[There Will Be No End] Old role play

Vorgak - Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak felt himself burning in anger as he heard the elf male -the so called royal guard- voicing his rude and insensitive thoughts. If Volendrung was on his hands, he couldn't trust himself that he would not crushed the elf's head. He had insulted the entire Orcish race, Vorgak's blood and family. His tried to unclenched his hand and breathed evenly. It was fortunate that elf retreated back, quite lessened his turmoil. He briefly saw another Royal Guard -seemed like a dark elf woman- followed that elf. Vorgak himself quickly turned his sight and went to Kas' , placing his hand on the other's shoulder.

"Brother, let us calm down. Do not waste our breath on that 'royal guard'" Vorgak whispered, even he himself hadn't come past his anger completely, as the twitch present on his hand showed the indication.

Vorgak closed his eyes, reminded himself that fight against the other companions was useless, even put them in disadvantage. His goal was to destroy the Dusk existance or died with the glory of it.

'But if Lord Kilanos is kind and I am still allowed to live. I swore to kill that man who disgrace my family myself.' He thought of it, because honor and pride of his race was far more important than his own life.

Dinning Hall

When tensions started to rise and Zalon started to pick a fight with the orc, Rikki also moved to take the defensive. As much as she disliked Zalon at times, he was hers and she would defend him. However she felt he was opening his mouth again when it was least wanted. The king however did not seem to raise to stop them. He just looked on them, watching them, judging them. When Zalon backed down the king leaned forward some as Kas' turned to look at him again.

Rikki shot another glare at Zalon, but also to Shae to hush the ideal chatter. This was going to be a hard group to control... specially with Zalon running his mouth and showing off. This was all part of superiority show. She shook her head lightly and gave almost an apologetic look to Kas', but she would stand by Zalon before she would the orc.

"I ask you to never again threaten the life of my personal guard." Tannis said after the room fell into a soft silence, the tension still high and a bit out of control. The guard around the room also started to relax a bit when the king spoke up. "If you want to try and find someone willing to cross the ocean in a smaller ship, then be my guest. If you want to try and cross it by your own means, then you may do about it as you see fit. However I am providing my personal gallon with a full crew and provisions to cross the ocean with. Those who want to take it, do so. Those who wish to go with this gentleman, may. To each their own." The king told them. "However my guard will be taking the ship and they will be the ones with the possession of things needed to secure and audience with King Benedict."

The king then sat back in his chair, a small motions letting Kas know he was done speaking to him. "Any more questions?" He asked the lot.
Kas' hushed his anger for now, and kneeled before the king. "My apologies King Tannis, I meant no disrespect to your guard, I was simply attempting to voice an opinion." he rose from his knee, and looked at Rikki with an apologetic stare then back to the king. "My King, I will take a ship of my own, (turning to the others at the table) and I would gladly bear the ocean with any man or woman willing to sail along side me, and do nothing short of my absolute best to get them to the shores of Falkell, and wherever it is your galleon will marker to we will greet you there, I only ask one favor my king, supply me with a budget for a ship and the rations I will obtain." Kas' stood tall awaiting the kings response, keeping his lip stiff and his confidence up he clenched his fists and cleared his mind of any doubt, He was a sailor and even if he couldn't remember any time on the sea he knew he belonged there.
Thoran watched silently as the debates went on whether to join a small ship or go with the king's suggestion. When the spirits got fired up, he looked forward to a fight between the nosy royal guard and the orc. He despised both of them, not because of the race, but because of the superiority they displayed, thinking of all the rest as being trash to be walked upon. If Myra were in his hand, Vel'ath guide the soul of the poor fool who would've stood against him. But now was not the time for idle fights. The king had spoken, making each of them choose which way to go. "I shall follow the one who has all the money. Afterall, I'm not in this out of kindness of my heart. A dwarf's gotta eat, ye' know!" he chuckled. "Just show me the way to the docks and I'll follow. But I'll be needing me axe before. Can't chop off a Dusk's head without it, ye' see." he ended with a smirk covered by his beard.
As Rikki dropped a stare at him. He shut his mouth, but a smile did come to his face once the great king showed the vile ill-mannered beast his little place. the thought in his mind was that brought a laugh was ' The low life wants what he deserves it seemed, a little boat. Imbecile '. Knowing that his presence was no longer required and that only a round of questions filled with boredom remained. " My lord I wish to take my leave now. " he said with a grand smile as he bowed in respect before walking towards the door. He left maybe because he wanted to enjoy one last day in the peaceful capital.He had secretly grabbed the bottle of the oldest wine before leaving, he did take it while the king was not looking. Even if the king was not fan of alcohol, but who could resist a wine that was aged about 100 years.

