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Futuristic UEEF Marines - OOC Thread

Purr Purr I'm pretty sure you get to level up with the 2,500 points since you use the same Xp chart as the Military Specialist in the core book.

Hit point increase: 7 pts
How much xp do we need for the next level?
Psychie posted this on her sheet:

Experience Point Chart
1: 0 - 2,120
2: 2,121 - 4,240
3: 4,241 - 8,480
4: 8,481 - 16,960
5: 16,961 - 24,960
6: 24,961 - 34,960
7: 34,961 - 49,960
8: 49,961 - 69,960
9: 69,961 - 94,960
10: 94,961 - 129,960
11: 129,961 - 179,960
12: 179,961 - 229,960
13: 229,961 - 279,960
14: 279,961 - 329,960
15: 329,961+
Sherwood Sherwood Questions and observations:

1. Are we each using our O.C.C.s experience table or are we all running off of one set experience table? Ah! As in our other games, we're all running off of the Military Specialist O.C.C.. Terrific! That makes things so much easier! Could this be added to our Lore threads (if it isn't already), please?

2. Re: in-game post. This is not a complaint; just a head-scratcher I want to be sure of. Navy Hospital Corpsman Third Class E-4 Keith is shacking up with UEEF 0-1 2nd Lieutenant C'osmo? Again, I don't mind (they're both medically-trained and that'll give them something to share) but an enlisted soldier with an officer? Is this what you want?

2a. C'osmo lives in a bear-sized portable cargo container that, until now, has gone from UEEF ship to ship. Per his background, he's got bees flying in there (that's where the honey comes from) along with plants stacked neatly all over and small workshops to practice everything from his weapons to his science to his Jeet Kune Do. It's a "jungle man-cave" that he's been living out of for months or more. And the UEEF is adding Keith in there? I mean, it's do-able but... (once more for the sake of clarity) is this what you want? =)

3. Thanks for the xp! Wheeee!

Edit: 4. Are we using Action Points?
Sherwood Sherwood Questions and observations:

1. Are we each using our O.C.C.s experience table or are we all running off of one set experience table? Ah! As in our other games, we're all running off of the Military Specialist O.C.C.. Terrific! That makes things so much easier! Could this be added to our Lore threads (if it isn't already), please?

2. Re: in-game post. This is not a complaint; just a head-scratcher I want to be sure of. Navy Hospital Corpsman Third Class E-4 Keith is shacking up with UEEF 0-1 2nd Lieutenant C'osmo? Again, I don't mind (they're both medically-trained and that'll give them something to share) but an enlisted soldier with an officer? Is this what you want?

2a. C'osmo lives in a bear-sized portable cargo container that, until now, has gone from UEEF ship to ship. Per his background, he's got bees flying in there (that's where the honey comes from) along with plants stacked neatly all over and small workshops to practice everything from his weapons to his science to his Jeet Kune Do. It's a "jungle man-cave" that he's been living out of for months or more. And the UEEF is adding Keith in there? I mean, it's do-able but... (once more for the sake of clarity) is this what you want? =)

3. Thanks for the xp! Wheeee!
2 and 2a are good points. I'll ponder this and will probably end up editing my IC post accordingly.
Edit: 4. Are we using Action Points?
Another good question. I had not considered this. I will go ahead and say yes.

cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug You get a total of 5 Action Points plus 1/2 your level each level you go up. An Action Point gives you +1d6 to a d20 roll, and on a skill roll with a percentage, you get to roll that d6, but for every point you have on the dice, you add +5% to your skill roll.
(More from the hyperactive guy.) Sherwood Sherwood

5. In C'osmo's previous rough draft, you rolled Running for me (+12 Spd, +3 S.D.C.). I'd like to take that Skill again. Do you want to keep these results or reroll them?

Also, here is something I'd like for you to be aware of. This level-up will not only raise C'osmo's Speed Attribute to something above a 10, but along with the +1 Attribute/Level bonus, will raise him to a Physical Endurance of 30. Unless you're running this differently than the Core Book, this will make C'osmo "effectively impervious to disease. Only the most virulent virus (or designer bug) has a chance of affecting this character." (Shadow Chronicles, physical copy, page 140)."

6. Are you cool with that or should I put his 2nd level goodies elsewhere?
Last edited:
(More from the hyperactive guy.) Sherwood Sherwood

5. In C'osmo's previous rough draft, you rolled Running for me (+12 Spd, +3 S.D.C.). I'd like to take that Skill again. Do you want to keep these results or reroll them?

Also, here is something I'd like for you to be aware of. This level-up will not only raise C'osmo's Speed Attribute to something above a 10, but along with the +1 Attribute/Level bonus, will raise him to a Physical Endurance of 30. Unless you're running this differently than the Core Book, this will make C'osmo "effectively impervious to disease. Only the most virulent virus (or designer bug) has a chance of affecting this character." (Shadow Chronicles, physical copy, page 140)."

