[There Will Be No End] Old role play


River boat- Belowdeck- Bunks

Rikki smiled a bit after most of the group willingly introduced themselves. Hell even Zalon introduced himself. Though she gave him a crass look when he made a comment about his meal. He just needed to shut up and eat. There were a couple of people who didn't introduce themselves.... There was the man covered in scales and fur who hasn't even talked a single word in her presence. Belanna didn't seem to introduce herself either, even though she seemed more then eager to do so to her earlier in the day.

There was one ex-criminal... the rest were just normal sell sword and such. Not at all what Rikki had expected the first day of meeting the bunch. It was an intense meeting for her, though most likely not the same kind of intense as the others. They had meet the king, something she did everyday of her life.

"I hope we can all work together... Just to recap in what we are doing... we are trying to get to the main city of Falkell, Belasia. I have the papers necessary from King Tannis to request a audience from King Benedict." Rikki told them. "Crossing the ocean should be the most dangerous part of this journey." She really hoped that was a true statement. "Just try and make sure you stay out of the crews way while we sail."

Belanna, Below Deck

"Unless you have poor intentions, I suggest you get off my bed," Belanna told the Orc who had blindly sat himself on her bed, "It is not customary to share a bed with someone you do not know."

Sure, she had refused to introduce herself. Why wouldn't she have? Tell the others she had never properly been in a fight? That she was basing all of her actions on bravado, and hoping that by some blind luck she'd survive. No. She wore that cowl for a reason. It wasn't just because she burned instead of tanned, it was to hide herself away. She had been too eager when she had met the leader.

Now, she stood, and looked again at the Orc.

"Do not misunderstand me, I wish not to be cruel to an ally. I wish only that you shall treat me with as much respect as I would you, so, please remove yourself and your items from my bed, thank you," She spoke with a kind of grace, and then left the area, heading up to the deck.
(Do remember I don't want a book to read. I understand if your intro paragraph is large, but mine most of the time will be bigger when I have to do posts for separate characters. Please don't try and match me xD . If something isn't clear, please try and tell me so I can help. Don't be afraid to talk to NPC, ask them questions, depending on who they are they will try to answer the best they can. Good luck!)

(P.S. everyone is there already. You can narrate before hand, but for the sake of me starting, you are all there already.)


The castle was a grand and rather lavish place. To live here was likely to ensure a long and well provided life. The architecture was almost a poor copy of dwarevn architecture, but still beautiful in its own right. Nice pottery, rugs and the king's banners lay around the castle. Paintings were hung on the wall of different sights of Aria from famous painters of many different names. The furniture were all well carved and heavy wood.

Within such a lavish place was a population of servants, lords, council men and heavy guard. The king and his queen were also lived there, but in a different portion then others. Rarely did anyone, even someone with higher status, came into any portion of the king's side of the castle. Today however and this warm spring day, a group of people were invited and settled into the Royal Dinning Hall.

All who came and said that they were here to accept the kings call were quickly shown to the dinning hall. This room was just as lavish as the rest of the castle. A long table was filled to the brim with food. Fruit, meat, bread and vegetables were all spread down the wood. There were enough seats to seat at least 20 people.

Rushing up and down the tables were servants, placing down any food that needed replacing and filling cups with wine, fine meed or water. In the middle of the room was a chair, obviously meant for the king himself. It was larger then the rest and had a guard standing next to it to prevent anyone from sitting in it. Other guards were placed up and down the room, near the windows and doors. All were heavily armed.

When ever someone walked into the room, a steward greeted them, then would direct them to help themselves to all the food and wine they please and sit anywhere they would like. He recommended getting to know each other since everyone will now be becoming traveling companion.

All who came in where searched and had to leave equipment and items with the guard. They were assured nothing would be confiscated or touched, not even anything illegal. Mage's were given necklaces that they had to wear that weakened their magic. This was all because today, they would all be meeting the king in person. King Tannis.

Rikki Mauro

Rikki was almost nervous about meeting the whole lot of miscreants that she possibly would be leading on a world wide expedition to stop the Dusk menace. She was given orders that no mater the crimes these people have committed in the past, to let them slide for now. However if a crime was committed while she was around, they better believe punishment will happen.

Lucky for her, she had two other people from the guard that wanted to join this seeming suicidal plight.