Zalon walked out the grand door, grabbing only his dagger and his elvish blade. He went towards the balcony of the castle glaring outside towards the greenery that surrounded the fort. he opened the bottle containing the wine with his beloved dagger. Surprisingly the bottle had even cooled down, to that Zalon just smiled. Slowly he took a sip, his eyes widened the exquisite taste of the plush wine moving through his lips upon his tongue. He was silent and surely pleased and in awe. He had almost forgotten the prior conflict.


Dinning Hall

"Consider it done. I will have a letter written to the captain of my galleon to help you obtain whatever you may need to make the journey. My steward will help you with the remaining instructions. Today, you will stay in luxury. Tomorrow you will get on the ship that will take you down the river to the ocean, where you will board " Tannis said. He stood soon after the decision, taking a quick look around the room. "May Aura protect you in the day and Artamus during the night. Let us hope the gods are on our sides these comings days. But no matter the answer, we will fight until our dying breath. Good luck." The king after that turned to leave, the guard following him.

When the doors shut and the king had left completely, Rikki turned to stare at the group.After the blow out moments before, she wondered how this was actually going to work out. How many of the people here would actually listen to her? She knew if Zalon had a choice, he wouldn't. Rikki took a small breath, in through her nose and out her mouth. She then brought her attention to the steward, whom was still standing near the king's chair.

Seeing Rikki's stare seem to jump start him as he then cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone else, "There are rooms prepared for each of you. Warm water for baths will be prepared, food and wine when ever you ask and a bed to sleep on. You will not be allowed to wounder the castle halls unattended and you won't be receiving your weaponry till the morning... unless you would like to leave the castle and get an inn inside of town." He paused and looked around to the group again before continuing, "You'll be leaving by morning at the lake's docks to Rossalia Point, the city on the mouth of the river." It was going to take them several days to get all the way across the river, but it was a hell of a lot faster then walking it.
Leceel bowed his head once as the king left, and again once the young woman was done speaking. He immediately turned and headed out the doors of the hall. Between a night in the king's palace, or a night where he kept his weapons . . . he chose a night where he kept his weapons. There was no doubt in his mind.

The guards kindly gave him back all of his equipment, though he had to relieve three soldiers of his blade, surprising all of them when he lifted it with only one hand.


He had exited the castle for a few minutes and started to mingle in the town . . . but he was starting to feel that the forest outside might be more inviting than any inn housed within the city limits. Leceel's large frame stuck out like a sore thumb, and the massive blade on his back made others instantly aware of his primary skills. Combined with a lack of speech, any sort of run-in or question that was left without a reply was seen as rude.

Fervus performed another bow as the king left and listened with interest at what the woman of the guard had to say.

Fervus did not plan to stay within the palace, it was far too grandiose for him. The welcoming and stern earth would be more than enough to serve as Fervus's bedding and Fervus himself preferred to not stay under a roof. It was a product of his adventures, Fervus had spent countless days resting under the simplest of shelters from a multitude of dangers.

And there was also another thing, Fervus could not train within the palace walls effectively, but the forest encircling the city would be more than enough to serve as Fervus's training grounds. Fervus wanted to warm himself up as much as possible for the upcoming voyage and the likely encounter with Dusks.

