[There Will Be No End] Old role play

Catalina's pace was that of a determined person, saying as she was very determined to get what she wanted. Even if her father was the King. Sure, she understood he would want to protect her, and want her to one day rule, and if she was to go on this quest, she very well could wind up dead, and one cannot rule a Kingdom when they are dead.

Standing outside his door, she glanced at the Guards stationed there. She knew she needed not their permission to walk in, so she walked in, and then bowed to her father.

"My Father, and my King, I must ask of you a favor. You and I both know of the threat the Dusk are, and you know how I feel about them. I ask of you permission to go and fight these Dusk, for what true leader, or potential leader of a Kingdom is not also able to protect their Kingdom themselves? And if you do not allow me to go, then I ask that you permit me to send my Guard, Garret, in my stead. You know as well as I that an experienced warrior such as he would do well on this quest, much better than the criminals and fame seekers we have recieved. He has also made it quite clear to me that he would like to go on this quest. And if he and I were to both go, you know full well he would do his best to protect me, I ask this, and only this of you my Father, and you know I'd not ask if this is not how I truly felt," She asked of him, already knowing what his answer would be, but there was hope in her words, and a determination to how she spoke. He had to know that she truly meant what she said, and did not wish to seek glory, but only saught the protection of her people, whom she loved as much as she did her father. And she spoke up again, "Please, Father, you know this is not for my own glory, or fame, but for me to do what I feel is right. You know how I feel about this. And you know that some of the citizens would feel similar, some may even try to revolt and force us to go if we do not."

Catalina knew she had put forth an argument which would be hard to go against, and she knew that he'd have to think it over, but she knew what he'd say, simply becuase he was her father, and it was not out of love for his Kingdom that he'd want her to stay, but out of love for her.
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Leceel watched the king leave, and without a moment's hesitation left the room. Food and wine that was not earned held no comfort for him. Not being able to move around as he wished was an unimaginable idea. And leaving his weapons and tools behind was simply out of the question. After he left the room, he found two knights attempting to pry his massive blade out of the floor where he left it. Without a word, he picked it up with one hand, sheathed it, and continued on his way out, leaving them speechless behind him. Now the only question was as to whether he would spend the night at an inn . . . or in the wilds
As King Tannis walked out of the hall and the steward spoke, Barbo thought to himself.

"Although my orders are to leave if he does not accept the Treaty, It was just a proposal really, and the Dusk affect all of the races. Barbo, stay and fight along side the others, show the King that we are more worthy as allies and not livestock." Barbo left the hall and the other faun followed him still carrying his weapons. As they arrived outside his handful of warriors all looked up at him awaiting if King Tannis had signed the treaty or not.

Barbo looked at all twenty warriors outside of the castle, and said "Tannis did not sign the treaty but he is willing to hear our terms, and I know that we are meant to leave for the village if he had not signed the treaty, however things like this take time, and the dusk are a more pressing issue that affect all creatures. So men, those who wish to stay here and fight alongside these other races and I come to my right." 17 faun soldiers stepped to his right including the two holding his weapons. " very well, you Longhorn I know why you do not join us, you are the messenger then. Make haste to our village and see the birth of your boy, and Mulligan will accompany you since he is still too young to die in battle." Barbo looked at the young faun squire holding his weaponry, Mulligan sadly handed the weapons to Barbo and walked near Longhorn, Brabo continued talking "Go to the village and tell the Council to request meeting with king Tannis, and tell them all I have told you now. Travel with the speed of a tiger hawk, and the luck of a turtle rabbit." the two faun soliders began running to the forest. "Alright men, We'll set up camp by the docks." Barbo adorned his weapons and began to march them to the docks close to the woods.
Lerilot minded her own business for a good chunk of the time she was there. She did, unnaturally, sit and hide in the corner as if she refused to be social to the group she would have to be with for some time. It was how she initially percepted the meeting that caused her to sit and hide... Maybe she should go forth and actually socialize.

But plans had changed coincidentally. When Lerilot pushed herself up to move away from the corner, a figure had bumped into her and pushed her back. Lerilot shrieked softly in surprise and looked to see who, uncoordinatedly, stumbled onto her.

The first thing she noticed was the long black hair that flowed down from their head. They had a rather ghostly body structure; bones were highly visible on their body, their skin a pale white like snow. Their eyes were dark, though the exact color was difficult to see from where they were. She couldn't tell their gender right away, until they spoke to her regarding the bump.

