[There Will Be No End] Old role play

Barbo snickering to himself while watching the fight break out between a man and a boy, surely the boy has gumption and bravery for his age. As Rikki finished scolding her new pets Barbo stood, clapping slowly. "Dinner, AND a show, Glorious! I was unaware that your kinds all treat each other as the animals you slaughter. Head Guard, you should let them fight. I'm certain the boy has a good chance of maiming the overly self righteous one, then we can see who truly has a place to be known."

Barbo sat, and the mead he ordered arrived, he took a sip still surveying the situation, and noticed Moriadus the Wise hermit from the Wood, he had heard of him through the ranks, and pub talk, it was silly to see a rumored hermit amongst people, but Barbo found him as a possible ally so when they made eye contact, he nodded winked and gulped at his mead.
Moriadus let out a short laugh at Barbo's statement to the crowd. To himself he said "The faun's got guts! Perhaps there is some enjoyment in this trip after all." After a moment he worked himself over to the fellow to speak with him. In his eyes, faun were higher in status than most lords were! That isn't saying much though, but faun are of good company to a man of the wood. After a small bow much like he gave to Rikki, he introduced himself, almost forgetting why he stood up in the first place. "I am... Um... Oh yes! I am Moriadus Wingswell, the hermit of the forest studies. Forgive me if I don't have proper manners. It has been quite awhile since I have been in the company of townspeople..." His brow furrowed and he chuckled. "You must be Barbo Eldridge. I hear of you through the birds."
Tekkan glanced at the faun. More insults? And from that race, no less. Livestock. Though Tekkan believed that fauns deserved an equal opportunity to all, his thoughts were different for this one. If Tekkan was self-righteous, then he was certainly self-important.

"For someone with a bowl of feed in front of him, you pass strange judgement over others, faun. Perhaps you believe yourself above us, when your place might be on the farms below?"

He decided he'd done with his mead and meat, and stared, long and hard, into the face of he who he had just insulted.
Moriadus looked toward Tekkan, and raised his voice "Ah shut up! Everyone here is a lout filled with aggression. Try and be merry; we only jest, sir!" He takes a small goblet and shakily toasts with one of the strangers as they eat. "We had best learn to get along, for the journey will be long and painstaking. Everyone here is your ally, whether you like it or not..." He looks upon Baron, Leceel, and Tekkan once more. "We are here for the same reasons, therefore we are all of the same rank today! Earn your humorous memories while they last..." He trails off into a sad disposition, knowing that their fates would clamor against the Dusks.
As I sat down, a random young man in front of me leaned forward and said, "H-hey... You... You really handled that Tekkie guy out there... You really have a way w-with words! I - You know, I kind of have a way with words too... I-if you... If you know what I mean... Heh... Heheheh... Though, seriously, though, you're really pretty... and you have a lovely voice..."

I interrupted, "I'm going to have to stop you right there, because I'm really not into you, because... Well..."

The man, obviously drunk, replied, "That's all right, Fel... Uh... Felicity? Yeah, I think that's it..." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure we can make our way around that..."

I sighed, and said, "Look, my name is Felix." The man frowned. "I'm a man." The man's face warped into a fusion of shock, confusion and disappointment.

I sighed once more. HAHAHAHAHAH! Femininity strikes again, eh? Eh?

"Shut up, Blu" I mumbled. Over the next half hour, I downed another cup of mead and, by my own request, a cup of the strongest wine the stewards could serve. I heard the voice of an old man shout something to the knight, who was arguing with a faun. I got up, saw the woman, Rikki, give me a very stern look, and took one of the searingly spicy fruit and walked over to the origin of the voice.

"Here you go," I said half-drunkenly to the old man, dropping the fruit on his plate, "you don't seem to have these yet. I think... I think you look like you can handle this. If you can't... Well, spit it out. When you do, try to aim for that knight guy, Tekkie or whatever his name is. Thanks, sweatpea." And I staggered back to my seat, where I lay back and let my eyes wander.
Fang sauntered through the castle. He was wearing his stereotypical pirate captain outfit. His bare, pawed feet padded along the carpeted stone floor, not making a sound. His ears, which had many rings pierced in them, were poking out from under his black three pointed captain's hat. Ahead, he saw double doors to his left which had guards standing outside.