Fervus rushed past the crowd and skirted through the city with great speed, as Fervus was quite familiar with the royal city. A few people here and there raised their eyebrows at him as they wondered whether he was actually the "Cloaked Phantom" or some wandering monk instead, but Fervus did not pay heed to them.

As Fervus strolled through town, he did happen to see one of his to be comrades also moving out, possibly seeking the forest himself as well. Fervus could sense that the man was reticent and dignified, so Fervus left him alone. If the man were to go to the forest, he would probably encounter Fervus sometime anyway of his own accord.

Reaching the forest, Fervus took a deep breath and looked around him. The scene around him was picturesque, the song of bird chattered throughout the air and the verdant vegetation around Fervus melded together to forma coherent view of nature.

Fervus stood in front of a sturdy oak tree and closed his eyes.

The feeling of activating Fervus's blessed eyes would be described as an expulsion of all mental thought. For the briefest of moments, Fervus did not think of anything, and when Fervus once again opened his eyes, they were coated in a vibrant, glowing teal green color.

Fervus inspected the three, and was satisfied. He saw countless thin lines of dull green criss cross and intertwine throughout the body of the oak. The dull green color meant that the oak was recently dead, and was simply emitting excess energy in death. In around three hours, the tree would cease to circulate its life energies and begin to rot.

Destroying life in any form was not something Fervus desired, so a recently dead tree that was not alive, but yet maintained its strength was the perfect punching bag for Fervus.

Fervus took off his cloak and gently laid it down on the ground. If any normal observer were to see Fervus's bare upper body, they would remark that Fervus did not look incredibly impressive. Fervus's body was composed almost entirely of efficient and lean muscle of course, but his body type was rather thin. This would naturally lead one to believe that Fervus was a lightweight fighter, but in this one would be horribly wrong. By constantly reinforcing his own lifelines and enriching them with extra energy, Fervus massively increased the strength, efficiency, and flexibility of his muscles. Even a massively heavyweight fighter would struggle to be on even grounds with Fervus in a wrestling or grappling match. Fervus's entire body was near perfect, every inch of his body was efficient and he had no excess of either fat or muscle.

Fervus decided that he would practice a signature punch of his specialized Guidance style of fighting, which focused on explosive blows to quickly incapacitate targets. Fervus would take his low stance and concentrate his balance upon his abdomen. He would then push himself forward with one foot and strike at the tree with both his arms outstretched and palms open.

Fervus took a deep breath, and struck the tree. A normal human observer would have seen Fervus apparently teleporting to strike the tree, such was Fervus's massive speed. By centering his power in his abdomen, Fervus could effectively push his body forward at incredibly high velocities by shifting power to his left leg which propelled the rest of his body forward. Augmented with reinforced and enhanced life lines, this two handed blow could be compared to gunshots in their speed explosives in their power.

When Fervus's palms struck the tree, they did not stop. They moved with such strength and power that they simply went through the tree completely unhindered. However, since the tree trunk was wide and incredibly thick, Fervus of course could not reach through the back of the tree and his palms instead stopped inside the tree. The force that they carried then exploded within the tree, utterly demolishing the two areas around Fervus's palm as if two small explosives were detonated within the tree. The crackling of the tree breaking apart was loud enough to scatter away the birds in Fervus's area and most of the small animals that had been placidly living their simple lives. The result was that the tree now had two sizable holes within it larger than a basketball. The trunk of the tree was almost completely obliterated, but was wide enough so that it could still support the upper half of the tree. The upper half of the tree would serve as firewood once it was removed.

Any observer would shudder to think what would happen if they were affected by this attack. If this blow were to be applied to a human, then the results would be devastating. Several internal organs would be completely mashed by both the force of the blows as well as the rib cage shattering and scattering within the body. However powerful Fervus was though, he knew that a sword was better than his fists. What he could achieve through sheer power could be accomplished by someone much weaker than him with a broadsword. Such were the natures of weapons of war.

