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Realistic or Modern This Game Called Life

Juliet Rozonov


Juliet looked at both Jace and the woman slowly. If she was using the phone then there's no question that she knows we're part of the game because of the trackers, no matter how well we act.

At that precise moment the woman jumped forward pressing a dark metal object to Jace's back, after which he promptly fell to his knees writhing. Juliet looked at the woman shocked - so she knew all along.

After a moment she started functioning again and pulled out the cool gun she held in her hand and pointed it towards the woman. "You move and I shoot" She said, as calmly as she could in the situation. The woman took a step towards Jace nonetheless, not feeling threatened by Juliet, so the latter shot unflinchingly, aiming for the woman's heart, and keeping her face expressionless she watched the body crumple to the floor, before stepping over to it, and taking the backpack from the dead girl. She leant over Jace, offering her his hand distractedly, Deaths by my hand: 2 in an hour, I'm an expert killer. She shivered slightly at the thought.
Jace Hernandez

When the woman pressed the object to Jace's back. He felt his body stiffen like a board as he fell to the floor. He had lost all motor skills, but he was completely cognizant of what was going on. The electric jolt stung, but not as bad as the vulnerability he felt. When Jace heard an ear-splitting gunshot, it seemed like he was somewhat in control of his body now, as if he was being knocked out of a trance.

Jace looked at juliets hand that was outstretched towards him and looked up at her, glaring. He got up, and held onto the countertop for support. "Took you long enough." He grumbled, grabbing the keys from the ground and walked towards the back door. The gunshot was a dead giveaway where they were now and Jace knew they couldn't waste any time.

He clicked the button of the car keys and waited until he heard the corresponding beep. He pushed the door open and held it, "Let's go." He looked back at Juliet.
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Juliet Rozonov


If that's how much gratitude I'm getting for saving him, next time I'll just run. Juliet figured, quickly putting the stuff from the woman's old backpack into her new backpack, and followed Jace outside, searching for the car with him.

A Land Rover? We're getting to drive a stolen Land Rover?

When they found the car that responded to their keys, Juliet slipped through the gap between Jace and the doorway of the car, snatching the car keys which were hanging in his hands.

"I'm not going to let a tazered guy drive - who knows when you receive your next spasm" she said simply, slipping the keys into the ignition, and throwing her backpacks in the back seat, after taking out a redbull. She ran her hands lightly over the steering wheel, appreciating the car for all it's glory. This roadtrip has gotten a little better with a car as beautiful as this. She thought, popping open the energy drink and taking a swing before placing it in the cup holder.
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Jace Hernandez

Jace scoffed at Juliet after she snatched the keys from his hand. He followed after her, frowning as he opened the door to the backseat and threw his backpack into the seat, slamming the door shut before climbing into the front seat. He glanced at Juliet and her opened can of red-bull that sat in the cup holder. Way too get comfortable in someone else's car. He chuckled, strapping himself in. "Do you even know how to drive?" Jace thought she seemed to giddy to get her hands on the wheel, but he needed to make sure that he wouldn't be in anymore danger than he already is in.
Juliet Rozonov


"Even if I didn't" She said, calmly "You still wouldn't get to drive". The small chuckle Jace had emitted thrilled her, a small piece of normalcy returned to her.

But luckily for both of us, I do know how to drive.

Juliet started down the road, driving fast through the streets which were both clear of traffic and people, feeling more relaxed then she had been for the past 48 hours, and the headache she had experienced earlier had subsided.

"Well get the map out, don't just sit there" she said, rolling down the window on her side slightly to let a breeze in.

I do wonder how people with such an un-prosperous business managed to get a car like this.
Jace Hernandez

He rolled his eyes, fishing his phone of his pocket. Jace clicked on the map app and zoomed out so he could see the surrounding locations. Texas was indeed big, and to get to Brazil he knew the airport would be more than packed. "How do you suppose we get to Brazil, exactly?" He spoke still looking at the map. "There is no way we can take an airplane because our luggage isn't exactly..." He grimaced, at the situation he'd gotten himself into.

