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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to the Mafia Families

(By @SilverBlack , @Dawnsx , @LoveMyHate , and @PhoenixFire13 )


The tension between three Mafia families...

The background history that caused the rivalry...

The secrets and truths that lurk within this dark society...

Will love blossom out of blood?

Will enemies become friends?

What will be the fate of these families?

There's no turning back, you must join a side

Join the Mafia War


Background History:

Centuries ago in a growing town of Italy, there was a tradition of giving red roses to confess your love for someone. If the person accepts your love, they will also present you with a red rose on the next day. If they do not accept, they will give you a white rose. If the person is already engaged, or is in a relationship, they will not accept your rose.

A young girl, named Fiore, is part of a small and weak mafia family. Despite their status difference, she has been in love with her childhood friend Ernesto, who was part of a much stronger family called Rosa, since the day they met. After keeping her feelings hidden for so long, she decided to confess her feelings, and she presented Ernesto with a red rose in full bloom. However, Ernesto did not accept the rose. Knowing what this means, Fiore gave up and gave her friend her blessings.

Years later, Ernesto married a woman named Ada, who was the reason that Ernesto rejected Fiore's rose. One day, Fiore passed by their house and saw the two in their garden. Much to her shock and terror, she saw Ada with a knife in hand, and was slowly moving towards the her husband.

Fiore rushed to them and tackled Ada. The latter cleverly pushed the knife into the girl's hands, then screamed for help.

Ernesto saw the scene and thought that his childhood friend, out of jealousy, tried to murder his wife. Greatly angered, he drove Fiore out of their garden and told her to never come again.

After the events, Ada told Ernesto that she was going out with her friends for dinner. After many hours, he began to grow worried as the time is getting extremely late. He went out to search for her, and happened to go to the place where, years ago, Fiore had confessed to him.

When he was about to leave the place, Fiore stepped out from the shadows and greeted him with a smile. She slowly approached him, showing no signs of hostility, and when they were face to face, she presented him with a red rose.

Cautious yet curious, Ernesto took the rose from her hands. Upon closer inspection, he realized with horror that the rose was in fact a white rose that was drenched in blood.

The girl eerily told him that she will protect him at all costs, even if it means killing someone dear to him. It was only then that Ernesto realized that the blood was his wife's. Deeply saddened and infuriated, he left the place, but not before telling the girl that she has made a grave mistake, and that her family will pay the price.

After several weeks, Ernesto gathered the members of Rosa to attack the girl's family. Much to their chagrin though, they discovered that her family has merged with a family that was equally as powerful as Ernesto's. Under the new alliance, their name became Spinal.

As it turns out, Ada was once part of that powerful family, but soon betrayed them and joined the Rosa years before she met Ernesto. However, they, too, exiled Ada for her wrongdoings. Out of anger, she swore to destroy both families, starting with Rosa.

Her plans initiated when she met Ernesto. After they married and had a son, she hid the baby and told her husband that he went missing. In truth, she was planning to create a powerful family with her son at the top so that they could one day destroy the two families that had wronged her.

But of course, she couldn't fulfill her dreams, as Fiore ended her life before she could see it through. Finding out about Fiore's deed, the powerful family that Ada had betrayed offered an alliance. Being a weak family, and knowing that the Rosa will come for them, they gladly accepted.

Weeks, months, and years passed, with Ernesto dying out of grieve of his wife and childhood friend. However, the two families still have a rough and tense relationship with each other. Little did they know, Ada's son had put his late mother's plans into action, and have created a small family called Appassito. They did not have enough power to start a war with the Rosa and the Spinal, but they were able provoke the Rosa enough for them [Rosa] to start a war with the Spinal.

And that, is how the war stemming from love began.


Submerge yourself into the dark society with all its dark deals, fighting, killing, blood, and even drugs...




