[There Will Be No End] Old role play

I sighed, and said, "If you were paying attention, which you evidently weren't, I was given a considerable fright by a harker, provided you know what that is, and I reacted like someone would... Roughly. Now, you go back to your kennel and let me enjoy the view. It's going to be a long week and I am determined to enjoy it, come what may."
Raiko's eyes shot open when he heard a screeching sound. He grabbe his sword and ran up to the deck. When he saw that everything was alright, he got angry at the person who did it. He heard someone talking to the werewolf and mentioning a harker. That's what that little girl must have screamed about. He thought to himself. He walked over to them and said in a "trying to be calm voice", "Why did you scream and wake me up? People say that nothing good happens to the one that makes me angry. Next time, shoo it away you-" he was about to say something mean but decided against it. These people would fight with him so he better not be enemies with any of them. He looked at them in the eyes trying t be intimidating although if anyone was intimidating it would be that guard, Rikki was the name?
Fang looked at the ragged man who had just walked up beside him and the noise maker. If it weren't for his different smell, his ragged appearance would have meant he was one of those filthy mutts that were his race's cousins. "Vile creatures those werewolves are", he thought to himself. This one does not reek of their odor, however.

He turned his attention back to the man who claimed he had just been scaring off a bird.

"See? This one has some common sense. Next time, don't antagonize a creature that can make such an annoying sound. Some of us are a bit more sensitive to that kind of thing."

He gave the man one more disgusted gaze before heading below deck. He saw only one bunk left that did not have anyone's belongings on it. He took his large daggers out and embedded them in a piece of wood near the bunk. They were out of the way for people walking around down here, but they would be readily available if he needed them. He laid down and made sure he was in a position that he could roll out of bed quickly and grab his daggers, ready to fight, if the need should arise.
... Woah. Those guys were "sensitive" all right. "Seriously!?" Trina said "All that fuss over a bird!?" She laughed and turned to Catman, "Guess ya oughta be carful not to fart or nuth'n. Might start a fight. By the way, good job for puttin' a werewolf in his place an all, I mean, that takes grit..." She leaned forward and whispered "but we tend to find kennel jokes kinda offensive." Normally she wouldn't be so trusting with that info, but this fellow had earned her respect.
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I looked sideways at this raggedy girl.

"Madam, I'd appreciate if you weren't so crude, but thank you," I gave a faint smile at that. I looked back towards the front of the ship. The weather was nice, but black clouds loomed on the horizon, bringing rain with them, most likely.

Kind of symbolic, isn't it?

Oh, crap...

You know, how you're all going to go and fight a load of shadow-sludge-things and probably die in a horrific fashion involving deafening screams and copious amounts of blood.

Oh, craaaaap...

Did you miss me?

"Not all that much," I sighed.

Aww, really? Come on, I bet you did really! Are you just bitter because my friends are having fun with your parents down under?

I growled.

You know, I'm kind of upset too. I wish I could be with your parents too. They seem like the type of couple who could handle their alcohol, eh? Eh?

"Good for them," I said, "I don't want to know. I just want to get this trip over with and live out the rest of my life in peace. I just really want to forget about it, okay?"

Really? You just want to forget about your parents?


Your dead parents?

"Yes, Blu."

Your dead, eternally damned parents?

"For crap's sake, yes!"

Who are dead?

"MOTHERFU-" I stopped myself before I tried to get out my pistol. I gave myself a quick slap around the face, rested my head back and closed my eyes.
"Madam, " he said, "I'd appreciate if you weren't so crude, but thank you," he smiled smiled faintly.

"No prob'm" said Trina. Gotta say Her first impulse was to beat him up and take his lunch money, but anyone who could stand his ground while getting a death glare (and halitosis) from a werewolf was cool in her books. Though she was a little annoyed about having her crudeness criticized. Sissy.

Anyways, Trina was getting tired of holding her backpack so she figured she'd go down below, find a cabin and drop her stuff off there. As she walked down the main hall, she staggered once or twice. Walking down a tunnel as it swayed back and forth was a new experience for her.

