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Fantasy The Vampire Era

She hesitated, but after a few long moments finally answered stubbornly, "No. I'm a human. Not a bloodsucking thing."

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Cain smiled" stubborn as usual I see." He stood up " I could turn you anytime I so choose kira yet I have not. I could of killed you drained you yet I did not. Instead I saved you even fed you do I have a reason no do I have motives yes, but nevertheless would you consider these things to be the actions of a evil person?" He asked looking in her eyes.

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Kira raised an eyebrow. "Motives? What is that supposed to mean, exactly? As for being evil, maybe you're just lonely, or hoping to fatten me up... Not nessasarily evil, but then again, you still drink human blood." She said, meeting the gaze, confident for the most part.

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He smiled" I do not deny my nature yes I do feed on blood, but I never drain people. Im not lonely nor do I wish to ' fatten you up', but simply am offering you a chance to be more. My motive is to co exist with humans not them being slaves, but equals. For vampires could not survive if humans no longer existed we need them." He said.

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"Offer denied." She replied in a simple tone, yet set her jaw stubbornly. The rest of her tribe had spoken much differently of vampires, and she chose to believe their myths rather than an actual vampire.

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Cain sighed" you are a child you does not understand. Perhaps you should see through our eyes." He said locking gazes with hers. He showed her the truth of his words sending images, memories, feelings of moments in his life realting to his words. Then he moved closer squatting infront of her looking in her eyes.

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She was silent, even through some of the forgin memories and such that came into her own thoughts. "Stop it." She said, annoyed that he was so persistent to change her.

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The Queen watched Cain calmly as he exited the little "show" she had put on. She waited for him to leave before continuing on through the maze as if nothing had happened. She would let Vetis decide who he followed. Queen Callisto turned a corner and approached the end of the maze. The impatient behavior Cain had exhibited reminded her of a child who cannot wait for it's toy. She supposed he had simply grown bored of the game she had laid out, but such actions were hardly befitting of an elder vampire.

Though she supposed the same could be said for all of his behaviors. If he continued this way, the Queen would have an easier overcoming his raw power with her intelligence. She did not have to view this as only a battle, after all.

The door opened and the Queen stepped outside, back into the realm of the living. Cain had left of his own accord, and it would be impolite to interrupt whatever important business he had left to attend to, so the Queen headed back to her own chambers. There was no further need to entertain him as of now. She passed by a guard on her way to the parlor she was headed for, and walked up to the stiff-shouldered vampire.

"Fetch me the Registry, will you?" She waved him off and entered the room. There, she sat down in front of a large desk facing the door she had just come through. She smoothed her skirts and began sifting through the pages of the paperwork that had come in for her this evening. Her eyes moved quickly across each piece of information she received. Some wanted new laws to be placed, others had complaints, and still others requested things that required the Queen's decision to carry out. Many reports on the state of affairs for the kingdom had come in. She worked quickly through the stacks before the guard arrived with her requested book. The Queen dismissed him and began turning through the pages of her kingdom's citizenry, making note of any changes to the magical book.
Cain smiled amused by how stubborn this girl was. She was strong willed like most humans were. He stood up the barriers surrounding the room dissipated. He pointed to her wrist as a bracelet appeared it looked like vines of silver and gold intertwined together. It would not budge by any hand except his. He turned walking to the door.

He opened it glanceing back to kira " you may go child feel free to explore the castle if you wish though do be carefull" he said as the braclet completly healed her leg. Stepping out he went outside making his way to the throne room. Once reaching it he sat as his face straightened " know the game must begin." He said as two powerful shadow demons appeared before him kneeling on the ground. He leaned his head back closing his eyes as he set up a very powerfull barrier. It blocked any scrying or sensory magic while also suppressing any leaking of power to hide his presence. Then he cloaked the castle so that it appeared there was only forest. Opening his eyes he smiled looking at the shadow demons. He spoke in a dark tone that echoed with many voices " begin the awakaning " he said as the shadow deamons bowed their heads " your will be done" they said before shimering then fading away teleporting to there destinations.

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"Oi! What is this?" She asked, furrowing her brow, even as he said she could finally roam free. Suddenly her leg was movable and instantly she tore the cast off and threw it behind her and stood up, a little shaky on her feet at first.

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A ghost appeared before kira a small girl in Victorian clothing. She looked at kira speaking in a calm tone " it's so lord Cain may keep track of you as well as allow him to come to you whenever is needed." She said looking at kira with cold blue eyes.

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Kira screamed, leaping back and raising her fists. Slowly she lowered her fist but instead just glared at the girl. "So I have a creepy talking shadow now? Lovely." She huffed sarcastically, then walked out of the room, determined to explore the entire house then find a way out of here. Maybe she'd loose the ghost while she was at it.

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The ghost alexandria followed the kira as she went about her way. The girl had a blank expression, and floated above the ground. A small teddy bear was held in her right arm which she held to her chest.

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Kira completely ignored the child, focusing on exploring every room and floor of the house, which she was starting to think was some form of castle or something.

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Alexandria followed the young girl as she wondered the castle. She looked at the curious girl, and wondered what cain saw in this one. As they neared a corridor she teleported infront of the left passage way. Looking at kira in the eyes she spoke " I would not recommend taking this path." She said.
"Why? Is that where you died or something?" She asked, still annoyed by the 'stalker ghost girl'. She glanced at the right passage way, but because a ghost was telling her not to do something.. She really wanted to do it.
Alexandria smiled " oh no I died elswhere in these parts, and as for the warning I guess you could go see for yourself. However what you find you may not like" she said with a cold smile.
"Were you human?" She suddenly asked, wondering if there was a hungry vampire of some sort at the end of the hall, or elsewhere in the castle. She glanced at the dangerous hallway, then back to Alexandria.
Alexandria smiled " I was human when I died " she said in a emotionless tone. Her eyes know were completely black starring back at kira. Her eyes gave a sence of despair when looked into, and with time would bwgin to pull at your soul.
Kira narrowed her eyes, wanting to ask what had happened, but suddenly the ghost was making her feel weird... Kira shook her head and spun on her heel, stalking down the hallway considered 'dangerous'.
she followed the young girl along the hallway. The torches lighting the hallway began to dim as the smell of blood lingered strongly in the air. As they continued on the faint sounds of hallowed moans, barly audible screams of pain and a deathly cold atmosphere began to form in the halls depths.
The first moan and screams had scared her enough to make her flinch and hesitate greatly to continue on. Slowly she pushed herself on though, just wanting to see what was making the noises...
As they neared a door the aie filled with dust the moans were louder. Alexandria looked from the girl to the door then back again. She smiled " I like this one " she said holding her tedybear to her chest excitedly.
She glanced from the door, to the girl, then asked with a frown, "What's in there?"

(Got to go, I'll be back later tonight)
Ari wandered around a small forested area looking for some aloe to help the pain on a burn she had received trying to cook some food. After about an hour of not seeing any she decided to fin a spot to rest and take a small nap. She climbed up a large tree and looked around to make sure that no one was within easy access or sight of her spot, then leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes for a few moments.

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