"The hell...? What are you doing here?"

Lerilot grimaced and wrinkled her nose, the smell of vomit and mead filling her nose as the figure spoke.

"Are you intoxicated? I've been here. Watch where you are going, and sober up. The king is practically here."

Lerilot let the slightly harsh words escape from her mouth. She'd want to be nicer, but the bump made her feel less about the person than she would have naturally. She pinched her nose, and scooted slightly against the wall, away from the corner she was in.

While Lerilot had become distracted with the person that was on here, she had not noticed the king arrive to greet and inform everyone of the journey. Lerilot felt the shame in the back of her head, but it could've been worse. She could have not given the king his proper respect by bowing or curtsying.

Nonetheless she listened on the information the king had briefed. Soon they were to board on a ship to cross the ocean. But for now they were to wait until the proper preparations were made.

Lerilot was fine with leaving her belongings in the hands of the guards as there weren't many things of importance inside except gold. As such, she walked, hoping to get pointed over to the direction of her room.
@The J

Rikki bowed as the king exited the room. She stood back up after him and the princess finished leaving and then looked over to the criminal Baron. She was in charge of him.... and she was not entirely sure how she was going to keep him in line. She could have a mage to follow him around to shock him every time he got out of line. But she felt like that would piss him off more then warn him that he was out of line.

Her thought was distracted when the pouting knight tried to get her attention. She tried to listen to him thoughtfully, but she could hardly take him seriously after his pointless screaming earlier. "If you know how to kill a dusk... that would be a feat on its own and you should share it. I don't know these people as much as you do. So if any know of the dusk... well I couldn't tell you." Rikki almost assured Tekkan.

"But tonight may not be the night for such a thing. We have a week to spend with each other on the river boat to the king's gallon. We have plenty of time to go over battle strategy. Tonight... we should all be marry and celebrate while the meat and drink flow before we hit the road for a hard journey ahead." Rikki cleared her throat, "but I think I will be retiring now. Please refrain from attacking others again." She told him before making a motion to some of the guard.

They started to yank on Baron's chains, lifting them from the chair. Many guard drew their swords, keeping him at weapon point so he wouldn't try anything funny. With that, she left the room to escort Baron back to his cell till tomorrow morning.


Ricia's Note to Players Wrap up your posts for this scene. The next one will start first thing in the morning where we will be catching the boat to start moseying down the river. We can vote a bit later if we wish to slowly play out an in game week of role play or if you want to just skip to the next scene.


I stumbled through the castle gates and over to the nearest tavern, where I sat down in a booth.

After about fifteen minutes a strange feeling came over me. I looked around, seeing many people, including the black lycan from the castle. I scrambled over to the tavern-keeper and mumbled, "Mhbuct!"

"Excuse me?" He replied.

"MHBUCT!" I rambled intoxicatedly.

"Come again?"

"BU-" And I vomited all over the floor below me, before falling over. "Bucket..." I muttered before passing out on the tavern floor.


City of Alestan- Lake Docks

Sunrise came early for many the next day. Still the night had been nothing but pleasant weather with a bit of a soft breeze. The sun was already coming to warm what ever chill had come during the night. Spring was always a gorgeous time of year. The waters were a murky blue hue, not a cloud to be seen. Today was promised to be a great day.

The morning time for those who stayed in the castle got a full meal, all one could possibly eat. They did not see the King again, however they were provided their weapons on entering the dinning room. The steward talked to a few of them, but none of the information was new, all just outlining last nights events.

When breakfast was finished, everyone was soon rushed down the castle halls and out into the sunlight. By this time the orange and red hues have left and the sun was almost fully peaking over the city. The roads were now even more crowded with carts and people setting up shops and such. The docks were already starting to bustle with people loading up ships with equipment to sail down to the towns alone the river and bring in any equipment, seeds and livestock to the farming cities around the river.

One of the ships were noticeably bigger and a lot nicer then the other river boats. Although it was nothing like a battle ship, it would work for getting them to the main port city down the river. It was going to be several days before they got there, just part of their journey. However their every need was going to be provided.

The Steward was with them the whole way down the the docks, helping them board the ship.


Morning came faster to Rikki then she wanted to admit. Rolling out of her bed, she sat on the edge and looked around the mostly bare room. She was going to miss this place.... it was her home. Much better then the farm where she originally came from. Rikki still realizes the lucky break she got... being adopted out of the blue like that. Things like that normally never happen. It was an amazing day. The postion she has now however was earned. She trained hard for this postion and she will bring honor to her master and father figure.