Jace had moved away from Brazil a long time ago, seeking a change. The memories of his past had came flooding back to him in one rushed impact. If he went home, he'd be facing his problems again. But if he could stay here long enough to find a way out of this sick deluded plan that could avoid it. A frown etched on his face as his thoughts ran wild.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet glanced away from the road for a second to look at his face lined with worry. "Let's get to Florida first, we can find some way to get there from the coast" she said, hoping that this information would put him at ease but his frown didn't seem to disappear. In truth she didn't know Florida at all, and all she really wanted was to find a payphone on this God forsaken road so she could call her dad and tell him that she was still alive.

"So" she started, hoping conversation will stop him worrying about whatever he was worrying about. "How did you get into this?". Her mind raced ahead as she stared at the road in front of her, wondering how she was going to avoid the question when it came up in regards to her.
Jace Hernandez

Jace sat back in his, a new headache forming with the critical thoughts roaming in his head. When Juliet spoke, Jace's mind came to a halt as he registered the question she had asked him. He felt uncomfortable now, that what landed him in a desperate situation as bad as this was something that she'd judge him for. "None of your god damned business." He snapped. Instantly he felt guilty. She hadn't landed him in this situation, he did it on his own. Hell, her reason might have been worse than mine.

"I got involved in some bad stuff," He sighed. "And then I got handed this card while I was pissed-face drunk, and I thought, 'what else do I have to lose', which evidently was probably one of the worst mistakes I've made in my entire life." He chuckled humorlessly, raking his hand through his tousled brown hair.

"What about you?" He glanced at her. He was more than curious as to why she's here, but he knew that he had no right to ask after the way he had snapped at her.

Juliet flinched at his hard words towards her and immediately brought her walls back up, unwilling to warm up to him again. Even when he did start to finally explain his actions that had led him here, the damage was done and she simply set her jaw and drove, ignoring his question like it hadn't existed.

After a very long silence she saw a phone box on the side of the road and slammed on the breaks, throwing them both forward momentarily. "Sorry", she muttered, while not feeling an ounce of empathy towards her partner in crime. Instead she slipped out of the car, slamming the card door shut behind her and walked towards the phone booth. She dropped in the coins she had gathered from the rusty old shop and dialled out a number she had memorised while being only a little girl quickly.

"Dad?" She asked when someone on the other end of the receiver picked up the phone. She listened to the panicked ranting on the other side calmly, wiping her tears away, and keeping her tears out of her voice she calmed the man on the other side, lying to him that she was safe and keeping out of trouble, and that she would get back home soon. Putting the phone down was one of the hardest things she thought she had done in her life, but she did it to avoid choking up completely thought the phone, before she walked back to the car.
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Jace Hernandez

Jace put his hand on the dashboard so that the impact of the hard stop was minimal. He had noticed that her apology was hollow, but he decided not to show that it had any affection towards him. Before He could question her about her weird behaviour she was already out the car door, walking over to the phone booth. As she picked upp the phone and held it to her ear, Jace could already tell that it wasn't a call that didn't mean anything. Although he couldn't see her face, he knew she was crying. The continuous trembling of her shoulders revealed just that.

He sighed, running his hand down his face in exhaustion. This crying thing is definitely going to be a reoccurring thing, he thought in annoyance. A frown found it's way upon his face as he wondered how someone so innocent could end up in a desperate situation like this. Although they barely knew each other, He knew that she wasn't capable of anything bad. Except for killing someone. But we're both guilty of that. Jace looked back at her and saw that she was walking towards the car. Her face was flushed, her cute button nose was a light shade of pink and her crisp blue eyes were pooled with tears.