Rikki looked to her sides, on her right was Erika, a centaur. A new recruit who was as brave and young as she use to be. To her left was Zalon, a pure elf who can occasionally get on her nerves at times, but someone she would fight with as well. She didn't exactly know either on a personal level, but she did know them on the battle field.

Regardless, she was just glad to not be the only person from the guard. Smiling lightly, Rikki looked ahead of herself as they walked down the halls of the castle. Her armor tend to make rather loud clinking sounds as she walked around the stone floors. Not that it bothered her much since it was all she ever heard when walking.

Soon they arrive at double doors leading to the Royal Dinning Halls. Rikki turned on her heels to look at Erika and Zalon,"Alright listen up." She barked. Her normal down to bussiness tone left no room for speech and demanded their attention,"In this room could very well be from anything to thieves, murderers or traitors. As King Tannis said... all are excused as of now from their crimes. We still need to watch them like a hawk. Any wrong move during this mission and we will take care of them properly. Got it?" Rikki asked the two.

When she got the response she was looking for from both of them, she turned around once more and pushed open both the doors to walk in. The king will not be too far behind them, but she was asked to be there before him instead of coming in with him. She was not sure how she felt about that. Maybe common perhaps?

Regardless the reason, she will follow her orders to the T. Looking over the crowed that had already arrive to the area, she turned her head lightly to speak to the two guard behind her. "You two are dismissed for now to do as you please." With that, she released Erika and Zalon to go participate in the food or company of others, before she herself went to go get a cup of water.
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Tekkan walked into the royal dining hall, the feast in full flow. The King himself had asked for all those who swear fealty to him to come, eat, and be merry. Tekkan, being one with a greatly ferocious appetite and a great liking for mead, wine, and the lot, was keen to take up this call. He'd always had a great liking with feasts, due to the great amount of food and wine, though it was not shown on him - he kept very fit and strong, his skills with his greatsword needing such physique to pull off.

He walked in, eager to be seated and get to feasting, and steward politely asked his name.

"Tekkan Faerwen, Light of the Morn. Previously Sir Tekkan, by my own choice."

"Very good, right this way sir."

The steward led him to a table, one around the centre. He would have liked a higher spot, but there wasn't really much to do about it short of shout at the steward, but he was too honourable for that. No, this table was fine. The food was the same all over, so it mattered not too much to him. He was happy enough for what he was given - large cuts of meat from spit-roasted boars, which he could see on the other side of the room, slowly turning, glazed so its skin turn glistening and crispy.

This was served with a prodigious amount of red wine from the kingdom's vineyards, and all in all, Tekkan was a happy man. In one corner of the room he saw a band playing a song he thought he recognised, though he couldn't hear it well enough to know over the roar of conversation, laughing, shouting, and feasting. This, as well as the field of battle, was where Tekkan was truly at home.
Ugh... People.

So many goddamn people, I couldn't stand it. I just sat in my seat and sipped a cup of mead. It was nice, but I'd had better. A servant placed a plate of some exotic-looking fruit just in front of my own plate. I hesitated.

I guess I'd better have SOMETHING to eat.

I picked up one of the fruit and took a sliver of a bite from it.

I yelped, "GAH!" The fruit had a weird, but strong, spicy flavour to it that took me by surprise. Some people looked around as I downed my mead and lolled my head backwards, sighing in relief.

Too hot to handle? Heheheheh. You can do better than that. Take another bite. How bad can it really be?

"Shut up, Blu," I murmured as quietly as possible, "I'm in public."

No one can hear me! I'm in your heeeeaaaad!

"But everyone can hear me!"

Ding Dong! Just a moment, I have a message! Ooh, we have a Mr and Mrs Mondel-Jonson just arrived! We'll be sure to give them a... WARM welcome! Heheheh...

I went silent. Everything went very, very silent.

G-geddit? Because... Because we're in the underworld...

Everyone was talking, yet somehow, everything was horribly silent.

It's hot in the underworld... Because... Because of all the fire... So, a WARM welcome, y'see? I-it's funny.

I grit my teeth. My eyes started to blur with tears.

Say, isn't your surname Mondel-Jonson?

I blinked back tears.

Oh. Ohhh. Oh, damn. Uh... Um... Ooh. Would it cheer you up if I told you they were publicly executed for magic-related crimes and fugitivity?

I got up out of my seat and walked out, breathing shakily. I found a toilet room and locked myself in it, slumped to the floor, and wept bitterly.

