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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Juliette smiled to her" yay i get toys" she say happily as she clap her hands again
Juliette looked at her new family" book" she say saying the name wrong as she laughed
Rylic looked at Kendell. "What is it with your kids and sweets?" he questioned, putting his journal into his bag as he just finished writing in it. His girl was at home sleeping with his other four children and his two step children. "Sure but don't mention it to your mother. Enya won't be happy if you're eating ice cream before a meal," he said as he got up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Rylic hummed to himself as they left the park, the hunter quite pleased that no zodiac animals besides his daughters and girl were around anymore. His hunters had done their job and killed both the dragons and snakes. "I'm so glad we no longer have any nasty zodiac animals besides your mother and sisters here," Rylic said happily. Rylic was a little shaky with being in the coma for so long. He had been in it for six months, past his birthday and Enya's birthday. His girl was now fifteen and he was twenty-nine years old. His hands were shaky now and had tremors in them as well as walking with a limp and the scars on his limbs and the mark from Flame that burned his chest at night. He tried to keep the pain from Enya, not wanting to worry her. @Zeldafangirl

Serenity's mother came over to her. "Serenity! How was school?"

"Fine mommy," said Serenity as she smiled at her mother. "Mommy can we go to the cafe that just opened up?"

Amy looked nervously around her. "Alright Serenity. Then, if you would like, we can visit your father's grave."

Serenity grew sad but nodded and got off the swing, following her mother to the car and got in the backseat, buckling herself up. Amy got into the driver seat and drove to the cafe.
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Kendell smiled at her daddy" yay dada tank you" she say as she was licking the ice cream" i like big sissy and big bather" she say she as she had the todller talk she held his hand licking the ice cream as she enjoyed it" why mama will be mad if i have ice cweam before dinner" she asked
Brooke smiled at her people all over the world thought the Zodiacs died

but they were wrong she was the Dragon Kat was the dog and Yui is the tiger.
"You have more siblings than just Ash and Yuzyu," said Rylic. "You have Ash, Yuzyu, Pine, Daisy, Shale and Violet." He pulled his hand from Kendell's and stuffed his hands into his pockets as they began shaking with tremors, dropping his ice cream on the floor of the cafe. "Your mother worked hard on dinner which will be available when we get home," Rylic said. @Zeldafangirl

Amy brought Serenity into the local cafe and they got a booth by the window. Serenity pulled out her homework after Amy placed their orders in and helped her daughter with the homework.

Basil and his parents left the mall and walked across the parking lot to the car and his father put the shopping bags in the trunk. Basil got into the backseat and buckled himself in while his parents got into the front of the car, his dad after shutting the trunk and getting into the driver's side and then they drove home.
Kendell saw daddy drop his ice cweam as she got scared as she hid behind her dad as she walked with her dad back home" dada wanna go home wants mama" she say sniffing scared of the yelling people as her stomach was growling she didn't have much of the ice cream she dropped it by accident as they walked hom she was excited seeing her mum( do wants gabby back @eclipsehowls )
(Sure. I like Gabby.)

Rylic nodded, keeping his hands stuffed in his pockets as they made their way through town and towards the forest. He hadn't yet had his first base rebuilt yet so the family was still living within the second base. "Christmas is coming next month," Rylic said. "Lucky I have so much money to be able to buy you and your siblings presents. Well everyone except Shale and Violet. Can't very well get a couple of cats presents." @Zeldafangirl
Kendell liked christmas" yay presents" she say clapping her hands" i'm hungry" she say holding onto his pants since he had his hands in his pockets as they made it back to the base
Rylic nodded and saw Gabby. "Gabby is Enya still asleep?" he questioned the sheep zodiac. He looked up Ash, Daisy, Pine, Shale and Violet came downstairs. Shale and Violet slept in Jakob's old room, the human having finally died when Rylic had been in his coma. "Hey kids," he said to them. "Are you alright?"

"We're fine dad," said Ash. "When's dinner?"

Rylic rolled his eyes. "Whenever Enya wakes up is when dinner is," he said, sending a servant to serve the family food. @Zeldafangirl

Basil got home and his parents ordered Chinese food to be deliver to their home. The dog zodiac child went upstairs to his bedroom and got started on his homework.

Amy and her daughter Serenity were still in the cafe, waiting on their lunch but got their drinks; Ice Tea for Amy and chocolate milk for Serenity.
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Gabby just looked at him" sir she just woke up" she say as she hated being tense she don't think anyone knew it was her birthday next month anyone except her best friend enya she only had one friend she killed her family since they abandoned her

