[There Will Be No End] Old role play

Rikki watched Zalon as he lost interest in their own conversation. Zalon bugged her a lot, but he did what he needed to do when he needed to do it. That was enough for her not to punch him for his disgusted glares the she knew he gave her. Zalon why by far older then her and lived a long life... but he was stuck in the past and that Rikki thought was a disgrace in itself. She watched him approach a young girl. She had to be the youngest here.

With a soft sigh, Rikki turned to the table again, this time to get a big of wine. She stopped in font of a man who looked human(Leceel). He had not said a single word since his arrival, just glance about the area. Much like the man in the corner, with his almost flashy orange cloth he was wearing. She is almost sure that he was the 'Cloaked Phantom' which the guard almost vibrantly talked about appearing.

Her gaze landed on the silent man again, this time she tried to meet his eyes and gain his attention. Her suspicions have been lowered of the majority of the group now. They all didn't look so bad, in fact most of them looked like sell sword. "The guard told me your blade proububly weighed five times more then you." She was curious, though that was proububly a rough conversation starter. In this case, weapons and battle tend to be the thing that was shared between them.
Vorgak - Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak listened the Orc's words dutifully, and in honesty he was intrigued by his motive. One's memory was one of the guidance for living, to lost it must be a great loss for the other Orc. "I hope the Mother Earth guide your memories back to you." Vorgak lifted his chalice in silent pray to the Orc. Vorgak was a devout worshipper of Kilanos, but he respected other Gods as well, as They were the Leader of their own worshippers too.

"I thank you for your view of my situation, brother. But it was not what my tribe saw. So I, and my other siblings, scattered around this kingdom to rise our name back." Vorgak sipped the wine slightly, his mind went to his siblings. Other than his eldest, his other siblings venture around the kingdom, to proved their family was worth, and to secure their eldest sibling on the chieftain position.
Leceel, Castle dining hall

Leceel's ear twitched slightly as the woman approached him. With all the armor she was wearing, he could have pinpointed her location on a moonless night while surrounded by buzzing insects. It did distract him somewhat from the muted conversations around him, but he had no inclination to eavesdrop on them anymore. These were not the hushed tones and forced faces of those who intended to stab each other in the back, but rather different personalities trying to mesh as best they could for the road ahead. It appeared he would not need his blade in the immediate future.

The guards told me your blade probably weighed five times more than you

The sentence was unexpected to say the least. Leceel turned his torso to face the woman for the first time. His only response was to smile and nod deeply once. They may have exaggerated, but it was true others did not expect his blade to weigh as much as small siege artillery
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Thoran could feel the sight of everyone looking at him, even briefly, studying him, most probably wondering why is a dwarf on the surface and why by the gods is he there, among them. He could see three other people join them, most likely royal guards. Two girls and a guy with his nose so high up in the clouds, a sudden fall would cause the a hole the size of a Dusk creature in the floor. Thoran laughed at his own mental joke, as he took one last sip from his glass of wine, emptying it.

"Alright, what the bloody hell are ye' all looking at me for?! Ain't nevah seen a dwarf before?! Well," he said, gesturing towards himself "here me be! Me name be Thoran, dwarven mercenary at ye'r service! And me be here to get me some gold in me empty, wind filled pockets!" he said joyfully, the wine greatly making his mood better, apparently.

Zalon, Dining Hall

Zalon's attention moved towards the dwarf who just announced who he was, verily to Zalon the dwarf seemed to be a low being which dwell underground and should stay there. To him there was no need for the rash, immature and greedy nature of such tiny individuals on the peaceful surface. surely the surface was now facing a epidemic of the Dusks, but the filthy alcoholics did make it worse. Well in Thoran's defense he was a dwarf and they are alike, little feeling driven by greed. A greed of riches that would never end. He was still not sure what might a dwarf do with such huge sums of gold, gold about ten times he might require to live as a king. Zalon sighed as to him such entities were just disgraceful not only in looks but habits and changing them was well not possible, so Zalon never even wanted to try. In the end the dwarf's personality as Zalon predicted.