Didn't think so.
Leceel, Castle dining hall

Leceel had had some trouble getting into the castle in the first place. Dealing with the guards out front proven more difficult than it would seem. Between the massive sword on his back and lack of speech, they seemed reluctant to even let him in the doors. While Leceel was capable of talking, such an act was painful, and he chose to remain silent as much as possible. Dealing with the guards proved especially difficult before entering the dining hall, as he apparently had to give up all his equipment. Mortal fang was drawn, and then stabbed about three feet into the castle floor. Several knights tried to move the blade, but it would not budge from its position. Leceel apparently also had to give up his hunting equipment, all of which was met with odd glances. He now sat cross-legged at one seat of the table, being the first chair in ages that he could remember which held his entire bulk with extra space and without creaking. He had pointedly chosen not to eat any of the food set in front of him, instead putting his full attention on the other characters in the room. No surprise, there were several knights around of all skills and equipment. In particular, there was one woman in heavy armor that he had no desire to cross. Especially without his sword. It was some stroke of luck that he had been allowed to keep his bracers, in case a fight broke out.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, "JUST GO TO HELL!"

I would have done that ages ago if you'd have learnt the rune to sent me back.

I took a few deep breaths and leaned against the wall.

"Ten seconds," I whispered, "ten seconds is all it took you to ruin my life."

Now you're just being dramatic.

"My parents are dead and the only friend I have in the damned world is you. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure I consider you a friend now."

Come on! Don't shoot the messenger!

"I can't, they took my firearm. I'd have to shoot myself to do it, though, but that would be a small price to pay."

You'd be sent straight to the underworld alongside your parents, you know.

"I'd get to see them again, at least."

I don't think damnation quite works that way.


Plus, you DO know that wouldn't even hurt me. You'd just stop hearing me. Because you'll be dead.

I sighed, straightened up, brushed off my coat and opened the cubicle door. Walking back to the dining hall, I heard a bard playing some song on the lute that I liked. I smiled briefly, and walked on. The sounds of conversation and clattering plated grew louder as I entered the hall. I took my seat and picked up one of the spicy fruits and putting it whole in my mouth. I screamed internally; my mouth seared, but I swallowed and took a sip of mead. I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes.
“More wine!” a loud, boisterous voice boomed from the end of the wooden table. The cup slammed down in fury and rang hollow. “And bring another turkey.” The half-eaten carcass sat in the orc’s hand, appearing small in comparison. He threw it behind him when most of the meat was devoured. A serving girl came by refilling his cup with wine, another girl rushing to bring a turkey from the other end of the table.

“Baron could get used to this,” he said takin a bite from the turkey and washing it down with a large gulp of wine. “Tasty food, tasty wine, and tasty women,” Baron’s eyes fell to the serving girl filling his wine. The orc’s hands went to reach for her but fell short, the manacles clasped around his hands keeping the girl from his paws. Guards assigned to watching Baron stepped in as soon as he made a move. The orc spit in distaste, taking the finishing bite of his turkey and throwing the carcass behind him again. The sight of chains and guards left a sour taste in the orc’s mouth; he was unable to move or act as he pleased. Finally free from the dungeons yet still confined, Baron could only take solace in the food and drink.

“That’s Baron the Crusher,” he overheard one of the guards in their conversation. “Heard he killed hundreds of people with his bare hands, crushed their skulls like grapes, that one. Took a dozen of the King’s Guard just to capture him. Why he wasn’t hanged is a mystery to me, but I think he’s too dangerous to be left running around the castle.” The guards continued their banter and shared rumors of Baron. Some were more fable than truth; others were so obscure they had to be true. Only Baron knew for sure for the dead tell no tales.

Baron continued eating and drinking. Other people poured into the hall awaiting the reason for their audience. To Baron, it didn’t matter. He only wanted to eat, drink, and kill.
Moriadus Wingswell, Castle Dining Hall

Slowly but surely, Moriadus trodded through the door and looked upwards toward the table. He let out a soft groan as his gaze went about the crowd of beasts scarfing down their meals. He stuck out of the crowd like a sore thumb; this old fart journeying with such youthful, barbaric adventurers.

"This will take some getting used to..." He muttered to himself as the steward showed him to the table. As he held his knee and sat, the steward gave him an amulet to deter magical abilities for a while, so the King may speak without fear since criminals were all around. Regrettably, he wore the amulet, and cautiously looked about.