He had come to this castle for one reason, and it was through these double doors. One day when he had been sneaking across the rooftops of the city, he had noticed a commotion around a poster. He jumped down to see it, the people there scattering in fear at the site of his wolfen features. The poster said the King was sending out a group of warriors to help defeat the Dusk.

He did hate the Dusk seeing as they had destroyed his home land, but that was not the reason he chose to come. He saw that all criminal charges would be dropped. That is what he was banking on. There was quite a hefty price on his head from the many sea robberies and land thefts he had done. He had informed his crew of his choice and came up with a plan. If Fang was not allowed to use his own ship on the quest, his second in command would lead the ship. His orders were to follow whatever ship the warriors were using. In case of an emergency on Fang's side, the plan was for Fang to rejoin his crew and either escape or fight.

Back in the present, he suddenly realized the guards were talking to him.

"Sir we are going to need those daggers and any other objects besides clothing and gold that you might have with you."

"And I sense some magical ability, though it is small. Please take this necklace, if you will."

Giving his daggers to the first guard and showed his empty pockets. He had not wanted to bring any gold to this, knowing there would be more thieves and felons here than just he. Putting on the necklace, he handed his Captain's coat to the guard with the daggers and walked into the room. The room was stuffy and filled with tension. He could smell the adrenaline coming off of some of the males and knew immediately a brawl had just went down.

He looked around, seeing that all the tables were full except for the 5 seats immediately around a massive, chained Orc that was being guarded heavily. He made his way over to the seat right across from the orc and sat down. He took his hat off and placed his feet on the table, leaning back in a relaxed position. He picked up a piece of meat from one of the plates and ate it. Grinning a toothy grin, he addressed the Orc.

"What's wrong, ugly, got no friends?"
Baron ignored the scene taking place around him. Noisy people proud of their power were common and far too often did they talk to inflate their ego. Baron scoffed at these individuals that needed to prove their worth to others. The orc picked at his teeth with a broken turkey leg and let out a belch. The knight and strange lad that had approached earlier bickered somewhere else, a notion that suited Baron just fine.

As he was settling down from his meal, another unwelcome guest reared their head attempting to befriend the felon. He ignored the jest made from the large wolf. “Dogs shouldn’t be eating from tables. A piece of rotten meat on the floor is more suitable,” Baron replied, still picking bits of food from his teeth with the bone. Baron was uninterested in the guests, it was the king he wanted.

The hall was becoming too crowded for Baron’s taste. Why did the king bring him from the dungeons? If it was not for eating, drinking or killing, the king was wasting his time. A dark cell was preferable over these buffoons. The king must show himself before I break free from these chains, Baron thought, testing the strength of the shackles.
Fang stared the Orc dead in the eye and smirked.

"I think I like you. Witty quips, strength of an entire army, appetite worthy of the largest beast. You and I would get along great if you weren't a bloodthirsty killer."

He took another large chunk of meat from the center of the table, making note of the Orc's interest in the shackles. Fang calculated all his escape routes in the case of the monstrous being breaking free and going berserk. He figured a quick beeline to the double doors would be the best option since he could definitely win in a battle of speed. Then he'd retrieve his daggers from the guard outside, take off this magic weakening necklace, and summon Noir.

He continued to eat, watching the Orc warily. He noticed some of the other occupants of the room. A centaur, a few elves of various descents, a handful of humans, another orc, and a faun. What an odd collection of people. He let out a loud belch that rumbled throughout the room before licking his lips and leaning back, arms behind his head. He would have napped if the brute in front of him didn't look so eager to rip him in half.
Barbo sat and acknowledged Moriadus "Yes, I am, and you are Moriadus the Hermit of the Forest." Having Tekken in his peripheral Staring at him as the Lycan walked through the corner of his eye towards the Orc, then hearing the rebuttle from Tekken "Excuse me Moriadus"...directing his gaze to Tekken, Barbo said standing "If creatures like you did not exist I would be elsewhere doing more important things. As well if you believe I belong on a farm why not attempt to take me there, you have no power without your weapon. Yes, I saw you reach for it without its presence you are all too accustomed to using it in a time of high aggression. You are a worthless excuse of a warrior. the Orc is more noble than you being able to kill a man without weapons. I'm sure if he weren't shackled he would rip your head clean off your spine and crush your skull and make bread with your bones. So Candle blow yourself out your aggression is not needed among this crew, especially because of your self established entitlement, we are all equals here, Like Moriadus said." Barbo sat again and apologized to Moriadus for the interruption, and giving an apologetic bow to Rikki, who seemed in charge of the group of ruffians that was this army.
Raiko laughed at the faun's remark to the Tekken. He continued to eat his turkey leg sparingly and when he finished he stared at Fang. "Excuse me sir, would you mind keeping your filthy belches down? For this is the king's home and he would not like that. So shut up." He looked around for a steward and when he spotted one he made eye contact and pointed at his turkey leg wanting a second. When the steward came over, Raiko said, "thank you kind sir" Somewhat sarcastically.
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Staring at the elf for a few seconds, Fang scoffed at Raiko's politeness. He was used to his band of ruffians and misfits who were free to drink and belch and sing their merriment no matter whose company they were in. They also certainly never asked for more food, they took it. The Orc across the table still made him uneasy, so Fang decided to climb up and rest on one of the rafters on the ceiling. He sat with his back against one of the tall vertical posts, legs outstretched in front of him on the beam running perpendicular from the post. Pulling his hat down over his face, he closed his eyes and thought of the soothing sound of waves calmly crashing against the hull of his ship.


