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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

I just posted for Pyrrah. I hope that the feeling that I'm trying to convey comes across well.
Heck yeah! Semper Fi! 8D

(I'm going to give Eonivar Eonivar the chance to post before I post next.)

Halloween Reaction GIF by Black Rifle Coffee Company
Sherwood Sherwood Earlier, did you post Norwood's (or the droid-formerly-known-as-Honey's) game details as you wanted her to be or did you want me to go with the partial statistics you provided? I was left with the impression you weren't quite finished.
Sherwood Sherwood Earlier, did you post Norwood's (or the droid-formerly-known-as-Honey's) game details as you wanted her to be or did you want me to go with the partial statistics you provided? I was left with the impression you weren't quite finished.
I'm still considering how to implement the tool selection on it. I'm leaning towards a bonus to your own skill roll when you use the bot in your work, but I'm not sure how much to make it. Probably a +5%, just like when you double up on a skill.

It's flight speed is also up in the air (See what I just did there? Up in the air? Ha!) I want it speedy enough to get around fast enough to be effective, but not so fast it zooms, if you can understand the difference.
I'm still considering how to implement the tool selection on it. I'm leaning towards a bonus to your own skill roll when you use the bot in your work, but I'm not sure how much to make it. Probably a +5%, just like when you double up on a skill.
A flat and static 3-5% bonus sounds generous to me.

It's flight speed is also up in the air (See what I just did there? Up in the air? Ha!)
Hah! Good one! Hey, Sherwood! I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down!

I want it speedy enough to get around fast enough to be effective, but not so fast it zooms, if you can understand the difference.
I believe so. Here's a question for you - Norwood belongs to a Silverback pilot. Can "she" keep up with it or will C'osmo have to often turn around to go back to get her (either way is fine by me)?
It will be able to fit in your passenger seat while moving quicker than it can on its own.
The drone will make use of a combination of vectored exhaust fans and a small Paraxian anti grav device, making it useful in atmosphere and space. Top speed is 75 mph.
Sherwood Sherwood You've got it! That's a lot faster than I thought she would be, plus the ability to virtually anywhere the Dragon Slayers go! Very practical, very cool!

What other details need covering before I add her to C'osmo's character sheet? I can come up with cool things for a robot to have (like the motion detector from Aliens to help her detect danger when C'osmo is busy), but above all, I want Honey/Norwood to fit into your campaign with only the abilities you want her to have.

I would like the following, some of which you've already covered (keep or toss anything you don't want):

1. A small laser-like device to protect herself with (you've added the pistol-version of the H-90 Gallant - perfect!).

2. A small storage container for science samples (say, about the size of a medium-sized lunchbox)? I just want a place onboard her so he can hand off small items to her. It's convenient for small archaeological digs, keeps things relatively well-protected, and perhaps it could serve as a "delivery" bay if C'osmo needed to send or retrieve something from someone else?

3. One or two of a miniature set of the Valkyrie's "magic arms?" This will allow her to literally hold and use small devices (and who doesn't need an extra hand when you're working with tools and equipment)?

4. A holographic projector able to display holograms of the various personalities C'osmo has programmed into the computer software. This way, he can talk to the people he currently trusts most (the dead with their great wisdom). Along with this, the ability to record sights and sounds (to ranges you're comfortable with). I can't overstate how important that sort of thing is for scientific experiments (say, we land on a new planet and find proof of a previous civilization! What do scientists today rightly demand as proof of such claims? Evidence! =)

5. A small but functional sensor suite and radio package so C'osmo can communicate with her over short distances? Norwood tends to flee combat and return later. She would need the ability to know when to come out of hiding (and how to hide well in the first place). So, something like night-vision or infrared could help keep her safe. A radio package like an upgraded walkie-talkie system (nothing fancy like ECM but preferably coded so anyone who comes over their frequency can't listen in - or can after having to decipher the audio messages)?
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Sherwood Sherwood You've got it! That's a lot faster than I thought she would be, plus the ability to virtually anywhere the Dragon Slayers go! Very practical, very cool!

What other details need covering before I add her to C'osmo's character sheet? I can come up with cool things for a robot to have (like the motion detector from Aliens to help her detect danger when C'osmo is busy), but above all, I want Honey/Norwood to fit into your campaign with only the abilities you want her to have.

I would like the following, some of which you've already covered (keep or toss anything you don't want):

1. A small laser-like device to protect herself with (you've added the pistol-version of the H-90 Gallant - perfect!).

2. A small storage container for science samples (say, about the size of a medium-sized lunchbox)? I just want a place onboard her so he can hand off small items to her. It's convenient for small archaeological digs, keeps things relatively well-protected, and perhaps it could serve as a "delivery" bay if C'osmo needed to send or retrieve something from someone else?

3. One or two of a miniature set of the Valkyrie's "magic arms?" This will allow her to literally hold and use small devices (and who doesn't need an extra hand when you're working with tools and equipment)?

4. A holographic projector able to display holograms of the various personalities C'osmo has programmed into the computer software. This way, he can talk to the people he currently trusts most (the dead with their great wisdom). Along with this, the ability to record sights and sounds (to ranges you're comfortable with). I can't overstate how important that sort of thing is for scientific experiments (say, we land on a new planet and find proof of a previous civilization! What do scientists today rightly demand as proof of such claims? Evidence! =)

5. A small but functional sensor suite and radio package so C'osmo can communicate with her over short distances? Norwood tends to flee combat and return later. She would need the ability to know when to come out of hiding (and how to hide well in the first place). So, something like night-vision or infrared could help keep her safe. A radio package like an upgraded walkie-talkie system (nothing fancy like ECM but preferably coded so anyone who comes over their frequency can't listen in - or can after having to decipher the audio messages)?
Sherwood Sherwood Oh! And if you're too busy (or even if you don't feel like doing it), I have some free time. I can write any or all of this up (saving you the trouble). Then you could just look it over and keep or discard what fits you and your game the best.
Lol thanks for the offer, my friend. I'm texting from work again, but I have the next two days off to work on your bot.