He looked upon the large one called Baron from afar; the large Orc eating quite healthily. He made Wise Moriadus uneasy to say the least.

Then he spotted the one known as Leceel as he let down his incredible sword into the floor, with his animal pelts adorning his body. He thought "Hmmm... I'm pretty sure he didn't hunt those animals for survival." Moriadus grimaced.

Lastly, Moriadus cast his gaze on the... young... individual named Felix. The Wise one had mixed feelings about him. Something about him was wrong, but he could see cat fur upon him, which means he at least appreciated the feline community.

He was alone, just as he was in his woodlands. Sadly Moriadus pondered at his seat, barely chewing upon a bread roll and nothing more. He came here to get rid of the Dusks... But also, to find something to fill his empty heart.

"What's an old man to do..."

Castle Dining Hall

Alexander Smith

Alex walked through the castle slightly in awe at the castle with it being his first time in a huge castle. He thought is was a mistake that he was chosen for this mission, but in the letter it was clearly for him. Hopefully there would be a nice reward in this, but then again there's more than just him working on this request.

Walking into the dining hall that was already full of others already here for the job, he was then approached by servants who led him to a seat of his choosing and served him food and wine. Man this food and wine isn't half bad. I wonder if we'll get more food like this often? This could be something I could get used to if things go as smoothly as this.


Aht Zerei

Castle Dining Hall

Footsteps muffled down the dead end of a dark hall, pressing down the stone tile at a certain angle. The room started to rumble as the wall began to slowly shift itself open, revealing a secret passage in the secrete location. Aht continued to walk down the stair steps into the Assassin's base. There he was greeted by fellow assassins, people who he had personally been with through thick and thin, people he would immediately give his life to despite all they had done. He knew they would do the same for him, even as assassins, their sense of kinship with each other was strong.

Aht walked over to their leader, an imposing figure, although very charming for an assassin. He slightly bowed his head in respect, eyes still fixated upon the cold glare that returned back.
"You have requested me?" He asked, curious for his summon. A man's voice and equally orotund answered,"You have been good to me Aht Zerei." The leader reached out his clawed hand, placing a letter in Aht's possession. Confused, the dark elf began to look at the content, his eyes glancing back up uncertain.

Hiding behind the shadows of a boisterous warrior was child play, sneaking pass the guards and bypassing them into the diner hall with his equipment intact. Aht didn't have to do this, it was unnecessary really. He just wanted to test his skills and was quite satisfied with the result. However, knowing that he'll be working with these people, he had no intention to hide in presence to his future comrades. He made his way over to the luxurious refreshments, taking a seat at the far end. He did not touch the food however, simply staying silent as he joined a tad later than most. After some reluctance, he reached over to the provided chalice, pouring himself some authentic Alestan wine. He gave a silent toast to Ricia, an unmentioned Goddess, he believed it was a special day for her.

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Zalon walked towards the dinning hall with two other members of the royal guard that he was part of. One being Rikki who king Tannis had made the leader of this expedition. It was not a decision that Zalon appreciated. Rikki who was a half elf, even though a good warrior one that Zalon might trust in a battle but would not accept as a leader. To Zalon she was not born high enough to ever lead a pure elf but it seemed that lord Tannis thought differently.

The other member was a Centaur. It was a strong and powerful race even to Zalon but still a weird one. Zalon never appreciated mixed breeds, he could not understand why would a prideful stallion ever wish to be with a low race like that of humans. It seemed that Zalon was the only pure highborn in the guard. Zalon never resented his comrades as he did respect them and partially because he was always in awe of king Tannis and would not wish to see his wrath.

As they entered the hall Rikki begun to speak, well what she said was not new and Zalon already knew about it, a member of the guard would surely mind other people of the feast and take care. After all the attendants to this feast were mostly thugs and small criminals who wished to redeem themselves from their dammed record. Zalon was not surprised when he saw that the bunch mainly concluded of humans. " A greedy bunch isn't this ? " he said in a extremely low tone not wanting for the others to hear.