While all the talking and bustling went about in the Dinning hall, King Tannis was on his was down the hall. Guard walked on either side of him. Though he himself was not unarmed, a sword was at his side, though he only wore the kings robes. On top of his head was a crown, his hair itself was long and red. Surprising, the king of the biggest kingdom was an elf. The Mixed kingdom was by far the most successful kingdom of them all on both continents. The mixed races and community, the different strengths and cultures brought together helped them thrive.

The doors opened and all the guard suddenly stood at attention and the steward cleared his throat. "All bow to the King Tannis!" He spoke. Rikki of course turned to the door and immediately sheathed her weapon and started knelling to King Tannis as the man walked through the door. He held his head up high and with a lot of pride. He had dark green eyes that looked onto the people around.

He walked until he took a seat in his chair. "You may all rise." He said. He sounded just as proud as he looked. Tannis was not known to be a tyrant, but he was not known to be soft either. There was no doubt that being disrespectful could be the wrong move.

When Rikki was given to release to stand again, she did so. She almost moved to her kings side, but was given a signal by Tannis himself to stay where she was. She was being addressed with the rest of the group, so she was to stay where she was.

"I am happy to see so many turn out. Even from the inside of my own castle walls. This menace needs to stop because it is only getting worse... and I think the answer is reconnecting again with Falkell. I can only guess that they are being hit by these same creatures as well. I've been preparing one of the larger battle ships to cross the ocean. The only thing larger then it is the dusk in the shape that the sea dragon known to roam the oceans."
King Tannis told them. "None of the smaller dusk should be able to harm this ship. If there are any questions... Then I will be willing to listen to them. Please, ask... but not to many at one time."

Fang heard the double doors open and saw who was entering the room. He then heard the steward's command. Jumping from the rafter with a backflip, Fang landed silently just a little off to the side of the long rug connecting the double doors to the large chair at the head of the room. Kneeling, he took his hat off and placed it over his chest in a sign of respect.

The King walked right past him to the chair and Fang stood when the king commanded. While the king spoke, Fang leaned against the nearest support post, crossing his arms. When hearing about the ship they would be taking and hearing the permission for questions, Fang knew it was his moment to shine. Stepping out into the center of the room where it would be hard not to see him, he raised his hand and spoke in a lulling, convincing, slightly sarcastic tone.

"Uh, yes, hello, Your Highness. That is, what we thieves and common folk call you, is it not?"

Fang began moving his hands in small gestures as he talked, turning about the room to look at everyone, but always quickly returning his attention to the gaze of the King.

"I, as you can probably tell from my unique appearance, am Captain Fang of the Bestial Silence. I'm quite famous in the pirate community. Oh and good looking too."

With that, he grinned at the King before continuing.

"Now, to the point, I am wondering if it would be possible that i sail my ship alongside your battleship. I see this as an opportunity for some very good strategies. For instance, if said large beastie comes from the depths, the battleship could take its main attention. Then, my smaller ship, could easily circle around and offer blows to the beast which it is not expecting. Dividing the enemies' attention is a strategy I'm sure you've used many times in various battles. I would, of course, allow you to station your men among mine, but I should warn them. The ship is already packed, my men aren't used to the noble manners that you from this castle are acquainted with. They would be the subject of jokes, teased, jibed, but I would not let it go further than that. So, whaddaya say?. Two ships are, in fact, better than one."