Rosa is the oldest family compared to the three, and also has the most members. Rosa is a tightly knitted family, and they emphasize compassion, whether it'd be towards the other members or regular civilians. They also do not care for unnecessary bloodshed. Despite this, they can be extremely fierce and merciless in battle once they have identified the enemy as an absolute threat to them, and this was further proven after the events involving the death of Ada. In the war with the Spinal family, they have been shown to brutally murder their enemies to achieve their goal of terminating the Spinal family and avenging Ada. However, this does not mean that the family did not retain its kind and gentle nature.



Spinal is arguably one of the most influential families in the mafia world, having both powerful members and wealth. They do not value kindness or compassion, much unlike the Rosa, but instead expect absolute loyalty to the boss and efficiency from its members. In battles, they focus on achieving whatever goal they have, whether it is to protect a family base, capturing an area, or acquiring intelligence. They will achieve their goals at all costs, and they aren't afraid to murder innocent civilians or even their own members to do so.



Appassito's history is not as long as Rosa or Spinal nor is it as influential, but its individual members are the strongest compared to the members of the two families. The family was built upon the goal of avenging the death of Ada, and also to destroy the two families. Although they are a family built upon vengeance and wrath, the members treasure the bonds between themselves, and are fiercely loyal and protective of one another. They are also extremely secretive about their plans in order to successfully reach their ultimate goal. Appassito have powerful members, but they almost never directly face other families in battle. Instead, they provoke them into battling each other, or lure them into traps. Using this method, they do not have to face direct exposure towards others, and thus reduces the risk of their plans being revealed.

Pick a family, be part of the mafia now.



1. No godmodding

2. No disrespect among members.

3. Each reply should be more than 2 sentences long, prefer a paragraph, write as long as you wish.

4. Any roles within the mafia is welcome EXCEPT bosses, bosses's roles are for admins.

5. Please use proper grammar throughout the roleplay, at least as best as you can.

6. You can create up to 3 characters.

*Character sheet up at the sign up section.*

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All is quiet in the mansion of the Rosa family, save for the quiet chatters and footsteps of a few of its members. Dawn had just broke over Italy, but the young boss of Rosa is already awake and sitting at his office. In truth, he could not sleep at all. It was another one of those sleepless nights where thoughts of his family and the war with Spinal would keep him up.

Rosa and Spinal are two of the most powerful and influential mafia families in Italy. Their history with one another traces back to centuries ago, where certain events led to their hatred for one another, and they have been long at war since then.

Danielle didn't know the full details and history of the feud, but he knows that the war has gone on too long. Being shielded by the members of his family, he did not know about the war until his teen years. Even then, he refused to believe that the war was justified. If anything, he thought the war only brought losses and chaos, and he wanted to have nothing to do with it. But being the boss of Rosa, Danielle has no choice but to lead his family against the Spinal.

From his short time of being the boss, he has already seen countless battles. It was horrific to him that the members of his family that he has known for his entire life can be so brutal. It also shocked him to no end when he witnessed the Spinal's ways. From what he has seen, they will do everything to achieve their goals.

Danielle grimaced when he remembered seeing a Spinal member leaving another unarmed member to the mercy of Rosa in order to escape. Being surrounded by love and warmth, and being a firm believer of kindness and loyalty, he simply could not see any gain from the war. He has thought about compromises with the Spinal, but his own members urged him not to trust them, so he had no choice but to give up on the thought.

Heaving a sigh, he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes that had dark circles under them.

"Maybe a cake will cheer me up..." Danielle mumbled to himself, but proceeded to pinch his fat in his waist. "No... I'm getting too out of shape... I should go for a walk outside..."

With that, he got up and walked out the door and proceeded to make his way to the gardens.
The bright unrelenting morning sun hit my eyes as small birds chirped outside. I roll over to my side, not wanting to get up from the soft almost foam like texture of my bed, yet I knew I had to get up as my loud and annoying alarm clock was ringing. Shuffling out of bed, I yawned as I stopped the clock gently before walking over to my closet. Sleepily thumbing through the endless supply of suits, I finally came upon the one marked with today's date. Laying it down on my unmade bed, I walked into the bathroom and did my daily necessities. Coming out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, I found my bed made and my room tided up. Nonchalantly, I put on my suit and walked to my office, making sure to grab a cup of tea along the way. Sipping my tea, I sat down in my office chair, and examined the room, trying to see if anything was out of place. Satisfied that nothing was, I turned to the famed photo on my desk. Long soft light brown hair that always smelled like vanilla, beautiful green eyes that always seemed to peer into the depth of my soul, and a beautiful smile that lit up the room and stopped kids from crying...I stroked her face in the photo...