Fervus smiled at his handiwork and dusted his hands off. He would need to create a small makeshift shelter and the upper half of the tree would prove useful to block wind.

Vorgak -Royal Dining Hall

Vorgak was rather intrigued by what the other Orc had requested to the King. It was quite a daring quest to cross the ocean to another region. Vorgak had sailed few times, when he guarded a group of merchants. But the journey was within a large number of men and mer. He knew what were the risks on sailing across the ocean alone, with dusks would appear from the sea.

After he bowed his head to the King at his leaving, Vorgak slipped a frown to his face for a moment before quickly erased it. In his heart he really wished to accompany Kas', for Orcs must stayed and fight along with each other side by side. But his Chief words -and his sister plea- that he must followed whoever would represent the kingdom when in this mission ( his anger came back for a bit because this meant he must go with that one particular royal guard), so when Vorgak died, at least they would had the responsibility to return his corpse back to his tribe. At least then he would have an honorable funeral in his stronghold and his family name would rise a little. He had vowed to never strayed from the order, and he felt he already regretted it.

"May the Gods protect you, brother. I hope we shall meet at Falkell in full health." Vorgak turned and spoke to the Orc, and bowed his head lightly. He couldn't go to this voyage with Kas, so he send his prays to Kilanos to protect his blood kin.

Vorgak turned to leave the dining Hall, and walked to the room he was assigned to. When he arrived, he opened the window of his room, revealing the sight of full moon which hide its form lightly at the back of the thin clouds. He sat on the floor, preparing his ritual to Kilanos. Because all of his weapons were taken, he used his teeth to slashed his arm skin to draw blood. Vorgak drew the Kilanos sign and dremora symbols for this ritual from the blood dripping from his arm. Vorgak began voicing his prayers in Orcish language, prayed to his Lord that all Orcs in this journey would return in safety and glory.
Kian, Dining Hall

Kian closed his eyes in a disapproving manner from all that had happened, not because of the blatant threats but because of the poor choice of words. When the King announced that they have a choice, he figured that the biggest ship containing the royal guards would be safest for this occasion. He disappeared from the room almost immediately after the Royal Guard had stated her final words, as if he was never there in the first place. The guards were surprised to notice that his equipment had been taken from under their noses when they watched him stroll further away from the palace.

Kas' waited as all the other members in the expedition went to their rooms, and followed. in deep thought about a possible treck alone on the sea, a journey he couldnt make on his own. He saw his comrades go into their respective rooms, and followed Zalon and tapped his shoulder as he entered his room. "Comrade, I apologize for the earlier threats." Outstretched his hand in truce. "We are now comrades now, brothers in arms, and we should fight along side each other, not against each other. So what say you Elf brother, we make an effort to keep these people safe on these treacherous seas?"
Zalon was a little surprised by the tap on his back and then was further amazed by the truce it seemed to him that the filthy Orc did have a mote brain. At first he was displeased by the Orc's presence but soon after the Orc asked for a truce and proposed to shake hands Zalon could not feel more agitated, the thought at his mind was, ' Why would a high elf shake a the hand of such a disgusting and vile beast '. He gave it a little thought while he gulped down the wine and then he kept the wine bottle at the side. " Well Sure fr..ri.e..end " he said awkwardly not at all joyous on making friends with awful and dreaded being. His senses were revolting, he was tempted to just leave that very moment, he could not bare the grotesque and obscene looks of the Orc. He hurried pulled a handkerchief and wrapped his hand. Slowly yet gradually he moves his hand forward still deficient of the motivation to shake the Orc's hand. Finally he grabbed his finger and shook it slowly, " Yea...surely..a true " he said with much displeasure. He retrieved his hand dropping the handkerchief at the very spot. He had no intentions of keeping it anymore, surly he did not. He began to march out of the balcony. He took a deep breath of the Orc's odor free air and felt relieved to the core.
Kas' confused at the elfs strange reaction to his truce, he knew it was accepted but with utmost hesitation on the part of the elf. "I absolved my threat did I not? Why did he continue to act in that manner? Perhaps it was the Wine? comrades in arms do not act in such a way of displeasure." he thought to himself as he opened his room and locked the door behind him. he rested on his bed for but a moment, then rose and opened his window. he then sat in its ledge chewing wild grass that was stuck on his rope belt looking into the night sky he awaited the morning to pack up and set sail.
Thoran nodded towards the king, making a mental note of all they would do. Go to some Point city, spend the night, drink and eat. Now that sounded pretty nice and dandy. For sure, he wanted to taste more and more of this castle's hospitality, but also, his arm missed his dear Myra. The axe was now impounded by those pesky guards and their damned regulations. Well, he needed not slay anyone yet, except perhaps that orc and stupid and almighty-acting high elf from earlier, but for now no blood needed be shed.

