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Realistic or Modern This Game Called Life


Dazed And Confused
Wanna play a game?

How Bout Putting Your Life On The Line?

Heres What Happened

You have recieved a suspicious business card with only two words and a number on it.

Need Help?


Coincidentally, you just so happen to need help. Badly. Your life has taken a turn for the worse and you've hit your absolute rock bottom. But how could the owner of the number on the card help? This could be a scam. And the guy who handed it to you seemed a bit sketchy.....But do you have a choice? No.

Meet Abel Savorski

So you call the number after all and next thing you know you're booked on an all expenses paid trip to Moscow, Russia where you're to meet the worlds richest man, Abel Savorski. But whats he going to do? Suppose you're problem isn't only with money but your health? Hows he supposed to fix whatever chronic or terminal disease you have? Well the fun thing about being rich is that you could have your team of scientists discover not only the cure for cancer but also the cure for mortality. And thats exactly what he's offering: Immortality.

So imagine this: You and your loved ones rich and you immortal and free to being anything you've ever dreamed of over your long life.

But.....Heres the Catch

Abel Savorski just so happens to be one crazy S.O.B who has made this offer to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Of course not all of them accepted; I mean, life gets better for some and even if it doesn't there aren't many people who would resort to calling some sketchy number on a sketchy card given to them by some sketchy Men-In-Black looking mofos in a dark alley. But you did, along with about a thousand others and now you're all gathered in his mansion in Moscow.

"Hello! and Welcome to my home!"The handsome young man says. The room grows quiet, every person in there hanging on each word of the man in charges. He carries on his welcoming spiel and what not, the translators having a rough time translating in time with the fast paced speech of his. It was all fun and games, everyone seemed really comfortable, as if they were on vacation and, hell, even you lowered your guard enough for a couple sips of the champagne that had been handed to you.

"Now,"The mood seemed to shift dangerously as the smile disappeared from Abel Savorskis face."Lets play a bit of Russian Roulette shall we? Those drinks you all have in your hands, about half of them contain a very potent poison that will eliminate half of you in the next 5 mins. Ah!- But before you panick, stay in tune for the rul-" Of course by now its sheer pandemonium, everyone is pushing and screaming and searching desperately for the exits which are now closed by heavy steel doors and buff body guards with guns strapped to their back. You see Abel whisper something to his butler. Theres a gunshot. Next thing you know, the guy next to you drops dead from a bullet through his head. Silence commences.

"Great! Now, lets continue!"Abel regained his eerily cheery disposition."When the lucky 500 of you are chosen by fate, you will be automatically sent on to the next level of the game. For this stage you must level the playing field by elimenating the competition. When you get down to the final ten, then stage two will end and stage three will begin. Teehee, but thats a secret~!"By now people are dropping like flies- theres vomit all over the place from people trying to rid themselves of the poison that may or may not be in them. Meanwhile you start feeling light headed.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention! For those of you who are the fated 500, I slipped a little tranquilizer in your drinks. See you in 24 hours!"

Everything fades to black.

The Next Day

You wake up with a killer headache on a bed. You have no idea where you are. All that you have is a packed bag, a cell phone(not your own), and a note:

Theres no going back. Its play or be killed. Best of luck


Guess you gotta play.

Your objective is to meet up at the destination that you find saved in the cell phone. Meanwhile, your other objective is to not get killed in the mean time. You all have tracking devices in your body somewhere that allows other "players" to know your location whenever your within range. On the cell phone you will find an active map showing you where you are in the world and also has a ranking system that will send you updates of when someone has beem killed, how many people are left, who has the most kills, etc. It also has a clock counting down, the time stops in approximately 364 days and 12 hours from now. In other words, without that cell phone, you're running blind.

Jezebell Faust

Location: Super 8 Motel in Austin, Texas

Time: 10:23AM

"Ugh..."The young girl groaned and cursed something in Russian before sitting up and eyeing her surroundings. From the distinct smell and nauseating patterns on the wall and carpet she could make out that she was in a motel room. She placed her feet on the rough floor and took a few moments to run through the list of recent occurences.

1. She went back to Russia

2. She got mixed up in some crazy guys ridiculous race

3. She passed out and woke up here.

With a sigh Jezebell ran a hand through her hair and massaged her temples. Great, now what? She spotted a black backpack and a note on the nightstand. Theres no going back? Not that there was much to go back to for her anyway. With another sigh she picked up the cell phone that had been placed under the note and turned it on. The screen turned on and there was only one app installed under the name: Maps. Clicking on it, she saw what looked like a layout of the hotel she was in and the area around it, to the side was the location.