I stood up and punched the punching bag next to my chair, which was put there for these occasions, almost destroying it before I calmed down. Sighing, I scribbled that I need a new one again on a post-it and placed it on the worn bag. Deciding to go greet members, I begun to wander about the house, hoping some visitors would show up.
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The singing of the birds did not make any impression on the young man's mind as he opened his eyes against the sunshine that shone through the window into his room. Having finally woken up by the rays of the sun, Rozendo let a tiny sigh escape his mouth as he remembered the issues going on between the families. Yes, especially the Rosa. The tensions that has been going on since forever, the rivalry.

He has long overheard some of his members discussing about how they should land an attack on Rosa now, how the current boss for Rosa right now is much of a peaceful person who dislikes wars and fights. Having such a gentle person as the boss, it truly seems to be that Spinal should use this opportunity to strike against Rosa.

But who knows? Rosa may be compassionate, but who knows how much they could change when the war begins.

Perhaps it's because he fell asleep thinking about this problem last night, he woke up in the morning thinking about it too. Shaking his head ever so lightly, he stared into his own reflection as he prepared himself, dressing himself up properly. He's not hungry, therefore chose to directly go to his office after exiting his room.

If I could overthrow Rosa...The thought lingered in his mind as he stepped into the office, his eyes directly moving onto the papers on his desk. Several members have died these days, along with the joining of several new members. If he ever wanted to overthrow Rosa, he needs more powers. Rosa is the mafia family that has existed the longest, and most likely, the hardest to win against.

Overthrowing Rosa is no longer just because of a simple reason of fighting back on Rosa's attack on revenge from that past tragedy among the two families, it's because he wants to expand Spinal's powers, then, possibly, in the future, if all goes successfully, unified it into the single and largest Mafia family in Italy. This way, he would fulfill his father's dream, so his father's sacrifice against him won't go in vain.

But that all depends on how things grow, it would be even worse when a third family rose up...He heard about it, a family called Appassito...a gradually growing force.

Rozendo let out a short humph, deciding to pause his mind from all this thoughts. Right now, he has the family, the family that consisted of many well-built members. He has confidence, an instinct that tells him to fear not for now.

He opened the window of the office then sit himself into the seat in front of the desk. He shall first thinks through everything carefully and make sure everything is ready, before forming a plan, a plan against Rosa.
Pedr stared at his reflection on the full length mirror. He wore a black tail coat over a light grey vest that covered his white wing collar dress shirt and tucked in his black tie, along with long dark grey trousers and black polished dress shoes. White gloves covered his hands and he had a pocket watch chained to his pants in order to complete his uniform.

Deeply inhaling and exhaling as he straightened his posture, Pedr couldn't help but worry. It was his second day here- well technically- it was his first, since it was only last night that he had finally been accepted by this...Spinal family. He had learned the basics of his new job which was quite simple since he was used to serving, obeying orders , and cleaning up after others.

In fact, such a job felt...nostalgic.

His dull eyes glazed over with unreadable emotions as he thought about the scavengers. The thieves he had grown up with.

The Berceuse.

They were the only ones he had truly known throughout his whole life but..they were also the ones who had always left him behind. Even till the end he had been left behind when they perished.

Maybe he didn't know them. Maybe they never really accepted him as one of their own. If they did...why was he always the one to clean up after their mess? Why did they make him always catch up to them? Not even once did they slow down for him. Was the name Berceuse just given to him as a joke?

