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Fandom Transformers: Clash of the Universes (looking for joiners!)

Graveblade just stared back at her, "This isn't my fault! You two are the ones who kept arguing over who would get the kill!" He started raising his voice a little, " And if anyones getting the blame for it its going to be all of us!"
Matriarch already had the Decepticon commander on comms. She jerked her head to the side as he screamed into the comms then a ground bridge opened. "I think Commander is angry with us..." Matriarch said, ignoring them.
Graveblade just sighed, " Ah scrap... when is he never angry?" He finished as he stepped into the ground bridge.
"No slag!" Shadowstrike snapped, shoving past them to step into the Ground Bridge, her movements stiff. She was not in the mood to deal with Starscream. She was likely to snap at him.
Matriarch turned to her bot form, her tail flicking as she walked through the ground bridge. When they went through Starscream was waiting, arms crossed and his foot tapping his pede. "So, the Dinobot tells me you three failed in decimating a simple Autobot" He growled.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Silvershot stopped, "What the?" He looked around, though didnt see the ball and shrugged. "Guess something in meh audials" He scratched the side of his helm and kept walking. He didnt know he was being spied on by a femme and her pets, he had no idea anything was even around him at the moment.
@RedTeam Grif

Graveblade just looked back at starscream, " Well you see sir, it was a simple task but she was already running by the time i showed up, and had used a ground bridge to escape our clutches."
Shadowstrike crossed her arms, "I was doing my job when these two glitches came along and ruined it all." She growled, before whirling on Graveblade, "That's a bunch of slag! She was there when you showed up! Don't act like Starscream!" She didn't care that Starscream heard her, it was how he was acting
Graveblade looked at shadowstrike and stared her down, " I was just following orders when starscream told me to head to your location! besides, you two were the ones arguing over who should get the kill, allowing the auto-bot to gain so much distance!" He yelled
"SILENCE!" He yelled at them, "You had guns, a slagging sniper rifle for Primus's sake! I do wonder how you even got back here, even when the ground bridge opened I suspected a call from one of you asking for directions!" He yelled. A drone walked by and Starscream pointed at him, "Didnt I tell you to calibrate the systems?!" He yelled, making the drone jump back and trip.

Silvershot stopped, turning around and looking around. He could have sworn he heard an itsy bitsy voice talk. "Uh, hello?" He called out. "I wont hurt'cha, I'm an Autobot. Unless yer a Con yer okay!" He called.

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Shadowstrike raised one optic ridge, "You should remember that we were doing your job Commander." She said his rank with pure venom. Watching the Drone jump back in alarm at Starscream's yelling
"You didnt do my job, if you did then the Autobot would be dead. Watch in whom you speak, femme; wouldnt want that pretty face of yours smashed in now would we?" He growled at her Matriarch stood silent, not really listening to them at all. Shockwave wouldnt care so she didnt care.
Graveblade cleared his throat as he turned to starscream, "anyway commander, before this whole set of events i did what you asked and found something you might want to take a look at." he said bringing out a chunk of dark energon and holding it for starscream to grab.

"Angel he said he is aoutobot"

"Oh....one of Y'all Helpers is he?....Hmmm...Keep him tag and ask question...need to make sure....dont worry Teddy got a Optic on the Boy,something happens he just have to smile at the flash"

Angel said Via Transmition at Teddy,the small But would continue looking at him as he said he was one of the red Guys...well he knew the Logo was red,soon the small spider bot would make a few click ounds befor Returning to it Orriginal Color Being Pink and white,He was slightly far from the mech and would look up at him...he was Masive! well every bot was,its Metalical insect limbs began to move as he Go slightly closer but maintaining distance and would ask

State Your Buisness here Autobot"

The small bot said towards the....Obvise large bot,it was Funny in a way as he was the size of a small DOG,this bot could just pick him up and Throw him like a ball or something and teddy sounded Very seriuse and Mostly in a Hostile manor....this was preaty cute to....Pink litle bot acting all brave...awwww....for the reson there was a One shot Pure Energon Canister with his name on it of he did something wrong or Hurt teddy.
Shadowstrike made a noise akin to a growl, "I'd like to see you try!" She snapped at Starscream before her optics widened at what Graveblade was holding. "Dark Energon?! Where in Unicron did you get that?!" She asked, surprised he managed to find some. Megatron would love to get his servos on that
Starscream scoffed at Shadowstrike before grabbing the dark energon, a wide smile across his face. "Looks like the mission wasnt a failure after all" He said, extremely happy now. He then straightened and put it behind his back, "I will take this to Lord Megatron, he will know what to do with it. In the meantime, if you let another Autobot go..." He punched a hole into the drone he had scared and pulled out his spark. "Are we clear?"