Eventually, she looked behind and noticed her "leash holder" was still behind her exactly two feet. 'Oh yeah, she thought, I forgot about him. She moved forward. He moved forward. She stopped. He stopped. She moved back two steps. he moved back two steps.

Trina rolled her eyes '"Don' worry" they said "won't even know he's there" yeah except that he's friggen creepy.'

Trina walked up to him and waved her hand in front of his face. Didn't blink. She clapped her hands. No blink. She puffed out her cheeks and pulled her ears, making a chimp face. No laugh. This guy was good.

Trina rolled her eyes, started to turn around as if giving up, and then abruptly whipped around with yellow eyes, bushy eyebrows, pointed hairy ears and an elongated, fanged mouth screaming "BLEEEAAARGH!!!" and The guard SHRIEKED, bringing up his crossbow, cocking it, and soiling himself all in the same moment.

Trina returned her face to normal and smirked. "Y'know, I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you."
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Leceel had to shake his head at the swarm of activity around the boat. He was uncertain whether they were in more danger from the dusk . . . or staying in a cramped space together for the journey. For now, he decided to catch himself a proper meal, as well as give his mind something to focus on besides the apparent madness of his companions. The hunter perched himself at the very back of the boat, setting down the leaf-pack he had been carrying. From a small pouch on his belt he produced a hook. A moderately sized, but flexible branch had been brought from off-shore. A few of the griffon feathers were pulled out from his pack, where the giant of a man began to carefully strip the fibers and weave them together. It was a slow, methodical process. Something easy for Leceel to focus on.
Rikki ignored most of the chatter happening among the crew and it's new passengers. Most of them annoying little fame seekers. Even the new little girl whom has an escort with her didn't seemed all the menacing. In fact... why was a little girl here, among them? Another child to litter the possible failing march into the ocean. Rikki was use to commanding skilled warriors... round them up to defend her kingdom and king. Not children and screeching animals.

Right now, Rikki was floundering like a fish out of water. She tried to take a small calming breath and let the situation go. At the moment they were not harming anyone. Sure they were making threats, but that was the extent. At least Rikki hoped this would be the case. Were any blows to be exchanged, Rikki will push them off the boat and tell them to swim somewhere else. Certainly that would solve all her problems. She could even do it to the pirate captain. As she would dare him to attack her with his ship of misfit.

People like him were nothing but a plague on the world. She would put it almost as bad as the dusk themselves walking on Arias ground. Stealing, lying and cheating for money was beyond despicable. Baron even more so. He was sickening, killing just for the fun of doing so. She was sure Captain Fang was not above such joys himself.

Rikki's lips only curled downward to a disapproving frown as she thought of the coming days on the boat. Not just this one, but the gallant as well.

"Captain." one of the guard approached her, gently prodding her thoughts by speaking up.

Turning, Rikki gave the man the attention he asked for, her mind prepared for what he could possibly tell her. "Speak up..."

"The Barron has been taken to the small cell. The bunks are filled to the brim. The captain is a bit... concerned with the group.." He sounded like he was trying the best way to phrase the very things Rikki was most likely thinking throughout the few hours that have passed.

"I will talk to the captain. Tell me who the girl is... why does she have an escort?"

"Well Ma'am. She was caught poaching then attempted to kill several guard trying to get away. She turned into a werewolf to do most of the damage. She is mostly harmless in this form. The guard is there in case she transform." The man continued to stand stiffly in front of his commander while she took in his words.

"Alright, I'm going to go talk to her personally. Make sure none of this entourage gets in the crew's way." Her order caused the man to nod, salute and walk away. Rikki watched him but a moment before her eyes tailed to Tarina whom was walking down to the bunk with her guard.

Rikk manage to make it down just as she yelled, making the poor guy pee himself. He was not cut out for watching criminal apparently. Trina seemed to laugh loudly, like it was some kind of hilarious joke.

"What are you doing?" Rikki snapped with a low growl. It was the voice she used when trouble was to be had.

"Captain..." The guard said looking at her almost ashamed for what had just happened.