Pedr furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. Such high classified thieves like the Berceuse wouldn't hand their name to him in a petty way like that. Anyways, it had been years since he had tried to get over the fact that they were gone. There was no point thinking about them when there was no way they were ever returning. He looked up at his reflection again, his eyes returning to their usual dull appearance before a small flicker of childishness appeared in them.

He tilted his head to the side. "So Ralec, what do you think? Do I look presentable to society now?" A small smile made its way onto his face as an embarrassed laugh escaped from his lips.

Pedr looked around his empty room, his smile slowly fading away as he realized he was alone, that the fellow scavenger wasn't alive anymore to begin with. "...I should probably stop talking aloud to you." Silence hung in the air as he fixed his hair and brushed off dust from his uniform.

He took one last look in the mirror before nodding once and making his way to the hall,

"Time to serve Spinal."

He walked along the long hallway before stopping at a certain door. If he wasn't mistaken, this was the office of Spinal's...boss.

Pedr hesitated before knocking on the door. It wouldn't hurt to greet him, would it?
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The gust of gentle breeze coming from her opened window woke Elona up from her dreamless sleep. Immediatly sitting upfront of her bed, she yawns. Still sleepy, she force herself to get off of her bed. Going toward her mirror dresser, she takes a jade hairbrush and struggle to comb out her tangles. Giving up half way, Elona grudgingly walks toward her bathroom and finish up her morning routine. Picking up the sailor uniform her grandmother gave her back when she was still alive, Elona swiftly put it on and grabs her sword which was lying near a gigantic teddybear.

"What should I eat for breakfast?" she thought.

Quietly opening her bedroom door, Elona quickly close it when she got out. She find it embrassing to let people find out she still likes stuffed animals for her age. Elona never let anyone inside her room but to an expection like her big brother. Walking casually to the kitchen, she quickly makes herself a sandwich when she got there. While finishing up her BLT sandwich, Elona begins to ponder where should she practice today. Since it's such a nice weather, Elona had a urge for some fresh air. Licking off the ketchup from her finger, she sets off toward the garden. She ought to visit her brother's office after. For the past years, Elona increasingly worried about Dani's health. The dark circles seems darker as months pass.

"I should fix up something for big brother when I'm done."
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Aldo sighed as he reclined back in his chair. He was bored. He hadn't had a job for the boss in days. This was an unusually long period of rest between jobs. The war between the other families had kept him busy for a long while and he loved it. He loved the fear of his targets as he descended upon them. He loved the feeling of pumping his Lupara. He loved the rising dread as he raised it to position. Loved the bang the gun made, loved the sound of his shot entering a human body, loved the smell of the blood on the ground and walls, he loved this war.

Now, mind you, he didn't know what it was for, didn't care. He loved it just because it provided him with the chance to do what he enjoyed most: killing.

Anyway, Aldo was bored. He hadn't had a job in a while. He tried to satisfy himself by polishing his favorite gun, but this didn't last long.

Maybe I'll see if the boss has any jobs for me, he thought to himself.

That seemed like the best idea, though the boss could be temperamental and moody at times. He flung open his door and walked over to the boss's office.

When he got there, he saw an unfamiliar figure standing outside the door. This couldn't be right. Aldo remembered the faces of all the boss's men.

"Who the fuck are you?"
Pedr froze as a male's rough words cut through his ears. Uh oh. Had he done something wrong? He was simply knocking on the door wasn't he? Ah, no time for such worrisome thoughts. Pedr sharply inhaled as he thought to himself. He briskly turned towards to the voice and bowed at the blonde man.

He kept his voice calm as possible as he greeted the Spinal member, "Good morning sir. My name is Pedr, I am the new butler for this respected family."