Kas' Dining Hall

Finishing his wine, Kas' responded to Vrogak's statement "In this journey, my brother, we will both find what we des....."

as he was interrupted by the short portly one, Kas' had never actually seen dwarfs, only their faces on wanted bills posted that he had seen in his travels..."Alright, what the bloody hell are ye' all looking at me for?! Ain't nevah seen a dwarf before?! Well," he said, gesturing towards himself "here me be! Me name be Thoran, dwarven mercenary at ye'r service! And me be here to get me some gold in me empty, wind filled pockets!" he said joyfully..."Thoran, [as he looked over to the dwarf] I have not seen a dwarf in person before, but you live up to the legends of your people, now sit, before the wine fills you with deeper paranoia." and turned back to Vorgak to repeat his previously stated hopes for this expedition.
Vorgak - Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak just sipping his wine as he listened to Kas' reply when a voice was heard loud , seemed like one was giving an exclamation about himself, in joyous tone. As Kas' words stopped, Vorgak let himself took a look at the source of the voice. It was a dwarf who made that sentence, Vorgak felt himself forming a half smile, even though there was a slight frown on his head. Yes, he had met a dwarf before. 2 in fact. One was a woman merchant he had guard traveling around the kingdom for a month. While the second one, a man in his early 30s, was well... If he put bluntly, had an exquisite, intimate bond with his third sister. From what he observed in the two dwarves, and his first impression about this man, it seemed that they shared a same big confidence on their blood. Maybe it was the product of their race's superior knowledge, or their culture. Whatever the cause he thought it was a good trait, to be someone who trust his power that he was capable to do as he pleased. But what had disturbed him was the possibility of that confidence changed into looking down at others, feeling superior to them. He hoped he wouldn't see that in that man, as he would be one of his companion in this mission.

"May our destiny is what we pray and fight for, brother." Vorgak replied to Kas' when he repeated his statement again.


City of Alestan- Castle Grounds- Inside the Royal Dinning Hall

While all the talking and bustling went about in the Dinning hall, King Tannis was on his was down the hall. Guard walked on either side of him. Though he himself was not unarmed, a sword was at his side, though he only wore the kings robes. On top of his head was a crown, his hair itself was long and red. Surprising, the king of the biggest kingdom was an elf. The Mixed kingdom was by far the most successful kingdom of them all on both continents. The mixed races and community, the different strengths and cultures brought together helped them thrive.

The doors opened and all the guard suddenly stood at attention and the steward cleared his throat. "All bow to the King Tannis!" He spoke. Rikki of course turned to the door and immediately knelling to King Tannis as the man walked through the door. He held his head up high and with a lot of pride. He had dark green eyes that looked onto the people around.

He walked until he took a seat in his chair. "You may all rise." He said. He sounded just as proud as he looked. Tannis was not known to be a tyrant, but he was not known to be soft either. There was no doubt that being disrespectful could be the wrong move.

When Rikki was given to release to stand again, she did so. She almost moved to her kings side, but was given a signal by Tannis himself to stay where she was. She was being addressed with the rest of the group, so she was to stay where she was.

"I am happy to see so many turn out. Even from the inside of my own castle walls. This menace needs to stop because it can get worse... and I think the answer is reconnecting again with Falkell. I can only guess that they are being hit by these same creatures as well. I've been preparing one of the larger battle ships to cross the ocean. The only thing larger then it is the dusk in the shape that the sea dragon known to roam the oceans."
King Tannis told them. "None of the smaller dusk should be able to harm this ship. If there are any questions... Then I will be willing to listen to them. Please, ask... but not to many at one time."

Shae'mir, Dining Hall

As King Tannis entered, Shae'mir quickly fell into a deep curtsy, showing utmost respect and admiration. She stared intently at the floor, studying the intricate tile until he welcomed them to rise. Her clear, blue eyes fixed onto the royal elf as he addressed the room. Shae was attentive until the word "Dusk" left his mouth. Even after all this time, it still gave her chills when she heard any association to her time as a boat mage. Just the night before, she had woken in her sleep from a nightmare for what seemed like the millionth time. Night after night she would see the faces of the people she could not save, and the empty darkness that the Dusk were made of. The half-elf lifted her hand to shield her face and the look of disgust that most have been painted across it. When she had stepped off that boat the last time, she swore to herself that she would never get on another, of course that only lasted until she, specifically, was asked. The nobility claimed that she would be a valuable asset to the mission because she had 'experience' in killing the Dusk. Surely she would have rejected, if not for the blessings and opportunities that King Tannis had given her upon return from the incident.

'Keep it together,' Shae'mir told herself, 'I can't let them down.'

When the king entered, Fervus took off his hood and stepped out from the shadowy corner. Fervus immediately performed a courteous bow, tucking his right arm under his chest and bending his body just enough so that his head went below the king's gaze. It was a practiced bow that noblemen routinely performed and one that had been engraved into Fervus's being. Fervus had never lost the manners and rites he had learned when he was a noble, and they had stayed with him just as well as the training the priesthood had given him.

