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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Juliette was still numming her as she was hungry" food" she say stopping bitting emi as she sat down as she was scared she hid under emi she smelt like a human but a cat at same time she didn't know how to tranform back she was stuck in this form

Yuzyu looked at her dad return to normal" sorry daddy" she say frowning" i thought my ashtma was gone" she say
It's ok Jul Emi says she just want's food even thought she was human she smells cat to the heart.
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Juliette just was scared' don't take me away i'm a good cat i'm only 4" she say to the woman
(Sorry my doggie tore up a library book so now that has to be paid for since it can't be fixed-this is why I don't leave stuff lying around because my dog tears it up. Okay Juju.)

Enya looked towards the leopard who had come back and hissed at it. The leopard replied in kind and the tigress rolled her eyes before dismissing it. Carefully crouching down, Enya sniffed the kitten. "You can stay for three days until I decide what to do with you. For now you can stay here and share Emi's food," she said. Setting the food and water down for Emi she left, locking the door behind her and walked back to the house to finish cooking. @Kittycat

"It's fine," said Rylic. "I told you asthma never truly goes away." Rylic said. "But maybe you should skip school today since you had that asthma attack." @Zeldafangirl

Rose and the family sat down to breakfast and then Basil walked to school to do his detention for hitting another kid at recess.
Ok your safe Emi says i want to show you something but you can eat before we check it out i'm going to eat a little to ~Meow~ Emi says.
(Bed bye Loading......Saying goodbye.....Sleeping....Zzzzz(Z_Z))
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(I can post a little a few more But soon just soon (Bed bye Loading......Saying goodbye.....Sleeping....Zzzzz(Z_Z))
Miyo nodded slowly, still sniffling a bit. "I think it's alright for people like us to be with humans. My father was human. He always wanted me to get used to being around other humans. But after he died, and my mother couldn't support me, I had to live with my grandparents. So my grandmother did win, in the end." She smiled a little bit. "Where are you going to school, Serenity? Are things alright?" @eclipsehowls
"I go to school at Everstone Elementary," Serenity said. "Daddy said most human parents reject their zodiac children or they are over protective of them. He said that's what happened to the cat. We're fine," she said. @Sp00ky Nerd
Miyo smiled, stepping back slightly. "That's good news." She sat on the couch next to Serenity. "I hope the cat is doing alright. If she's still alive, that is." She sighed slightly. @eclipsehowls
Serenity shrugged in response. "Who knows? Daddy never saw her or any of the other zodiacs again except for the horse and he too left within a week Daddy said," Serenity said. "Daddy used to live in the sewers until he left and came across mommy. Then they got this house and we've been here ever since." @Sp00ky Nerd
The three mutated dogs lumbered along the scent trail, followed closely by the four armed men. At one point the beasts had lost the trail and wandered around, heads twitching furiously as they searched for the trail. "Must have changed form" a guard commented behind his helmet. Glinting in the afternoon light, the leviathan symbol was easy to make out on the side of the helm.

After a while the biggest hound lifted his muzzle towards one of the residential areas of Everstone and let out a demented bark to signal the others. Falling in behind him like two ugly shadows, the lesser two followed on heavy paws, nails clicking on the concrete sidewalk. Now that it had reached almost midday, most people in the area were off at work or school and the hunters met little resistance on their way to the dog zodiacs' home.

The gorehounds growled ominously at the door and began to shake with anticipation, quieting with no more than a motion from one of the thugs. Lifting a gloved fist to the door, he pounded on the door while two others walked around the house to the back.

Yuzyu just pouted at her dad as she sighed" okay daddy" she say as she was told to go back to bed" do i get to drink the tea" she asked

Kendell was watching doc mccufin as she was hugging her doll of the doc as she was alone
Juju said:
The three mutated dogs lumbered along the scent trail, followed closely by the four armed men. At one point the beasts had lost the trail and wandered around, heads twitching furiously as they searched for the trail. "Must have changed form" a guard commented behind his helmet. Glinting in the afternoon light, the leviathan symbol was easy to make out on the side of the helm.
After a while the biggest hound lifted his muzzle towards one of the residential areas of Everstone and let out a demented bark to signal the others. Falling in behind him like two ugly shadows, the lesser two followed on heavy paws, nails clicking on the concrete sidewalk. Now that it had reached almost midday, most people in the area were off at work or school and the hunters met little resistance on their way to the dog zodiacs' home.

The gorehounds growled ominously at the door and began to shake with anticipation, quieting with no more than a motion from one of the thugs. Lifting a gloved fist to the door, he pounded on the door while two others walked around the house to the back.

While Basil had finally reached his school and was settling down to being his long day of Saturday School, the dogs back home began barking as they heard the knocking at the front door. Rose had just finished washing the dishes while Josh looked up at the sounds of the barking dogs. The hounds had come from all over the house and were all staring towards the front door. Rose looked at Josh who shrugged, her husband going to get out his shotgun and rifle, tossing the rifle to Rose who removed the safety. Signaling the dogs to clear a space, Josh stepped forwards, leveling his gun at the door, having already removed the safeties when he had brought the guns down. "State your business," Josh called through the door, making no move to go and open it. @Juju

Zeldafangirl said:
Yuzyu just pouted at her dad as she sighed" okay daddy" she say as she was told to go back to bed" do i get to drink the tea" she asked
Kendell was watching doc mccufin as she was hugging her doll of the doc as she was alone
"Yes you do," Rylic said as he got up and made his way downstairs, taking the rest of the kids down who went into the living room. He went and spoke to Enya, the mother frowning in concern as she heard that Yuzyu had another asthma attack. Rylic began making the tea he created for his sister Pearl while in the living room the rest of the kids sat watching the baby show. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell just watch as she was hungry as she was rubbing her eyes as she went to grab some of her toys as she smiled as she just play with her toys while watching the baby show as she laughed as she play with daisy" daysy" she say as she laughed as she smiled
Daisy turned to Kendell as she began playing with her. "Well at least you can kind of say my name," Daisy said as she played with Kendell.

Rylic finished making the tea and headed up to Yuzyu's room to give her some.

Enya went downstairs to the dungeon cells to see Emily, leaving the servants to serve the food. "When do you say you last saw me?" she asked.
Juliette was finished she didn't eat the whole thing she wanted emi to eat too" okay what you want to show me" she asiked
Juliette just follow them as she smiled

Emily looked sad" oh i was 3 at the time i ran away from mother she gave me these bruises your mother i didn't know her name but i was at the ruins for like few hours than i went back to that house" she explained" you were reading a book named clifford" she say" you were 5" she say frowning a bit

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