Zalon gazed around trying to classify who was who, a knight, a couple of Orcs, a few more humans some in their youth others having a white beard and there was also a rather tanned human perhaps a Darkaan. That breed was known to be rather strong and fierce maybe the only one that Zalon did not condemn in this bunch. One of the humans who seemed to be talking to himself. " Is he mentally challenged ? " mumbled to himself moving forward and getting a glass of wine. He took a sip of it acting as if he was mixing in but his gaze peeked through the top of the glass as he glanced at the person.

Zalon couldn't possibly tried to resist the taste of the exquisite plush wine, well it did remind him of his past a section of memories that he had locked away for good. Zalon silently walked towards Rikki, his movements graceful and without any sound. Unlike Rikki Zalon wore a thin Mithril vest and a few guard at his shoulders, it was the elvish way after all but it seemed that Rikki with her bulky Armour was more like the humans. She might even use a hammer to cut paper while the Elves are taught to be like a pair of scissors and cut everything in a awe inspiring manner and do so ever so silently.

It just took him moments to reach Rikki and as always his movements were not registered by a single pair of eyes or ears. Zalon grinned on being successful as ever. He then tapped Rikki's shoulder and leaned towards her ear. " seventh seat, the guy who just sat down. He seemed to be talking to himself. Maybe mentally challenged, don't let him reach his highness " said Zalon, his voice rather authoritative even though he was talking to someone who was bested with a higher rank.
Rikki's eyes were more trained on the large Orc man who was chained to a chair. She had no idea why he was even here to meet the king. Let alone why he was even allowed free to go fight the Dusk. Granted he was a a strong Orc, something anyone who worshiped Vel'ath could appreciate.... but he smelled awful and his table side manor was what Zalon often over dramatized at some half breed servant fumbling down the hall a bit too loudly. A brute. Or often what he calls her when she is wearing her armor...

When Zalon came to her and tapped her on her shoulder, she leaned in to him lightly, her eyes not moving from Baron. When he pointed out the young man who was talking to himself, she let out a low hiss of annoyance.
"He is just a child. Probably on the verge of peeing his pants out of fear, here thinking he is going to seek some kind of revenge for lost parents or family." She took a small breath and looked back at Baron, "I'm going to worry more about Baron the Crusher. The mass murdered who use to be in our dungeon till today. I'll let you handle the child." Rikki then took several strides away from Zalon and around the table.

There was also a small feeling he was trying to tell her what to do. 'Don't let him reach his highness'. Pfft... No one will reach him or the Princess.

Soon Rikki sat in a seat, looking across the table at two individuals, and old man and another covered in furs and scales.
"Good day. My name is Rikki. I believe we'll be travel companions in these coming days." She greeted, hopping to make some quick friends.
Leceel's eyes and ears traveled over those present at the table. Some in awe, some mulling internally. In particular, the rattling of chains was a constant annoyance, like an angry bird screeching in a metal cage. He could only assume the orc was some manner of criminal, between the chains that held him down and the guards present nearby him.

The Hunter's observations were interrupted by the approach of heavy footsteps. They belonged to the same woman on armor he had noticed before sitting down at the table. She was polite in her greeting, and Leceel parted his lips for the first time since he had entered the castle.


His voice was deep, but more than that, it was rough and course. It sounded like the words were filtered through sandpaper, and were almost painful to the ear
Quite close to Tekkan, there sat an enormous orc, one in chains, surrounded by a few guardsmen in fact. He'd heard of such an orc, one who had killed many men, and was absolutely ferocious in battle, nigh-on unstoppable. The chains and guardsmen suggested his killing spree had ended, somewhat.

Despite his restrictions, he was making his way through his meal with an appetite which seemed equal only to that of Tekkan. Such a liking for food was something he could only respect, even in such a violent being. He spoke to him.

"My fellow, I see we have a common cause in our liking of our meals. My name is Tekkan, Light of the Morn. Perhaps I might learn yours?" Tekkan said, wishing to befriend the behemoth.
Barbo Eldridge approaching The Castle

Walking in crowd: Faun clad in light plate armor escorting Barbo at the head, the Faun approached the castle. "I request audience with the King Tannis, I am Barbo Eldridge, Emissary of the Wood." stopping at the front gates of the castle. one guard said to the other "Oh, I guess dinner has arrived" both heartily chuckling to each other.

Barbo didnt take kindly to the comment, lunged forward grabbing both guards by the opening atop their breast plates slamming them against the door. "We are trying to request a peaceful audience with your king. Now, let us pass, or you will not only fight the dusk but all creatures of the Wood as well." as the guards let them in, two faun soldiers accompanied Barbo, and the rest stayed out side of the castle. as they approached guards before the dining hall asking for weapons, Barbo handed his weaponry to the soldiers that accompanied him and walked into the dining hall alone.