When the king gave the command to rise, Fervus did so promptly. Now that he had revealed his face, there was no reason to put the hood back on. There probably was not a reason for Fervus to have the hood on in the first place anyway, as very few had actually seen Fervus's face and his orange cloak was the only thing that distinguished him. Fervus's many years of travelling had given him incredible perception in discerning the natures of men, orc, elf, and dwarf alike. The group of people he was to band with to combat the Dusk seemed to be merry folk that did not, for the most part, seem to exhibit the malicious intents of those mired in moral dilapidation.

Fervus also judged that he was, relatively speaking, the eldest of the bunch, though the elves did face slower physical aging and thus was hard to discern whether Fervus was truly the oldest. Nonetheless, Fervus knew he was older than the majority of those present, and he was interested in the younger ones that came to fight the dusk. The younger ones must have possessed incredible talent, and Fervus was curious to see their abilities.

Once the king finished his address, Fervus stood up and began to address the king.

"My lord and king Tannis, may your splendid and righteous rule never end. If it does not pose any hindrance to you, my king, I shall accept your request for queries and project forth my own.

I understand that we are embarking on a voyage to Falkell. Once we arrive, shall we receive additional support from the Falkell kingdom?"

Fervus hoped that additional support would be granted, as his experience with the Dusk had not been smooth. He could not disable them, and though his overpowering power and speed were enough to go toe to toe with a single dusk, Fervus would not be able to consistently handle many. In fact, the one time he had killed a Dusk was when it was in complete single combat and Fervus had to bludgeon the monstrosity to such an extent that its bodily pieces were flung far and wide so that it did not simply gather again and regenerate.

Vorgak - Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak just finishing his wine when the guard command the people in this Dining Hall to bow to the King, signing that the King himself finally walked to the room. Vorgak stood up from his chair and immediately bowed to the king near it. He kneeled with one knee and placing his right hand on his left upper chest, the bow he had done many times when he bowed to the chief in his tribe.

Vorgak stood up when the king then told them to rise, but he didn't sat back down. Still standing up in his spot, he listened dutifully to the king's words. The journey to the Falkell kingdom will be accommodated with a large battle ship. Vorgak just nodded silently at the King's words of the possible dusk which might attack the ship. If they encountered one, it would be a hard battle where blood and life might be lost on it.

'By Lord Kilanos, I will present my power, heart, and life in this journey to You, my family, and my tribe. Please give me strength to victory, or let me die with Volendrung in my hands.' Vorgak prayed for a moment, steeled his heart of doubts and fear. Because it was his Lord wanted, and the glory might rise his family and tribe worthy again.

After the King had given his permission to ask him, Vorgak heard a man spoke. The choice of words in his question was really polite, as if the man had used to speak in this manner for a long time. Vorgak assumed the man was some sort of noble, or someone who really worshipped a God or Goddess, as their words was representation of their Gods. Vorgak himself was a former chief's son, so by a mixed races standard that would made him quite a nobility. But in his tribe, words was not something viewed as important. As long as they bowed every time they reported to the chief, be that person a chief's own children or sibling, didn't break their vow, didn't betray their own kind and they always worshipped Kilanos, one was considered worthy in that tribe. So Vorgak himself didn't know too much about forming acceptable sentences at the King in their standards.

After the man's (whom Vorgak noticed had wore orange clothes) question, Vorgak found himself internally hoped that the support from the other Kingdom would be given. Yes, in a war number didn't exactly determine one's victory, but it certainly would be a great help.
Thoran, Dinning Hall

Thoran looked at the orc before him that commented so rudely at his address. "Ye'r bloody lucky I don't have Myra at my side right now, orc, or I would've been more than happy to chop off that ugly, bearded mug of yours right where you stand.". The dwarf was prepared to continue his arguement, but right then the doors opened and an elf walked through it, with a female guard at his side. Seeing anybody was bowing, Thoran found it amusing that at his height, he still needed to bow, but he did it anyway, at least to not attract any attention to himself. As the King sat on the throne and signalled them to rise, Thoran lifted from his knee, now analising the elf before them. "Hmpf, another scissor-ear. Can't throw a bloody hatchet without hitting one. Not that it ain't a fun thing to do,heh." Thoran thought to himself.

