wow... ).

Anyways, let me know if I can help with Norwood data.
I did use the 3d6 rolling and dropping the lowest for most of your stats, and the 4d6 roll for your PS. I just happened to get those rolls.
Sherwood Sherwood Also, our characters were too tired and hungry to do anything else except sleep, right? If so, I'm not sure how to proceed in-game except to have my character say he's ready for action. Or am I missing something?
You can post that you are doing/saying something before knocking off for the night. You have the PE score high enough to go days without sleep if you need to.

Or you can start up with posting on the day of the launch of the Normandy into space once more.
I did use the 3d6 rolling and dropping the lowest for most of your stats, and the 4d6 roll for your PS. I just happened to get those rolls.
Oh, I believe you. I'm not contesting anything. I'm just... stunned. My Statistics class in college alone is telling me the chances of using that method plus rerolling 1s = I rolled absolutely lousy for the most part - well below average!

My brain is just telling me...

Method: Roll extra die dropping the lowest. Reroll all 1s.

C'osmo rolled something like this:

4 = 2 + 2 + 2
5 = 2 + 2 + 3
6 = 2 + 2 + 4
7 = 2 + 2 + 5
8 = 2 + 2 + 6
10 = 2 + 4 + 6
14 = Wait...

Wait. Sherwood Sherwood Somehow, C'osmo got a 14 on a 2d6 roll? That's not possible.

Would you reroll, please, and I'll subtract your result from his 14 (which I think I put into his Physical Prowess)? That's fair, isn't it?

Sorry I missed that. I'm normally pretty good with basic math.
Don't forget that if you got an 11 or 12 on the two dice roll, you add in a third die. I got an 11, then added in another 4 from the extra d6. If that had also been a 6, that would have granted another d6.
Oh wait! Yeah, I just realized - you're using that rule too (which, wow! I rolled... Wow). So that last roll looked something like 2 + 6 + 6 (roll again for another... surprise! 2) = 14. Yeah.

Edit: Sorry, I'm hyperfocusing on this. It's my own brain working against me again.

I need something more positive to put my mind on. I'll find it. Let me know about Norwood when it's convenient for you? Thanks for helping me figure out the math solution. (I rolled about 75% all 2s on 21d6.)
It was a 6 + 5, then a 3. No need to worry about anything. I have known you long enough to know you sometimes hyperfocus on stuff, and I don't mind answering any questions you may have.

Norwood's sensors:
1. Infrared and Ultraviolet Optic System: Range: 200ft (90m) maximum.
2. Magnification Lens (to the 400th power): Range: 7ft (2m)
3. Night Sight: Range: 200ft (90m)
4. Dosimeter: Picks up and measures radiation levels. Range: 20ft
5. Motion: Detects movement and pinpoints location. Range: 60ft (27.4m).
6. Mini-Radar: Range: 5 miles (8km).
7. Built in radio with a range of 5 miles.

Norwood also has a small utility arm with fine manipulator fingers capable of microscopic repairs on items it can see with its magnification lens.
Sherwood Sherwood Norwood's data has been copied and pasted into C'osmo's character sheet. Thank you! You don't mind Norwood having a small storage space, do you? One that can hold that Garudan mask if need be and other dinky items? Also, is it O.K. if I add "her" holographic projector to her description?

I think I've found something else to help put my overactive mind on something else (A New Teen Titans comic by Perez and Wolfman from the 1980 - their first omnibus is seriously good!). =)

Thanks for taking to the time to understanding me and where I'm coming from. Looking back at the math you rolled for me for C'osmo, I thank you for trying ease me into it with "not bad. Not bad at all." Using all three of those methods rolling 21d6 and only getting an average of 7 (would be 8 except we don't round up)? I've only rolled that poorly a handful of times in all the time I've been roleplaying.

The worst roll ever to memory? Get this! A fun-filled White Wolf tabletop game involving one of my well-liked NPCs involving something like 13 dice. One was a success which was cancelled out by a 1. The dice above 1 were all discarded... leaving me looking at (I kid you not!) 5 d10s with 1s staring up at me. How many are required for a "fumble" for those 1st Edition rules back then? I bet you know - just one. It was a "fumble" times 5!

I made such a hilarious scene out of that that my PCs howled with laughter. We all did and for some time. Kaerri was there! All these years later, we still look back on that moment and laugh. And there it is! The true power of role-playing!