Keeping his actions steady, he rose from his bowed position and looked straight ahead. Making sure he was careful not to meet eye contact with the man he asked, "How may I serve you?"
Alexandra had been awake since the first hour outside prowling around the gardens with Raja picking Rose's and mindlessly slashing thorns she wasn't concentrating because it was the mourning day for her the day where her mother had died she stopped slashing the thorns and glided into the heavily padlocked front doors and towards her fathers study she shyly knocked on the door before sliding through the small gap into the office she dropped her gaze onto the floor as she handed her father a bouquet of roses and mumbled "I fell sorry for your losses father," before retreating to the door and giving a last longing look at her father before slinking outside the door and sitting in the hallway listening to his heavy heart beats rising in a common pattern 1-2-1-2-1-2 but her's were different 1212-1212-1212 they were fast paced and light like a small raven.
Aldo quickly surveyed the man in front of him. Black hair, thin, young looking, with a confident air about him. Aldo hated him already. It was the aura coming out from this man that bothered him most. Although he bowed and responded to his words politely, he wasn't really submitting. In fact, to Aldo, it felt more like a challenge.

Still, Aldo remembered the last time he had beat up a newcomer. The boss had gotten exceedingly angry with him. Aldo figured that a quick punch to the gut wouldn't hurt, and he really wanted to blow of his ever-increasing steam.

He stepped forward, responding to the question with, "Yeah, you can stand still for a sec," and threw a medium-strength punch at the man's stomach.
Twang! Twang! Twang!

I stared bored, at the dartboard hanging from my wall. The three darts I had thrown were all in the very center, as usual. Creaking sounded around the room, the dartboard fell down, the darts still in the wall. Sighing, I rolled back into my soft fluffy blanket. I had woken up way earlier than usual, and couldn't go back to sleep, which left me with few options. Well, okay, maybe not a few options, but I was too lazy to do anything besides polishing my knives, darts, katana, and my guns. Going back to sleep was not an easy task for me today I pouted. Turning until I was on my back, I checked my phone for messages only to see that there was none. After rolling around in bed for a bit longer, I finally decided to get up and go do a mission. Pulling on a black fitted T-shirt and a pair of black jeans, I made my way to Rozo's office. Spotting some leftover cake that I had brought yesterday, I picked it up and brought it with me, humming Fur Elise softly.

Suddenly I spotted a new member (or at least one that I haven't seen before) and Aldo.

"Yeah, you can stand still for a sec"

I quickly rushed in, and stopped Aldo's punch before it hit the new comer.

"Do you remember the last time you beat up a newcomer?!"

I hissed at him, somewhat annoyed because I was pretty sure my cake was crushed by the movements I made.

Turning to Rozo's office door, I knocked sharply on it 3 times.

"I have cake, let me in please."
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Pedr stared at the new unfamiliar figure before him, who had blocked a fairly threatening punch from the other man.

Like any other normal person, he would've been outright shocked at the actions. But he wasn't 'any other' being. A thief was what he had been, along with the many wounds and scars he obtained from covering for the fellow scavengers as they escaped. Fist punches, kicks that sent him kneeling on the ground, weapons that cut his flesh. These would always remain carved inside him. If anything, Pedr was quite glad he took all of those attacks for The Bercuese. If he hadn't, he would have been weak as a twig. His bones would've been so easy to break, he would constantly get sore and torn muscles. But he was stronger than that, and it was all thanks to the Berceuse.

But...cake? Pedr blinked before bowing towards both men. He promptly waited for the other man to walk into the office and thought what cake had to do with anything.

Maybe the boss just had a sweet tooth. Speaking of such a title, what kind of family was this anyway? Then again...He glanced at the man who had knocked on the door. It would be a polite act to thank the lad, wouldn't it? But...He glanced back at the blonde man who had tried to punch him.

Pedr cast his eyes downwards as he decided that he should only reply to orders, just like the basics of this job was all about. It wouldn't be good to run his mouth anyway.
"Who the fuck are you?!"

Halfway through his thoughts, Rozando was brought back to reality by the sound of knocking on his office door. However, before he could reply, Aldo's voice was heard, and even in his office, he could hear everything as events unrolled itself.

Did Aldo try to punch a newcomer again? From the quite soft and polite voice of the person, he was probably about to punch the new butler Pedr before interrupted by Ax, whose "Do you remember the last time you beat up a newcomer?!" yell is loud and clear.

