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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Ava looks at her as she smiled" really i can stay with you" she say smiling" i don't want to go back with my parents i stay with you luna" she say as she smiled" are you a zodiac too i smell you are" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell was fussy as she just didn't want to sleep" no want play" she say wide awake there was no way she could go back to sleep now as she had her stuffed animal with her as she start to suck on it
Gabby just smiled as she got lead to the couch as she smiled" this will be great what you wanna watch" she asked sitting on the couch her foot on a pillow
Rylic yawned as he sighed and put Kendell on the floor He went and got out some toys before giving them to Kendell, setting up her train set.

Enya looked through the movies. "We can watch Wind in the Willows," Enya said, putting the DVD into the DVD player. @Zeldafangirl

"Daddy said he found the cat first," sad Serenity. "Then it was the tiger. The cat was pregnant so he didn't recognize her." @Sp00ky Nerd
Kendell just looked at the train set as she smiled as she was smiling rubbing her eyes a bit

Gabby smiled at her friend" okay lets watch it" she say" do you have enough room to sit" she say worried about her friend
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"Uh..." Luna nodded politely "Bunny" she whispered then walking out of the shops "Well i'm going to my apartment, you coming?" Luna asked looking at the apartment across the road.
Ava caught up to her as she went to luna's apartment as she smiled" whoa" she say happily" and i'm the rabbit" she say to her
Rylic felt like an idiot playing with a train. "Kendell...what do you think about your mother and I getting married?" Rylic asked.

"Yes I'm fine and have plenty of room," Enya said. "Don't worry about me." The food was brought in as the movie previews started. @Zeldafangirl
Yui went out for a little she had the smell of a tiger anybody could smell it a mile away if your a Zodiac that is *Wink wink*hint hint*
Kendell looked at him" Married what is that dada" she asked as she smiled

Yuzyu woke up as she yawned she couldn't sleep anymore she heard her dad playing with the train" daddy" she yawned

Gabby smiled at her" well okay" she say relexing as she saw popcorn as she liked hanging out with her friend like this gabby smelt something like a tiger not enya or the kids it was someone diffrent
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Miyo grinned. "There are more in this area?" she asked, almost bewildered by Serenity's knowledge. She'd struggled with the curse essentially alone all her life, and now there was this little girl, her kin, in a sense, who was not only going through the same troubles, but also knew even more people like her! She was shaking slightly in her excitement. "Do you know who they are? Do they live in this area?" @eclipsehowls
Luna smiled as she opened the door to her apartment and said "I'll show you the room". Luna walked into the room that was soon to be Ava's ; The wallpaper was a pale blue, the bed was queen size and the quilt on the bed was black with flower patterns, there was a cuboard with shelves and hangers, next to the bed was a bed-set table it had a night light and a tissue box and the windows, Big they were covered by a sweet pink curtains.

The room looked a little like this-

Ava looked around as she smiled" whoa" she say as she lay on the bed as she was amazed" thank you Luna this is amazing" she say laying on the bed looking around in the room as she smiled" your amazing" she say as she was excited for christmas next month
Sirens howled from a police car as two officers arrived at the scene and inspected the body. "By the looks of it, this one wasn't shot...his whole throat has been ripped out?!" one of the officers mumbled to his partner. "some animal; a dog maybe?".

Clicking his tongue in disapproval, the other police officer walked away from the body and greeted Mika sadly. "Not surprised to see you here, Mika. Didn't see the killers by chance did you?"

Mika self-consciously rubbed the back of her neck as he said this, "Oh... uh no, not this time. I didn't fancy getting stabbed or shot just to get a better look. There is a blood trail over there though" She pointed.

"You know, one might get suspicious; you seem to always be at the scene of these crimes" he teased, or at least Mika hoped he was teasing. Not really waiting for her response, the cop added in, "So how has your father been doing?"

Mika was almost surprised by how little the cop was interested in finding out the facts about the crime. "He is doing okay. Still can't remember who he is half the time and he still has those night terrors. Otherwise he is fine... I guess"
"Well...it's where I make your mother my wife," said Rylic. "We will be bonded legally in the eyes of the law and are entitled to benefits if we are married such as your mother can make medical decisions for me if I am injured and I can do the same for your mother and I can pay lower taxes to the government. That's money to the people who run the state," said Rylic. He turned his head as Yuzyu came into his room. "Princess can't sleep either?" he asked her. @Zeldafangirl

Enya frowned as she smelled something like another tiger. "What the hell?" she growled, getting to her feet. "I'm getting sick and tired of this," she snarled getting to her feet and walking out of the living room. The tigress let out a roar and called Leo, Saber and Cameo to her. The cats came up to their mistress and purred in greeting. "Saber can you stay with Gabby?"

The leopard nodded his head and slipped into the base. Enya went with Leo and Cameo outside to look around. The alarms weren't going off so there didn't seem to be an intruder on the property. Yet. Enya grabbed the gun she had held when trying to shoot that damn Kathy and walked into the forest. @Kittycat

"Daddy had to leave when the tigress and sheep started killing the other zodiacs," Serenity said. "The cat left after she gave up her human baby for adoption. She took her cat baby with her and disappeared. The snakes all left or died long before then along with the monkey, ox and rabbits. There was no rooster. The dragon was killed because it tried killing the tiger and her mate. Daddy said there were no roosters, dogs, or pigs when he lived here. I don't know if the tiger is still living here or if she left along with the sheep. I haven't seen any other zodiac children in school." @Sp00ky Nerd
Gabby just sighed as she lay on the couch she was about to enjoy the movie but the smell of a tiger distubed her time with her friend as she frown laying down enya knew her as she lauged she would help sometimes she don't listen but with this leg she had to listen to her friend

Yuzyu just looked at her dad" no daddy i can't sleep" she say as she went to her dad as she sat down" i want a princess dress for birthday" she say smiling

(he's 1 i dunno where he is he can be outside)
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Isa let out a scream as he pounded his small fists on the crib.he wanted out

"Wet me out! Wet me out! He screamed
Hannah got out of her hut and walked out into the town.she had gotten very little sleep and she had a really big headache. She walked around town to try to make the headache stop.
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Isa struggled to get out of the crib but it would not buge.

"Wet me out now!!!!" He screamed at the top of his luges now.
I'm coming Isa Kat says she put Isa down on the ground.

Yui heard foot steps coming near she changed to tiger form just to be safe she came to the corset every day now people come after her I'm just having a great day aren't I Yui says sarcastically.

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