I'm not worried about C"osmo's Attributes ever since you took Psychie's advice and gave us that free Attribute of 24, C'osmo has a powerful mind now which, for me, is required for a PC like him. I mean, listen to him, right? That's not average I.Q.. Back before you made that choice, it was either make C'osmo combat-capable or intelligent. The choice to use that 24 on I.Q. was... a no-brainer! 8D

So yeah! I still stand by the notion that C'osmo in a Silverback is probably going to be the least combat-capable of all of the characters in their new Cyclones. I'm O.K. with that! In the end, it is the human being behind the character that brings the persona to life. Without the spirit of the Player, the Character is just words and numbers on a page.

Edit: And I plan on making C'osmo fun no matter what! =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
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The crew of the Normandy have a bit of a bounce in their step the next day as the final preparations are completed to get the ship out of drydock and into open space once more.
Sherwood Sherwood Hey you! While I am glad to know which of our characters is sleeping with who (uh, that sounded better in my head but I just woke up and don't how else to phrase it? Hah!), I'm not sure what our characters are supposed to be doing?

It appears the Dragon Slayers are caught up in their tasks. Do we have any orders or are we free to do as we will (boy, that can be dangerous!)?
Sherwood Sherwood Hey you! While I am glad to know which of our characters is sleeping with who (uh, that sounded better in my head but I just woke up and don't how else to phrase it? Hah!), I'm not sure what our characters are supposed to be doing?

It appears the Dragon Slayers are caught up in their tasks. Do we have any orders or are we free to do as we will (boy, that can be dangerous!)?
You guys are passengers and not crew, so you have different tasks to do during this time. There is always work to be done on a ship in the form of routine maintenance and cleaning, upkeep of your gear and stuff like that, and there is the likelihood of being assigned to guard duty on the ship somewhere.
O.K.! So, is that what we're doing?

I don't know how to post with what we currently have (and my brain is discombobulated at the moment. I'll get less confuzzled later! It's a phase thing.).

Or are we waiting on another post from you?
Also, just to let everyone know, I added the Karbarran version of the CVR-3 armor stats in the Lore thread, under the CVR-3 Armor spoiler for both Purr Purr and cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug .
PS: 12

How does this look? I rerolled for 11 and the 12.
Hey cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug ? Not to intrude on something that is clearly Sherwood Sherwood 's domain, but isn't 11 + 6 + 5 = 22 and not 17?

Also for general RP Nation communication, if you need to tag someone the way I've tagged you in this post, type the @ sign and then the letters of the person's name. As you type, if RP Nation recognizes the name, a small window will appear and you can click on that person's name and it will tag the person whose attention you want! =)

Edit for Sherwood: With the time we have off, is it all right if C'osmo tricks out one of his guns (the portable HR-140 railgun)? I have a wild paint scheme in my head.

Also, would it be all right if he added a couple of upgrades to some of his guns? That way the squad might look at them and want some of their own in the future?
Hey cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug ? Not to intrude on something that is clearly Sherwood Sherwood 's domain, but isn't 11 + 6 + 5 = 22 and not 17?

Also for general RP Nation communication, if you need to tag someone the way I've tagged you in this post, type the @ sign and then the letters of the person's name. As you type, if RP Nation recognizes the name, a small window will appear and you can click on that person's name and it will tag the person whose attention you want! =)

Edit for Sherwood: With the time we have off, is it all right if C'osmo tricks out one of his guns (the portable HR-140 railgun)? I have a wild paint scheme in my head.

Also, would it be all right if he added a couple of upgrades to some of his guns? That way the squad might look at them and want some of their own in the future?
Purr Purr Good call on the math. Guess I should put some points into IQ.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug nice set of numbers! Do you have a copy of the core Shadow Chronicles book for your skills? If not I can offer up some suggestions on what to take, depending on what MOS you take.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug nice set of numbers! Do you have a copy of the core Shadow Chronicles book for your skills? If not I can offer up some suggestions on what to take, depending on what MOS you take.
I don't have any of the books. There was suggestion earlier in the thread. I will take all suggestions and I will look for the skills list.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug Can I offer up a suggestion for you? If you go with the Marine Technical Expert and take the Science Officer MOS, that will get you a good set of skills and you can be an actual doctor, and not just a corpsman.
Lol don't forget that you have a lot of assets here that are ready to assist with any questions you may have. Dannigan and Eonivar hacer been playing Robotech for as long as I have, and Psychie is a skilled player, too.

One thing you'll want to make sure you do is pick up boxing. It adds an additional action per melee round to your character, and that is always a good thing.

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