"Is this some kind of joke to you girl?" Rikki said walking next to the guard. She pulled a silver tipped bolt from the man's quiver before reaching behind her back pulling out her shield. Her grip tight on the leather meant to hold her shield up. Rikki would never actually strike the girl. Rikki was armed, Trina was not. It went against her honor to harm someone unarmed. But she damn well better believe she was going to scare the girl.

She did close in on Trina, planning to corner her into a wall. If she transformed, Rikki would only have grounds to actually attack the girl. Rikki also had status. Trina attacking her only meant breaking the law, something an already branded criminal like her could not afford to do.

The Trina threw her hands air and, yeah, she backed up, as Rikki advanced towards her, shield in one hand ready to bash and crossbow bolt clenched in the other to stab with. Barbarian style. "Woah! Hey! Back off! I was was just messin' with 'im, aright!? Didn't hurt him or nuthin. Sheesh! Loosen up." Trina stopped, sniffed and looked at the guard funny. "Did you CRAP your self? Heh, bonus"
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Fang awoke to a commotion, rolling out of bed and taking up a defensive stance. His daggers were at the ready, ready to go through his would-be attackers. When he saw it was just a young girl scaring her guard, he grumbled and relaxed. He stood, tossing his daggers onto his bunk. He decided sleep was no longer in question and wanted to get some fresh air. The bunks suddenly had become ridden with an unpleasant odor.

By the time he had gotten his coat and hat back on, the woman General had came below deck and was threatening the girl. "Great", he thought to himself, "the babysitter is here to ruin the fun." Fang cautiously made his way towards the engagement, but stayed back. He had not seen Trina transform her face and was curious to see why one so young would need a guard, even one pathetic enough to soil himself. He figured that whatever the reason, it may be revealed when the girl was confronted.
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GM Note After Mopps next post, i'll be moving on to the next day, which is going to be 'two days later' and the day that Circus and Mopp's character will be allowed out of the brig, where a large event will happened. I will allow everyone a post to settle where you are and what you are doing the last few days.

Rikki almost glared at Trina as she seemed to bark her own orders at Rikki, telling her to calm down. She even proceeded to laugh at the guard more. It infuriated Rikki by the amount of disrespect the child had. Not only did she harm others, she seemed perfectly ok with the fact people's lives lay on her shoulders. In fact she seemed like she could care less.

She was no harden criminal like Baron... but she was not a model citizen either. Perhaps showing her what a criminal is and gets would straighten her up.
"If you can't behave with a watch guard then you will be treated like all the other criminal on this boat. You will also have a new guard first thing in the morning and only be granted a couple days out of the brig with Baron."

"Lets go. Start walking." Rikki demanded, her shield bumping against Trina to force her to move forward and to the brig.
"WHAT?! Oh, C'mon! It was just a- hey! Quit shovin'! Your a real &%#@$ Y'know that!?"


Trina had to much pride to go quietly. In fact, the whole way to her cell, she wouldn't shut up.

" -ont see how givin someone the runs is illegal and besides, Crappants McGuard-goyle here's gonna be LAUGHING about this tomorrow. Ok maybe he's gettin fired or somethin' but hey," she looked at the guard, "least you got a cool story to tell about it (might wanna leave out your little accident, though). Sides I wouldn't want wanna work for this Shrew if I were you." She turned to Rikki. "I mean, is that just a THING with elves? Is humor foreign to you culture? (Oh, sorry, HALF- elf. I guess that makes you HALF boring). Y'know I can't figure out how you people climb trees with that stick so far up your rear. Seriously, Rick, take a vacation. Get a hobby. Bake cookies in a tree or somethin'."

They had entered the brig and looking around, she found her prison mate. The horned Orc with Me-Eat-Babies written all over his face. "Aw Seriously!?!?" She loudly complained . "Your putting me it a BARRED cell!?!? With a GUY in here!?!? Don't I get a little PRIVACY!!! What if I gotta take a DUMP, ?!?!