A stewardess reluctantly seated him near the far end of the room, then serving him a bowl of feed, and a bowl of water. Barbo couldnt handle the insult in the kings dining hall as he had outside of the castle walls, so he politely asked for mead with a back handed compliment to the steward, and pushed the feed out of the way. There was some fruit not to far from his reach so he grabbed some, and pulled a small piece of bread wrapped in a small cloth from his pouch. As he waited and watched the others in the clamor that was this feast.
“I don’t care about your name, Light of the Candle,” Baron said mockingly to the man that had approached him, a piece of turkey hanging from his mouth that he slurped up. He didn’t so much as give him a glance; Baron kept eating and drinking his fill. The chains clanked as he extended his hand for a heel of bread. “Now if you could remove these chains, you would learn more than my name, Candle.” The orc let out a bellow of a laugh. It would never happen but it was good to talk to someone other than the silent guards even if it was in a mocking tone.

“I will answer your question since I am in a good mood. I am Baron. Now, fetch the King, Candle. Baron is almost full. With no food and no one to kill, Baron would prefer a quick execution.” The orc signaled Tekkan away with a slight gesture, returning to the bottom of his wine cup.
Tekkan was infuriated by this orc, Baron as he called himself.

"How DARE you! My title was passed down from my father, a great knight, who died saving and ORCISH family from a Dusk! I come to you with nothing but friendliness, and you spit it back in my face. I'll wager the reason you killed so many people was that you SAT on them, being of such an enormous girth, you vile creature!"

He began to realise people were staring. Good, for what he intended.

"I, in the name of my family, spite you, and challenge you to a trial by combat. As the challenged, you shall name the place and time. Do you accept?"
A plate of turkey was placed before me. I cut off a leg and nibbled it quietly. The sound of purring rang in my head. Blu must have been sleeping.

It dulled the senses, did purring. I'd always had a soft spot for cats. Any breed of cat could be handed to me at any time and I'd just get really calm and happy. A cat could really help at this point in time.

Well, if you'd packed me for your trip...

"Ugh... You know I can't do that, Blu. If they even knew we had the slightest connection, we'd both be dead men walking."

Well, you would. I'd just be imprisoned or sent back to the underworld or something. Also, I'm a cat. Also, I haven't had a drop of blood this morning!

"And you're not getting one for at least two weeks."


"You can't be serious! Do you even know where I'm going?!"

Yes, but... You could have taken me!

"No I couldn't! They searched me and my bags! They'd have found you without fail!" I could feel my voice raising against my will.

I don't know how you wouldn't benefit from this! I go back to my kin, you go to a place full of misery and torment! You'd fit right in, you miserable bastard!

"MISERABLE BASTARD?! Do you even know how I'm supposed to cope with this?!" I was shouting at this point, "because I damned well don't! My PARENTS are DEAD! How in the HELL am I supposed to go on?! I have NOTHING! NO DAMN CHANCE AT LIFE, NO FRIENDS, NO FAMILY, ALL I HAVE IS YOU! ONCE I GET MY STUFF BACK, I AM SHOOTING MYSELF IN THE HEAD, AND YOU'LL BE STUCK HERE, ON YOUR OWN, SO YOU'D BETTER DEAL WITH SOLITARY LIFE!"

Already enraged, Tekkan needed only a screaming young boy to cause him to boil over. Turning to him, he hit him, hard, with a backhanded slap, which connected strongly with his cheek, the full force of his muscular arm behind it. The boy was thrown back, landing on his rear on the solid stone floor. Tekkan stepped forward, an eerie calm setting over him as everyone turned to look, and he bent down to speak to the boy.