Jace got out of the car and went to the drivers seat. He looked at Juliet, "Now you're in no condition to drive." He said softly, rehashing her words back to her. He got in the seat and shut the car door, waiting patiently for her to get in. He knew that he'd have to make a plan to get out of this while he was on this little trip of theirs.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet stood outside the car for a moment, staring at it as if she was lost before she finally walked to the other side, the conversation with her father had stopped her wanting to drive the car, unless it was to drive it straight back to London. She focused on getting her ragged post crying breathing under control and slipped into the car seat.

She turned her face away from Jace, towards the window, away from his sweet chocolate eyes which were both soft and hard, guarded but open, and so confusing that it made her temper flare when she couldn't tell what he was thinking, especially when he changed from hot to cold in milliseconds. Frustrated with where her thoughts were heading, Juliet kicked off her shoes, and brought her knees under her chin on the seat before unfolding the map that she had told Jace to study earlier, and along with her phone she marked their position.

"Turn the next left" She mumbled after a while of driving, wiping her face of any stray of dry tears, and making it a personal mission to stop the constant crying.
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Jace Hernandez

Jace followed the instruction given to him, turning left. With one hand on the steering wheel, he put on his seat belt. Safety for him was something he had to grasp onto even though his life lacked it, this situation proving so. He glanced at the juliet as she sat in the passenger seat. She had been tense since he snapped at her and after that phone call, she seemed exhausted, not physically but mentally.

Jace chewed on his lip, "I'm sorry for earlier, honestly." He hadn't apologized properly, and for some reason he still felt like that wasn't enough.

"I have no right to ask this, but who was that you called that got you all worked up?" Crying was something that always made him uncomfortable, but crying from her made his stomach twist slightly.
Juliet Rozonov


"I wasn't worked up" Juliet answered after a long moment, deciding that his apology didn't cut it.

She had looked at his reflection in the glass, seeing the little things, like the way he seemed to chew on his lip when stressed, the way his hands - which she knew were strong and destructive, caressed the wheel lightly and so she distracted herself by watching his distorted yet still beautiful frame in the reflection.

It was getting dark outside, and Juliet has long finished her energy drink which didn't seem to be working when she finally answered the question he had asked.

"I had to talk to my dad, let him know I was alright and alive" she said through a dry throat, "for now" she added as an afterthought, almost morbidly. She had no doubt her death would come soon, either at the hands of Jason or someone else - the question was how many would she bring to death with her and the thought of that made her shudder.

Juliet turned her attention back to the dark landscape outside, where the lights signified that they were in a small town. Her stomach rumbled quietly in response to the information, reminding her of the lack of food that has gone into the system that day and she blushes slightly at the sound, embarrassed.
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Jace Hernandez

He almost chuckled at that statement. Sure, we'll go with that.

The silence that washed over seemed like a much needed one, giving us time to revel in our own thoughts. He figured once they thought of a way to get to Brazil, he'd ask someone for help. He had many enemies there, and he didn't think that at one point in time he'd ever go back. But he was forced to, which was much like pouring salt on old wounds. He thought about all the people he left behind, he wondered if they were dead or not. He hoped it was the latter because their safety was why he had left in the first place.

I need a drink. He sighed. His ears listened attentively as Juliet began to speak. A father? Now he was really curious as to why she was here. She wouldn't cry unless he was important to her. "You won't die, and you'll see your father again." He couldn't stop the reassuring words that tumbled out of his mouth. He didn't know for sure if she'd ever see her dad, but he acknowledged the idea that she had something to live for.

Jace glanced at her as her stomach let out a plea of hunger. They had been traveling for a little over two hours without a proper meal. "We'll stop there for something to eat." He eyed the small diner down the road.
Juliet Rozonov


A sad smile played on Juliet's lips at Jace's comforting words, imagining for a moment going back to University, going to work after and then seeing her dad in the evening. She could imagine cooking, settling down when she was older with a family of her own, sending her children off into school - but none of that would ever happen.