He listened as the orc vowed to some request strength from some other God Thoran never heard about. His bargain with Vel'ath was simple: the God gave him the power to vanquish his foes and Thoran provided the kill. Lately however, Thoran has been neglecting his end of the deal, contracts being more and more steep, due to the increasing Dusk attacks. People preferred to simply retreat rather than fight back, which caused Thoran's pocket to bleed heavily.

Now another man, dressed in an orange cape, addressed the king, asking about the situation of reinforcements on the other continent. When he heard about the ship that was supposed to take them across the sea, the dwarf scoffed. "Yeah, like a bloody ship can take us to safety, just like that. No, laddies, there's gonna be some fighting in for us, that I can guarantee! And if all of them are as strong as the one meself fought, then we're gonna have a problem!" he muttered to himself, loud enough to be heard by those in his immediate vicinity. Thoran slowly placed a hand over his left eye, taken from him by the claw of that infernal beast he fought not too long ago. Myra's blade surely was put to the test that day, but alas, she emerged victorious. This time however, things were different, doubt gripping the heart of the dwarf. He reveled in bloodshed and combat, but was by no chance a suicidal person. Seems like he had to wait and see how the events of their journey unfolded.

Thoran crossed his arms on his chest and awaited for future instructions.
Zalon's sharp ears could hear a faint sound of footsteps. Soon he could see the king entering the room, a grin covered his mouth as he retreated to his knees, showing his respect and admiration to the great king. To him the king was the only being that Zalon truly respected and acknowledged as someone worthy of commanding him, though there was a slight hint of envy towards the king, after all between both the pure elves, Tannis was the one still acquiring a kingdom. He slowly and gradually rose on his feet after hearing the command. He did not fell a need to get near him for protection, he knew that the king a little shorter then Zalon yet a little older was strong enough to beat anyone in the room on his own. He put a halt to the conversation he was having with the human girl, maybe because he sensed a speech coming. " finally someone worthy of my attentions " he thought

Zalon did not tremble on hearing the word dusk, he had had a few meeting with those caliginous and sinister beings, he had slayed a minor amount of them himself, but he could not forget the day he was surrounded by a group of them, the memory that he had tried to eradicated many a times but still he would seldom wake at night trembling, shivering with fear, the scared of even the darkness of his own room. That day he was saved thanks to his skills and due to the sacrifice of his companions, well he did not regret it as to him they were just dirty blood, weaklings and even useless pawns. After all Zalon never cared much for humans.

He did not have any questions, it was clear to him what he would be the orders given and that obeying them was prerequisite. He silently walked in his elvish manner towards Rikki and Shae, he thought it was time for the guard to get back at its duty. He slowly tapped both their shoulder thinking it was enough of a signal but he still added " Call of duty mates " with a smile. He was truly joyous by the king's presence. Zalon just stood behind the lord, Zalon was upright and along with a proud smile as he was merry to be in the royal aegis.

As the curtain fell from the cloaked guy, Zalon could finally study him, he reminded Zalon of some nobleman and well his attire indicated that of a monk or maybe a priest. Soon he heard everyone greet the king. Zalon felt amused on the hope that we would receive any reinforcements, he was sure that they would find the ruins of the kingdom. Ruins of the kingdoms that was once prosperous and also known for its greatness, now decimated. The continent even held Zalon's old kingdom in its outer boundaries He was sure that the brave elves might have survived the massacre that took place in the land mass. After all the entrance to the land that Zalon once ruled was hidden, and only a few ever entered it. One can not forgot the traps and the skilled warrior that existed in the elvish lands.
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Dinning Hall

Tannis looked onto Fervus when he spoke, he looked thoughtful even as he was still speaking. He seemed at the moment solely concentrated on his question. Others around the room seem to shuffle a bit. Some murmured to themselves, the dwarf special. But he spoke so lowly that the king didn't quite pick it up himself. When Fervus was finished, the King made a small motion and one of the servants who had followed him in brought a bag to his side. He however did not take it, he just was simply bringing attention to it.

When Zalon walked to Rikki, tapping her shoulder and speaking to her, she gave him a direct glare to shut his mouth.
"Stay where you are." She hissed at him. The king had told them to stay put where they were. Today they will not stand at his side, but as part of this small party onward. There was a high possibility they were all good as dead.

Rikki looked back up to the king just before he started to speak again,
"This bag I'll be entrusting to Rikki, my head of the Royal Guard. Inside this bag is everything you will hopefully need to get into the castle once you've crossed the other side. King Benedict should be more then welcoming to you all. What I mainly want for you all is get an answer to what these Dusk are or where they are coming from... and why they are attacking. I want to reconnect with King Benedict in high hopes of putting an end to this menace." Tannis looked away a moment when a servant offered him a drink. He nodded before allowing the servant to drink from it first. They took a small sip before it was handed to him. He himself didn't quite drink from it yet however.