Softly, he said to him "You would do well to remember your place boy. Now, scurry home, and go talk to the voices in your head."
"Boy..." I said slowly, "You called me a boy. You treat me like a young boy, of ten, maybe twelve. You seem like the person who's never had a problem in his life. You look down on those around you like you're on top of the world, and no one can persuade you to come down from your ill-deserved pillar. Well, let me tell you now, you are no more important than any one man dining in here!" I get up and stride towards this knight, "By entering this room, you step, nay, LEAP from said pillar and you humble yourself for the sake of your future colleagues! I am Felix Aaron Mondel-Jonson, nineteen years old, no longer a boy, recent orphan, and YOUR EQUAL! You know the faces of all of your surroundings, but the minds and memories of none, so maybe, just maybe, you can make yourself humble for this one voyage, for YOU, knight, will have your sorrows, YOU, knight, will have your heartbreaks and your losses, and YOU, o knight of much arrogance, will have your day of judgement, just as we all do!"
Rikki stood when blows were handed out. The screaming was ridiculous. Rikki soon pulled out her mace. She was the only one who had weapons beside the other guard in the room. Rikki made a motion for Zalon to draw his weapons as well as for Erika too. At the sight of the head of the royal guard drawing her weapon, many of the other guards around the room drew their weapons as well.

Enough!" Rikki growled. She raised her voice, however it was not enough to be a yell. "You two are making fools of yourselves. Sit down. The king will be here soon to give you our quest. But I will not have you exchanging blows in the king's presence. If you want to sit here and call each other name or be offended by a lowly criminal's words, then step outside and not come back. The Dusk will surely laugh if they saw what was coming to try and stop them with what just happened now." Rikki moved between the two, turning to look at both of them. First the boy and then the knight. "Sit or I will ask the guard to show you out."

She waited for them to make a move, weapon in hand and guard at her call. This only made her dread the journy soon to happen. If going with Baron was not awful enough.
There he was. In front of the Great King Tannis' castle. "Wow." was all Raiko could say. He stared at the castle for a little bit and remembered he had an audience with the king. He walked towards the front of the castle, in his light clothing, torn and loose making him look like a beggar, and the guards asked him, "Leave here. This is the king's castle, no place for a beggar." Raiko replied slightly angered, "I am NOT a beggar. I have an audience with the king." The guards laughed at him. Raiko tried to walk through the guards but was stopped with swords in front of him. "I said I have an audience with the king. Now let me pass or you will not have a nice day this day." He unsheathed his sword enough to show the metal and no more. "And I'm not a soldier! We aren't allowing any beggars near the king!" One of the guards replied. Raiko couldn't take these idiots any longer, but he kept calm. He took out his pouch and showed the guards a decent amount of coins. "See? I am not a beggar. Now let me pass." The guards upon seeing the money, put their swords down and let Raiko pass. Raiko ignored the guards and walked to the castle, getting greeted by a steward. The steward, upon seeing Raiko opened his eyes wideley and asked his name. "I am Raiko Aldwin." Raiko said to the steward with a straight face. A guard took his sword and gave him a necklace to wear. He was led into the dining hall and saw a few people standing up and shouting. "Looks like the fun already started." Raiko said quietly. He sat down next to a Faun, the only one not fighting, that Raiko saw. He stared at the Faun for a while. Raiko had only seen fauns in cages, never free. A steward brought out a turkey leg, that's it. "Really? Nothing more?" Raiko said to the steward. He said to himself, "Great service." He was hoping that no one would here him. He started to eat his turkey leg waiting for the king.
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Moriadus didn't even have enough time to introduce himself before the fight broke out, and he sat in dismay at the barbaric show the three were putting on. Many wonder why he left for so long into the forests to study instead of staying amongst towns or a city... He saw the cause to be dreadfully obvious. Rikki shouted in front of him in her standing pose, and made the old man smile. It was nice to find a bit of authority amongst the beasts.

He then cast his gaze across and found a familiar face. A face he hasn't truly met in person but has become familiar with through the grapevine, the one known as Barbo Eldridge, Emissary of the Wood. The hall now had a few that he could see himself working with. Some of his friends (the fauna of the forests) have joined both in companionship many times, but the two have not met personally. Perhaps this would be the time for companionship.
His hand clutching where normally would be dawn's hilt, Tekkan looked at the woman speaking. She had drawn a large mace, a spiked one. It appeared she was of some rank, something under king Tannis, he surmised. He thought he recognised her, from when he had been himself serving under king Tannis, as a knight of the realm.

He walked back to his seat. As he went, he brushed past Felix, the boy.

"Have no delusions. You are still but young in this world. But I am sorry. I have a wicked temper for those who might offend my name, however stronger is my compulsion to do what is right."

Tekkan returned to his seat, and continued eating and drinking, as if nothing had happened at all.
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