[There Will Be No End] Old role play

"Release the prisoners, arm them!"

Shocked by the quick turn of events, Cerin quickly sprang into action, roughly pulling Trina toward her, and removing the loose, yet still restrictive shackles that bound her arms and her legs. She quickly ducked below deck, for only a moment, to retrieve an older sword from the ship's stores. The weapon was dinged, and the blade a bit dull, but it appeared to be the best they had, for the moment. She again pulled Trina close to her, forcing the girl to look her in the eye. "Listen. You're going to help fight. You try anything, and I swear I will hunt you down myself, and see you hang. Got it?"

Certain she'd made herself clear, she removed the shield on her back, and the sword from her sheath. Her heart racing, she stood ready for further instructions. Truth be told, Cerin hadn't seen combat in quite some time. Certainly longer than she'd like to admit. However, she was still confident in her abilities. Noting the swarm of people trying to get onto the boat, Cerin looked to Rikki. "Orders?" She nearly lowered her shield, and shoved those on the gangplank aside, to get to shore, but figured that may not be the best course of action. Though Cerin had never been told directly that Rikki was her superior, it was easy to tell when someone had experience, and Rikki definitely had it. Ready for action, Cerin awaited Rikki's orders.


Migrating from landlife to boatlife was sudden, in the time span of about five minutes. In just a day and a half, maybe less, a woman of a relatively sheltered background were to venture out into a new experience. Lerilot would openly admit, she had not sailed on a boat before. Nor did she think she would enjoy the encounter. If she could put up with a few weeks, though, it would be fine for her. She should be able to get through everything else just fine.

Before departing from the royal castle, Lerilot made sure to get a small portion of food to eat. While she did despise stuffing her obnoxiously small frame, she did recognize the importance of eating, especially for a magic user. Afterwards, when she was done eating, she retrieved her belongings and strode out of the castle belatedly.

Getting onto the boat was no problem for Lerilot. It was when it took off that was when Lerilot had a few problems. The girl sat silently in her chair off to the side, eyeing the water uncannily.

'What if the boat sank?'

'What if the one large Dusk creature actually came, to claim dominance over the seas?'

Lerilot tapped the side of her head anxiously. If the boat ride didn't kill her, the stress would.


The next few days were spent in silence and self-enlightenment. Whatever books were left around the boat to read Lerilot had gazed through in the time she had. She spoke to nearly nobody, and made an attempt to block them out had they made a scene, and tried not to think about them.

One hour in the day Lerilot had decided to stray out of her sleeping quarters to see what everyone else on deck were doing. Of course, she regretted it. An utter waste of time. As expected the people were talking and chatting, some sitting alone and doing their own thing. Nothing important was being discussed, atleast not important to Lerilot.

It was then that Lerilot decided to spend the rest of the boat ride in solitude. If something came up that would acquire her attention, she'd be there. Otherwise, she were not to be messed with.

Not too soon after, and it was such a coincidence that it became a surprise to Lerilot, trouble had arisen. Not just on the boat, but on the shores of Alestan. The humongous dusk that took the form of a sea hydra arrived, smashing through houses and smashing through villagers and guards. The prisoners were called to be released, and the fighters on deck were to arrive, battle-prepared. Lerilot sped through her room towards the front of the boat, stiff papers inbetween her fingers, ready to defend. She stood back for the villagers to board the boat in a frenzy so she and the other men on the boat could go back on land.
"Well, I'm never going to make it at this rate." Naya said to herself, her expression completely calm but her tail twitching with annoyance. She had just spent the last half-hour trying to find her location on an unfamiliar map and, if she was reading it right, it was telling her that she was still several days away from Rossilia Point. Oh, and she was pretty sure that big boat that had passed by a few minutes ago had just scared all of the fish away and she was not going anywhere on an empty stomach.

With a sigh, Naya folded up the map, slipped it into her pack, and turned her attention back to her fishing rod. As one might expect it had been quite some time since she had gotten a bite and for a five foot tall cat girl with an appetite that could rival a full grown Orc, that was a very long time. She was almost to the point of jumping in and just trying to catch them by hand.

