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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange


Six Thousand Club
The town you have been living in for years, has been a secret, under your nose all your life. All of your friends have secrets, their entire family.

The small town, Penville, is a small isolated town which is infected with supernatural beings. Some bad and some evil. Most houses in Penville are small, usually a farm or cabin in the woods.

Basically we try to live our lives as normal as possible, without having anyone know about the secrets we have. Powers, what kind of being you are, your past, ext.

Rules will be posted in overview, please only chat in OOC Chat.
Klara stood on a small bridge, over a stream, taking pictures of the multi-colored fish in the water. She grinned as a picture came out best, with the best lighting and clear quality. She took more photos, as a bird landed on the rocks beside the stream. Her interest grew.
Shaun came out from a big rock pile as he looked over at the bird, then at the woman taking photos as he said "Hello there." afterwards putting his hands inside his coat pockets.
Klara glanced beside her and smiled. "Hello there." She said taking another picture, looking deeply into her camera.
Shaun dug inside of his pocket afterwards taking out a gold watch and then opening it looking at the time seeing that it was "21:38" afterwards putting it away and saying "It will soon get dark..."
Klara nodded. "Yep, the sun goes down. Thats when I get the best shots. Just imagine. Lightning bugs, everywhere!"
Shaun nodded slightly afterwards saying "I have heard it is not as safe in the dark..." as the moon began slightly peeking from behind the clouds, Shaun looked around once and then back at Klara.
Klara turned and put her camera away. "I've heard that too, but I've been doing this for years, and nothing has happened." She said grinning.
Shaun nodded as he said "Well you never know when something can happen." as he put his hand back into his pockets and looked around and at the moon. (Btw, can we have this rp in like a winter time?)
(That would be fun, so yes.)

Klara shrugged. "Well, I guess your right there." She says closing her satchel. "I'm Klara by the way." She says putting out her hand.
Shaun put out his hand and shook Klara's hand as she felt the dead cold hand of Shaun as he said "Shaun, pleasure to meet you."
A shiver went up Klara's spine, and pulled her hand away. "You too." She said smiling. "I must be on my way now if I want to be home before 'the dangerous' monsters come after me." She said playfully.
Shaun nodded and said chuckling "Indeed, the dangerous monsters..." afterwards he looked up at the sky as he noticed snow flakes beginning to fall from the sky as he said "Looks like it has started to snow."
She nodded. "Yeah, and by the look at that cloud, it isn't going to stop anytime soon. I really have to go. It was nice meeting you!" She said starting to walk away. The large snowflakes falling and staying on her hair. Her black hair, popping the color of the snow, pure white.
Shaun nodded and then walked over the bridge as he headed towards his small house looking at the snow around him, when he got to his home he took of his coat and put it on his sofa afterwards sitting down on the sofa as he began to rest.
Klara had a short walk to her home, on a farm. She was adopted and her room was in the hayloft in the barn. She climbed up the stairs leading to her room and looked out the window at the falling snow. She grinned as one landed on her nose and melted away.
As Shaun saw that it began to become quite dark outside he put on his coat and then walked out of his house and began to walk around as he used his special vampire vision for a moment and then continued on as he got near the house that Klara was living in.
Klara's parents were quietly sleeping in their home, but she stayed up looking through her pictures on the computer. She edited and filtered them. She smiled as she came across the one she took with the fish.

The perfect picture.
There could be sounds of struggle heard outside Klara's house, it sounded like someone was being attacked, afterwards a rush of wind could be heard as snow was being thrown up.
There was a man laying on the ground and he seemed to be bleeding from his neck, the man was still conscious and he said "H-h-help..." as he struggled before falling unconscious on the ground, the man looked quite beat up.
Klara covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh- oh my gosh! I'l be right there!" She ran down from her room and outside, next to the bleeding man. She had brought a towel with her to she could help clean the blood. "What happened to you?"
The man struggled to say "M-m-monster" he coughed "V-v-vampire" he coughed again, it looked like the man was in pain and heavily struggling to stay alive and conscious.
"Oh my gosh." She says standing she shakily pulled out her phone and dialed the 911 number. "H-hello? Yes my name is Klara Jhnson. I found a man outside my house. Someone hurt him..."
The dispatcher asked "What kind of injury is it? We have also sent the paramedics and also the police." afterwards the snow began to pick up speed as it began to snow stronger.

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