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*~*~*The Willow Maid*~*~* [Closed]


~Be true to yourself.~

*~*~*Based on the song, "The Willow Maid" written by Erutan, sung by Kate Covington (Kate the Great) [[media]



The Willow Maiden

A young man walked through the forest

With his quiver and hunting bow

He heard a young girl singing

and followed the sound below

There he found the maiden

who lives in the willow

He called to her as she listened

from a ring of toadstools red

'Come with me my maiden

come from thy willow bed'

She looked at him serenely

and only shook her head.

'See me now, a ray of light in the moondance

See me now, I cannot leave this place

Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest

Don't ask me, to follow where you lead'

A young man walked through the forest

with a flower and coat of green

His love had hair like fire

her eyes an emerald sheen

She wrapped herself in beauty

so young and so serene

He stood there under the willow

and he gave her the yellow bloom

'Girl my heart you've captured

oh I would be your groom'

She said she'd wed him never

not near, nor far, nor soon

'See me now, a ray of light in the moondance

See me now, I cannot leave this place

Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest

Don't ask me, to follow where you lead'

A young man walked through the forest

with an axe sharp as a knife

I'll take the green-eyed fairy

and she shall be my wife

With her I'll raise my children

with her I'll live my life

The maiden wept when she heard him

when he said he'd set her free

He took his axe and used it

to bring down her ancient tree

'Now your willow's fallen

now you belong to me'

'See me now, a ray of light in the moondance

See me now, I cannot leave this place

Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest

Don't ask me, to follow where you lead'

She followed him out the forest, and collapsed upon the earth

Her feet had walked but a distance, from the green land of her birth She faded into a flower, that would bloom for one bright eve

He could not take from the forest, what was never meant to leave.




I'll honestly edit this when I feel like it I just wanna get into the rp so yeah if you have any questions ask me in the out of rp chat.



*~*~*Opening Scene*~*~*

~Chapter One: The Celtic King's Wish~

It was midnight.

The sky was clear, the moon looming brightly over the Celtic Kingdom, its silvery, gentle light casting forth upon the Castle. All was silent outside of the Castle, the once and always bustling Plaza now resting in nightly slumber, dreaming of the events to follow on the morrow.

Inside the Castle, all was quieting down. The servants and maids were finishing up their nightly clean-ups and preparations for the following day. The candles were all blown out torch by torch, wick by wick, until all but the King's bedroom candlelight was diminished. A hush fell upon the settling castle. However, muffled voices echoed out from behind the closed door.

"Do you know why I have called upon you to my quarters, my son?" King Olc asked, eyeing his son as he sat upon the large weaved chest lined with gold at the end of his bed. He looked tired, his voice cracking with every word he spoke.​
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The Young Prince shook his head, "No, Unfortunately I do not." He yawned, running a hand through his own hair. His eyes blinked open, he looked to his father with a dreary gaze.
King Olc studied him for a moment. Then he stood with a sigh. "Of course not," he replied back, then held his hands behind his back and began pacing.

"I have a quest for you, my son. Since you are good with a bow, and because horses take kindly to you, I conclude that it will be no trouble for you." He eyed the black-haired Prince.
"Whats the quest?" He asked looking at His father and rubbing one eye to keep them from growing heavy and closing on him. He yawned a second time.
King Olc continued pacing. "As you already know, I want to expand our wonderful, bustling kingdom. But, the forest that surrounds our kingdom is in the way. Now I know you'll say that all I have to do is send out some of our men to clear it, but... I'm afraid that is not possible." He looked back to his son.

"The reason being that there is something out there protecting it."
The King looked him over, then paused his pacing and turned fully to him. He narrowed his eyes.

"She's called... The Willow Maid."
"The Willow... Maid?" Reagan asked as he tilted his head. He stared for a moment in disbelief. "I thought she was just a tale Mother used to tell when I was younger.... before her passing..."
King Olc saddened in remembrance of the deceased Queen. "Aye," he managed weakly, turning away and pacing once more. "Your mother loved to tell you about those things..." He smiled and grunted. "You look so much like her."

Then, he focused back on the topic at hand. "But, alas... I do believe the Willow Maid indeed exists. I send out soldiers on a daily basis to try and clear the land, but they never return. I have come to believe this is because of her." He sighed heavily. Then he dropped his arms and turned to Reagan. "So? Do you think you can go and find her for me? And if you find her, do be sure to return and report back to me what you have found."
"Yes," the King replied back abruptly and dismissively, waving him away. "But you must leave at the crack of dawn. You may take your leave." He then occupied himself with readying his room for his own slumber.

"And be sure to mount a horse and take your bow and quiver. Who knows what awaits you in those trees..." he warned.
"Will do father. I wont let you down. I promise." He told before turning to return to his quarters and awaiting bed. He wondered what type of dreams would visit him tonight before his time to begin the quest for the woods.
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Soon enough Reagan began humming folk songs that his mother would sing to him as he would drift off to sleep. Reagan had always been captivated by the stories his mother would either tell him or sing to him. The story of the Willow Maid had always been one of his favourites, asking countless times to listen to it again and again.
But little did Reagan know that the Willow Maid did indeed exist, and that she was awaiting his arrival.

She came to him in his dreams, flashing forth images of her Forest, but never of her. And that night, as Reagan slept...

Her voice rang out to him, singing the lines of the story to him endlessly.

*~*~*End of Chapter*~*~*


~Chapter Two: The Willow Maiden~

The rooster crowed outside of the Castle to announce the light of the break of dawn.

The sky was a glorious burst of sun, its colors and rays streaking through it, painting the clouds a pink rim. The birds sang, the crickets chirps quieting down, and a breeze swept the land.

The young Prince had arisen bright and early, as his Father King had asked. He was dressed in hunting gear, along with his green coat. His bow was in hand, his quiver strapped to his back. He made his way hurriedly to the stables, where his beloved horse awaited him.
Upon reaching the stables, he soon tacked his horse before mounting her. Petting her mane he smiled and felt at peace. Should he really do this? He then looked towards the direction of the forest.
As he looked, it beckoned to him, its branches swaying in the wind, as if gesturing for him to come forth and see what secrets it held.

The mare tossed her head, then stamped and looked back at him.

Are we going? Her bright blue eyes asked.
"Hyah!" He called to his mare, urging her to go with the heels of his boots. He even leaned forward a bit. Reagan was determined to find out if the voice in his dreams truly existed.
It didnt take long for him to reach the forest, but once he did reach it, his horse would go no further. She reared and tensed, stamping about and whinnying uncomfortably.

Something was keeping her from entering.
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Reagan soon dismounted. He rubbed his Horse's neck, "Stay here Sumi. I'll return, I promise." He smiled before going into the woods himself.
The woods were very strange...

Even though it was daytime, as the Prince delved deeper into it, the light all around him seemed to change. It seemed to shift from sunlight to another sort of light, almost moonlight, but during the day. Streaks of colors formed rays that radiated all around.

It would be wise to take caution.
Reagan weaved and ducked through low branches and bushes. He narrowed his eyes at the path for a moment. Sighing he also watched for any sort of danger as he advanced through the woods.

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