Despite all the set backs, it actually wasn't a bad day to be stuck fishing on the riverside. The sun was out, the birds were singing, the crickets chirping, and there was a hint of smoke in the air. Hang on. Naya took another sniff. That was more than just a hint! She looked around for the source of the smell. What she saw was that the small farming community a ways off was under attack by a giant black dragon.

"Latkral thell ma'aknul!" The Tsavosan warrior cursed in her native tongue, scrambling to her feet and speeding towards the village...
The sight of smoke drew the attention of the guards, momentarily breaking their concentration of the prisoner. A chance, Baron thought. The orc pulled on his chains causing the guards to reel forward off-balanced. Baron turned, grasping a head in each hand like a piece of fruit. He squeezed, sending a burst of red juice from his mitts. The guards fell lifelessly to the deck; the chains on his hands eased and slacked, coiling like metal snakes around his feet. The criminal yanked apart his hand and broke the cuffs. The guard’s chains were attached to Baron’s wrists, dangling like whips, but his hands now had their full range of motion.

The ship docked with the port and Baron was the first off. He dashed, throwing aside villagers and bystanders trying to board the ship. Some fell to the water, others fell to his fists. A wild crescent smile appeared on Baron’s face, his hideous teeth glaring.

The chains dragged along the dirt as Baron entered the destroyed village. The large, black creature had its back to the orc while terrorizing a family of townsfolk. The dusk’s tail squirmed and flailed amongst the destruction but stopped as it went to devour the helpless family before it. Baron charged, digging his hands into the dark flesh of the dusk's tail, attempting to grab hold or tear it apart.
The mention of dusk brought an instantaneous change in Leceel's demeanor. The rod was pulled out of the water and set aside in a span of mere seconds. He had leapt off the side of the boat and landed on the shore with a crash mere seconds after the boat landed at the river's edge. Mortal Fang was already in his hand as he dashed towards the monster in the village. His eyes had changed from the calm focus that had seemed to come so naturally, and now held a barely contained fury.
Fang took note of Rikki's suggestion and gave a short nod of recognition. As he was walking away, he noticed her rush off to talk to the Captain. He followed their gaze and saw the smoke. Moments later, the Dusk dragon was in view and the boat was stopping. He rushed below deck, pushing aside those who got in his way. He retrieved his swords from his bunk and rushed back to the action. He barely avoided a swinging chain as the massive Orc he had teased at the meeting rushed past. He took note of the gleefulness with which the Orc shoved and punched and decided to stay well away from that beast. He found a place slightly out of the way of the commotion and closed his eyes. He made some guttural, growling noises and there was a flash of purple light. Noir appeared in front of him, her claws outstretched, ready to sink into those who wished to attack her.

"come on, girl. We've got a beastie to fight."

Fang and Noir sprinted forward and jumped from the boat. They landed lightly on the ground and continued forward, following the few who were able to make it off the boat.
Felix was still manifesting his strange thoughts in chalk on the walls and floor of the prison when he strted to smell smoke. He coughed, put away his chalk and got up and walked onto the deck.

Felix was greeted with the sight of obliterated houses, flaming villages and crippled, bloody, broken bodies strewn all over the shop.

Oh, and a giant black dragon. How could he forget the giant black dragon.

The roar the dragon released was deafening, and Felix just stood still, a look on his face that neared boredom. Inside, however, he was crapping himself. All he could manage to say amid the chaos of the now-stationary ship was, "oh, for fuck's sake..."

He wrenched his leg backwards, walking against what every horrified bone in his body screamed at him to do, and started to run towards the edge of the ship. Felix sat on the barrier, facing the other side of the ship, and fell backwards. it took him about four seconds for him to hit the water, and when he did, it bloody hurt. He clambered onto a close rock, leaned in close to the ship and took out a deep red chalk.


Felix drew a large circle, the diameter roughly the same as the length of his leg, on the side of the ship.

No way...

He then bisected the circle and drew a five-pointed star in the left semicircle.

You're kidding me... You are kidding me, right, Felix?

Inside the other semicircle, he drew a pentagon with a small circle at each corner.

F-Felix... Felix, you don't know what you're doing! Do you know what the crap you're doing?

A circle the size of Felix's fist was drawn in the direct centre of the giant circle, and another circle inside that, and a horizontal line bisecting that, making a small cross in the middle.

Felix, if you respect yourself and your life and my life in any way in the slightest, you will wipe that off!