Fang stood in the center of the room feeling everyone's eyes on him. He really had put on quite the show and he now stood, arms crossed, grinning as he awaited the King's response.

King Tannis didn't even seem half as amused at Fang's self banter as he was. In fact he seemed just lightly annoyed with it. "If you want to try and take your own ship across the waters, then be my guest. If you want to try and cross it by your own means, then you may do about it as you see fit. However I am providing my personal gallon with a full crew and provisions to cross the ocean with. Those who want to take it, do so. Those who wish to go with this gentleman, may. To each their own." The king told them. "However my guard will be taking the ship and they will be the ones with the possession of things needed to secure and audience with King Benedict."

Rikki looked to Fang then back up to the king just before he started to speak again. His pause not lasting long enough for Fang to make any more witty remarks, "This bag I'll be entrusting to Rikki, my head of the Royal Guard. Inside this bag is everything you will hopefully need to get into the castle once you've crossed the other side. King Benedict should be more then welcoming to you all. What I mainly want for you all is get an answer to what these Dusk are or where they are coming from... and why they are attacking. I want to reconnect with King Benedict in high hopes of putting an end to this menace." Tannis looked away a moment when a servant offered him a drink. He nodded before allowing the servant to drink from it first. They took a small sip before it was handed to him. He himself didn't quite drink from it yet however.

Tannis looked back over to the group, "Figuring out how to kill them would also be a great first step." That was a given and something everyone wanted to know. "Any more questions?" He asked again, going silent, waiting for someone else to speak up about the crowd.
Fang kneeled and placed his hat over his chest.

"I shall be taking leave now, with your permission, Your Highness. I will be waiting in the Silver Crescent tavern. Please, if you would, send someone to inform me when everyone here is going to head downriver to the port city. I have some... business... to attend to."

The King waved him off and he rose, placing his hat back on. Once outside the double doors he gave the necklace back and retrieved his daggers from the guard. He exited the castle and headed to the tavern. The main bartender was extremely indebted to Fang and he wasn't about to leave without getting his payment this time.
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"Lerilot, by Jirua's name you're meeting the king! You have to look decent! Fix your hair, put some powder on your skin! Oh, you'll look so cute like a newborn babe!"

Lerilot's body was being pulled to and fro by several women of decent age. A good amount of the women were shopkeepers from the marketplace who, after certain situations revolving around sickness, became good friends and followers of the lady named Lerilot Eibern. The others were just nuns who had been in her field of work and companionship. Nonetheless, the woman all felt as if Lerilot should look her best for display. Because, of course, 'All the king's horses and men' would be there.

Lerilot's long, light red hair was combed through and pinned into one on the side of her head. Her face was pounded with countless handfulls of powder and blush. Her clothes, even if they were quite revealing of her curvy body, were fitted right into place. With a tight smack on the bosom, the girls smiled and looked at their masterpiece. Lerilot was all prettied up and ready for the ball ready to present herself to the king. But, inwardly, she couldn't help but think that the whole moment of dress-up was unnecessary. After all, she would be around a group of warriors. Something told her she would be the odd one out.


Several minutes later, and Lerilot had been on her way to the grand castle. There was a first meeting of sorts located there, she had been told, where she would be treated to a feast and a talk-over what would be happening in the next few weeks.

The castle was in view. Lerilot had approached the large double doors with guards standing straight infront of them. Knowing of Lerilot's purpose at the gates, they had taken a look at her stuff, retrieved the dagger out of her bag, and handed her a necklace to wear for the duration of the meeting. For what reason she had no clue.

Lerilot strolled inside. The outbursts that had begun upon her arrival, however, caused her to become startled. She hurried off into the corner, where the darkness and shade had met with her. Boy, was that loud.

Her whole time there, Lerilot was met with screams of insanity, hearty outbursts, violent digestion of food and sparring challenges. She had, then, realized that she stuck out like a sore thumb.

She was with a group of pure barbarians.

The mead was really getting to me now. I got up, and stumbled to the toilet room, where I threw up into the toilet. Staggering back, I walked off into a corner to gather my bearings.

I walked into someone. A girl, judging by the pitch of the yelp.

"Gah!" I yelled. Someone was here before me! "The hell...? What are you doing here?"