"Texas? Guess I'm in the States."She said to herself. However, her location wasn't her main concern, what concerned her the most was the fact that there were little red blinking dots that were close by. Those must be the other players.... Her heart skipped a beat on its own accord; she needed to get out of there. Grabbing the bag and slinging it onto her shoulders she hurried into the bathroom to check to see if she could possibly blend in with the regular hotel attendants. Her blonde hair was a tangled mess and her face looked gaunt and haunted and the baggy black hoody and jeans weren't a good look for her. With an aggravated sound she quickly put her hair up into a ponytail and slipped the hood over her head, she was going to have to slip out of there and get to a clothing store as soon as possible because there was no way she would fit in if she looked as suspicious and homeless as she did now. Jezebell was out the door and down the hallway in seconds, nervously checking her phone as she waited for the elevator to arrive. Part of her was nervous because of the very nature of this game but the other, more dominant part of her was more excited to start this new lifestyle of hers and to meet the other players.
Juliet Rozonov

Juliet moaned slightly while waking up, her tiny figure taking up less than a quarter of the King sized bed, and she shut her eyes tighter as a small headache pounded on like a hum in the background of her brain. The headache slowly gave way to earlier events. She was diagnosed with cancer, the number she thought was a cancer helpline turned out to be a number to a Russian gangster - it was not helpful in telling her how to break the news to her father about the diagnosis in the slightest, and to run away from her problems, even if for a moment, Juliet had seized the chance and flown to Russia - because Capre Diem, especially when your days are limited. All of a sudden the later events cascaded down and Juliet groggily pushed herself up. I've been drugged, and now I'm in danger of being murdered, this is definitely not cancer counselling.

With trembling fingers Juliet looked at the note left on the rucksack next to her "Play or be killed". Neither option was appealing. The only other option she could think of was "survive", for however long possible. The hum that was the headache a second before turned into pounding as she stood up in a light blue sundress.

Thinking strategically she searched the backpack, finding a glistening cold gun and a phone - not her phone. She attempted to call her father by dialling the number she knew so well, but it seemed that this phone wasn't meant for this option, instead there was one application - maps. This is the hotel, and the red dots are the others. She realised, attempting to calm her erratic breathing. The quicker she was out of here the safer she would be if she wanted to survive.

If I don't want anyone to recognise me then I need to leave my backpack behind - but I can't leave behind what's in it. She scanned the room and finally focused on the sheer curtain. Forming a plan in her head she ripped a strip of the fabric off, using sheer strength, making it a rugged piece of thin fabric and grabbed the gun from her backpack. Next she tied the cold gun to her thigh with the curtain, shivering at the cool, high enough so her sundress would cover it. Taking the phone in her tiny palm she walked out of the room without looking back, quickly scanning the area, deciding to go away from the lifts and enclosed spaces and instead down the stairs. At least I'm dressed for Texan weather.
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Jace Rodríguez

Jace awakens suddenly, every thought in high definition. His eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt he knows he's slept too long. If it were any other morning, he would have went back to sleep, but it wasn't any other day. He'd been tricked into this sick game and it was his fault. "Damn." He sighed as he sat up. His head was throbbing and the noises of a day in full swing and traffic heavy didn't help. He stood up from the bed and looked around the room. On a table in front of the room their lay a backpack, a note, and a cellphone. He walked briskly to the table and picked up the note. "There's no going back, it's play," He read aloud, pausing to let out a bitter snicker, "Or be killed." He remembered the events that had occurred last night. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

He set the note back onto the table and picked up the phone. He quirked an eyebrow upon seeing that the only app that was on there was the Map, tentatively, he clicked on the app. It showed the hotel and the surrounding areas as well as a bunch of red blinking dots. Some of them were moving and some just stood still. Must be the other players. He shoved the phone into his pocket and grabbed the black backpack that was sitting next to it.