Rikki ate breakfast in her own room, not wanting to quite ready to mingle yet. As of now... she was leader of this party, not really leader of the Royal Guard. She had to have someone replace her while she was gone. It was only natural. When she was finished eating Rikki got up and started to dress, putting on her heavy armor. She next attached Breaker to her back, adjusting it where all she needed to do was reach behind her into the look holes to pull it off her back. Attaching her mace to her side, Rikki then pick up her bag for travel and prepared to leave. Also with her was everything the king had given her to seek an audience with the King of Falkall.

She meet up with the group and her subordinates just before they were leaving the castle. Walking through the city, she couldn't help but smile at the people watching them all with interest. Most knew what they were all matching to go do. Rikki was sure she would need all the luck they could get... Gods watch over them.

When they got to the boat, Rikki climbed adored without much hesitation. Immediately going down bellow deck to claim a bunk and put her things down.

GM Bunnying



Moriadus woke up in the morning at the castle. Well rested and ready to go after preforming his morning prayer. He walked into the dinning hall to get some food, mostly avoiding all the other warriors and guard while he ate, wanting a peaceful morning after the hectic night and soon to be hectic week. When he was done, he followed the rest of the group till they got to the boat. Moriadus waited for everyone else to even get on the boat before he did so himself, not wanting to attract attention of the others around him.

Baron was woken bright an early, roused from the dungeon and pulled back up to the dinning hall from the night before. He was given enough time to eat some good food and drink before being pushed and pulled back out of the hall and outside for the first time in years. The sun was bright and the towns people wide eyed. Baron was just going to have guard escort him everywhere he went, even on the boat. However they would mostly follow him around, granting him more freedom then what he has seen in years.
"You already know my answer." Tannis said with a sigh. Slowly he put a cork in the ink bottle and put his ink quill into the jar with the rest of the writing feathers. He then stood and walked over to Catalina, his eyes a bit soft for his daughter. "Catalina... I know your passion for the kingdom runs just as deep as mine. The kingdom is in danger and our blood calls us to battle.... but this is not our fight. Not yet. When these... Dusk come marching on Alestan, then we will stand and fight just as I taught you." He sighed calmly. He looked down at his daughter and gently brushed the back of his hand over her cheek, "You will make a brave queen, but you have much to learn. There is a time and a place for jumping into battle. Your time is not yet."

Tannis then turned to go pour himself and drink, bringing it back over to his desk and placing it next to his work. He however didn't sit back down, only turn to look at Catalina again.
"Garret can go if he so chooses however." Tannis ran his hand behind his head, brushing his hair back gently. "But if he does leave, you will need another guard." It was a stipulation that he would not budge on. Neither was he budging on her being able to leave. His people would not riot if he didn't go across the ocean to contact the King of Falkell. They will riot if he doesn't solve some of the towns people's more pressing matters like food shortages from the influx of people.
Post 1: Debts of a Dead Man

Fang exited the castle grounds and into the bustle of the city. He took to the alleyways where he would have less chance of being seen. There were plenty in this city who had put out a hefty price on his head and the last thing he wanted to deal with were some low-end bounty hunters. He needed to get to the tavern before Kworven decided to go home.

Kworven was the owner of the Silver Crescent tavern and it was all thanks to Fang that he even was able to gain full ownership. Kworven often hired mercenaries, thieves, and pirates to go after those who stole from the tavern or had too high of a debt to it. Fang had been one of the people hired, but his job was a bit different.

At one point, one of the wealthy men of the city had bought out all the taverns and began renting them out to various owners. Kworven, being the entrepreneur type, had seen an opportunity to make his living. After a few months, the businessman decided that he did not like Kworven’s mercenary hiring activities and raised rent, trying to force Kworven to pass on ownership. Kworven, however, decided to fight back. He had hired Fang to kill the businessman and was offering a hefty reward for it. Fang, not realizing that Kworven was at a financial low due to the raised rent, took the job. It went successfully up until Fang returned to the tavern to find that Kworven did not have the money. Fang let it slide, but demanded free drinks until either the sum of the drinks equaled the reward or Kworven paid Fang the rest of what was owed. Kworven agreed to the deal and promised Fang that he would pay him back as soon as he could.