"Oh, and you SERIOUSLY think puttin' me in time out is gonna make me behave? Well I got news for you, sister. I'm a BEAST." Her fangs MUST have come out. She didn't care. "We don't FIT in bottles. No goods comin' from that. Oh-ho. no. I'm WARNIN' YOU! THIS'S GONNA BITE'YA IN THE BUTT!!"

A more savage part of her mind thought 'Or maybe your HEAD'.
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Rikki didn't even give Trina the satisfaction of a reaction to her loud screams and temper tantrums. Even her blatant racial slur didn't even both Rikki. Most racial jokes or threats came from Zalon's mouth every day and no longer even phased the half-elven women.

Trina was then thrown in a cell across from Baron's.
"You have company." Rikki told the large orc. Personally she hopped the spunky werewolf annoyed the man so much that she became the first victim since he got out. How annoyed Rikki was at this moment, she could almost look the other way at the murder.

"If your attitude does not change soon child, you will be properly punish for disrespecting I and the guard.You are lucky I am giving you the chance to think about your actions." Rikki told her, hinting to her that she needed to watch her mouth. She locked her cage up and stuck the keys to her belt personally. "I hope you don't regret not caring."

Two days later. Day three on the River boat.

The castle slowly started to get smaller in the horizon as they traveled and the farm lands started to appear. It was clear to see people working hard, planting and tending to the lands. There were a few small wooden docks where other ships would he loading up the winter crops and giving the spring crops.

The captain of the ship made it very clear he wanted everyone to stay out of the way of his crew. He didn't mind people up and about the deck, but he didn't want them in the way. He didn't care if anyone knew nothing to everything about a boat, just stay out of his and his crew's way.

Things on the boat were mostly calm. The crew could be either seen doing their job, cleaning, drinking or gambling. Gambling mostly consisted of games of Bones, a popular dice game, cards and childish dares. Dules were not allowed on this particular vessel unlike some.

By morning, noon and night, the group was offered a ration of dried meat, bread and slice of cheese to eat. Of course it was nothing grand compared to what they had eaten at the castle, but it was a free meal. Trina and Baron each received two meals a day instead of three.

When it was time for them to come out for a few hours of air, they were let out. Baron with several guard... and Trina with her one new guard.
When Fang, who had been watching and listening at a distance, saw the group coming towards him, he darted back to his bunk. He placed his hat down over his eyes, pretending to be asleep as they passed him. Once they were a few feet away, he took off his hat and sat up in his bunk. He saw them go into the prison block of the ship.

That one question still rung out. Why was this girl being put under lock and key? She looked and smelled no different than the average human. What was so special about her? He got up and hid around the corner. He peeked around just in time to see that the girl had suddenly sprouted fangs and excess hair on her face. Fang's fur bristled and he let out a low, inaudible growl as he connected the dots. Silver bolts, she was under lock and key, feral appearance when she wished. She was one of them.

He made his way back to his bunk just in enough time that he didn't get caught eavesdropping. This was going to be a long trip being stuck on board with one of those mutts.

~Two Days Later~

Fang was above deck, watching the farmland go by distastefully. As he walked along the side of the ship, he noticed a loose rigging and tightened it. He was once a crew member before being captain of his own ship and he knew such tedious, petty things could be quite the annoyance. He noticed the feral girl was across the ship, a new guard stationed beside her.

He made his way over, trying to hide his distaste for her "tainted" blood. She was one who made an effort to at least accept her inner beast and have a civilized look and scent. The ones he truly hated were those straggly beggar-looking mutts who reeked of their own waste, all because they fought with the blessing that lived inside them. Fang also admired the girl's arrogance and free-willed, "I'm not takin your s*** today" attitude. He walked up beside her, the guard not even flinching at his sudden appearance. At least this one could hold her own.

"You know, I am taking my own ship on this voyage once we get to the port city. You'd be welcome aboard. Might not be your cup of tea being a young girl on a ship with a bunch of raggedy male pirates, but at least you wouldn't have to be on lock and key. I heard your exchange with the General over there, the one who's in charge of all this. I must say, you've got quite the attitude."