Silvershot looked down, crouching down he tilted his helm. "Well hello there" He said. "Autobots have been here for a while now, I just am passin' through on patrol" He shrugged, reaching out toward him and lay his servo flat for the spider-bot to crawl up onto. "Lets meet grill to grill"

Graveblade merely glanced shadowstrikes way, " I simply found it on a misson, you know just following orders." He then looked at starscream to reply, " Of course commander won't happen again."
Shadowstrike scoffed, "You're not going to give it to Lord Megatron. You can't fool me." She watched without emotion as he pulled out the Drone's spark, refraining from saying 'no sir.' Instead, she muttered a half-hearted, "Yes sir." Knowing very well she would put up a fight against him if he tried to lay even a digit on her
Starscream's red gaze landed on Shadowstrike and he growled low in his chassis. "I am getting tired of your attitude, subordinate" He snarled, stepping forward and landed a hard punch on her faceplate, strong enough to make someone stumble or fall considering her size. He said, then nodded at Graveblade then turned and walked away with his wings twitching.

"He is Hostile Clear!"

"Great....Teddy Keep Going! dont worry i got ya....Now we are Moving soon ETA 30 Minutes to C Top Got it? Angel Out! Meet ya there!"

oon Angels communication would Cut off leaving Teddy alone for now seeing he seem safe,angel would stand up as her camo would come off turning Pink,he would pick up Bob and Atach him back on her head as she would pick up her Rifle as a clear *SNAP* Can be heard as its Folds up Togheather,placing it on her back she would strech and would nod befor Reaching down her Feet and pressing the Top,as soon the bottom starts glowing blue,wih a Nod she would begine to walk towards one of the Buildingss edge and would sigh befor steping of the edge and begine to Freefall,as she did she would close her eye and have a nice fall,Bob ready to tell wen she was geting close to the ground so she could tranform and fly off to Top C

Teddy would look at the metal limb and back off slightly but wen he hear angel to keep going he would nod and would stand on his Servo Befor aying "sorry for that....im alone for now so needed to take caution sir"he said in a High pitch mostly chieldish voice towards the mech.
Shadowstrike fell, cursing Starscream as she rubbed the side of her face where he hit her. Usually she followed orders without a complaint, but once something pissed her off, she couldn't control her attitude. That's one of the reasons she stuck to herself most of the time, to avoid that happening.

Standing up and ignoring the pain from the punch, she turned to leave. Now, she only needed to kill an Autobot or find some Dark Energon herself.
The sound of a roaring engine range across the landscape, the sound of a human ATV going across rough terrain, a very signature roaring engine.

Loudmouth was honestly so confused as to where she was, something weird had happened and now suddenly everything seemed different. She was driving along a road, but there was no cars on the road. No sign of humans. It was odd... Very odd. But nevermind. Right now she had to get back to base. She roared along the roads with her holographic rider on and functioning.

@Anyone in the area
As the Pink Bot freefall from the skyscraper she had her eyes closed,But soon started to hear Bob Beeping,she Opend her eyes wondering only to see down bellow a vehicle Roring down the street,her eyes go wide as if she continued like this might get detected,amidiatly she would do a Rolle in mid air changing to her ALT,The P-38 Lightning,But insted of having Propelers it was jet Powerd,with the pink coloration,Its engines would come online and slowing down its fall greatly,Angel ry to keep them as silent as Posible,so she won get detected but the Problem on casting a shadow cant be solved "Angel we shoold have stayd up there! if we get spoted ya-"Bob is sudently cut off as angel would respond "we fight simple!"she said as she would mostly get detected...why Bother then?

Having no Option she sigh and would change back to her Bot form as it was ussles Changing to her ALT form,soon she started to fall again but this time aming at the bot bellow planing on falling on it and taking it By suprice,The Bottom of her Pedes would Open slightly and Begine to eject Blue flames,as the sound of jet engine can be heard,she needed to slow her fall atleast as she aim on falling on the target bellow,as her hands would grip one of her Pistoles ready.

Loudmouth continued along the road, then transformed back to bot mode, turning to look up into the sky, then stepping out of the way of Angel and switching her arm to gun mode aiming directly at Angel, optics narrowed and prepared for a fight, but what came down out of the air confused her completely. She didn't recognize this cybertonian. Nor had she ever seen one in that... color. It kind of her optics, but she kept her optics on this new comer. ".... Who are you?"

Angel continue too pick up speed as soon would come to the ground and a Loud *BANG!* Can be heard mix with the sound of Cracking of Concreat,rasing up a small cloud of dust up in the air from the Impact (Titanfall stile!),seeing she has miss she curse inside her helm,rasing her head and Standing up as the dust slowli fades revealing she had left lines of Cracks in the concreat,The pink but would stand up being kinda taller than a Normal Bot,angel saw the femme aming at her,the angel would reach her waist and draw 2 pistols aming at the Other bot....she seem hostile indeed,Angel would hear her question as the mouthless Pink bot would respond.

"Howdy Parthner!....Im Angel plesure to meet you...Now i think is your Turn to say Ya name"she said with a slight narrow in her Blue Optics,Both pistols aming at her,she dint know who she was but Meh rather atleast try and be friendly and not shoot them head on and blow there servos off...But she dint feel confy with this bot eather.for the reson she dint know her.


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