Rozando sighed at the probably-this-is-what-happened event outside, although it didn't surprise him due to his prior knowledge on Ax and Aldo's personalities. He was completely fine with how his members are..Much energetic, but it did irritate him a bit when it interrupted his thoughts, especially serious thoughts related to Rosa.

His irritation ceased though, when he heard Ax's words as he knocked on his door, asking to be let in.


Ax brought cake.

Cake has always been that one wonderful source of food that reduces his stress. If a cat lays beside him, it would be even more perfect. Although an immediate thought kicked in that maybe he should be softer to his members today due to Ax bringing cake, he shook the idea way. How many times in the past have he been tricked due to the luring of cake and cat? No, no, he has learned his lesson.

"Come in," he called from his seat, staying in his usual calm composure. "And whoever else standing there too."
The many bushes of roses welcome Elona as she enters the garden. The lush green apple grass with the birds chirping a little song, soothes her. Sighing from the nice earthy smell, Elona decides to pick the place where the gravel walkway lead to an area with a tall tree. The young lady wants to have a nice rest under the tree after her practice is done. Carefully, unsheathing her chinese sword, Elona begins her exercise. Practicing helps Elona escape from all the problems that was happening between the Rosa and Spinal. There been a big tension between them even before she was even alive. Luckily, the last war was around 30 years. The girl believes it was her duty as a member of the Rosa family, to prepare for the worst. She suddenly remembers how Dani have to shoulder this responsible for such a young age.

"I can't have Dani do all the work. I have to work harder! " Elona mutters.

Increasing the speed she was going, Elona Rosa blocks all outside noises and repeatedly listening to her sword cutting cleanly through the air.
Delia, before the sun even came up, stood outside of Lino's bedroom and awaited his awakening. This was just another part of her daily routine to serve the boss of Appassito and make him as comfortable as possible. She had heard bits and pieces of what had happened to him in the past, and she can emphasize with him as she had went through something similar, and she simply wanted to make him as happy as possible so he could possibly forget about the past.

After a while, she heard soft shuffling in the room, telling her that Lino is awake. She went in the room and saw that he was in the bathroom, so she swiftly made his bed and went out to the kitchen to pick up his breakfast. Carrying the tray of food carefully, she walked to Lino's office and knocked.

After exiting his office, Danielle made his way through the countless corridors before finally making his way to the gardens. He inhaled deeply, appreciating how the cool and refreshing air cleared his mind. Danielle strode around the gardens, stopping once in a while to take in the view of the exquisite flowers that seem to always be in full bloom. It wasn't long before he saw the figure of his younger sister, Elona, slashing her sword all about as she trained.

With a smile, he called out, "Good morning, Elona!"
"Good morning, Elona!"

Shocked by the noise, Elona's instinct kicks in as she raise her sword toward the noise. Her eyes lock on her target and steadily preparing for her next attack. The figure build looks like a man she suggests. Having untidy clothes, and messy bed hair sticking out of weird directions, it reminds her of someone...

"Wait a minute...this person looks awfully familiar."

Elona squints her eyes at the person's face and her eyes grew wide-open. Her very own dear brother is standing right in front of her!
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Swinging the door open, I walked in cheerfully, setting the leftover cake on Boss's desk.

"I'm bored so can I have a mission? Also, the cake might be a bit squished. And I'm eating a slice."

Opening the cake box, I was relieved that the cake wasn't totally squished. Taking the cake knife, I cleanly cut out a slice for Boss and then me.

"Here" I put the slice of cake on a plastic plate and handed it to the boss.
Delia waited several moments before opening the door only to find that Lino wasn't in. Humming softly, she walked to the desk and set the food down and covered it with a napkin.

I wonder where the Boss went... Delia thought to herself as she exited the office. She searched throughout the mansion until she finally found Lino walking inhumanely fast down the halls. Seeing that he was about to turn at a corner, Delia hurriedly called out, "Boss!"