He left out that he had crates full of silver rounds. He himself did not use guns, but his crew was stocked with pistols (the old flintlock pirate ones of course). He looked at her and gave a toothy, canine grin.
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Truth be told, Cerin wasn't terribly excited to be here. First off, she hated ships. Secondly... well, she hated ships. And last but not least, she was stuck guarding some young girl, who, as far as Cerin was concerned, wasn't capable of forming a proper sentence. Nevertheless, she was here, on this ship, working toward Knighthood. Whatever it took, to reach that goal, would be done.

Apparently, the prisoners, or whatever they were, aboard the ship, were allowed out of their cells for a few hours of fresh air. Cerin had been given a crossbow, and a few silver bolts, to help keep her prisoner in line. Turns out, she was a werewolf. How interesting.

Not being one to use a crossbow, Cerin had instead decided on slipping a few of the bolts into her cloak, ensuring that they weren't more than a moment's reach away. Just in case. Her sword at her side, and her shield strapped to her back, she had led her prisoner onto the deck, keeping a wary eye on her. Rumor had it, she'd pulled something only a couple days before, that warranted replacing the previous guard. Details had been foggy, but with the girl being a werewolf, Cerin at least had a vague idea of what had transpired.

As she kept watch over Trina, she noticed the Lycanthrope approaching. She'd heard very little of him, but apparently his name was Fang. Captain Fang? She couldn't quite remember. Nevertheless, it wasn't particularly important. Cerin hadn't been informed of any limitations as to whether or not her charge was allowed to speak to anyone. Given her prior experience with guardwork, if it wasn't specifically restricted, and it wasn't something they obviously wouldn't be allowed to do, there wasn't any reason to keep them from doing it. That thought in mind, Cerin allowed Fang to address the girl, simply listening in on the conversation, ready to rein the girl back under control, at a moment's notice.

(Hope it's alright for a first post. Wasn't entirely sure how much background to add. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Thanks!)
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Two days in the brig wasn't exactly a fun experience but Trina did her best to make herself comfortable.

Using her extensive clothes collection, her knowledge of knot tying, and a nail in the top corner, Trina managed to set up a sort of privacy curtain that went almost halfway around her cell. With the excuse of needing privacy, Trina made use of her curtain to pull of a few no-no's. After all a girl did need privacy to "change" once and a while. (she was bored.)

And while she was only fed two meals a day (which, for her, was still four times what the normal person ate) she managed to smuggle some elvish way-bread in back pack. You know, one bite fills a grown mans stomach? Elves might be stuck up, but Trina could not deny their culinary genius. To bad the recipe was a secret.

Every once and a while she would leave a crumb for the rat(s?) that often wandered by. Her oldest brother, who was good with animals, said that rats were easy to train and made for affectionate pets. No luck so far, so now she fed them and secretly hoped they'd blow up.

But Trina was not content. She didn't belong in a cage. And even outside of it she was still a prisoner. In a prison of wood surrounded by desert of water with a bunch of crazies sailing to her possible doom. More and more, her mind to turn to thoughts of escape, and often thoughts of revenge towards Rikki. That pointy eared &%#@$ had a lot of nerve to tell her to "grow up and be grateful" when she had practically been shanghaied to fight for people she didn't like while her family would have no idea what happened her if she never came back!

Trina looked out the small window of her cell and started to sing. They confiscated her pennywhistle so there wasn't much else she could do to pass the time.


Hangman slack up your rope

Oh slack it for a whiiiiile

I look down yonder and I see Pa com'n

He's walked for many a long miiiile

Oh Paaaaa

Oh Pa have you brung me any gold

Any gold to pay my feeeee

Or have you walked these many long miles

T' see me on the hangin' treeee"

No soooon,

No son I ain't brung you any gold

No gold to pay your feeeee

So I have walked these many long miles

Just t' see you on the hangin' treee


Hangman slack up your rope

Oh slack it for a whiiiiile

I look down yonder and I see Ma com'n

She's walked for many a long miiiile

Trina stopped and sighed "No money in the world's worth this. I gotta get outta here."


