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Dice Trial by Fire - Exalted 2e OOC

Whenever y'all are ready, I think it may be time to start moving things toward the landing at Rathess before we get into an unending planning spiral.

I know we've still got some rolls to wrap up and all, but we're gettin a little stuck in meeting scenes.
Whenever y'all are ready, I think it may be time to start moving things toward the landing at Rathess before we get into an unending planning spiral.

I know we've still got some rolls to wrap up and all, but we're gettin a little stuck in meeting scenes.

Agreed. As far as I know, the only rolls left to wrap up are Annika looking through the evidence on the spies, and possibly another one for the searches. But if worst comes to worst, we can resolve those in PREVIOUSLY sections.
So there's the other two other terrestrial prisoners, but meta-wise... Mellar is either coming back for them or he isn't. There isn't a damn thing we can do about it until the attempt is made, even then it may be out of our hands. Technically the resplendency effect isn't even allowed while he is being watched, so we don't know what kind of elder sid silliness is hidden behind the old bronze bulldog's blunt exterior.

Hell, all he has to do is shuck the resplendent destiny he was using and we'd start to forget him, save for Aysik and Dunbar who are immune to Arcane Fate BS. No use fretting about it now.
Am going out to a party, and will probably be sleeping in, and then going to spend most of the day with my nieces, so might not be able to respond much over the next 24 hours.
I'm kinda hoping for a chill weekend here as well. I've got some reading and planning to catch up on and a gaming binge to continue. Not to mention some lifestyle changes to work on again.
I'm down at my family's old home for the weekend, and seeing other family members/relatives as well as close friends.
Gonna change gears XP wise given the course of the last fight. Went to finish off what I need for the Stormlash combo so I can punch through armored targets instead of rushing Fivefold Bulwark Stance. I'll go for that defense charm next so I can cover for others who may need essence for hard strikes, then follow up with Adamant Skin Technique for the Hardy Health Levels and to prevent a surprise nuclear combo from one-shotting me when flurrying defend others or ambushes.

At least this progression will develop the make-shift style more in the order I laid it out as well.
I find it deeply ironic that it's the Eclipse Caste - the caste based around diplomacy and administration - who seems on track to become the greatest fighter in the circle so far.

Also, since I'm anticipating a lot of fighting when we get to Rathess, I'm thinking of either giving Annika Dodge Essence Flow, to enable her to use her Dodge Excellency outside of combos, or Triple Distance Attack Technique, so that I can then get Cascade of Cutting Terror. (Target's Dodge DV becomes useless and attack successes are doubled? Yes please!)
I don't know if you've looked at the non-combat charms on the wishlist, but I'm actively avoiding social sabotage effects and going for organizational efficiency and mental healing. Given the scope limitation I've set on myself, the non-combat charm pool is very slim compared to the combat/survivability needs I see with the ambitions the character and the circle have at large.

This limitation was intended to promote war, assassination, and artisan crafting as the premium alternatives to blunt diplomacy so the circle can flex its' muscles as a unified whole without some chuckle head trying to manage everything alone.

This will be reflected in ways to mitigate certain specific rivals from overwhelming us. I've only outlined a specific plan for Lookshy thus far, which would be summarized by bribery with artifice and authority. I have somewhat of a plan for Raksi, but Ma-Ha-Suchi and Mask of Winters will likely require us to support a duo between Durke and Annika to flex them into submission with strategic martial and espionage plays. The Realm is likely going to be bent over and thrashed with economic plays and assassinations inflaming already existing in-fighting until we can arrange a domino effect assimilation.

I have other strategies in my pocket for plenty of other factions, yet, dealing with Bull of the North in a tactful fashion is probably going to be the greatest challenge from a character standpoint.
Okay, so Annika hasn't found anything that would legally justify searching the two spy properties so far (unless sending letters to the Realm or Lookshy counts). But I don't want to delay the Rathess expedition any further, so how about I just have her tell her agents to keep an eye on the spies until we get back?
I know it's often over-looked... but registering at the gates is legally mandatory and just being caught without registration is legally considered subversion and espionage with the punishment of death. This has been in the foundational reference laws for awhile now. I think the matter at present is whether there is any hard evidence or witness testimony that justifies a legal search rather than an outright arrest.

As important as the Rathess expedition is, I'd think getting ahead of spies would be critical to wrap up before leaving the town for what could be an extended period.
I know it's often over-looked... but registering at the gates is legally mandatory and just being caught without registration is legally considered subversion and espionage with the punishment of death. This has been in the foundational reference laws for awhile now. I think the matter at present is whether there is any hard evidence or witness testimony that justifies a legal search rather than an outright arrest.

As important as the Rathess expedition is, I'd think getting ahead of spies would be critical to wrap up before leaving the town for what could be an extended period.

I'm aware that people have to register. I just wasn't sure whether or not the spies had done so with their false identities. And as far as solutions go, we can always lock them up until we get back. That eliminates the threat from them, though we probably shouldn't keep them imprisoned without trial for too long, since that's against our laws as well.
Could someone please tell me a bit more about the globe artifact Aredin's using to take us to Rathess? Or at least point me in the direction of where I can read about it?
Could someone please tell me a bit more about the globe artifact Aredin's using to take us to Rathess? Or at least point me in the direction of where I can read about it?
It is called a Globe of Transport (artifact 4), and is an ancient Dragon King artifact. It can be found in the Scroll of Fallen Races.