After the King left, the stewart led them to their chambers. Thoran's room was nice and cozy, with a king-sized bed, all nice and ready for his big, bearded head to rest on. He took off his heavy steel armor and laid it on a wardrobe, sitting on the bed and turning to his left, for a more comfortable position. "Vel'ath, I trust thou with my dreams. Bathe me in ale and beautiful wenches!" he said before falling asleep.


City of Alestan- Lake Docks

Sunrise came early for many the next day. Still the night had been nothing but pleasant weather with a bit of a soft breeze. The sun was already coming to warm what ever chill had come during the night. Spring was always a gorgeous time of year. The waters were a murky blue hue, not a cloud to be seen. Today was promised to be a great day.

The morning time for those who stayed in the castle got a full meal, all one could possibly eat. They did not see the King again, however they were provided their weapons on entering the dinning room. The steward talked to a few of them, but none of the information was new, all just outlining last nights events.

When breakfast was finished, everyone was soon rushed down the castle halls and out into the sunlight. By this time the orange and red hues have left and the sun was almost fully peaking over the city. The roads were now even more crowded with carts and people setting up shops and such. The docks were already starting to bustle with people loading up ships with equipment to sail down to the towns alone the river and bring in any equipment, seeds and livestock to the farming cities around the river.

One of the ships were noticeably bigger and a lot nicer then the other ones. Although it was nothing like a battle ship, it would work for getting them to the main port city down the river. It was going to be several days before they got there, just part of their journey. However their every need was going to be provided.

The Steward was with them the whole way down the the docks, helping them board the ship.


City of Alestan- Lake Docks

Morning came faster to Rikki then she wanted to admit. Rolling out of her bed, she sat on the edge and looked around the mostly bare room. She was going to miss this place.... it was her home. Much better then the farm where she originally came from. Rikki still realizes the lucky break she got... being adopted out of the blue like that. Things like that normally never happen. It was an amazing day. The postion she has now however was earned. She trained hard for this postion and she will bring honor to her master and father figure.

Rikki ate breakfast in her own room, not wanting to quite ready to mingle yet. As of now... she was leader of this party, not really leader of the Royal Guard. She had to have someone replace her while she was gone. It was only natural. When she was finished eating Rikki got up and started to dress, putting on her heavy armor. She next attached Breaker to her back, adjusting it where all she needed to do was reach behind her into the look holes to pull it off her back. Attaching her mace to her side, Rikki then pick up her bag for travel and prepared to leave. Also with her was everything the king had given her to seek an audience with the King of Falkall.

She meet up with the group and her subordinates just before they were leaving the castle. Walking through the city, she couldn't help but smile at the people watching them all with interest. Most knew what they were all matching to go do. Rikki was sure she would need all the luck they could get... Gods watch over them.

When they got to the boat, Rikki climbed adored without much hesitation. Immediately going down bellow deck to claim a bunk and put her things down.