Not long after they made port, Miss Tree-Up-Her-Butt came down and introduce Trina to her new guard, and made it very clear that she was not to give her any trouble.

"Oh no worries there Rick." said Trina. And as soon as Rikki wasn't looking she turned to the new guard said "cause I'm sure we're going to be beeesst friends!" Giving her a You -Have-No-Idea-How-Miserable-I'm-Going-to-Make-Your-Life kind a grin.

Trina walked above deck thinking of ways she could quietly sneak away or subdue her guard or something without getting shot (though her plans were far from complete) when Captain Werepirate walked up to her and to her surprise made an offer to join his crew. The smart thing to do would've been to say "no". If she was going to escape she couldn't be on an ocean bound ship at all and somehow it didn't seem like Rikki would okay that anyway. But another werewolf, one of the few she had ever meet outside of her family, just asked her to join his pack. Of PIRATES!!! (Insert gold doubloons, jollyrogers, bottles of rum and other piratey fanfare). So without thinking she squealed "REALY!?!?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?!"

(This is the song Trina was singing [media]

[/media] )
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Baron’s ears perked at the sound of a girl’s whining voice down the halls of the brig. It was the sound of desperation and helplessness, the sounds of a prisoner. The orc smiled as the werewolf girl was thrown into the cell across from him. She was young and smelled of hot blood.

During their days in the cells, the girl set up a partition between the two prisoners, blocking her from Baron’s sights. Baron scoffed at the idea. At every chance, he whipped his member out and pissed through the bars towards her cell in hopes of offending the child. It was something to pass the time.

The next two days passed without event and Baron was allowed a few hours outside for air. The orc stood next to the railing of the ship, gazing at the shifting landmass unimpressed. Baron’s hands hung in front of him, bound by heavy steel chains that extended to the two guards assigned to him. To him, this was no different than a cell: uneventful and contained.

Baron was not fond of loud crowds and this ship was packed full of obnoxious characters. The wolf pirate, the boy who talked to himself, and now the loud-mouthed girl all clamored for attention. Baron wished to strangle them and hear their last, ragged breaths. The fantasy aroused him but the chains around his wrists brought about a cold shock of reality. He could not kill, only wait.

He gazed out at the distant land, unimpressed and uninterested.
Many of the crew had given Leceel odd looks over the last couple of days. Despite being a giant of a man, he said nothing to any of the sailors as the time passed. He simply sat cross-legged at the back of of the ship, seemingly doing nothing. In truth, he was waiting. Over the last two days he watched and listened to the river as well as the currents beneath its surface. Now it was deep enough, and the color of the water was perfect. He now sat at the far back of the ship, close enough one might think he would fall off, as he threw a line out into the water. It was thin and white, and very long, presumably long enough to reach the bottom of the river. A small piece of wood was tied at a point on the line, which hovered at the surface of the water. Leceel ignored all the clamor behind him, his senses focused only on the water in front of him. It had been two days without fresh meat. Tonight would not follow the same pattern
Eat, sleep, wake up, argue with Blu, drink, consider shooting self, sleep, repeat, three times a day for two days. That was Felix's life now. The ship was boring. So very, very boring.

Every once in a while he would take a walk around below deck, which could get interesting. Once he went to the prison out of interest in a girl singing, and barely avoided a stream of urine from the orc, Baron. Felix shivered every time he remembered that. Another time he went to the casino-esque part of the ship, joined the game and lost some of his money and one of his chalk sticks. Thank Kilanos he didn't give away his pistol.

Now he was laying on top of his bed. His jacket and shirt were lying in a pile on the floor beside him. His eyes were closed and he was thinking.

Felix thought of many things. He thought of his parents. He thought of Blu. He thought of how he was going to shoot Blu if he got back. If. He thought of that if. He thought of the imminent and violent death he was going to face. He thought of the Dusk, those beasts, monsters made of pure shadow, he heard. He thought negatively.

Felix always thought negatively. He never looked on the bright side of things, that's what he was told. In Felix's opinion, he didn't need to. There wasn't much of a bright side in his life anyway. He ran down the list. Orphan, stuck with an illegal species in his home, no job, practiced forbidden magic, and facing an unavoidable, horrific death. Yippee.

