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Realistic or Modern This Game Called Life

Louis' finnicky nature put him slightly on edge, but at the same time he found it kind of comforting and didn't feel necessarily threatened by it."I don't mind tagging along, but I must ask. What exactly is at a Wally Mart?"He said, continuing to walk at a slower pace in the direction he had been going, looking at Louis expectantly.

Jezebell tilted her head slightly in confusion; had she said something wrong?"Ja, Obwohl ich bin aus Russland.(Although I'm from Russia)."She said with a small polite smile. Perhaps she wasn't as tense as she should be in this situation but, in all honesty she didn't feel the need to be. If she were to be killed it wouldn't be the end of the world, okay - it would be the end of hers - But not anyone elses. That didn't mean that she was willing to just let someone off her without a fight, though. "What's your name?"She asked, filling the tense silence that had ensued.

@Coriandr @PeachyEm
He mulled over communicating with her for a few seconds, looking her over to see if she was perchance getting ready to throw a knife or shoot him with a gun he hadn't notice before. Dieses Spiel hat bereits mir mißtrauen und krank. (This game has already made me distrusting and sick.) He thought, disappointed in himself, however he wasn't going to just say hi to whoever he met in this... whatever it was. After a few seconds, he figured he should. She wasn't threatening him, and to try to kill her without purpose wouldn't make him any better than the murderers he's already met. "Nickolaus." He answered, "My name is Nickolaus."
"Nice to meet you, Nickolaus."She said holding out her hand for him to shake. Jezebell wasn't stupid, nor did she have a deathwish, but this is just how she was. "I'm Jezebell, you can call me Bell. Wanna team up?"She offered. It wasn't that it had to be him or anything like that, but her mind was on the upcoming traveling she would have to be doing and simply thought that traveling with a companion would be much more fun than traveling alone. @Coriandr
He looked at the hand suspiciously. Perhaps she coated it in something, or was waiting for him to let his guard down. She could just want to shake his hand... or maybe she wants to get ahold of it for a free stab in the gut. He thought better and didn't extent his hand. "Ehm... Ich meine, es kann für die beste sein ." (I figure it may be for the best.) He said, but still kept his hand to himself, thought letting his hand droop down more instead of acting hostile or defensive. He still kept his mind at the ready, though, in the case she does turn on him.
Jezebell sighed and shrugged, letting her hand fall back to her side."Gut. Zuerst lassen Sie uns hier raus.(Good. First lets get out of here.)"She said, walking towards him with her hands clutching the strings of her backpack in order to keep them away from her weapons. Around the corner was an emergency exit; that was their escape. She looked back at Nickolaus as she approached the door."Jede Idee, was wir danach tun sollte? (Any idea on what we should do next?)"She asked, the question popping into her head suddenly. She had been so focused on the trip overseas that she wasn't thinking of the steps needed in order to get there. Together they had about $2,000 so they could buy a plane ticket easily, the only worry she was what if something happens while they and about a hundred other possible civilians are thousands of feet above the ground? It would be game over.
"Ich bin mir nicht sicher." ("I'm not sure.") He said, "Ich bin nicht einmal sicher , warum wir hier sind oder was wir tun sollte ..."("I'm not even sure about why we're here or what we're supposed to be doing...") He licked his lips, feeling they were chapped. Probably wasn't the best idea as it would only chap them further. "Vielleicht sollten wir Wasser finden." ("Perhaps we should fine water.") He thought aloud.
She stayed silent, pushing the door open and walking out into the bright Texas sunlight, squinting while her eyes adjusted. The door led out to the side of the hotel where the dumpsters were lined up along the side. Looking in from the outside, it seemed almost impossible that inside the small modest hotel that about 50 people were going berzerk and slaughtering one another. Jezebell wondered briefly if this would make the news or not, and if it did how exactly was the sick bastard who put together this sick game going to cover his ass.

The Super 8 was next to the Interstate 35 and there were only a few little family restaurants and pitstop places nearby; nothing too useful, although the growl in her stomach told her that the small TexMex family restaurant next door would be the best option for now."Ich bin auch hungrig. Nun wollen wir es essen.(I'm hungry too. Let's just eat there for now.)"She said, point to the restaurant parallel from them called Baby Acapulco. @Coriandr
Louis shrugged, beginning to walk again once Eli had. He felt slightly comforted by the fact that the guy didn't seem very harmful. Of course, he could probably snap Louis' neck with no problem, but he didn't seem to want to. That was what mattered.