At this point, Jace couldn't do anything that was out of the ordinary, anything that could set any alarming suspicions upon himself. He went into the bathroom and washed his face with water, raking his wet fingers through his tousled brown hair. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror. A fight to the death match was what this was. He wiped his face with the nearest towel, and slipped on his backpack. He tugged on the sides of his leather jacket and pulled the cotton hood onto his head before walking out the door. His main objective was to blend in as well as he could, and if he was spotted, he'd have to abide by the rules set. Play or be killed.
Eli woke up on the floor, his nostrils filling with the familiar hotel room smell that all hotels seemed to have."Ugh....Alllaena....."He cursed in Arabic, sitting up and rubbing his face. He didn't need to look through the backpack or read the card or even try to piece together his situation because either way one fact remained: He was in some deep shit. Groaning, he lashed out at the queen sized bed he had somehow rejected through his slumber, or maybe whoever put him there just threw him on the floor and left. Eli stood up and glanced at the phone laying on the nightstand, scowling at it and deciding to take a shower and enjoy his stay at the hotel as long as possible. Hell, he even ordered room service. After his shower he heard a knock at the door.

Felix's heart pounded uncomfortably despite himself as he approached the door, peering through the peephole curiously to see a hotel staff member pushing a table with a covered plate on it.

"Room service."They said. Cautiously Eli opened the door, still in his towel; standing before him was a young man about 25 years old with short brown hair and a bouncy gaze. Eli narrowed his eyes.

"Whats under that?"He asked suspiciously, his eyes taking in the sloppily tucked in shirt and the dirty chuck taylors poking out from beneath the oversized black work pants, the panicky way the kids eyes flicked around the room and looked anywhere but directly into his eyes.

"B-Breakfast?"The man said, swallowing hard. Eli felt a pang of pity for the guy but his fighting instinct put him on edge as he lifted up the silver cover on the food. On the plate was a stack of pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon, but something was off.

"You normally serve lukewarm food to your guests?"
Eli questioned, standing up straighter and holding his hands behind his back. He leaned down and took a whiff of the food, smelling something bitter under the smell of butter and maple. "And with enough poison to kill a man in seconds?"The man backed up nervously, his hands going to his pockets. That was all Eli needed to attack; he grabbed the hunting knife he had placed on the table besides the door and pulled the man in and shut the door. He then proceeded to pin him against the wall and put his knife against his throat hard enough to draw little droplets of blood. "Are you part of the game?"He growled out.

"Fuck you!"The other man spat out. Eli applied more force than intended and felt the knife slice into the mans jugular. With an annoyed sigh he jumped back, watching while the man clutched at his throat although it was too late: he would be dead in the nest few minutes. Wiping his knife off on the mans white shirt, Eli sprung into action; he quickly got dressed in a pair of faded jeans, black hoody and boots and was out the door with the backpack slung over his shoulders and the phone heavy in his pocket.

Soon all the contestants would recieve a text with the new number of players: 499 left.

Jezebell made it to the lobby safely enough, though her paranoia was starting to get the best of her. She had recieved the text message in the elevator and felt as if soon this Super 8 would turn into a warzone. She pulled her phone out and re read the text for the fifth time as she walked towards the front desk to check out.

Let the games begin! The early bird gets the worm indeed as the games get off to an immediate start! 499 remaining!

After checking the maps, she was convinced that the killing had started in the very hotel she was standing in and not too long ago.

@Bhlow @ambiguities @PeachyEm
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Nickolaus's eyes blurred as he opened them, focusing slowly on the ceiling. He brought his hand up and wiped the side of his mouth, drool having slipped out of his mouth and down his cheek. Wo bin ich?(Where am I?) He thought, and pushed himself up. A bed, a window, and... a backpack? Was?(What?) He wondered, and then saw a note, and something underneath. A phone. He picked it up and read it.

Es gibt kein Zurück. Sein Spiel oder getötet werden. Bestes Glück

Oh Herr, was habe ich mich da eingelassen ?
(Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?) He put the note down, and picked up the phone. Turning it on, he was planning on calling someone- anyone, in hopes of figuring out what's going on. But, there was only a map and a texting app. He went into the map and saw the strangely shaped area. He thought about what it could be, and realized it was America, one of its states. He couldn't place the name but he knew it was it. And then there were red dots... people? Places? He wasn't sure. Then he went back to the menu and into the text app, and found one by "Unknown."

Lasst die Spiele beginnen! Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm in der Tat als die Spiele zu einem sofortigen Start aussteigen ! 499 übrig!

He put down the phone and looked into the contents of the backpack. Nothing. Beside was a bowie knife. A shiny new blade and a metal handle surrounded by black leather, he wasn't sure what to think of it. But he took it anyway.