Felix swung his legs off of the bed and stood up. Walking out, he turned towards the prison and walked up and down the cell blocks. He eventually decided to sit down in front of the cell containing Baron and the other girl, take out a couple of chalks and start drawing random things on the floor.
Cerin raised an eyebrow, as she listened to Fang extend the offer for her prisoner to cross the ocean on his ship, with him. It seemed as though he'd forgotten one minute detail. She was a prisoner. She was Cerin's prisoner. Though the idea sounded like it would undoubtedly be copious amounts of fun, Cerin was a bit skeptic that they would be all be crossing the ocean, at the King's request, on some pirate's personal ship. Even if that ended up being the case, the idea that the girl would simply be left to her own devices, and allowed free reign to do as she pleased on the voyage across the ocean, was nearly laughable.

Nevertheless, it wasn't Cerin's place to say anything. She was charged with ensuring her prisoner didn't do anything to create a fuss. That was that. A small conversation about a hopeless endeavor wasn't hurting anyone, except possibly the girl, herself, when she came to realize that it was an impossible idea.


Deep in thought, Cerin was caught somewhat offguard by Trina's sudden squeal of delight. Though the flinch was slight, she silently cursed herself. Even something as simple as surprise wasn't something you wanted to show in the presence of a prisoner. No one seemed to notice, as far as she could tell, which was most definitely a relief.

Growing somewhat tired of her prisoner, Cerin began to observe the others on the ship. Each of them seemed to have their own quirks, something about them that stood out, above all else. She watched the infamous Orc, known as Baron, looking out over the landscape for a few moments, taking care not to lose the attention on the werewolf standing slightly in front of her.The Orc seemed rather bored, which wasn't surprising, considering the tales of what he would typically be doing at a time like this, had he not been caught.

Looking at the others on-deck, Cerin couldn't help but wonder what had brought each of them here. Baron and Trina were a bit more obvious. The pardons, of course. The vast rewards would be nice, but when imprisoned, she had to imagine the freedom would be the true reward. She was here for the Knighthood, that was promised, and due to the fact that her home had been destroyed. As it stood, she had nowhere to go, and didn't really have anything to lose, either. Was everyone else on this ship in a similar situation? It was a difficult question, with no immediate answer. Only time would tell, what had brought each of these adventurers to this ship.

Again, Cerin turned her attention back to the werewolf, and the Lycanthrope in front of her, examining Fang closely. He was a bit peculiar, and, truth be told, the first Lycanthrope met face to face. What was a Lycanthrope doing, being the captain of a pirate ship, anyway? Though she didn't have much (any) experience with Fang's kind, being a captain was the last place she would have thought to see one. Part of her attention still on Trina, Cerin didn't quite realize she was blatantly staring directly at Fang.
As the Faun were minding their own business throwing dice and sliding poker in their bunks since they arrived on board, Barbo collecting a lump sum from his men decided to leave the game before his men could have a chance at getting their money back. He gave them a smile and walked out on deck looking at some commotion by the lycan pirate and the imprisoned were-thing, and the massive orc simply resting on the edge of the boat. He then looked around for an area where he could be left with his flute and enjoy the scenery. He turned to the back of the ship and began walking over there, when he noticed the man fishing and sat on the edge next to him. "D'ya mind?" gesturing his flute at him, and began playing an old faun folk song.

Fang's ears flattened against his head at the girl's squeal. Fang then noticed the guard's stare and he looked back at her. She could see in her eyes that her mind flitted between him and her captive. He looked back at the girl and smirked as well as a wolf could.

"When we get to the port, I have to go retrieve my ship and crew. We'll sail back in, hopefully without any trouble. I might have to talk to Rikki about having all the guards stationed at the dock let my ship in. Anyways, then you'll simply come aboard and we'll set off with the king's galleon. If Rikki feels safer having you escorted onto the ship before being released, that's up to her. The king did say we are ALL allowed to travel by whatever means necessary. I am a criminal too, after all, I just didn't get caught."