Elona jolted and swung her sword across the air, stopping when the point was threatening to impale Danielle. The young boss stepped back in slight astonishment before relaxing, giving his younger sister a gentle and comforting smile. "It's just me. Sorry, did I surprise you?"

"Huh what?" I confusedly blurted out. Looking around I spotted my right hand women, Delia.

I stopped and waited for her to catch up before asking what she needed me for.

"Has anything happened?"
"It's just me. Sorry, did I surprise you?" as Dani casually walks back from Elona.

"A-ah. No! Not r-really! I mean..." Elona quickly shuffles away from him and hides her jian sword behind her back. She felt heat rushing toward her ears as she thinks for a better explanation.

Elona stares hard at her shoes, " No, it's not fault your fault big brother. I...I was the one who wasn't paying attention."
After catching her breath, Delia looked up at her boss with a smile and said, "Your breakfast is ready. I was wondering if you want to eat it before it gets cold, or skip breakfast today."

Danielle laughed softly and stepped up to his flustered sister. He found it cute how Elona always seems to be shy even though she can be so courageous in battle. Though, it never really occurred to him that this type of behavior is usually only for him.

Laying a hand on her head, Danielle said, "It's fine. It makes me glad to see that you're training so hard, but don't forget to take a break once in a while. I'll be worried if you get sick."
A tiny smile formed onto Rozando's mouth upon the sight of the cake. Although it looked a bit squished, it's still a cake--a wonderful, delicious cake. He gently picked up his fork and was about to eat a piece of it when he heard Ax's words. Ax, who's always speaking to the boss as if the boss's just like any other person, no hesitation or anything. Rozando didn't really mind--missions' what's important, and he didn't offend him anyway, plus be brought a cake.

However, he did frown a bit. It's true that he hasn't been giving people missions, and a lot of those bloodthirsty members are probably sick of sitting around.

Rozando let out a deep sigh, thinking of what he should do. That's when he also took note on the two other people standing by the door. Aldo...One of the bloodthirsty ones.

Not answering Ax's question yet, he called out to Aldo. "You also come for a mission, didn't you."

He switched his attention to Pedr, then, who has been standing there. "And you, new sir, do bring me a cup of black tea...I apologize for Aldo's earlier behavior as well." He said, remembering the fact that Aldo was about to punch him earlier.

(@1scariot , @Aiakaos , @LoveMyHate )


To wake up naturally by himself by the greeting of the warm sunshine, without the forceful calls from anybody else, is a blessing to Dante.

Slowly, taking his time, for he's pretty sure the current boss won't go around forcing people to wake up, he dressed him self up, taking a short bath and neatened up his hair. His room is clean, his bed organized. He looked at the reflection of himself on the mirror, and for a moment, he frowned, wondering why at the same time. Perhaps he was simply not happy or satisfied with himself, due to whatever reasons he decided not to care. Putting his light black jacket on, he yawned lightly before stepping out of his room, accompanied by a deep sigh.

The hallways were quiet, peaceful as expected. For ever since the old boss died, and Danielle--the new one took over, he who hated wars and fights didn't make much remarks on raging against Spinal, Rosa's main enemy. He wondered if that's a good thing--probably not, for Spinal could attack anytime. Well, if things ever turned out that way in the end, he's pretty sure Danielle would think up a solution. He's the boss, after all. Although he's pretty sure he's enjoying his lovely sibling moment with Elona right now.

Sticking his hands into his pocket, he began wondering what he should do. No missions, not hungry. He was bored, but nothing worth doing appeared in his mind. It was then he noticed the girl sitting in the hallways, the depressed look obvious on her face.

Ah, Alexandra, the previous boss's daughter. Today is her mourning day for her mother, huh.

Dante continued to walk down the hallways until he was standing in front of her, then stopped. He turned then, to face her.

"You face," he remarked. "What a pale face."