6. Are you cool with that or should I put his 2nd level goodies elsewhere?
You can keep the +12 Spd and 3 SDC from before

Having the high PE is no problem. Thank you for asking, though.
I edited the IC post to take out that Keith is bunking with C'osmo. Otherwise it is the same.
Cool! That's about as efficient a fix as one could make for that scenario. Good going, bud! =)

This is what my bear looks like at 2nd level. His science-based Skills got that +5% bonus (and as low as they tend to start, every percentage point counts!).

On top of the Running Skill which ups his Spd from 10 to 22 (because who wants to be the slow guy in the back yelling "wait up!" when the Invid are chasing you, right?), C'osmo now has the Jeet Kune Do technique Combination Eye-flick + Roundhouse kick (or "hook kick" as JKD calls it). C'osmo is in my head wondering, "Hey, you think that'll ever come in handy against a one-eyed Invid? I mean, I can do Mega-damage with a Power Kick, right?" to which I inwardly replied, "Maybe run it past Sherwood when you hit 3rd level and have a "Self-knowledge" technique to pick? Eye-flick + Power Kick?" to which my fuzzy nerd-bear replies, "Ooooh! I like that!" =)

Anyone want help with your characters?
I've got Pyrrah all taken care of. Her Iq went up a point to 25, and I added Boxing as my level 2 skill.
Cool! Maybe Onni and C'osmo's science and culture chatting had something to do with that I.Q. boost? Heh! (Look! I can hope and be silly at the same time!)

As for Boxing, I mean... Pyrrah is Meltrandi. Fighting arts to Meltrandi is like honey to bears. =)

Sweet work on those sheets, guys.
Thank you!

I think this is the first time I've levelled in a Palladium game without heading into combat or some kind of danger first. Neat feeling! Plus, this place isn't called "RP Nation" for nothing! In all the vast and incredible Internet, RP Nation is the "Mecca" if you will of roleplaying sites! I say where better online to express yourself and your characters than here? =)

Putting together C'osmo has been a great deal of fun! I love the challenge of combining real brain-work, self-searching, gaming book page-flipping, adding, discarding, the constant batting around of ideas, shop-talk, and all of the other elements we RPers use to create something from nothing. And this game is just getting started! =)
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug did you still wish to run a medic of some kind?

EDIT The option for me to roll dice for your stats is also open, just like I do for Dannigan. Just let me know what you prefer!
I appreciate it but I'd like try to roll my own to see what happens. It may take a bit longer to get the character together. I would like try the medic. I'm thinking kind of like Baymax personality from big hero 6 except a bear.
I am going to keep track of all xp awards in the first post of the Character Thread, and I'll give everyone a heads-up here in the OOC thread when points are forthcoming.

BTW, points are forthcoming: 2,500 points for excellent role-playing. A reminder that everyone gets a new skill that starts at a level one proficiency, and you get to add one to any of your attributes.

Purr Purr let me know if you get any more SDC points, and I'll post your hit point increase in a moment.

Once you have made a post, go back to it and click 'Edit Post'. Down at the bottom of the post you'll find the option to "Roll Dice". Select the number of dice to roll and the faces, and click "Roll Dice".

You get to roll eight times, rerolling all 1's, and take the top 7 rolls because you get a free 24 in one of your attributes starting out. A Karbarran has seven stats that are 2d6 + something, with only their PS stat having a 3d6. You can juggle your numbers around in any order you wish.
Let's try
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug Can I offer up a suggestion for you? If you go with the Marine Technical Expert and take the Science Officer MOS, that will get you a good set of skills and you can be an actual doctor, and not just a corpsman.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug I forgot to add: if you get a roll of 11-12 on the 2d6 roll, you get to add another d6. If that extra d6 is a '6', you add one more 1d6. On the 3d6 roll for your PS, you get the extra d6 on a 16-18.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug most of your stats will be a 3d6 roll, taking the top two dice. Your PS roll of 3d6 you get to roll 4d6, taking the top three.
cthuluneedsahug cthuluneedsahug most of your stats will be a 3d6 roll, taking the top two dice. Your PS roll of 3d6 you get to roll 4d6, taking the top three.
Correct. Reroll all your 1's.
Holy cow! Using this method for C'osmo, I rolled that low for his Attributes? (Imagines that many d6s rolling mostly but 2s and 3s).

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Here are your numbers. Remember you can plug them in where you wish, except for the 3d6 one. It has to go to Ps.

2d6 rolls
7, 14, 6, 8, 5, 10, and 4

3d6 roll
Or was C'osmo rolled using this method? (You never mentioned rolling an extra die and dropping it so... I don't mean to complain; I'm just ...surprised. I mean... wow... ).

Anyways, let me know if I can help with Norwood data.
Sherwood Sherwood Also, our characters were too tired and hungry to do anything else except sleep, right? If so, I'm not sure how to proceed in-game except to have my character say he's ready for action. Or am I missing something?

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