With that he winked and walked away, trying to find the General. He had forgotten that the guards at the docks would attack his ship on sight if he just sailed on in. With luck, he found her scanning the ship.

"Excuse me, I, uh, have a question."

He told Rikki about his dilemma and requested she inform those guarding the docks to not be alarmed if his ship tried pulling in.
Trina grinned and rolled her eyes at that his last comment. "Yeah yeah, bite me. Anyway, thanks Fang! Lookin' forward to it! Y'know, You're aright!" Then Fang left to go talk to Rikki.

Oh. Right. Rikki. Fat chance of her letting Trina out of her grasp, much less letting one criminal harbor another. Autocratic &%#@$. But maybe If she somehow snuck on to Fangs ship last minute and told him that Rikki changed her mind-

'Agh! No! focus Trina! Forget about the Pirate ship!' She told herself. 'That's jus' tradin' one prison for a cozier one. Both are head'n off the same waterfall. You gotta get outta this 'for it's two late!' She forced herself to push aside her fantasy of seafaring adventure, and turned her thoughts to escape. 'Aright, first things first. I gotta find out what all were doin' while we're here, and work that into the-'

Her thought was interrupted by the sound of a flute coming from one side of the ship. And once again distracted she wandered over to investigate. After, as one of the mountain folk, music was her meat and drink.

She followed the soothing sound of hollow wood and breath, irresistibly drawn to its call, until she found the source. It was a flute being played by one of the fauns. She listened to the hoofed fellow play for a minute, not daring to defile it's beauty with her voice until he had finished. Once he was done she said, "Hey, that's pretty good! Whatcha playin'?"
Leceel merely shook his head in response to the Faun. the music was not loud or brash, such as that it did not break his concentration upon the water. Nor did it interfere with the natural sounds around them. The slow movements of the water as it was divided by this construct of man, the wind through the trees on either side, the insects that added their own song to the day, the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Hold on . . . another pair of footsteps? Leceel gave himself a second's break of concentration to glance at the new arrival. Ah, it was the loud-mouthed half-beast. He gave her no more mind as he resumed his attention upon the bob in the water. If she was going to chatter on, he would ignore her. If she wished to turn and start something, he would hunt her. Simple as that.
Rikki was quietly listening to the faun playing music. It was a quick relief from the annoying voices of the two prisoners. Rikki almost took it on herself to make sure that the prisoners behaved themselves. Though she ignored Trina more then Baron because Trina was just a child who needed her tongue cut from her mouth.

Of course she knew the peace and quiet of the day was only going to last so long. It was interrupted almost as quickly as the thought entered her mind, by Captain Fang whom had still concerns. As long as his flag came in with the surrender flag held high to know they were not a threat, she was sure she could keep them from being attacked. She was unsure how he was going to contact his crew once they got to the port.

She turned to answer him, but was stopped in her tracks when she seemed to spy dark clouds of smoke rising from further down the river.

"What is that? Captain!" Rikki said, turning to join the captain of the small river boat. It took a bit, but when the boat arrived closer up the river to the fire, it was easy to see one of the fields were set ablaze. In the middle of the flaming crops was one of the bigger known dusk. The one the had a shadowy form of a sea dragons. The size rivaled that of the king's gallant.

The Dusk's body flailed as it sweeped it's dark claws across the ground, knocking away several of the guard and villagers. It's tail brushed the top of many of the homes near by, crumbling them. There were several people screaming, fleeing the other direction. A few past the boat, waving their arms and asking for help.

"Stop the boat! Prepare for battle!" Rikki yelled loudly, her arms waved around over her head as if to motion to move out. The guard under her command on the ship started to scatter and prepare to engage the enemy. "Release the prisoners, arm them!" She commanded again. With that she jumped down on the deck and pulled her weapons out as the crew worked to get them on shore.

The captain himself was giving orders as well, many of the crew members were preparing for a quick landing, laying the gangplank down on the near by docks. As soon as the plank was down, many of the people on shore tried to get on before the guard or anyone could start to get off.

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