Oh, crap. How the hell was I going to talk to her? I'd never been social, and someone of the opposite sex just made it all the more hard!
Leceel was sitting with his elbow propped up on the table, one hand up against the side of his head. He was trying in vain to cover one of his ears from the clamor around him. So much noise. So many words. Why couldn't they just act and be done with it? Half the creatures around him were so concerned with their own prowess that they seemed to be ignorant of the task before them. The arrival of the king finally garnered some manner of quiet back into the room. Leceel made sure to keep his ears open for any directions given. He had no questions for the king, he would take stock when they arrived
As the Lycan left for said tavern, Barbo stood and walked towards the King. Formally bowing and kneeling in front of the King and beginning to speak.

"King Tannis, I am Barbo Eldridge, I am head guard of the Faun's secret village, and I have come here not only as a Warrior to fight amongst your ranks against the Dusk, but also as an Emissary of the Wood. I have brought a large handful of the most top quality warriors of the faun with me, awaiting my orders outside of the castle. I wish to ask our alliance against the Dusk threat, in this matter. They have destroyed a good half of our city, and taken many an innocent Faun life, as well as other semi-humanoid animalia in the secret villages, we have all band together as an army and requested on the conditions labeled in this treaty *pulling a small roll of paper out of his belt and walking it over to the king and reading it to him as he unraveled it he cleared his throat* ' That we all as creatures of Terra are equals in manner of intelligence, strength, and honour; in which we as citizens of different race to fight along side the other sentient races to save this Terra from this plague of evil beings, on the condition of equality of citizenship in your grand state of Aria and permanently ceasing the capture and breading of "wild" Faun and other creatures, Labeled below, for Game and Delicacies, in exchange for an army consisting of many of these creatures and their finest warriors'. I offer you if you sign this treaty we can come together as a whole nation and take this threat down to the bellows of the Underterra where it belongs."

Handing over the paper to the King, in hope that he may look upon it and sign it "What say you King Tannis?" He said with a gentle bow outstretching his arm with the paper.

Princess Catalina, Daughter of Tannis

Having followed her great and mighty Father, whom she loved with all her heart, she stood by his side, her arms across her chest, an emotionless look upon her face, and her twin swords at each hip. She was going for an intimidating look, which she hoped would work, as she personally believed that she did not need a bodyguard, or a entire group of them, however, that did not stop her Father from assigning her one. Now, as she stood and listened, she looked around at the rabble in front of her and her Father.

Are these really those that had answered her Father's call for help? Sure, the Orc called Baron looked like he could handle one thousand Dusk all on his own, but he was a criminal, one I've read about, he is like a dog, only to be set free when the enemy draws close, too unpredictable to trust.

Though she listened to the Pirate, she did not care for him. He had no real manners, just an act. Though she had noticed a man who had his elbows upon the table, and who seemed very quiet. And then there was Barbo.

This Faun knew his manners, as he bowed and kneeled in front of her Father, and then he began to speak. Barbo had to not only be a warrior, but a noble amongst his people. And so she listened, and was surprised that the Dusk were also attacking the Faun, but she was not surprised at how he was for the way her kind and her people had treated the Faun, which she believed was wrong. When she would eventually become Queen, she would change the way the Faun had been treated, and start to make amends between the races.

And so she stood there, her dark red hair done up in a braid, which had then gone over her right shoulder. Her green eyes gazing across the room, attempting to pierce the very souls of each and every one at the table. Her Elvish ears keen to each and every sound made, each whisper. Her dark purple robes shimmering with the light, and her two swords at her side, looking as menacing as they could.

Soon, she would speak, depending on her Father's choice to sign the Treaty of the Faun, she would let him know what she thought.
Tannis waited for his servant to get him the rolled paper from Barbo. The young man took it with a bow to Barbo before scurrying over the Tannis and handing the kind the paper, bowing to him as well. When Tannis took the paper, he immediately looked it over. It took several long minutes of intense quite as he read over the paper.

"Barbo Eldridge. I would be willing to hear out your people's terms. Aria has long abolished slavery... and I think it may be time to abolish the breeding of faun." Tannis looked over to Barbo before handing the servant back the paper, "However, now is hardly a time for me to take any treaty seriously in such a short time span and almost informal meeting. I will not sign this without a proper meeting with the leader of the fauns. The boat leaves tomorrow to Rossalia Point. You and your men are welcome to join or not. You can send a message to your leader that I will be open to negotiations and these terms with terms of my own." He stood soon after the decision, taking a quick look around the room. "May Aura protect you in the day and Artamus during the night. Let us hope the gods are on our sides these comings days. But no matter the answer, we will fight until our dying breath. Good luck." The king turned after the good bye to leave, his personal guard following him.