He walked to the door and looked into the peep hole. No one was there. So he opened it and walked down the stairs as silently as he could to the first floor. As he came to the end of the stairs, even being as cautious as he was, he hadn't noticed the man underneath. An African with a messy short afro, probably not native-born because of his lighter skin, attacked him. He was probably sixteen. But he didn't hesitate to try to kill him. It couldn't have been more than a day since the games started, and already people were trying to kill. The man had a knife, and he cut him down his outer-lower arm, leaving a foot long stream of blood. Nick retaliated and stabbed him in the throat.

A teenage boy, and he just killed him. He backed away slowly, eyes wide, and realized his arm was gushing blood. He saw a door in the wall of the stairs, already open, and walked in. A dining-area, small round tables with cloth covers, and another door that looked like a swinging kitchen door at the left side of the room. He took his knife, bloodied from stabbing the boy, and wiped it on one part of the cloth, then took it and cut a large piece off of the fabric and wrapped it around his bloodied arm, then cut another piece and used it to tighten it with a simple knot. It wasn't the best cover, but it would do. He sat in the dining room for a minute, holding his hand on his arm until the initial bleeding subsided.
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Juliet Rozonov

Juliet almost dropped her phone at the sound of the sharp ping when the text notification reached her on the empty and silent staircase. She stopped rushing down the stairs and read the message over and over. They're only just waiting up and they're already killing each other. She shivered, even though it was warm inside the building.

Her inspection of the message left her vulnerable to the incoming attacker. A large muscled man, who had heard the sound of her phone, at the same time as his had come barged into her, throwing her weight against the bannister. The flesh covered muscle started pushing her over as Juliet chocked in fear, clawing and scratching at the man who was trying to kill her.

In probably the last few seconds before she was fully tipped over and would plummet to her death she grabbed the gun on her thigh which she could reach easily in this position and pressed it at the man's side.

"Let go of me" Juliet said slowly, her words laced with a light Russian accent. The man seemed to debate it for a moment before he quickly grabbed at her wrist; letting go of her shoulders with which he was tipping her over.

At the contact she shot blindly.

The bullet lodged into his shoulder, ironically. He grabbed it growling, and moving a step away, before moving forwards again, Juliet shot again, this time aiming for his head as she moved away from the banister and away from the gorilla man. The perfect shot from years of training toppled the man, as his figure fell backwards, cascading down the stairs.

In the split second following that shot, she made her decision to follow his dead body down the stairs, and upon reaching him, she pushed his limp body over with effort and grabbed his backpack, staining her hands crimson in the process. With the backpack in hand she pushed through the emergency exit, setting off an alarm in the hotel, increasing her pounding headache, but that wasn't what was at the forefront of her mind - there was one thought pressing down on her, almost suffocating her.

I'm a murderer.
Jezebell started hearing gunshots and soon the metallic stench of blood was invading her lungs and leaving a bad taste in her mouth."Черт возьми!(Damn it!)"She hissed as the inevitable happened: a panic. Jezebell was stuck still in the middle of the mess, like a rock in the current of frenzied bodies. A hard shove from behind threw her forwards, causing her to land somewhere near the front desk; it was a stampede and if she stayed down there, her body wouldn't be able to hold up and it'd be game over. Jezebell managed to pull herself up and over to the otherside of the front desk and decided to wait all the drama out until it died down.

Hidden away behind the desk, she took a moment to assess the damage; she had been kicked in the stomach and stepped on while she was down, but she didn't think anything was broken necessarily, maybe bruised. Her hoodie was ripped and her pants stained with blood and dirt from peoples shoes. "Well, it could be worse."She whispered to herself. She felt relatively safe in her little hiding spot and as far as she knew no one else was there so she decided to busy herself with shedding her dirtied clothes. Underneath her ruined hoodie she only had on a black sports bra and after breifly rumaging through the backpack she found a pair of short black running shorts and a knife garter that had an array of throwing knives sheathed within. She was used to wearing less than that, so her bared stomach and thighs didn't bother her in the least and with addition of the garter(which she happily strapped around her upper thigh) and her black combat boots, she felt kind of excited. It was like she was some kickass secret agent or something. With an excited smirk on her lips she pulled out the phone to check the damage rate.