( @Allina Auburn )


Renatta began her day by killing a spider. She didn't really think about it, though. She woke up, she saw a spider on the wall. She cursed, then slapped it with a book. The spider died, and not wanting to deal with the dead spider sticking onto the book, she threw it out of the window. Well, she read the book already anyways, with barely any memories of what the book's about.

Letting out a tiny yawn, she dressed herself up, lazily putting her clothes on and brushing her hair with her own fingers. Her hair never looked messy anyway, always remaining naturally silky. It's one less job for her to do then, as a girl, for she often wondered why some ladies wasted their whole day fancying their hair.

It has been a while since her boss gives any missions to her--well, as a middle-ranked member, it's kind of in her expectation. However, she was bored, then, with nothing much to do. Renatta shrugged, though, thinking the boss would eventually call for her when he needed her. Most of the time, the woman he needs will be that lady..Uh, yes, that important lady, whose role is much more important than hers.

Stepping out of her room, she started to wonder. What's that lady's name again?...Ah, what is the boss's name too? She forgot. How rude of her to forget about it.

"Whatever," she mumbled quietly to herself in the end, for she did not want to hurt her brain trying to remember something she forgot. It wasn't until the sight of the two of them appeared before her that she remembered, the names popping out like pop-corns.

Lino and Delia, yes, yes.
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"You got that right boss," Aldo replied. He was more than a little peeved, but he figured he would hold out for a while, at least in the presence of the ever important Rozando.

Aldo wasn't exactly sure what he thought of the man who had become the new head of the Spinal family. They had known each other growing up, but were always kept far apart because of their separate complications. Aldo figured that he was a quirky fellow, borderline obsessive about the strangest things. As he walked into the office, he noticed the cake on the table. Aldo disliked sweet things, so he decided it wasn't worth trying to take any from the boss.

Ax, another member, was standing there as well. He annoyed Aldo more than a little, with his timely punch blocks and that damn oriental sword he used. What was up with that anyway. For mafia families most people seemed awfully fond of blades. "You'd think they never heard of a fuckin' gun before," he thought to himself. The boss, on the other hand, was an exception to this. He kept a glorious golden shotgun on him somewhere. Aldo figured it was the second best gun he'd ever seen, after his own lupara of course.

Aldo stood by the table awaiting the bosses assignment.
"Papa! Papa!" A little girl was running toward a man.

The man turned and smiled. He heaved the girl onto his shoulder. "Silvia! What happened?"

"Papa, the baby deer stood up! He stood up on his legs!"

"Oh, did he know? Good job to him."

"Hey, Papa?"

"Yes, Silvia?"

"Can I name him?"

"Of course you can. Pick whatever name you want."

"Um..." The girl closed her eyes and put her hands on her little temples. "Um... Papa, I want you to choose."

"Hmm... A name, huh. How about Hazel? Is it the one with beautiful hazel eyes?"

"Uh huh. That's a good name, Papa! We'll call it Hazel then!"

The man suddenly tensed and looked behind at the dark shadows beside the trees.



"Papa? What's wrong?"

The man put the girl back on the ground. "Stay here, Silvia. I'll be right back."


"Stay here."

The girl stared after the man. "... Papa?"


Then a gunshot.

Silvia's eyes flew open. Her breaths were heavy and painful. She put a hand on her face. A dream... She sat laid there on the ground shivering for a while. Then she sat up and looked around. The forest was as quiet as ever. The leaves rustled as the wind blew a gentle breeze through the trees. A single leaf floated to the ground, gently, silently. Silvia stood up and brushed dirt off of her skirt. She retrieved her bow and arrows from the hidden hole behind her and slid her dagger into her belt. Turning around, she looked beyond the trees. Nothing. She sighed and started walking.

"Hmm...what's for breakfast today?" I asked, thinking to myself that if it wasn't good then I wouldn't eat, but of course Delia was not supposed to know that. Shes not supposed to know about my hidden candy stash in my office but I think she found that since my candies are going missing. Suddenly I spotted a mid-rank member of the family, Renatta. "Good morning Renatta" I smiled, "How is your morning so far?"

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