GM Bunnying


City of Alestan- Lake Docks

Kahli woke up in the morning at the castle. Well rested and ready to go. She bounded into the dinning hall to get some food, shyly avoiding all the older warriors and guard while she ate. When she was done, she followed the rest of the group till they got to the boat. She waited for everyone else to even bored before she did so herself, not wanting to attract attention of the others around her.

Fervus however was already on the boat. He was quietly looking out over the lake, watching for any signs of danger. Though he would hope that danger doesn't travel this far inland yet. They needed to find this awful menace before it got to far in. These beasts were causing too much death and destruction... They needed to be stopped... and he felt like this might be the best way to get over to Falkall. He listened as the others arrived and started to pile onto the boat, but didn't pay much attention to them nor did he turn to greet them.
Vorgak - City of Alestan - Royal Dining Room

Vorgak watched the sun rised slowly from the room's window. Blood was already dried on his face, the result of his painting of war symbols from the ritual last night, which he let them as a sign that he was ready for this journey. In truth, Vorgak already awakened at dawn then prayed once more to Kilanos for great success at killing. After put on the set of his daedric armor and glass helmet, Vorgak led himsefl toward the foods were served, where he ate some grilled leeks, few slices of bread, and two roasted rabbit legs. He ate in silence, despite the fact that some servants looked at him in odd way because of the bloody war painting on his face. After a moment he drew himself from the palace, proceeding to the Kingdom's Lake Docks after he took his weapons and belongings.

Vorgak - City of Alestan - Lake Docks

Vorgak inhaled quitely at the fresh air presented on the lake docks. It was always good to blend with nature, he felt that he had more freedom than on the palace last night. With a salute to Kilanos in his heart he entered the large ship without hesistation.
Leceel, border of Alestan

Leceel was down on one knee, facing the rising sun. He could not speak, but in his mind he offered his prayers to Vel'ath. The forest surrounded him, the early sounds of life breaching his ears. He prayed for the day, as he did every dawn, but also for the strength to hunt his next prey. The dusk. His most resilient nemesis yet. He could not consider his last hunt a true victory, for it was sheer luck that had allowed him to survive that day. Once the sun has completely broken the horizon, Leceel stood up and made his way back to the city.

Leceel, Alestan docks

Leceel pushed his way through the crowds that had surrounded the docks. Most of them didn't need much coaxing to remove themselves from his path. The appropriate ship was not difficult to find either, it was easily the largest galleon Leceel had ever seen. Truth be told, he did not have much comparison when it came to ships. The hulking man stepped on board, looking for the commanding officer, that woman who had spoken to him the other day

Zalon - City of Alestan - King's palace, Zalon's chambers

The rays of Spring sun rose up to the chamber's window. They reflected at Zalon's face. Zalon could feel the heat touch his face. His eyes slowly opened up. He seemed to have not been able to sleep well. He had sheltered a rather worried look at his face. Maybe Zalon had had a nightmare last night, it was one of the dusk nightmare. The time he was surrounded by them and was hardly able to make back alive. He never had felt forgotten that dreadful night, But the dream he had was not about the devilish day but it was he with his team getting attacked by dusks. Elves are known to exhibit the ability to future but it is just to some extent. Zalon remembered getting engulfed in darkness during his dream. He tried to shake the fearful feeling he had like it was nothing but verily he had taken its toll on Zalon. Zalon slowly pulled out a knife from under his pillow. It was one of his most trusted companions and maybe the only thing that helped him through even the most unluckiest of the situations.

He had equipped his mitheril vest and the arm covers he always wore. He had checked his elvish blade looking for any rusty location which he did not find. Elvish blades were known to not rust even in the most humid of the situation. He stood up, adjusting his long hair behind his ears. He had one of his hands placed on the hilt of his sword. This was not normal for the fearless warrior that Zalon was known to be, maybe he had something troubling him today. He had a bag's strap held in his other hand. It was a bag in pristine condition and was made from the fur of a white dire wolf. These wolfs were even rare in the highest hills of Falkall, the continent they known to reside in. To known hunter this piece could fetch gold enough to buy a small vessel. He marched in the royal corridors soon seeing the others, the others who were now his comrades some even filthy and low class that Zalon could only pity himself to call them comrades. Soon Rikki had came and took the merry looking band with the exception of Zalon to the docks.