That had been over a year ago and Fang had taken advantage of his free drinks about eight times. Kworven still owed him most of the reward money and Fang was tired of waiting. He would need all the money he could get to buy supplies for his crew to sail on this treacherous journey.
Barbo opened his eyes as the sun began to rise, having had a restless night he merely left his eyes closed and waited for the first peel of light come over the horizon. He put on his family cloak, and adorned his swords and hatchet, and pan flute in hand walked out of his tent to see the fire still going and the night watch asleep. "Wake up! *kicking him off the tree stump he had been sleeping on* the lot of you. Wake up!!" as he yelled to the camp, then sat on the stump previously occupied by the night watch, and began playing his flute. Its only a few hours before they head out and he wanted everyone up to pack up camp and look their best for the ship.
I opened my eyes slowly, only to close them again as the dazzling dawn light streamed through the window and obscured anything else from sight. I turned over, lying on the ground in a twisted position. Shuffling and creaking came from somewhere behind me; I slowly got to my feet, groaning loudly. I squinted in the morning sunlight and saw the bartender setting up shop, ready for the early drinkers.

The bartender didn't look at me, but said, "Remember anything? I'd be surprised if you did. You fell asleep in your own upchuck! I mopped up as much as I could, but you're still going to have to wash that lovely coat." I sniffed the sleeve of my coat and gagged. It smelled of over-fermented beer and rotten apples.

"Y'see?" The bartender continued, "it's not really my place to say, but you don't look like you can handle your beer all that well, so I really recommend not overdoing it on the mead."

"No," I said.

"Hm?" The bartender mumbled.

"No. It's not your place to say."

"Oh," he replied, "my apologies. Say, are you going on that Dusk-hunting trip?"

"That's really not what it is, but yes, I guess I am."

"Well, you'd best get your bearings fast," the bartender laughed, "your colleagues just walked by!"

I sighed and trudged out the door, walking up to a man who was holding my bag. He handed it to me, and I looked inside.

Knife, money, chalks, pistol, lead shots, spare clothes. Good, all there. I nodded in curt gratitude and walked slowly with the group.

A couple of streets along, I decided I couldn't bear my own stench any more, so I took off my coat, opened my bag and stuffed my coat inside. I heard someone ask why my chest was so flat, but I grit my teeth and resisted the urge to load my pistol in case he said anything else. I spotted the knight, Tekkan. I walked over to him. Tekkan towered over me, so I knew he wouldn't notice me straight away, so I gave him a nudge.

"Sir," I said, "I was going through a very hard time last night, and the alcohol did not help as I expected. I acted very irrationally, and I would like you to know I do in fact regret it. I often regret things I do when intoxicated, so I would just like you to know that I am... I apologise, Sir Tekkan." I never made eye contact with him, but I was still tense.
The Behemoth

Arms crossed, sword laden across his back. Garret stood tall over everyone to pass him. He was not called the Behemoth for nothing. Nor did too many of those boarding the ship come close to his muscle mass. He was standing in the spot he had chosen, which was right next to the ship, on the docks. He had been there early, as he was always one to wake early. His old eyes were still like those of a young one, able to see for miles with ease, and notice anything in a crowd. He'd easily pick out those who he knew that were on their way, such as Rikki. When she had passed, he had nodded to her. She never really had much to say to him, nor he to her. But he respected her for who she was, and he hoped she respected him for who he was. To him, all in the Royal Guard are equals in life, albeit they may lack what he does not in battle prowess and strength.

And this is where he would stay, his tan skin only becoming more tan by the sun, as his armor and supplies, save his sword, were already on his bunk. The bald, bearded man would look very intimidating to most anyone, as well he should be. He would not hesitate to do his duty, and his duty was to protect his allies, as well as slay the foes of his King. And now, the foes of his King were the Dusk.

The Princess

Catalina woke earlier than normal that morning. Soon, she had grabbed her bag, and filled it. She herself was dressed entirely in black, face covered, only her eyes would show. She knew she had to fight for her Kingdom, despite what her father had said. This was the right thing to do. And even if she herself did not fight, she would be able to speak with the other King. Catalina, being who she was, would be more able to convince the other kingdom of what they were going to do, instead of a group of criminals and glory-seekers. She did not want this for glory or fame, she wanted this so that she may keep her people safe.