He took out his knife and stabbed right into the middle of the cross.


"You are not my mother!" Felix shouted, before snarling "Yctas Murannis!" and slamming his hands on the two large shapes in the red circle.

The wood inside the circle rotted, withered and crumbled away. What Felix saw inside was not the ship. A gust of hot wind blew in his face, as the tortured wails and sobs of a thousand souls battered at his ears. The sight beyond the circle was indescribable, but it was disturbing and horrifically eerie. A misty red tendril snaked out and caressed Felix's face. It grew larger and more shapely, while still connected to the place beyond the circle. The mist moulded itself into the shape of a... Well, actually, Felix had no idea what it was, but the mist dissipated and a disgusting, festering beast of no similarity to anything of the world Felix knew dropped into the sea.

Felix stood still. He was coated in a cold sweat. He dropped the infernal chalk he was holding and it broke in two as it his the ground.

Felix, with all due respect, there is not a single solitary chance you are going to wake up tomorrow morning with your head still on your body once Rikki finds out about this.

"Shut up, Blu."
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Trina's jaw dropped at the sight of the massive abomination and the havoc it was wrecking, "...HOLY FRICKIN' MOTHER LOVIN' SONUVA BISKET EATIN-" and before she could finish that poor excuse for a blue streak, her guard unlocked her shackles and shoved a sword in her hand.

Trina looked at the piece (of crap) she had been handed. "Um, hey, what-" The guard pulled her close and said "Listen. You're going to help fight. You try anything, and I swear I will hunt you down myself, and see you hang. Got it?"

Now it dawned on her as to what was going on. "You can't be serious! we're FIGHT'N that thing!?!? I dunno what ya heard 'bout me, but I can't-" and the guard ran off without listening. "Well THANKS FOR LEAVIN' ME WITH A WEAPON I CAN'T USE, YOU COW!" Silly of Trina to think she would care.

Welcome to Trina's personal nightmare. Looking around, however she could see that sentiment not mutual. They were EXCITED. Enthusiastically preparing themselves to take on the foul beast. The guy with the fishing pole had instantly switch to kill mode and jumped off the boat onto the dock. Baron broke loose from his chains and after making short work of his guards as a preliminary, gleefully bowled through the bystanders to get the main event. Fang summoned some kind of giant cat and rushed of to fight, and Catboy, he... Um... He fell off the boat. Real impressive.

'Well' thought Trina 'Those crazies can have their fun. Me? I'm getting outta here. My guard's gonna have a hard time keepin' an eye on me so this is the best chance I'm gonna get t' sneak off.' Of course she would have keep the illusion of cooperation and participate in the fight a little, but hey-no-way was she going melee against THAT (and as for her feral form, seriously, what was she going to do? Nibble its bum?). She need a range weapon. That would keep her at a distance and would also give her an excuse to hang in the back where she could better slip away.

Trina dropped the sword, went over to one of Barons dead guards ("Ew! no open casket for you.") and grabbed a crossbow and a set of bolts off of him. "No disrespect for the dead n' all," she told the corpse, "but I'm'n need of one 'a these, and you? You ain't need'n nothin' anymore"

She looked at her newly acquired weapon. "Huh. Steel bow-stave. Nice"
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Naya stopped at the edge of the fields, only now getting an idea for what it was that she was really running towards. It was not a dragon. As she thought about it, she remembered hearing that the dragons were extinct. Besides, the lack of scales, the shadowy tendrils coming off its body, these were not traits that belonged to the ancient beasts. No, those belonged to the Ullyss Nokt, or as the mainlanders called them, the Dusk.

Naya had known from the very moment that she had decided to travel to Rossilia point that she would eventually have to fight these demons, but she had not expected her first battle to be so soon, nor against one so huge. In fact, she had not thought it possible for anything to get that big. What could she possibly do against something of that size? It would be like trying to punch a mountain! She always had Rak'Thiel's Light, but she had never used that power against a Dusk before, so she had no idea if it would be enough to kill the demon. If it wasn't, it would only serve to piss the monster off, putting the villagers in even more danger than they already were.

The best thing for her to do she decided, running towards the houses, would be to help in the evacuation of the townsfolk. Once they were safe she could give it her all against the Dusk.

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