Tannis looked back over to the group, "
Figuring out how to kill them would also be a great first step." That was a given and something everyone wanted to know. "Any more questions?" He asked again, going silent, waiting for someone else to speak up about the crowd.

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Kas' dining Hall

As Thoran tried for an intimidating reply to Kas' previous statement he immediately stood up and readied to argue and physically fight if necessary his new dwarf brother in arms. but just as he did, the king walked in and made his adress, Kas' kneeling without hesitation, he composed himself more, yet once told to rise he sat back in his chair and stared at the dwarf out the corner of his eye, while the man that thought he wasnt visible in the shadow of the corner came to and made a remark, as well as his orc brother Vorgak. but as he stared at Thoran, he noticed him mutter something to himself which Kas's old ears couldnt quite make out, and then saw as he lifted his hand to his patched eye. Kas' blinked and for the moment he was in darkness he saw two red dots that sent shivers up his spine so viciously that his neck twitched and criked to one side, of course the king spoke of the Dusk at that moment, which triggered his memory, all of these men and women had to have had some experience with those evil creatures to even have any desire to try and stop them, and we were all survivors.

Kas' stood and raised his right hand, then pressed it as a fist against his chest, giving a small bow. "My King, Forgive me, but shouldnt we worry about getting to Falkell first, the pirates and sea faring dusk creature you speak of will be great problems, Im not certain but I have a feeling I have encountered them before. I suggest instead of taking one large slow moving ship, we have several smaller quicker ships, this way no one will be stranded at sea if the dusk creature attacks one ship. We could also push our chances and just try and get there as fast as we can; some of these men and women may say that it is running from a battle, but this War is not being fought at sea, it is in Falkell." once he finished his statement he bowed once more then sat down and drank of his wine again.
Zalon just answered, " Whatever pleases you milday ". He did respect Rikki but felt offended on being stopped, after all he desired to stand as a shield near the king. On hearing the Orc's comment, a little giggle slipped his mouth. " If I may your highness " he asked the permission of the lord before intruding any further. Upon the king's nod Zalon continued, " Erm...I doubt you have went on a voyage across the sea have you? " he said with a grin, it was verily another opportunity for Zalon impress the king yet again. " You suggest us to take a bunch of gunboats or schooners instead of a frigate or even a galleon, my friend it seems you surely underestimate the roaring ocean. In a matter of minutes our ships could all be wrecked if we were to encounter a heavy storm, and not to forget about the giant dusk dragon that is rumored to be residing in the same sea that our expedition is supposed pass through. I doubt our tiny ships could take on more then a few gigantic waves, that is if most of us don't drown after falling from the deck." he finished with a grin at his face, the only thought in his mind. " Orcs, always the ugly, always the senseless ".
Kian, Dining Hall

Kian had been expecting the King shortly after, placing his cup down as if on queue before the King had stepped through the door. However not entirely focusing on the King entrance's himself, Kian looked over at Fervus, who just had revealed his face. "So it is the Cloaked Phantom", He noted to himself. Kian promptly did as the King instructed, his movement as natural as a zealous servant.

He kept silent, simply listening to the King address any questions being asked. Kian kept his thoughts to himself as the questions were answered. He had heard of stories of monsters known as Dusks, but he was very unfamiliar with the details. He had to see it for himself in order to understand the Dusk's full capabilities. Regardless he was not terrified of them, only wary. They were the least of his worries.

Kian looked focused, listening to everyone's comments and concerns. It was understandable, he too had his own concerns, but he knew they could not be answered. He had been to Falkell before and small ships had proved sustainable, but it was true that a heavy storm may befall them. While listening to the argument about the means of crossing the dangerous waters, Kian studied the King, seeing what would be taken as the appropriate solution.

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Kas' stood to defend himself looking in Zalon's direction yet also directing speech to the king "As for my past with the sea, not even I am sure, I have come to take part in this expedition to find my memories, I am certain however that I know More of sailing than you, Elf. Not to mention I sense most of us have dealt with the dusk on certain occasion and as far as I know, they seem like creatures made of our own fears, if we sail with a large vessel, im certain it will sense the large amount of fear to feed on, then attack us, if we have smaller less appetite quenching vessels because of fewer crew per ship, we have a greater chance of safe passage." he ended his remarks looking at the king, to trust Kas'. He had no memory but he knew he had alot of experience sailing. He craved the sea.
Kahli, Dining Hall

She was relieved to hear the announcement, "All bow to the King Tannis." It diverted her attention from the worry weedling around in her gut following conversation with the elf from the King's Guard. She felt she needed something to make her worthy of being a part of the quest - something she didn't have compared to the seasoned and well armoured warriors, the subjects of gossip following the confiscation of weapons by the guards. What was worse, she felt like he was onto her, the way those intelligent eyes had reflected on every word she said.