Let the games begin! The early bird gets the worm indeed as the games get off to an immediate start! 499 remaining!
440 Remaining

The texts confirmed one of her major concerns: all of them weren't in the same place. They probably weren't all in the same state, which may or may not be giving some of them an unfair advantage when it comes to their final destination. Her eyes widened at the thought. The final destination! Thats it! She still had no clue where she was going! Hurriedly clicking to the maps app she ignored the fact that there were a couple red dots that were dangerously close to her current location and instead clicked on a destination she hadn't noticed before.

The destination read Tasmania which was 27,426 km from Texas. The map also showed little red dots which, Jezebell guessed, were places where they were all supposed to stop on their way to Tasmania, so her first mandatory stop looked like it would be in Brasil.

Felix had escaped from the hellhole fast enough so that he didn't get caught up in the mess that was bound to happen. Once out in the warm Texas sunlight he smiled to himself, already having pushed the fact that he had just killed a man(by accident) only a mere ten minutes or so ago to the back of his mind. The hotel was just a couple miles outside of the city and surrounded by a quiet little town with quiant little diners and a couple gas stations and a few fast food restaurants. He headed down what looked like the mainroad that would lead him either further into town or closer to the city, either way he didn't mind as long as he was away from the others and submerged in normal society once again.

@Coriandr @Bhlow @ambiguities
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Jace Hernandez

Just as Jace was about to walk out of the entrance, the phone buzzed from inside his denim pocket. He pulled it out and opened the text notification that had popped up. He hadn't bothered to read the rest, his eyes set on the the number. 1 down. He pursed his lips and shoved the phone back into his pocket. As he stepped out of the crowded Motel 8, he could feel a pair of eyes staring him down before his feet could touch the pavement of the sidewalk.

Jace began to walk, disregarding the phone with the map as it would draw too much attention to himself. Amongst the several other people walking along the sidewalk, he could hear the soles of his canvas clad shoes following close behind him. He rounded the alley of the hotel and the neighboring building. As soon as he stopped the footsteps stopped behind him, he swiftly turned around and grabbed the attackers head by the mouth and the back of the skull, twisting it with a sudden, violent jerk. Jace watched as he fell limply to the ground. He took a few moments to examine the lifeless body. The man looked to be a few years older than him, and was lacking in the muscle department. He refused to look up his body and reach his eyesm because he knew that would get to him, to remind him of what he had taken away. A life he had taken away. Even with that, the gun in his hand would have killed Jace. If he had one then I must have one as well, Jace thought. He didn't think about looking in his bag before he left, and now that he did, he was grateful that he had some sort of weapon to defend himself. An AP-Pistol was something he had used before, never in this type of situation but it may have been close enough. He zipped up his bag and slid it back on, tucking the gun in the waistband of his jeans, he layered his shirt over it, using his jacket to conceal the outline.

A gunshot rung from inside of the motel. Way too start mayhem. He walked to the back of the building, deciding it was best to go the other way before the dead body was discovered. Not even a minute later, the alarm sounded and the emergency exit door busted open. Shit. He stopped his quick strides as a girl stepped out, her brown hair cascaded down her back as she tightly clutched the black bag in her hand. The phone kept buzzing but he ignored it when his eyes landed on her blood stained hand. He pulled out his gun and stealthy walked until he was behind her, then he brought his hand to cover her mouth and pressed the gun to her head, uncocking it. "Don't scream or you'll give me no choice but to shoot." His voice gruff and his throat was dry. @Bhlow
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Juliet Rozonov

Seconds after exiting the building Juliet had another attacker on top of her but this time with a gun to her head she couldn't fight back, nonetheless, she considered biting at the hand or kicking the male away.

After a moment of deliberating she simply stood there, closing her eyes after a few tears spilled away. She had gone to Russia to avoid death and now it was starting her straight in the face - or her back rather.

Just shoot me already. She thought, wishing that she hadn't put away the gun in the bag. Trembling in fear she stood there, letting her attacker decide her fate, the deadly silence and his gruff voice almost scarier than the ongoing sound of the messages on the phone - almost.
Jace Hernandez

Jace was relatively surprised that she hadn't even attempted to fight back, granted, she wouldn't have been able to do much with her small frame and his towering figure. A warm water liquid dripped down her face and onto his hand. No way in hell, not now. He felt trapped. He debated how bad he would feel if he had killed her, and unfortunately he knew how bad he'd feel. But he considered the fact that she had killed someone as well, and she was capable of killing him, no matter how small the chance was.