Soon enough, her window had opened, and she had descended into the early morning air, easily sneaking past the few guards on patrol. She knew their routines better than they did, as she had always watched them since she was young. The young Elf had made it a point not to be seen, only coming out when the morning air was filled with light, making her way to the docks. By the boat, was a familiar face, already in on the plan.

Halt," Garret spoke towards the 'stranger', "Who are you, and what do you mean to do on this vessel?"

Garret's familiar, voice reached her ears, and she stopped in front of him. His voice was a little raspy, but sounded more wise than any man or woman she had ever met. She herself then spoke up, throwing her voice from it's original high pitch into a more lower, grittier sound, "
I am Belanna Roth. I was unable to make the meeting with the King, and therefore I am sorry. However, I overheard talk at a tavern about the journey, and wished to come along to lend my blades and assistance against these creatures known as Dusk."

Garret then looked her over, he already knew what he was meant to do, and he was able to decently fool many before. Finally, he stepped aside, and waved her forward, "
Very well. More blades could never hurt when we are facing a danger such as the Dusk."

And with that, the Princess, now Belanna, boarded the ship to aid her people in the battle against the Dusk.
The walk through town was enjoyable. The fear-struck faces of the townspeople sent a surge of pleasure through Baron’s body; from the tips of his fingers to the soles of his feet, he tingled. The moment was yanked away from him as he felt a strong pull on his chains, the guard assigned to him feeling his pace was not adequate. Baron eyed the back of the guard’s head and smiled to himself inwardly. His moment would come, he knew, and soon.

Baron shuffled and drank in the fear from the citizens, wishing his hands were wrapped around them. But this was not the time. There would be enough death for him soon enough. He was promised free reign to kill on this journey, this was only the sweet scent of the first course.

The orc was led aboard the ship and down below the deck into the hold. He passed a few interesting faces, especially the large soldier standing next to the ship with the sword across his back. He felt a likeness from him.

The new prison below deck was smaller than he was accustomed but had a window with a view of the sea. This view did not interest him as much as the one promised to him, the promise of blood. With one guard to watch him, Baron would bide his time, waiting and building for the moment he could release his consuming desire. His moment would come, he knew, and soon.
Leceel could less see, and more feel, the gazes upon him as he entered the city again that morning. It was unsurprising, blending into crowds was not a skill he possessed at the best of times. He was more fond of the wild places of the world, where he had learned to hide a presence even as massive as his own. In addition to Mortal Fang, there was also a small sack made from woven leaves slung over his shoulder. A strip of dried meat was consisted of his breakfast for the morning as he made his way to the river boat that had been described yesterday. A small piece of his earnings the night before. What greeted him at the river however, was a man so massive and built that he caused the hunter to pause before moving forward. The signs of the man's age were there, yet he would definitely be an opponent that no one in their right minds would wish to fight against. Especially those eyes . . . they were not the eyes of one who had given up leadership or resigned themselves to letting the pack hunt for them. They were very much the eyes of an alpha who would take the fight personally to his opponents. Leceel locked eyes with the man for several seconds as he passed, and then stepped up onto the ship. It seemed that the crew of this expedition were becoming more varied and eccentric by the hour
Leceel wove the leaves together slowly and methodically, making sure that they would not slip apart or break from sudden jostling. It never hurt to have more room when going on a long journey. Perhaps some more bloodroot would be useful. He moved deeper into the forest, even with the sun starting make its way towards the horizon. He had tried staying in the tavern . . . too noisy, too many people trying to make their voices heard. Here, in the wilderness, the sounds were linked. Not trying to overcome each other, but merging into the harmony that was nature. The sound of insects making their way over the leaves and through the branches. Birds taking off and passing him into the distance, the sounds of small creatures burrowing beneath the earth--and the sound of a massive pair of wings. Leceel stopped. The sounds were trying to get away, away from something very large. The hunter immediately ducked into undergrowth, but he had already been spotted. The piercing cry that was something of a cross between the eagle's screech and a lion's roar echoed through the trees. Leceel silently cursed himself for not noting the signs of such a creature's territory earlier. It would chase him relentlessly to remove him, try to hunt him. Leceel could feel every downbeat of the creature's wings as it lowered in altitude, reverberating through his body. Leceel reached up and pulled mortal fang from its sheathe on his back. It was time to determine who was hunter and prey yet again
Lecell ducked behind a large oak mere seconds before the trunk was gouged several inches deep. The beast let out a roar as it soared back above the trees. Leceel pulled out a handful of something that looked almost like silver sand as he stepped out into the open. As long as that creature held the skies, his chances at victory were slim. His hand went to the hilt of mortal fang as the creature banked around. He had one shot at this. Too early and he would give the creature the advantage. Too late and he would be shredded. It started to dive.