From the book:
In order to travel swiftly across their world, the Dragon Kings enchanted special crystals to serve as vehicles. The smallest and most common was the globe of transport. When not in use, this artifact is a solid sphere of violet crystal the size of an orange with a setting for a single hearthstone. If the user places a hearthstone of at least level 2 in the setting and spends 10 motes of Essence, the sphere transforms itself into a wonderous vehicle. It expands into a thin-walled hollow globe of Essence and crystal three yards in diameter. This globe expands around the individual supplying the Essence. Once it has fully expanded, the globe can carry a maximum of 1,500 pounds of cargo or up to four humans or Dragon Kings. However, it is not large enough to transport larger creatures, such as horses.

The individual who supplied the transport globe with Essence also controls it. He can direct the globe with Essence also controls it. He can direct the globe to go to any place he has visited before of whose location he is aware, or he can tell the globe to travel in a particular direction. The Essence supplied to the globe powers it for one journey, regardless of length. This vehicle travels at up to 150 miles per hour, and the character controlling it can cause it to land at any time. This vehicle surrounds its occupants with a shell of transparent, faintly glowing Essence that protects them against the wind and serves as 90% cover by deflecting attacks (adding +2 DV against hand-to-hand attacks and +4 DV against ranged attacks). However, this vehicle was not designed for combat, so this penalty is also applied to attacks made against characters outside the craft by the occupants. The instant the globe lands, it deactivates and transforms itself back into a small violet ball. When the globe of transport deactivates, everyone and everything inside of it is deposited outside of it, completely unharmed. While the globe is in use, the hearthstone in its setting provides no other benefit to its owner.

* Aredin's model was specifically allowed by Sherwood to hold more people, in order to work for transporting the entire circle to different locals.
It is called a Globe of Transport (artifact 4), and is an ancient Dragon King artifact. It can be found in the Scroll of Fallen Races.

From the book:
In order to travel swiftly across their world, the Dragon Kings enchanted special crystals to serve as vehicles. The smallest and most common was the globe of transport. When not in use, this artifact is a solid sphere of violet crystal the size of an orange with a setting for a single hearthstone. If the user places a hearthstone of at least level 2 in the setting and spends 10 motes of Essence, the sphere transforms itself into a wonderous vehicle. It expands into a thin-walled hollow globe of Essence and crystal three yards in diameter. This globe expands around the individual supplying the Essence. Once it has fully expanded, the globe can carry a maximum of 1,500 pounds of cargo or up to four humans or Dragon Kings. However, it is not large enough to transport larger creatures, such as horses.

The individual who supplied the transport globe with Essence also controls it. He can direct the globe with Essence also controls it. He can direct the globe to go to any place he has visited before of whose location he is aware, or he can tell the globe to travel in a particular direction. The Essence supplied to the globe powers it for one journey, regardless of length. This vehicle travels at up to 150 miles per hour, and the character controlling it can cause it to land at any time. This vehicle surrounds its occupants with a shell of transparent, faintly glowing Essence that protects them against the wind and serves as 90% cover by deflecting attacks (adding +2 DV against hand-to-hand attacks and +4 DV against ranged attacks). However, this vehicle was not designed for combat, so this penalty is also applied to attacks made against characters outside the craft by the occupants. The instant the globe lands, it deactivates and transforms itself back into a small violet ball. When the globe of transport deactivates, everyone and everything inside of it is deposited outside of it, completely unharmed. While the globe is in use, the hearthstone in its setting provides no other benefit to its owner.

* Aredin's model was specifically allowed by Sherwood to hold more people, in order to work for transporting the entire circle to different locals.

Much appreciated. :grinningteeth:
Sherwood Sherwood How do you want to handle characters obtaining additional aids/allies/retainers moving forward?

A few of the characters (such as Annika, Durke, and Viktor) seem to me at least somewhat built around the idea of building entourages to help achieve their goals (thieves/spies, soldiers, and craft assistants). As I am starting to look at picking up additional support characters, which for me means mostly individuals who can assist with crafting jobs and increasing the amount I can do in a limited amount of time, I got to wondering how you intend for us to gain such partners? Will it strictly be 'meet in play', 'buy with points', or something in the middle?

I could see paying for support characters via purchasing background points with XP, and then we have some limited level of control over them (like the RP-limited control exhibited by Annika with Idola, Durke with Gerard, and Viktor with Sahlaynah). How do you feel about it? Is there a specific way you would prefer to tackle this?
We will have a combination of 'earned in play' and 'buy with points'. If you want to have more control and say over the actions and behavior of your new followers/allies/retainers, then you should use xp for it. If you use the 'earned in play' method, you will still have access to them, but with less hands on control. Sound good?
We will have a combination of 'earned in play' and 'buy with points'. If you want to have more control and say over the actions and behavior of your new followers/allies/retainers, then you should use xp for it. If you use the 'earned in play' method, you will still have access to them, but with less hands on control. Sound good?
Sounds like a winner! :)

If we purchase any followers/allies/retainers, do you want us to request it here on the OOC first so that you can make a decision as to whether its appropriate at the time or not?
Are we ready for me to advance to the trip to Rathess? I want to make sure that everyone has enough time to post their activities prior to leaving.

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