Reluctantly he had let his hand drop from her mouth, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face him. Her face was flushed and her blue crisped eyes were pooling with tears. When he realized his gun was still pressed to her head, he dropped his arm to his side, his other hand firmly gripping her wrist. He couldn't. The longer he stared at her his defense got weaker. And God knows what would have happened if it was anyone else. He let go of her arm and snatched her backpack from her. "Name." He wasn't asking, he was demanding now.
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Nickolas heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and stalked to the door, peeking around the corner. A girl. Crap. She headed toward the desk and he backed up behind the wall so as to not be seen. He peeked out and didn't see her anymore, he let out a light sigh of relief and slowly tip-toed out, looking around cautiously.
Louis didn't know how he'd gotten here.

It took only a few seconds after him blinking his bleary eyes open to realize he wasn't home, was instead in some hotel with crispy sheets and a big bed and - Lots of noise, if he strained to hear. He didn't bother for more than a few seconds. His head hurt, and as soon as the memories came back to him, he was terrified. Louis wasn't made for these types of situations, see - Hadn't ever even imagined he'd ever be in one. He wanted to go home, see his family and get out of here. The ominous note on his beside table told him that wouldn't be happening, though. Play or be killed. All he wanted was to help his family.. Did he deserve this, really?

Almost as soon as he was awake, he was shuffling out of the bed, eyes prickling. He didn't need to cry right now. Taking in a slow breath, he assessed the room. There was only a bag and the note. Inside the plain backpack, he found a phone, money, a change of clothes, and - A crossbow. You had to be kidding. It was probably the only weapon Louis knew how to decently use, but. Seriously? How was he supposed to get away with that? Pushing back the thought, he turned on the phone, rubbing his eyes with his left hand and looking at the one thing installed on the phone. Clicking on the Maps, he furrowed his eyebrows. There were blinking red dots, some other red dots. Some were moving around and some worryingly close. There were texts, as well - Counting down the players? Already almost fifty had died. This wasn't good. "Shit," He murmured, hand running down his face. He got up, then, sticking the phone in the pocket of his black skinny jeans and creeping out the door.

Leaving through a back exit, he managed to escape the building quickly, without any problems. That didn't help to cease his fear at all. Pulling out the phone once again, he inspected the map a little closer. He was in Texas, and supposedly needed to get on a plane to Brazil. He just wanted to go home. He gave a small sniffle, emotional over this unexpected turn of events. He wouldn't cry, though. Not until he was somewhere safe. He was walking down the street, past some other regular-looking pedestrians, when he saw another man. He looked relatively normal - Not the friendliest, maybe, but.. Maybe he lived here. And so he hurried over, light on his feet and stopping only once he was beside the man. He had to tilt his head up to look at him. Dammit.

"Um. Excuse me, hi. I'm sorry to be a bother at all, but.. Do you happen to know where any general stores are? Like.. Cheap food, I guess. A Tesco? Are there Tesco's in America?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Sorry, just. A Walmart, I think it is here. Would you mind pointing me to one? If you know?"

@Z Greatest001
She was in the midst of planning out her trip to Brasil when she heard movement to her right. Jezebell whirled around, throwing knives ready, just in time to see a man back away outta sight. "Wait!"She said, moving stealthily after him so as not to cause too much of a scene. In all honesty she didn't necesarily want to kill anyone and as the rules stand now, theres really no need to kill unless provoked; more than anything she was just curious about how people managed to get themselves into this situation. @Coriandr

Felix was whistling a little tune when a rather small dainty little fellow approached him. "What was that?"He asked politely, trying to think of a relatively helpful answer for the guy but failed to do so."A Wal-mart? I'm sorry, I'm.......kinda new here."Felix chuckled and rubbed his head somewhat ashamed. Then leaning closer to the guy he whispered: "I've never even been to a Wally Mart."He said. This was one of Felixs first times being in the States so it was like a whole new world to him, not that he minded it much. To him, life was an adventure. He leaned back so as not to scare the guy and smiled, extending his hand."Names Felix Santi, though some call me Eli or Santi Claus. I prefer Eli."He said. @PeachyEm
Nickolaus whipped his head around, and pulled his knife at the ready. "You better not try any funny business." Some blood still stained his knife, making him seem more threatening than he intended.
Louis had a tiny sort of smile on his face. It was friendly, just a way of coming off as nice when he was still just slightly terrified. Learning that the man wasn't from here either didn't exactly help his anxiety; What if he was in the game, too? Louis could turn around and get shot by him. He was too worried to pull out his phone and check, though. That would obviously give everything away. The stranger seemed friendly enough. Louis would be fine.

