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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

"Friendzone? I am the king of the friendzone! I love the friendzone!" He follows her and pulls out his pencil and pad of paper. "Alright.... wanna play hangman?"
Carr smiles slightly, then her eyes go blank, her expression mimicking. Her face pales and her ears prick up as if she is hearing something. "Don't act like a child, Jacob. You may be a tiger, but the world is not a play pen." She sneers at the teenager. Kally, her Spirit Animal had decided to make a show. Carr shook her head violently and blushed. "I-Im sorry... Kally.. she.. Took control..." Carr fell silent, staring out the window with a sad look. Something was wrong. Kally had distracted Jacob and shown her something. Something bad.
I grinned,taking the necklace in my hand. "Oh this is great news! Okay okay. So here's the deal. I've got a wolf SnapBack hat. Caroline has a lucky fox pen she never leaves home without. Lizidria has a white panther jacket. Jacob has a tiger pocket watch! Connect the dots! They all have strong bonds with their spirit animals,and those are their symbols. YOU have a symbol! Lucifer was inside again,not telling me what to do this time. I could sense she was proud. Good child. You are all ready to transform. This trip will chane you forever.
"Carr, I don't give a shit. Really. I take shit like that all time. It's no biggie. It's alarming that Kally took control, but not that you told me I'm childish. Cuz I am. Do you wanna play hangman, though?"
He starts hangman and they play. Jacob had never even noticed his spirit animal. Sure, he knew it was there, but he never bothered to get to know him. So while Carr and Marie are having difficulties with their animals, Jacob never had a problem.
Carr plays, smiling and laughing. In the back of her mind, the Moon shone over her and her friends. She couldn't help but think "why are we bloody..? What happened to us..? What have we DONE?"

((Note: Kally has the ability to predict the future and shows Carr))
Skiz sighed closing the booklet as it lost power, having forgotten to charge it last night. Hearing a bit of laughter and joy, she glanced over the seats to see her friends with friends having a hell of a time. "Damn, I'm living up to this whole loner thing." She muttered smiling for a moment before turning up the music and leaning her head against the window, eyes shut as she attempted to tune out the world.
The bus pulled to a stop in front of the muesum. "C'mon" I said,grabbing Kassadin's hand. I pass by Jacob and Carr. I had always thought it was stupid to have a signal in case we found a new spirit child,but it came in handy now. I grinned at them. "Irit-spay hild-chay!" I said in piglatin "spirit child" I bounced on the balls of my feet,grinning and waiting for their reaction.
Carr rolled her eyes at Marie's signal. She knew she felt something off about Kassadin. Now she knew. 'Damn Owl' she growled under her breath and Kally snickered. She could hear Kally commenting about their stuck up attitudes as they filed off the bus.
I rolled my eyes at Jacob. "Same lunch table?" I asked. "Also. " I said jokingly to Carr. "PLEASE tell Kally not to fuckin eat him. We know what happened with the last owl. " okay,that was a lie. I kind of just wanted to see Kassadins reaction. Priceless. "We'll discuss this?" I asked,going off the bus and taking a seat at a table,waiting for my friends.
Carr smirked. "Kally and I are in agreement. This owl won't be as tastey as the last." Carr laughed at herself, her eyes gleaming mischeviously.
"Okay, the fuck are you guys talking about? And its the day time, where the fuck is an owl? I'm confused."

(jacob is kinda oblivious xD )
Groaning as she felt the bus roll to a stop, Skiz sighed grabbing her things before schlumping off of the bus. Flopping at a table she set her head down on the cool texture, pulling off her knit sweater and on her panther hoodie, stuffing the discarded clothing into the messenger before plopping her head back onto the table.
((Don't know if @steevenajj left or something but whatever. )) I sat at a lunch table,when suddenly Lucifer's howling filled my head. "What the fuck Lucifer?!" I whisper shouted. You are going to change!! You. Your friends! All of you! You will transform! Soon soon! Why couldn't Lucifer just shut the hell up! I bit my lip. Carr had said that some people were able to transform into their spirit animals here. Is that what a lucifer meant by "transform" I smiled at @Scheani and waved her over. Hopefully she'd come so we'd all be able to talk about this.
Sitting on the lunch table, Kassadin was not eating just playing with his food like something was bothering him. Well Aurora my owl would speak, but never bad things actually it guides me correctly and sometimes gives me the answers to impossible questions.
Rubbing her eyes, Skiz shifted over one seat to her waving friend. "I'm angry at you." She huffed.
I looked intensely at Skiz. "What'd I do?" I asked,turning my attention from Kadassin to her. "Look. Be angry. I get it. But we've got a thing to deal with. "

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Sighing she shrugged, "Abandonment issues lead to having problems with non-supportive friends who wont even stop the bus." Skiz muttered before rubbing her eyes attempting to get over her issues. "What is this 'Big thing' that we must deal with?" She sighed leaning on the table.
"When will the museum tour start" Kassadin sighed. He slowly ate bits and pieces of his food and left the rest. Suddenly the place where his necklace would usually rest on releases a burst of intolerable pain, from the table to the floor he laid there. Kassadin had not passed out but the pain was so strong, that it knocked him to the floor.

((Got bored so there is a little drama for ya!))
I jumped up,I knew it! We were transforming. "JACOB CARR!" Shouted for my friends. It was only a matter of time before we changed too. I bent down next to him,placing my hand oh his back and allowed Lucifer to take over. I began to sing. Words I didn't even know flowed from my mouth into a sweet song. "My dear baby. Please oh please chaaange. Calm. Your spirits calm. " the song ended and I saw where he had been. Was an owl alive and well. "JACOB AND CARR GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE WE'RE ALL GONNA CHANGE!" I warned.
Kassadin tried to scream, but all that emitted was chirp-like noises. Suddenly flying into the sky, he has never flew before. Swaying from left to right, until he atlast bumped his head on a tree branch and getting slapped against the ground. "Ghhrrrrrr" is all what he was able to say!
(@Morgan Crawford is AFK)

Feeling a wave of fear wash over her as her friends began to change. "Panic.." She whispered as she pulled her jacket closer to her body. Knowing exactly what was happening but, not quite able to believe it.
I didn't feel the pain. But I knew I was changing. Kadassin must have taken the pain from us! I felt a tail and ears. I was a wolf. I stood,frozen. Kids screamed and ran off with the teachers. I barked up at Kadassin. Get your ass down here! all of us will change and we need you! I knew he could understand me. I howled for Carr and Jacob again. Where the hell were they?!

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