"Hmm.. It's like a Tesco's, I think. But you don't sound like you're from England, uh. In Tesco's, at least, theres pretty much everything. Food, clothes, hammers, dog food. I'm assuming it's the same here." He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. He didn't want to walk too far, and he definitely didn't want to stay here. Not this close to the hotel. "I'm just looking for food, though. And something to drink. I sort of feel like I've just died for a few days. Dunno why." He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked around the area. Luckily, they seemed to be in the middle of a place with lots of options. "I suppose I could stop at a convenience store, actually. I just need food. But not too expensive, you know? I don't really have time to just stop at a restaurant." He sighed. "Though, since we're both new here, we can help each other out? Were you looking for anything? Or just on a walk?"

@Z Greatest001
Jace Hernandez

Although this was only temporarily, a sense of relief washed over him. Jace hadn't realized that he was staring at her until she took notice of it too. He narrowed his eyes at her, pursing his lips in thought. He pulled his backpack off his back and opened it, rustling through the contents of it. It contained a charger, a t-shirt and jeans, and a wad of money. Jace's eyes widened slightly as he stared at the money. He breathed in through his nose and out his mouth before zipping up the bag and putting it back on. "You should change. There are clothes in the bag and that dress will only get in the way of things. I don't want to have to hear you complain about how the wind is blowing it up or something." He refrained from tell her that a huge splotch of blood was also staining it, and one look at that, someone would know, or at least think they know.

"I figured that we should just keep walking up North, we'll of course have to stop before night falls - wait, don't you have a phone?" He asked incredulously. He'd assume that with her imperceptive running, she at least knew where she'd have to go.
Name: Misaki Tokura A.K.A Info-chan

Location: Fort Worth, TX

Time: 11:19 PM

Misaki woke up in grass. "Nani ga okotte iru? Koko wa doko?" (Translation: What is happening? Where am I?) She muttered to herself in Japanese as she got up and dusted herself down. Her mobile had new messages. 440 Contestants left? This was fucking hilarious... A Survival Game a la Mirai Nikki? (Translation: Future Diary) This was wonderful. Abel Savorski had to be behind this. Only fucker crazy enough and rich enough to pull it off. Oh, she had info on him. But that was not important. She had plenty of info on the others. Researched everyone who called the number was given. The servers automatically deleted the info of anyone who died. They were no longer relevant to this game or her survival. She found a corpse on the ground in a ditch. Another contestant, less fortunate than herself. She took his pistol and shoved it down her bra. Now to hide and analyze the data on everyone left. Then, it was time to put the pressure on.
Juliet Rozonov


She pursed her full lips at the question concerning her phone. "There's a phone in the backpack" she muttered, not pointing out that it simply wasn't her phone. When attempting to trace back where she last had it, she realised that she must have dropped it on the staircase when she was attacked.

"And I'll change when we make a stop - where are we going other than heading north?" She asked, hoping it wasn't too far, although they between themselves had $3000, enough for long distance travel, she hoped it wouldn't come to that, shed much rather they remained somewhere in the state.

Juliet allowed him time to think as a fit of raspy coughing overcame her. She doubled over in pain that she felt in her abdomen, before it miraculously stopped after a moment, as soon as it came.

"Sorry" she muttered, "It's an allergy to pollen" She lied, thinking back to her diagnosis.
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Eli smirked and put his hands in his pockets casually."I'm looking for a way out. "He said, glancing over at Louis. If his instinct were correct, then they were both in the same boat. "Listen, you don't seem like a bad guy and I get the feeling that if I leave your side you're gonna be dead before the day is out. So lets find somewhere to eat or something, somewhere to relax, yeah? No worries, no stress."He said. @PeachyEm
Nickolaus was hesitant- what if there were others there? Surely people were looking for food, but... if they didn't get it from there where would they? They had to take the chance. "Ja." He said simply, and walked forward, making sure to keep behind or beside her so as to keep her from any... surprises.

@Z Greatest001
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She nodded and began walking towards the restaraunt, watching the cars zoom by on the interstate. If they were going to get anywhere they were going to need to get their hands on a car. Once inside the restaurant the hostess gave them, well Jezebell, a strange look but seated them nonetheless. "Right this way,"She'd said, leading them to a booth near the back."Someone will be right over to take your order."