"Eli, then. I'm Louis," He introduced, shaking Eli's hand. He was tall and cute, seemed relatively nice. Louis figured maybe he could casually hang around him until most of the red dots cleared and he could safely head to Brazil. He intended to do this without dying, thanks. He had a family to get back to. He wasn't just going to leave them. "Are you heading anywhere important?" Louis asked, pulling his much smaller hand out of Eli's grasp and sticking it into the pockets of his Adidas jacket. It had been a Christmas present. "Maybe we can find a Wally-mart? If it's not too much trouble. I'm new here, too," He explained.

@Z Greatest001
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Juliet Rozonov

Juliet stepped back as soon as his hand had left her arm, putting distance between herself and the stranger as she attempted to blink the tears away. After a few moments of composing herself she finally answered.

"Juliet Rozonov" she said, her voice carrying a gentle and soothing quality.

She quickly assessed this new attackers size, although she was able to take down the last one, she had a gun, this time she would only have her bare hands and she knew full well she wouldn't be able to beat him.

Juliet unfocused for a moment, thinking back to the earlier attacker, and how she had shot him. She could have shot him in his leg, or his other shoulder, but she had instead aimed straight for his head, choosing to kill. I'm a murderer.

She shivered, focusing back on the man infront of her.

"Look, I don't want a fight - you give me that backpack and this won't need to be bloody" She said simply, adding an edge to her voice as if she was so skilled when in fact she was focusing all her might on not having her legs tremble.
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Jace Hernandez

Juliet. It fit her. Jace mused in his head. "Yeah, I understood that you didn't want to fight a while go." He rolled his eyes, his gaze focusing behind her. People were running frantically back and forth, screaming. With that one gunshot, others followed, almost lie a domino affect.

"This is what you caused, utter chaos, Juliet." He said, looking back down at her.

Jace seemed to find her threat... cute, but he knew for sure, giving her one day out here by herself would land her killed within minutes. Even with the knowledge of using a gun. "Other people wouldn't have shown mercy for a defenseless girl who let their guard down for a minute. Some wouldn't have given you a second glance as you cried right before they shot a bullet through your head," His tone was firm and his gaze was scrutinizing.

"That coincidentally leaves you with two options, I give you your backpack back and you can see how long you'd go on without getting hurt, or even worse," He paused. He knew he was being to rash and this could either weigh him down or get himself killed in the process. "Or you can come with me." At least until I figure a way out of the deluded game, and worst comes to worst, one of us will be left to die.

They had over-stayed their welcome in this area long enough as Jace's ears perked up at the sound of nearing footsteps.
Jezebell chuckled and resheathed her throwing knives back into her garter on her upper thigh. Judging from his accent, he was German."Nimm's nicht so schwer! (Take it easy)"She said, holding her hands up slightly in surrender. "I'm not interested in killing you, I'm simply bored."She said, reaching up and tightening her ponytail. Now that she thought about it, she must look pretty crazy right then and there in her short black running shorts and sports bra, combat boots and the knives around her thigh - if she were in his position she wouldn't believe a word she said. @Coriandr
Gelangweilt? Was für eine Art von Kranken ist das? (Bored? What kind of sick girl is this?) "Du sprichst Deutsch?"("You speak German?") Nickolaus asked, though it was apparent she did so it was a bit rhetorical. He let his arm drop a bit, looking less threatening but still at the ready. No way would he trust someone so unstable they found a deathmatch boring. His arm still stung from the cut, but it seemed the bleeding had stopped for the most part, however the bandage wrapped around it was soaked from it. Perhaps he should replace it should he find any new cloth and be safe enough to at the time. Sweat dripped down his temples and coated his forehead. This... whatever it was... scared the hell out of him.

@Z Greatest001
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Juliet Rozonov


Juliet looked behind her, finally noticing the destruction and chaos, the rational part of her mind tried to understand how this could be happening on the streets of Texas and why the authorities weren't reaction, the other, more dominant part of her brain was completely guilt ridden as she started at the streets that were almost swimming in blood. A small gasp had escaped her as she covered her mouth, realising that she was to blame for every single death now going; and every single alert that she could hear on the phone. Nevertheless as she looked back at him she felt the need to justify herself.