Never mind that now, she told herself. Questions, the King wanted. Kahli had many of course, for starters, would there be provisions and how were they expected to deal with the feared sea dragon dusk of recent rumours? She bit her tongue though, in fear of seeming the inexperienced fool, her confidence failing her for once. She was so close to making it onto the quest, on her way to redeeming herself - she couldn't afford to get cast out more for the mere sake of a question or two. So with that, she settled for taking in the others' questions and the answers they received, anxious for the feast to end so she could get away from all these people.
He waited for the king wanted to add anything but soon after a little moment of silence he began, " Well this elf has come across the sea from the Falkell kingdom with a pair brig and this elf was the lone survivor. If I may add, i doubt that you have been into study of dusks have you? Eh..orc?" he said before pausing as if giving the orc a chance to reply, but before the orc could open his lips Zalon started yet again. " Do you even any evidence that can approve of your motion?." he ended he was sure this would shut the hideous orc. Zalon did have one fear that the Rikki if not his highness would be furious due to his continues intrusion, but still Zalon felt it was his place to speak at, after all he was surely the most experienced.
Kas' glared at Zalon, gritting his teeth, "Elf, I wish to rip out your tongue out and force you to choke on it, as i gut you and adorn these tiled floors with your innerds, but I will not, for what I know to be true about myself is true, no matter what your slithering tongue suggests, I crave the sea, and its motion, I crave the heat and humidity, It is my home, I Know it to be! I wish however, to hear of what the king says, before I rip your Throat out. You seem of High class and Nobility but your manners are meek." addressing the king once again with his eyes waiting for a reply.
Zalon did feel offend but he knew it was time for him to back out from the conversation, otherwise it would surely rage the king, but before he did he made sure to give a comment. " My My the Orc claiming to rip my throat, the throat of a member of his highness's royal guard calls me a elf with meek manner, Well i never expected much from you. " he ended with a sigh falling back towards a corner, intending not participate in the conversation with the filthy orc till permitted to by his highness. To Zalon a fat orc with his heavy weapons was not much of a problem to be dealt with but still spoiling and staining his highness's dinning hall would be immature for a high elf.
Shae'mir, Dining Hall

Though her thought of Zalon was not all that great either, Shae couldn't help but raise her guard as he and the Orc squabbled with one another. She took a step forward, narrowing her eyes and dropping any sense of uncertainty she had in the moments before. If they were to fight here, she would be ready. King Tannis was her most immediate concern, but with Zalon being a member of the Kings Guard, the half-elf was somewhat compelled to protect his well-being also.

For a few moments, Shae was sure that one of them would pull out a blade, but thankfully, it only came to a yelling match in the dining hall. As Zalon retreated to the corner, she followed behind, tapping Beyza on the ground lightly as she walked. She stopped near him and a silver eyebrow at him. "Perhaps not the best conversation you have ever had?" she said in a low voice, "Just remember how long we are going to be with these creatures. Not the best idea to make enemies."
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Leceel had bowed his head upon the king's entrance, but upon the questions of everyone else merely let his senses take in everything about the area. His entire body had tensed when the orc and the elf engaged in a shouting match, but he let himself relax after the elf backed down. Such a physical encounter would not be good without his sword. He had a few questions about the operation, but he found nothing made up for one's own examinations of an area once they arrived. He would let his senses answer for him.
Zalon felt a little pleasant and also felt pity for himself, he was being comforted by a half breed but one that he would gladly brand as his companion. " These filthy creatures " he added with a sigh, " Yea i have had better conversations. Good for us elves not being short tempered like this vile beings, otherwise we might have had a orc head for dinner" he said giving out a sigh, " So my comrade in arms you ready for this expedition?" he asked almost randomly, maybe he was trying to escape the comforting or maybe he was genuinely starting a conversation at this point even Zalon was a little conflicted about which one was it. after finishing what he had said he gave out a smile as the he had never had a argument with the orc which unluckily the high prideful elf had to retreat from.
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