When the doors shut and the king had left completely, Rikki turned to stare at the group. After the mental and psychical blows between the group moments before, she wondered how this was actually going to work out. How many of the people here would actually listen to her? She knew if Zalon had a choice, he wouldn't. Rikki took a small breath, in through her nose and out her mouth. She then brought her attention to the steward, whom was still standing near the king's chair.

Seeing Rikki's stare seem to jump start him as he then cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone else, "
There are rooms prepared for each of you. Warm water for baths will be prepared, food and wine when ever you ask and a bed to sleep on. You will not be allowed to wounder the castle halls unattended and you won't be receiving your weaponry till the morning... unless you would like to leave the castle and get an inn inside of town." He paused and looked around to the group again before continuing, "You'll be leaving by morning at the lake's docks to Rossalia Point, the city on the mouth of the river." It was going to take them several days to get all the way across the river, but it was a hell of a lot faster then walking it.
"Food and wine whenever you ask".

That was what sold staying in the castle for Tekkan. He wasn't quite full from the meal yet, so he'd probably order a decent amount brought up to his room that night.

Then, a thought crossed his mind before he went to be guided to his room. He walked over to Rikki, the woman with the big morning star.

"I have a question for you. Have any of these people actually ever fought a dusk? If they haven't, it would surely be wise for those of us who have to help and teach them how best to deal with them."
I have a post in progress, I just wanted to make the thread so I can just copy/paste it once it's done. I guess I can put some info about this thread.

- I will make sure to put a timestamp of sorts on each little monologue so that people know when the event is taking place. For example, my first post will take place starting at when Captain Fang leaves the castle. It will end with him going to bed that night. This will link him leaving the castle to the next post I plan on posting.

-constructive criticism is accepted and I will answer questions about anything that may have confused you.

-There's no more info I just wanted this list to look more complete

-Why are you still reading this?

-Seriously. Stop reading. There's no more info.

-OH! Each post will have a title that is 10 times more creative than the thread title.

Ricia's Edit: She is changing the title because this is a mostly serious RP.
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After the King departed the room, Catalina stood there for a moment, listening to the steward for a moment, before heading towards the door. She was not the common rabble that they were, nor was she a criminal. She was no Guard able to be sent forth on a journey to save her people, she was the Princess. But that being said, she had something dead set in her mind, no matter what her father said. Despite her being the Princess, she felt in in her heart to join the ranks of those going off to fight these creatures.

To those who knew her, the fierce look of determination on her face would not have been normal. It was rare for her too look that way, but there would be no stopping her. And her father should know that, but she already knew what his answer would be, so, she had a different idea. She would distract him into thinking that she knew she'd be unable to go and fight, but would instead send Garret in her place.

And she also knew how very much Garret wished to take part in this journey, despite his old age. She knew well that Garret was still a very loyal, and strong warrior. He'd be able to pull his weight around, and she also knew that her father knew how stubborn she was. There was no getting around it, she'd have her way in the end. Garret would go, but, as would she, only with her father knowing too late. Sure, he'd be disappointed with her, and possibly angry, but it would be worth it. She'd rather face the creatures called the Dusk then stay at the palace all day and be pampered.

And she'd go, even if it cost her her life, she was willing to die for her people. That, is what she felt any and all potential rulers of any kingdom, as well as the ruler themselves, should be willing to do.

In Character Time Stamp: After the King and Princess Leave.

After the meeting, Tannis made way to his study. There were guard posted outside the door and a few inside as well. He had other matters to attend to about the city. With the new influx of people, problems were popping up faster then he could solve them. Not to mention crime was becoming more of a problem with people thinking the end of the world they know is near. Really, the new creatures were a menace, but he doubt it was going to be the end.

Tannis felt extremely worried. He was hopping more warriors would show up. Instead he saw mostly criminals and fame seekers. He admitted he liked Barbo, though he wondered if earlier was suppose to be an attempt to push him into hastily signing a treaty. The country was in panic, but he was not going to be swept up by it and make mistakes as big as signing a treaty that was not properly agreed on by both parties.
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