Jezebell watched as the girl left before pulling out the phone and turning on the maps. Aside from them, there were no other contestants in the restaurant. Which wasn't much of a surprise, given the situation they were in; who in their right mind would have it in them to sit down and enjoy a meal at a restaurant as though they weren't in the middle of a huge deathmatch? Apparently, she did. Looking up from the phone she smiled at Nickolaus."We should be safe here for now."She said. @Coriandr
He wasn't so sure. He kept his head on a swivel, heart beating speedily and blood pumping hot. The only reason he even risked being in the restaurant was because he knew he'd need food, and as if on cue, his stomach growled. And then a thought occurred. Wie zum Teufel , dass der Mensch hat einen ganzen Staat zusammen zu bekommen entweder aussteigen oder mit mörderischen Tod Match Kandidaten umgehen? (How the hell did that man get an entire state together to either get out or deal with murderous deathmatch contestants?) He slipped his hand onto his knife and pulled it at the ready, hiding his hand under the table. No way this waitress was legitimate.
Jace hernandez

He quirked an eyebrow, "Yeah, Allergies." He muttered as if he'd believed her. Jace knew that allergies didn't make you hunch over and have a coughing fit, which looked somewhat painful, but he decided not to question it further.

"I don't really know. I heard people talking about Brazil," Back where it all started for me, he thought, "But I'm not entirely sure. Our best bet is to just follow the map at this point." Jace knew that the probability of walking on foot all the way to their set destination was highly unlikely, so it'd be best to find different means of transportation along the way. Jace held out her backpack that was clutched in the hand that was not occupied by the gun he had still been holding. "You'll need this."

He looked at her as realization dawned upon him. "I'm Jace by the way." Jace didn't bother waiting for a reply as he turned around and started walking. No wonder she was cautious, she didn't even know my name wow, great job Jace.
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Juliet Rozonov


Juliet nodded silently in response, taking the backpack from Jace. Jace. She mused on the name for a moment before taking out the phone from the backpack. From studying it while she walked she could see that the final destination was going to be Tasmania, and in the meantime they were indeed heading to Brazil. She eyed Jace for a moment. It seems like I'm going backpacking through the world - to be fair that was on my bucket list.

Juliet and Jace walked through the town until she signalled to stop at a corner shop.

Both of them were bloody, and he had been right about them needing to change but Juliet doubted anyone would arrest them if they saw bloody clothes, in fact, if people were killing themselves on the streets, then she had the feeling that this whole town had a surprisingly large amount of income coming in - or at the very least the police force was getting a bonus.

They stepped into the musty corner shop, which looked like it never saw visitors and she wondered how the owner paid his rent, before she grabbed a map of California, a map of America and one of the world - but not surprisingly there was no map of Brazil.

"I doubt suppose you've ever been to Brazil?" She asked, grabbing a blue and a brown backpack from a side of the shop, and then started focusing on food and drink.

Grabbing a few energy drinks she wondered where they could get a ferry to Brazil - they wouldn't be able to get a plane, without losing their guns - and firearms were illegal, hard to get hold off and expensive in Brazil. But boats would take too long, they were at a dead end.
Jace Hernandez

Jace silently trailed silently behind Juliet as she picked up some items from the shelf. He stopped in the second isle of the dull and crammed shop, picking up a pack of sour gummy worms, a few bags of chips and granola bars, he shoved them into his backpack.

He looked around the shop to see if the store clerk was present. They probably got scared once they heard what was going on outside, He shrugged.

He looked at her as she spoke, "Coincidentally, that's where I'm from." Although others would have seen that as an advantage, Jace thought the opposite.

And one obstacle that would ultimately stop us from traveling all the way to South America is a way to get there.

Jace walked to the front counter, peering over it. He clicked his tongue. Who ever was here left without a second thought. He grabbed the keys that were sitting behind the front desk and smirked. "Well, looks like walking isn't the only option now." He walked over to Juliet and looked down at her full arms. "I doubt we need all that stuff."
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Juliet Rozonov


"Let's agree to disagree" She said simply, eyeing the car keys he held in his hands. Deciding to not comment she dropped the contents of her arms onto the counter and then took off her own backpack, taking everything out of it as well, before preceding to repack it into the blue backpack she had picked up in the store. A Brazillian eh? That would definitely be a advantage once we got there.

"You do the same" she muttered, handing him the brown backpack. The trackers inside them would give away that they were part of "the game" anyway, but if they were in a sea of people, then with nothing to identify them with - like the backpacks they all got, then they would be able to get away from any attacker.