Leceel let out a grizzled shout as he threw the powder at his feet, shutting his eyes as he did so. Anyone walking nearby would have seen a spontaneous flash of light burst between the trees. A startled screech told Leceel's ears everything he needed to know. Roll to the side, and put his blade in front. The was a tearing sound, a great crash, and the cries of an injured beast. Leceel opened his eyes and turned. The griffin was clalungsjwildly around it, having crashed through a couple of trees. Its left wing was completely mangled, half of it torn away and lying in a pool of blood. Leceel approached slowly, outside of the monster's reach. The blindness was only temporary, and even injured he could still very much be wounded by such a beast. Just outside of its flailing talons he waited, and then struck, slicing into the griffon's front left talon. The beast screamed and reared back in agony, just as Leceel hoped it would, and he ran forward, driving mortal fang through the beast's chest and nearly bisecting it. He had torn through its heart and lungs instantly. No misery, no drawn out death. It was not the way of the wild to promote suffering. Leceel offered a silent prayer to the god of strength, for letting him survive another hunt
The bone clacked quietly against the burning logs after Leceel threw it there. Several strips of meat were hung on the smoke, drying for later. Griffon meat was tough, but had decent flavor and kept a body going. What hadn't been eaten or dried was left for a few of the scavengers. He had also taken many of the beast's feathers and stored them in his leaf-sack. They kept griffons warm and protected from the elements, even at high elevations. The fibers of many feathers were even part of his scarf and overcoat. It made more sense to bring them along than leave them to rot. Whenever possible, he left as little of the animal as he could. Bones, fur, scales, these all could be useful later. He had even taken one of the beast's talons for possible carving. He let sleep take him as the night wore on, who knew what his journey would bring?
Fang awoke, sprawled out on the uncomfortable bed in the room he had rented at the Inn beside the tavern. He rubbed his forehead, trying to get rid of the splitting migraine he had. Standing up, he was racked with a queasy feeling but was able to keep himself from hurling. As he made his way to where his hat lay on the trunk, his sides burned and ached. He ran a hand down his body, feeling the various sections of blood-dried fur and torn skin. He winced as he came across an especially large gash across his right hip.

He remembered the events of the night before as he donned his hat and buckled his belt. He placed the daggers in their respective holsters on each hip and put on his captain's jacket. As soon as he had double checked everything, he made his way out of the Inn and into the street. The sun had just risen, but the street outside was already bustling with people. He made his way through the city and down to the docks, limping a bit from his injuries.

As the lake got into sight he noticed a large riverboat pulling away from one of the docks reserved for the King's ships. From afar, he recognized the massive orc from the night before. He was being escorted across the ship's deck by guards and down into what Fang assumed would be a jail cell. "Damn!, No one came to tell me they were leaving.", he thought to himself. He started sprinting as best he could, but by the time he got to the dock, the riverboat was a good 10 minute swim away from the dock.

Fang sighed and jumped into the water, swimming as fast as his leg would allow him to. When he caught up to the ship, he used his daggers to climb the side of the ship. As he flipped on to the ship deck, daggers in hand, pirate attire on, he was met with many swords aimed at his throat. He laid his daggers on the wooden planks beneath his feet and slowly rose, hands outstretched.

"I am Captain Fang. Don't be alarmed, I am merely here for the King's quest."

The guards didn't seem the least bit convinced and Fang searched the ship with his eyes, hoping someone from the night before could vouch for him. He noticed the heavily armored woman that the king had mentioned. Rikki was it? Before he could think about whether she'd turn and notice him or not, he was being shoved towards her. One of the guards stopped him with an outstretched sword that was aimed at throat level. One of the others stepped up and stood at attention.

"General Rikki, Ma'am, in defense of swimming after and jumping onto the boat, this pirate says he is part of this quest. Are we really supposed to believe such foolishness?"
Slowly the boat filled with the people the evening before. Rikki was even more surprised when the group of Faun showed up on the boat. They didn't seem like they would come here without the treaties being signed by the King. Who outright refused too and wouldn't even let the matter be up for discussion. Though he did promise a proper meet and a willingness to terms. Perhaps the faun would soon become a true part of the society. It was going to be a very long journey for them, even after the treaty was made.