Most of what you are asking for is reasonable for a small robot. I'll have some decisions made about the details soon.
Lol thanks for the offer, my friend. I'm texting from work again, but I have the next two days off to work on your bot.

Most of what you are asking for is reasonable for a small robot. I'll have some decisions made about the details soon.
Sure, bud! You've welcomed me into yet another one of your games (a thing I never take for granted). The least I can do is contribute! =)
By the way, I am absolutely loving the role playing here right now. Keep this up and you guys will level up even before you get into any combat!
Sherwood Sherwood Bud, I am happy to say this is precisely what I was hoping for with the "troubled" version of C'osmo's background - a fun and strong beginning filled with memorable roleplaying! That's how to start a game you want to last! 8D

What is one very important element that Sharseya and Robotech: Broadsword have in common (besides you wonderful folks being involved in both)? They both started with the solid foundations of absolutely fantastic roleplaying and Good Times! Just like we're seeing here! =)
Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Do folks mind if I post in-game twice in a row? I don't see any other way to complete this scene (at least, not to my satisfaction). I also don't want to delay the game big time, especially with new PCs coming in soon?
Do folks mind if I post in-game twice in a row? I don't see any other way to complete this scene (at least, not to my satisfaction). I also don't want to delay the game big time, especially with new PCs coming in soon?
Doesn’t bother me, usually I am just reacting to what is being said or describing activity during the previous post.
Eonivar Eonivar Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Do folks mind if I post in-game twice in a row? I don't see any other way to complete this scene (at least, not to my satisfaction). I also don't want to delay the game big time, especially with new PCs coming in soon?
I am fine with you posting as you need to for your character. We're not in any kind of turn-based activity where we have to wait, so go for it.
Whew! All done now with my double-posts. Enjoy, everybody! =)

Edit: The length of C'osmo's's posts from here on out will be of more reasonable length now. =)
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Lol thanks for the offer, my friend. I'm texting from work again, but I have the next two days off to work on your bot.

Most of what you are asking for is reasonable for a small robot. I'll have some decisions made about the details soon.
Let me know if I can help! =)

By the way, I am absolutely loving the role playing here right now. Keep this up and you guys will level up even before you get into any combat!

Eonivar Eonivar Purr Purr Psychie Psychie
Sherwood Sherwood How much more would you like? I'm sure the three of us can come up with more! =)
Robotech is one of my favorite settings, and the Palladium System is, in my opinion, rather good even if it is far from perfect. I can help you with your character, just so long as you give me a good bit of feedback as to what you'd like to play.

First off is to determine what race you'd like to play. Human will be the easiest for you to start out with, but it is by no means required. There are four alien races that I'm allowing that I have stuff on in the Lore thread: the Paraxians, Karbarrans, Garudans, and the Zentraedi. All of these races have their descriptions listed in the Lore thread under the Spoiler tabs.

Next is to pick what character class you wish to run. Psychie Psychie and Eonivar Eonivar have both picked the Storm Commando, and Purr Purr is a Technical Officer. @GunMan2 is also a Storm Commando, but he hasn't posted IC in a while, so don't know if he wishes to continue with the game. @Jai-me is going to be playing a Technical Officer that is focused on the Communications role, and I'm starting to work on his character now.

Think of a SEAL team and how everyone is a bit cross-trained in each other's field of expertise. At the moment, we don't have a PC that takes the role of a medical professional for the squad, but that not a requirement. You could go with something simple like a Storm Commando with a focus on simply shooting/blowing stuff up.
I think I will play a bear. How do I roll stats on here?
I think I will play a bear. How do I roll stats on here?
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug Go to a post you've already created (like the one you just made). Click "Edit" followed by "Throw Dice." Once there, list the reason (for every roll) and pay close attention to the "Rolls" (number) and "Faces" (type) of dice you are throwing.

I don't use RP Nation's dice roller (Sherwood rolls all of my dice, bless him), but I'll provide an example of a 3d6 roll here: For this roll, I put "3" in the "Rolls" section and "6" in the "Faces" section.
I am going to keep track of all xp awards in the first post of the Character Thread, and I'll give everyone a heads-up here in the OOC thread when points are forthcoming.

BTW, points are forthcoming: 2,500 points for excellent role-playing. A reminder that everyone gets a new skill that starts at a level one proficiency, and you get to add one to any of your attributes.

Purr Purr let me know if you get any more SDC points, and I'll post your hit point increase in a moment.
I think I will play a bear. How do I roll stats on here?
Once you have made a post, go back to it and click 'Edit Post'. Down at the bottom of the post you'll find the option to "Roll Dice". Select the number of dice to roll and the faces, and click "Roll Dice".

You get to roll eight times, rerolling all 1's, and take the top 7 rolls because you get a free 24 in one of your attributes starting out. A Karbarran has seven stats that are 2d6 + something, with only their PS stat having a 3d6. You can juggle your numbers around in any order you wish.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug did you still wish to run a medic of some kind?

EDIT The option for me to roll dice for your stats is also open, just like I do for Dannigan. Just let me know what you prefer!
BTW, points are forthcoming: 2,500 points for excellent role-playing. A reminder that everyone gets a new skill that starts at a level one proficiency, and you get to add one to any of your attributes.
How much xp do we need for the next level?

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