Lastly she headed for the the till on the counter and pressed the little open symbol on the old fashioned till, it held a few hundred dollars, nothing compared to what a large store would hold, but any money was precious in this situation. A little guilt was gnawing at her as she placed the money inside her backpack, and she decided to scribble a "sorry" on the back of a receipt and put it in the till - not that the apology made up for the fact that she was stealing - probably from an old couple who had no other source of revenue.

"I'm going to change - so turn around, and don't turn back until I say so" She said, slowly unbuttoning the front of her dress. More guilt gnawed at her at the coldness she was showing to Jace, but she couldn't bring herself to trust him - after all, how could she trust someone who had killed someone in front of her - in your defence. A small voice added to her thoughts, jumbling them further.
Jace Hernandez

Jace rolled his eyes and turned around. He zipped open the brown backpack and the black one, dumping the contents into the empty one and carelessly throwing the other to the ground. He pulled out the change of clothes that had been provided and decided it was best if he had changed too. The splotches of blood on his white shirt and his dark blue jeans were all too noticeable now. Took of his leather jacket and his thin hoodie that he had layered underneath off and peeled off his stained shirt. He grabbed the dark grey v-neck and pulled it over his head before pulling on the new pair of jeans on. He slid on his jackets and eyed the gun that was laying on the floor for a few moments before tucking it into the waistband of his jeans.

Jace picked up his backpack, and bit his lip in thought. He took slow strides to the side of the store, picking up a bottle of Pain relievers and a pack of cough drops. Just in case her little coughing fit decides to reoccur again. "Are you done? Because the longer we stay the possibility of us being seen increases."
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Juliet Rozonov


Juliet slipped off the sundress and quickly slipped on the overly large t-shirt, and pulled on the jeans, only to be faced with the problem that they were falling off her waist. She munched on the problem, it was her weightloss and abdominal pains that had led her to turn to her local GP, but now she had to figure out how to keep these trousers on her. She looked around the shop for a moment, and she was taken aback to see Jace was also changing. She looked away, blushing before she noticed that the trousers were adjustable on their waist. Sighing, Juliet tucked the t-shirt in and tightened the trousers, feeling more like a scarecrow than a person.

"Done" she replied to his remark, swinging her backpack over her shoulder.
Jace Hernandez

Jace turned around, giving her a quick once over. Those clothes looked like it could easily swallow her up, he thought while looking at her small frame. He raised his hands and showed her the items that he picked up, "Just incase your allergies start acting up again." He walked over to her and dropped them into her arms. He picked up the keys and looked around the shop for a back door. As his eyes found one, a bell chimed at the front entrance. A woman who looked to be in her early thirties walked in. Jace could tell that she wasn't a local resident because of the nervous flicker in her gaze as she looked around her.

Jace glanced at Juliet. When the woman's eyes landed on them, she tensed. "Do you guys work here?" She spoke. Jace nodded, "Yeah we do. But we were just about to close up shop, sorry." He nudged Juliet lightly, signaling for her to play along.
Juliet Rozonov


Juliet resisted rolling her eyes at the sweet but empty effort of getting the medicine - although maybe the pain meds would be useful on second though. But she froze for a second when she saw a woman come in, in her late twenties, maybe early 30s, she decided to avoid eye contact with the woman, who's eyes were jumping around every corner of the room. She was lean and well muscled, her tanned complexion showed that she spent a lot of time in the sun.

Juliet nodded along in the situation, placing her backpack on the counter and dropping the pills inside of it before she absent-mindedly started patting her pockets and searching through the bag.

"Jace honey do you have the keys? I can't seem to see them anywhere" She said lightly, flashing him a smile. "We heard that today was going to get chaotic so we decided to leave early today" she explained to the visitor calmly as she located the gun inside her bag.
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Jace Hernandez

Jace eyes the black metal in Juliet's bag. "I thought I gave it to you," he paused, "Or maybe I left in on the table." He pretended that he was in thought stealing a few discreet glances at the woman. She moved into the middle isle, picking up things And putting some down. "I'm just going to pick up a few things. I'm traveling back to Florida today." She was trying to stall. Jace figured that it was either to take the things and bolt, or to attack.

"Florida. That's a beautiful state, why come here?" Jace kept the conversation going, something that she didn't expect. Her head snapped up as she looked at him. Her hand moved towards her back. Jace knew that if he'd reach for his own gun, that would have provoked her into attacking, so he remain as calm as he could physically portray.

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