Rikki was in for another surprise when Gerret also showed up. He was the princesses one and only guard. When he let on a young showed women, Rikki didn't even give a second glance. She trusted Gerret's judgement. If he deemed this person safe... then they were indeed safe. When all but the 'Great Captain Fang' showed up, to Rikki's relief, the boat began to depart from the docks. They had a long ride ahead to the port city.

Slowly the boat started to head to the mouth of the river from the lake. A small splash made Rikki turn to look. It was the wolf captain... Rikki mentally groaned, but tried to keep a straight face as not to let on to her annoyance. When he managed to flop onto the ship, the women waved her hands, "He is." She answered them. "He was at the meeting last night. Stand down. All are welcome... even late."

At her order, the guards sheathed their weapons, leaving Fang with his furry throat in tact.
He mustn't have heard me, since he didn't reply and kept walking until we got to the boat. I could just see my house from the dock. I wished I was there. From what I heard, the Dusk were immune to almost all forms of attack.

Except for one. I had a strange feeling of pride mixed with duty, as if I was going to be invaluable to this trip. The problem was, I couldn't tell anyone I was Necromantic. I'd have my head clean off of my shoulders before I could say anything past 'necro-'. It had to stay secret for now.

The ship in front of me was immense. It was no battleship, of course, but it had a grandiose style to it that was impressive to no end. I stepped up to the gangplank and walked onto the ship, where I saw Fang with about ten swords at his throat. I ignored him. He was a pompous arse anyway.

I was directed to my quarters, a small room with a comfortable-looking bed and a chest of drawers and desk. I lay down on the bed and tried my best to sleep.
Raiko, waking up slightly angry with everyone ignoring him the day before, rubbed his eyes and stood up. He looked around his room in the castle and wondered why he had never seen something like this. He thought to himself, Oh, right, I'm just a poor traveler. He thought about that for a good two and a half minutes. When he was done, he walked out of his room and had a very light breakfast in the dining hall. He left earlier than everyone else and decided to wander around the town. When he saw people that looked familiar leave the castle, he decided to leave for the boats. Being incredibly stealthy, he followed some guards to the boats. Raiko saw the largest boat and decided to go on that one. It was incredible. He had never seen something like it before. He walked up the gangplank and was stopped by some guards. They said to him, "No Beggars allowed. This is reserved for people on the King's quest." Raiko got incredibly mad at the guards. He yelled at them, "I am NOT a beggar! I am part of the quest for the King! If one more pathetic guard calls me a beggar, I am going to kill someone." The guards looked at each other, saw the fire in Raiko's eyes and decided to believe him. Granted, Raiko did have to show his sword to them. He walked up and saw the werewolf. Great. A werewolf. He thought to himself. Raiko was always quick to judge people. He had met only one other werewolf on his travels and as Raiko stated it, "He was a flaming ass." He turned to a guard and demanded where his quarters were. The guard asked hi his name and directed him towards his own little room. Great the beggar gets the smallest room in the entire boat. It was just a small room with one chest in it. Raiko was starting to build up his anger. If one more thing made him angry he would blow up the ship. He put his sword standing on his chest and sat down on his bed thinking about how this quest would go. Well, I better get a reward for this. He thought to himself. He started to drift into a deep sleep.
The last few days had been pretty weird for Trina Lycus. It all started with her sitting in a dungeon, probably facing the hangmans noose for the crime of hunting in a forest that shouldn't belong to one person in the fist place (plus she did kind of turn into a werewolf (and maybe she was a liiiittle rough with those foresters (jeez! Forget the noose! They were gonna burn her at the stake!). Anyway what ever gruesome fate was in store for her was cut short when some guy in a fancy robe came in and offered her a pardon in exchange for her cooperation in a dangerous expedition.

Gotta say, that sounded a lot more fun than public execution. So she accepted and next thing she was in a fancy dining hall stuffing her face while the king himself gave some boring motivational speech. Pretty nice if you don't mind the crossbows loaded with silver bolts being pointed at you through the whole thing.

Now here she was on a fancy little river boat, about to embark on a luxury cruise to adventure!

And certain death.

Along with some of the worlds most wanted criminals.

Go Trina.