She nodded gratefully at the idea of food. She couldn't remember when the last time was that she had eaten, considering she had woken up drugged and she wasn't sure how long she had been in that state. She hopped out of the car once they had reached the diner, and wrapped her hands around her in the now chill air in the dark street, waiting for Jace to reach her. The diner looked more like a pop art cafe, with neon signs radiating colours - making it almost tacky.
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Jace Hernandez

Jace parked on the side of the building, took the keys out of the ignition, and got out of the car, shutting the door and clicking the button to lock it. He all but cringed at the bright light radiating from the cafe. He walked toward the entrance and pulled open the door motioning for Juliet to walk in. The diner mirrored something out of an old movie, it would have seemed like some type of cliche date setting if it weren't for our lives being in constant danger.

HE walked in after Juliet walked in, sitting down in a corner booth before picking up a menu. He glanced around the diner, taking notice of the few people who were scattered around. He looked back down at the menu, scanning the items on it. Coffee, definitely need coffee.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet slipped into the booth soudnlessly picking up the second menu off the table, she got a short scan over it before a cheery waitress came up to them, glancing between the two of them before speaking in a bubbly voice. "Would you like the couples menu? It's at a 20% discount with extra 'love forever' meals".

Juliet blushed crimson at this, meeting Jace's eyes panicked - "We're not -uh" she started panicked. The waitress seemed to understand without Juliet needing to finish and her face fell at the information. The waitress informed them that they had to go up to the bar to order before walking off, and Juliet still embarrassed decided to avoid looking at Jace and instead checked the phone that they had been given in the game, relieved to see that they were the only red dots in the area.
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Jace Hernandez

He was about to correct the woman but Juliet beat him to it. The corner of his lips curved into a lazy smile as he watched her flustered state. He glanced back down at the menu biting his lower lip. "You could've just said we were and we could've had that discount." He mentally picked out the food he wanted, taking note of the cost.

"I'll go and put in our order, what do you want?"
Juliet Rozonov


"I'm not a liar" She muttered, only a murderer - a voice finished for her in her head. She shook her head at herself slightly, annoyed.

"Can you get me a caramel macchiato and chunky chips?" She said after a moment, sitting back in the booth and trying to relax in the dimly lit space as she checked the phone again, checking the status of any incoming red dots. I think I'm bordering on paranoia.

After a moment, Juliet sprung up after Jace as he went to order; although she wouldn't admit it out loud, she was terrified of being left alone, even if it was in a booth on the other side of a diner.
Jace Hernandez

He nodded as she spoke, trying to comprehend why she seemed like she was grasping onto the last bit of humanity that she had. Jace took note of her order and strode over to the counter. The woman who came up to us earlier noticed him, plastered a fake smile and asked for their order. "I'll have a chicken sandwich and a large coke," In the corner of his eye he could see Juliet scurrying towards him, a look of consternation written on her face. "She'll have a caramel macchiato and chunky chips," He continued, the words foreign on his tongue. I've never strayed to that section of food before.

The bell at the front entrance chimed, Jace couldn't help but look over his shoulder, watching as a man and woman walked in hand in hand. Relief swarmed through him, as he looked back at the waitress. "-- will be ready shortly." He nodded, turning around to face Juliet. "I was like 5-feet away, I'm sure you'd be fine sitting down." He whispered to her.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet tensed at the sound of the door opening, and glancing back casually was relieved to see an older couple walk through the door.

"I know I wasn't worried" She said defensively as they sat back down, and she re-considered her words on not lying when it just so happened that, that was all that she was doing to him. Shortly after the waitress with the plastic smile arrived setting down their ordered items and Juliet looked on dismayed at the packet of crisps she received. It's fries not chips in America. Matching the smile of the waitress, Juliet added chunky fries to their order. She waited on it by observing Jace and drinking the caramel macchiato she had ordered - which didn't seem to be helping to wake her up in her tired and weak state.

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