Kendell was playing with her toys as she lauged
"Go tell her it's time to eat," Rylic said as he disappeared to the hall where his animals were. Ash, Pine, and Daisy got into their seats. Thankfully Pine had grown some over the course of six months although the child was still frightened of rats. Rylic kept his hands in his pockets until he got to the hallway with his animals and shut the door behind him, dismissing his guards and pulled his shaking hands out, putting them in his lap as he sank to the floor by a cage holding a baby rhino. "Damn that fucking cat," he swore under his breath. @Zeldafangirl
gabby went to enya room' hey kenndell and rylic is back he wants to eat ma'am' she say smiling to her only way she was alive cause of her

kendell was drawing as shee smiled needing help with getting on her boaster seat
Morgan looked up at a canvas in the store. she then remembered it was the celebration that Amelia set up and she rushed over ringing the door-bell.
Enya sighed and walked to the door, nodding as she shut the door to the master bedroom and walked downstairs. "Damn cats and their fertility," she hissed in annoyance. "Gabby have you heard of other zodiacs popping up like before?" she questioned as she walked down the three flights of stairs to the first floor. One of the servants lifted Kendell into her booster seat and buckled the child in before disappearing to the kitchen to bring out drinks for the family. As Gabby was the childrens' adopted aunt and Enya's servant, she was allowed to eat with the family. @Zeldafangirl

Rylic's hands continued shaking though the hunter reached up to pet the rhino he was sitting in front of. Crossing his arms, Rylic could do nothing but wait for the tremors to stop.
violet finally reached the town when she heard the sound of a watch beep 12 o'clock.she went to the meat shop and got 50 pounds of meat and 10 pounds of chicken.as she carried the heavy meat she went over to the egg farmer who was sealing eggs.she bought 3 packs of 12.then she went behind the shops and spoke to her friends in parseltongue and told them to take back the food and if they ate any she would skin them.once she saw them slither away she went back to the shops and looked around for a bit.
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Mika placidly watched as a woman and her child ordered some drinks while she waited for her lead to be fished up from an endless contact list. After what seemed like ages, the youth looked up from his phone bleary-eyed and with a smirk.

"hey, I got it right here miss. You see, i picked it up a while back an-" he started before being interrupted by Mika's happy gasp.

"You got it!? Let me see! You cannot believe how long I have been trying to get this... she had all of her social media accounts deactivated just like her ex. See I have a theory, well I won't bore you with that, but you must know this is a big step forward!" In her excitement to get up and peer over the table she had almost knocked over her mug of coffee in her haste. It took a quick flash of her hand in order to steady the teetering cup. "Well, what is it?"

The teen blinked up at her in surprise but soon turned his pimpled face back down towards his phone, a slight blush on his pockmarked face. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Oh, right- of course." Scribbling furiously into the dogeared pages of her notepad, Mika wrote down the number with a grin. "Thanks again!" she said before getting up out of her chair and swinging her coat over her shoulders. She chugged down the remains of her coffee before collecting her scattered papers into a neater pile and jamming them into her bag. In a matter of seconds she was gone, rushing out the door with her paper stuffed bag and beaten up camera. The teen sat there bewildered as the faint sound of the door's bell began to fade.
There was a knock on the door and Rose Eclipse went to pay the delivery person and get their food. When Basil's mother came back in, she called up and said it was time for dinner. Basil set down his pencil and walked downstairs to enjoy the meal of Chinese takeout with his parents.

Amy helped Serenity with her homework, occasionally sipping at her iced tea as they waited for their food to cook. Neither mother nor daughter paid attention to the door opening and closing as a customer ran out into the cold of late autumn.
violate was looking at some boots that she was about to buy.she placed down at the self check out and scanned it.she payed for it then she grabbed the recite and ran out the door.she ran into the forest and ran and ran till she got to her little cottage.she went inside and put her boots down on the table but some thing was off.she looked out side but it was just the empty forest.she could feel it something was wrong she took a step back but when she did she felt cold hands cover her mouth and grab her from behind.
Fallen leaves fluttered in the wind and crunched under Mika's footfalls as she strode past the various chain stores. Early Christmas decoration was a fad here in Everstone and in every synthetically frosted window there were smiling Santas, paper stuffed stockings and faux Christmas trees with their glittering decorations. Apparently there was some race to see who could be the first to stock their shelves with all the materialistic junk that represented the spirit of the season.

Rounding a corner, she took a short cut through one of the alleys between the laundromat and the book store. It almost seemed strange to think that this was around the area that they had found the body of that woman a couple of years back, apparently killed by her best friend. It was a big shocker for the town when The Daily Diviner had published the story in the newspaper, written by none other than Mika, the following day. A chill ran its thin fingers down her spine when she remembered the eye-witness account she had gotten from that little girl and she found herself quickening her steps.
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violate tried to get lose of the grip but they were too strong she let out a scream she felt a blade be pushed to her throat she could barley breath without it sending sharp stings of pain down her throat.the person pulled her outside but once out his griped loosen for one second.she hit their stomach hard witch knocked them back.she scrambled to get up but the person through the knife at her she did not have time to doge it it hit her right in the thigh.she let out a scream of pain she reached down and pulled the knife out of her leg it was not a long knife,she would be able to walk again if she survived this.she got up and tried to run but the person grabbed her again she still had the knife in her hand so she stabed it right into the persons stomach.she brook into a half limp half run as she sprinted fore the town as she ran she heared the person yell "you will die some day you will!"

she managed to get to the backyard of a house before she colapsed on the ground and fainted. @eclipsehowls (it is basil's house)
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