Trina leaned against the railing and stared into the crystal blue water, wondering if she would ever see home again. Its times like this that she wished she knew how to read just so she could write a letter to home. "Dear Mom. Screwed up big time. But don't you worry because got a once 'n a lifetime opportunity at a suicide mission and we're gonna be stinking rich if I- er- when I get back. Like I said, don't worry. Love love lovelove Love LOVE (withbigfancysquigles) Trina. Ps did I mention I love you?" Sigh.

As Trina thought about her fate (and possible ways to subvert it), a commotion arose on the other side of the boat that snapped her out of her sulking. Some one or something had climbed over the rail of the boat and all the guards had their swords pointed at it,

"I am Captain Fang." The figure in the circle of sword said. "Don't be alarmed, I am merely here for the King's quest."

Trina scoffed. 'his name is "Fang"?' She walks closer to get a better look. 'Buddy, either your old lady had poor taste or you're compinsatin' for- what the!? Is that another-?!'

The guards herded the wolfish creature towards the elfish guard- what was her name?- Ricky? and told her "General Rikki, Ma'am, in defense of swimming after and jumping onto the boat, this pirate says he is part of this quest. Are we really supposed to believe such foolishness?"

The elf waved them off. "He is." She answered them. "He was at the meeting last night. Stand down. All are welcome... even late." The lady was trying to look professional, but her body language was like 'Great, that damn cat came back' And with that, the guards let the tricorn wearing canine go.

As he was.

Wait. Was she missing something??

Trina turned to her designated guard, standing there with a crossbow loaded with silver bolts. "Hey! 'The heck, man!?" She complained. "I was told "no transformin' on the voyage" (which is stupid, by the way), but Scurvy-Dog over there's walkin' round all wolfed out! No ones shootin' at HIM!"
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I woke up after what seemed like an hour or two later, but was probably only fifteen minutes. Walking out of my room, I looked around the hallways. It certainly was a big ship.

I went up to the deck, where some guard had a crossbow lined up to some girl's head. I nodded to her and said, "having fun?"

Not really expecting an answer, I walked up to the bridge, where there were two chairs. I sat in one and looked up to the sky. Some strange birds were flying overhead. One of them suddenly started diving straight towards me.

The bird swooped back upward, flew around and landed on the chair behind me. I finally got to look closely at it.

It had copper eyes and slick, short feathers of grey, brown, white and black. Its wings were broad and it had an abnormally long tail. The bird cocked its head back and let out a quick call, high, high, low; high, high, low. It was a nice sound. I noticed that the bird had a mouth filled with sharp, needle-like teeth. The bird looked at me. I looked at the bird. All was silent.

Then, the silence was blown apart when it let out a horrific screech that seemed to last for at least five minutes, when it obviously was no more than five seconds. I screeched back, hissing like a cat, and the bird took off to the skies.

Strange, I'd never done that before. The crew of the ship looked strangely at me. "I'm as surprised as you are," I said to them, "I guess it's because half my life I was brought up by cats, for all intents and purposes. What was that?"

One of the crew said, "that's a harker. They don't like people staring at them for too long, but I'd recommend everyone take off anything shiny. Like klepto-magpies, those bastards."

We drifted on, along the river.
The guard gave Trina a funny look and shrugged as if to say "What do you want ME to do about it?"

Trina rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She grumbled. Friggin unfair. Going a whole week without letting it loose was going to drive her NUTS. Not that there was a lot of room to do anything, though those masts might be kinda fun to-



Trina jumped, and whipped around to see some schmuck hissing away a scary looking bird.

The man looked around and noticed he was being watched "I'm as surprised as you are," he said, "I guess it's because half my life I was brought up by cats, for all intents and purposes"

Trina looked at the man for a moment. "Oookay. Crazy cat person".

(I'll type more when I can think clearly)
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Fang brushed himself off as the guards released him. He straightened his hat and checked his sides, finding his daggers still there. He scanned the ship, seeing a few of the people that had been at the meeting. There were, however, some he did not recognize. He noticed a woman angrily conversing with a guard. He appeared to be guarding her specifically. How strange that she would need a guard, she seemed perfectly human.

His canine ears flattened to his head at the screech and he cringed, baring his teeth and scrunching his eyes closed. He stared across the deck at the source of the sound and gave the man a glare that would reduce the average person to knee-shaking fear. He saw the man exchange a few words with a crew member as Fang walked towards him. He made sure to get uncomfortably close and make eye contact with the man.

"You ever make that sound again, and I will make sure you are "accidentally" thrown overboard"

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