Zalon - City of Alestan - Docks

Everyone had entered walked down the city merrily some what excited by the beauty of the capital, on the other hand Zalon had just been walking with a dense look, who knows what was he thinking. maybe he was praying but one can't tell for sure. Elves are known to be joyous during spring where the mildly cold breeze shy away from their cheeks and the scent of newly blossomed flowers would fill the air. Some might even be worried of Zalon if they knew him. He might be a cocky imbecile who is always serious and not very playful but during the spring even he would own a grand smile at his face and would be glad to laugh and drink with his comrades, maybe he was driven by his elvish self.

Zalon was feeling tired as he was sleep deprived. He did not seem very pleased by the vessel, it was big but not big enough for the mighty Zalon, but he did not even grant a mean remark about it. He just entered the deck, gradually reaching the chambers. He picked the bunk near the window. He just sighed a little before pulling the sheets of the bed out and putting on new sheets from his pack, the sheets were elegant looking, plush elvish silk and that too stainless completely. Shortly Zalon sat down, not asleep yet. He was just glaring at the roof, mesmerized in his thoughts.

( yay nice one)

River boat- Bellow deck- Bunks

Rikki heard another walk into the bunks with her as well. She turned to see it was Zalon. He looked a bit troubled. He didn't even have the sneering eyes that usually graced his face. A small twinge of worry coated Rikki, to think one of her officers were not feeling well. She walked over to the bunk that Zalon occupied, leaning on the bar that held the sling he was in. He could proububly tell it was her that approached him... as her armor gave her away rather easily, "You look rough." She said blandly, though she did sound softly concerned. "Are you feeling alright?"

Rikki herself was feeling anxious as well. She thought almost everyone was. Who wouldn't though? They were about to try a impossible feat... thrown in the middle of the ocean. What was the chances of them surviving? Low? None? Rikki felt her brow come together in a complicated thinking face, almost reflecting the worry she had deep inside her.

Zalon - Bellow dock - My bunk

Zalon did not hear Rikki come over. It almost startled him, it seemed he was deep in his thoughts lost from the misery of the world around. It was not like him, he would normally be the one to notice even the slightest of movements around him. " I am not sure " he said she is a rather confused tone. It was weird for one to not know how he was. His face has now tilted facing towards the window. He was glaring at the banks, everyone so lively, while inside he was filled with fear, unable to sleep. Zalon soon faced towards Rikki not uttering a word. It seemed he had fallen in his own little world now. Soon he asked her, " Are you sure about your Crusade? " he asked in a worried manner. He knew that even with the band they had right now their chances of survival were near to nothing, but death never sacred a warrior like him. He was rather worried and troubled by his dream, being consumed in darkness. Such a thing was enough to give him shivers. To make it worse he had just heard the voices of all he had slayed. It seemed to Zalon his time was near. He was just sitting on a bunk waiting just like a sheep ready for slaughter having its last feast.



River boat- Bellow deck- Bunks

Rikki smirked lightly at Zalon. Man did he actually seem a bit humble at the moment. It almost surprised her. "I'll get them into shape. They are not as awful as I thought they would be." She murmured to Zalon. She didn't want to be over heard to cause offense to anyone who may come down in the middle of their conversation. She pushed off the side of his bunk and turned to look to the door that lead upward to the deck. "I'm a bit scared. Not really of dying... but failing King Tannis. He is putting a lot of faith in us this day..." Rikki took a long deep breath to mostly calm herself. "I should go up and perhaps give people some purpose for now... the bunks might get a bit loud in a moment." She planned on telling the group where they could go and settle. They will all be sharing these small quarters. Rikki grinned in an after thought, "Maybe you're best friend will share a bunk with you." She teased. She meant the Half-orc that had almost gotten into a skirmish with Zalon the other day over boats.