"They were killing each other before I fired that shot", she said in a small voice, not sure if she was convincing him or herself.

"And even if that doesn't change the fact that I still want -" Her words were interrupted by a bullet shooting past her and she turned around to find that a man with a gun had made it into the alley. He had none of the skill in shooting that she had, he could hardly hold the gun steady, but a man with a gun was still a man with a gun.

Juliet stood frozen, defenceless, considering her weapons, and clothing where in the boy's hands who's name she still didn't know yet and he was wanting to drag her with him for some reason, she had no option but to run.

So she ran, leaving the guy who had previously attacked her with her weapons, so he could fend off this new attacker by himself.
Jace Hernandez

When a man had started shooting, Juliet bolted. Jace kept his focus on the man, who had the gun. "Don't come any closer!" He exclaimed. Jace did what he was told and put his hands up, an indication of surrender. The man took this as an opportunity to walk forward, snatching Juliet's bag from his hand while aiming the gun straight at him. His mistake. Jace grabbed the attackers arm, twisting it which earned him a gut wrenching wail from him. He pulled him closer and whispered, "Survival of the fittest." although more to himself than the man. He slammed his elbow down onto the middle of his back. The man groaned and fell to the floor. Jace took out his own gun and shot him in the chest.

He didn't stay long enough see the man gasping for his last breath as he grabbed the backpack and he ran the opposite way. His mind drifted back to Juliet. What an idiot. He had realized that she ran away without any means defense. Why didn't she just ask for the damn bag back? He thought. "Don't run after her or you'll be an even bigger idiot." Jace said to himself, his run now slowing down into a light jog. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. He chanted.

When Jace stopped, he pulled out his phone and tapped on the map app. There was a highlighted route that he assumed was supposed to take to reach the next destination. He knew he couldn't take the main route, in stead he would take the shortcuts that were faintly outlined. Did she even have her phone? Probably not. Jace found it frustrating that his mind kept drifting to the safety of that girl. He let out an estranged sigh and sprinted down the direction that Juliet took. He had eventually caught up to her, her pace was increasingly slowing down and he took this opportunity to grab her arm, which halted her to a stop and without waiting for a reply, he hooked his arm under her leg and threw her over his shoulder.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet stiffened at first at the contact with her bare skin before she started trashing wildly around. "Let go of me, you cannot just kidnap someone, let go", she screamed into his back, kicking as hard as she could, before stopping and realising what a compromising position she was in.

"And if you must degrade me in this way, can you at least tug my dress down" She said, trying to ignore how far it had ridden up.

After a moment she got an idea, with her legs over his chest she had easy access to the backpack that was slung across his shoulder. She renewed her fighting as she covered up the sound of the zipper as she opened the rucksack and pulled out the gun she had used earlier.

While upside down she pressed it to his side and with a warning in her voice spoke up "I don't appreciate being manhandled". She realised she didn't know where his gun was, and only for a second she worried about the consequences of her actions.
Jace Hernandez

Jace was irritated. Damn this girl infuriating. As she kicked and thrashed, Jace thanked the moment she stopped, but his thanks was short lived as he felt the familair metal poking into his side. She was threatening me, again. Jace pursed his lips, deciding that he would let her have it. He set her down gently, grabbed her arm, and maneuvered it so that it was pointing right at his chest. "Do it. I want you to pull the damn trigger now." He urged her. "Kill the one person who is willing to help you, I don't know, stay alive?"

"Shoot me. Do it, Juliet." He nodded his head, as if giving her permission.
Juliet Rozonov


"You're nuts, you're actually nuts", she said laughing almost hysterically. "I'm not going to shoot you, you damn perverted bastard, just let bloody go of me". Her accent thickened into Russian as she shouted enraged. She knew as she glanced at the gun that she would not shoot him, for some reason his insanity made her want to keep him around, for a little while at least before she would run away.

She wandered if he had a death wish as she looked into his eyes, pushing the barrel of the gun at his chest.

"For God's sake, I'll come with you - okay? Just stop treating me like a wild animal" She said, stepping away from his large figure, removing the gun from his chest as she wrenched it away. She didn't give the gun back though, instead she turned around and pulled her dress up a little, slipping the gun into her hand made holster.

She turned back around, to find him watching her but she couldn't decipher the look. "Stop looking at me like that" She finally muttered after a lengthy silence of staring back.
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