Rikki looked back over to Zalon now a bit more serious, "Try and behave yourself... the last thing I need to for you to make things harder on me to bring this group together. Although I don't think we'll see him again if he goes on a boat himself." She pointed out. Though a silent thought crossed her mind, what if funny enough he was right... and he was going to be the only one who made it across?


River boat- Bellow deck- Bunks

Zalon replied to her, " Yea they are not. Don't you worry, his highness knows the risk. He would be proud of us either way if our bodies come back or if they don't. " he said with a blank look. It seemed that he was partially unresponsive to whatever was happening. His expression had been the same since they had left the castle. Maybe that is how elves are when horrified, or maybe was it something related to his past, maybe the dark elves ? Who knew. He did not seem to care for the remark Rikki had given about giving him a new best friend, in fact their was no reaction from Zalon.

" I will try " he said with a rather dead sigh, it seemed Zalon had not even heard what she had said about him behaving. Zalon did trust Rikki to be a be a effective leader and did not question her being made the superior. Before she had turned away into her own thoughts. He kept his hand at her shoulder. his expression was still blank. " Don't let the dusks engulf me, I am placing my trust in you " he said in a very low tone. It was unlike Zalon to ask someone, at least a half breed for help. Some might think he had gone crazy or lost his mind. Zalon would have never been so humble and spoken with respect to half breed ever, even if they were half elf.

Kahli, River Boat - On Deck

Kahli hadn't yet been below deck; she was too busy relishing the nostalgia of being aboard a boat. Granted, the river boat was very different from her father's fishing boat that he'd occasionally let her onto. Although she remembered little from that time, she was able to close her eyes and shut out the bustle of her new comrades and feel the motion of the boat rocking in the water. Thoughts of getting to the sea excited her for it had been too long since she'd been among those coastal sounds and smells.

Sitting quietly, she knew she should be trying to mingle with the others. Normally she wouldn't have had n issue, but for the first time since she'd been on her own, she felt like the shy little girl her brother had always had to look after. At least she had the dagger and staff back now, the last reminders of her brother; back at the castle she'd felt akin to naked without them. She sighed, watching the water over the side of the boat. Maybe she'd have found the others more approachable if there hadn't been all the argument between the elf and the orc, but at least they had seemed to come to a moot. Kahli definitely didn't want to go accidentally sparking anything like that though.
Leceel, Galleon

Leceel was leaning on the railing of the boat, doing just as he had the other day . . . observe. The harbor waters were fairly calm, giving the boat a gentle rock that could be felt by all on board. Several feet from his side, another member of the crew was looking down into the water. With a lack of other crew above deck, Leceel found his senses drawn toward her. She was one he had been completely unable to read at the feast the other day. She carried a dagger and a staff, yet her attire suggested that she was neither a mage, nor a warrior. In fact, she was noticeably different from the retinue of mercenaries, knights, wizards, and other such fighters gathered. Leceel did something he rarely did, and let out a raspy sigh from his throat. He did not show it on the outside, but he was nervous about the upcoming voyage
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Kahli, River Boat - On Deck

To her side, she noticed another member of the group watching the waters,having been made aware of his presence by the sigh he let out. He looked rather human, but his darker complexion left Kahli wondering. There was no doubt, however, that he was a warrior of sorts - the impressive blade he was carrying left no doubt about that and would've intimidated her had it not been for his more laid back complexion than the rest of the crew she had watched so far.

Shuffling awkwardly where she sat, Kahli cleared her throat and turned to face the man. "Impressive sword there," Her words sounded awkward to her own ears after her silence since the dinner last night. "Must be an interesting story behind how you came about it?" Kahli left her last sentence as a question, hoping to finally have found a way to mingle.

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