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Fantasy The Vampire Era

Queen Callisto turned to the still-transforming Vetis next. "Will you play?" She asked, though the glimmer in her eyes was cold. She was already busy calculating some things, but her face showed no signs of distraction. She was focused on the task at hand, but that didn't mean she couldn't plan.
Vetis looked her in the eye "Why of course my queen" Vetis fell to the floor and abruptly turned to dust that then soaked into the floor removing any trace of him 
Vetis then fell through the ceiling after it created a demonic red circle. Vetis had returned in his new form

The Queen waited for his return before speaking again. She turned her head toward him, addressing his form for the first time now that it was complete. "I see that you are ready for battle." She then turned to both of them. "Shall we go, then?" Queen Callisto said as she smoothed her skirts with the hand on her lap.
Cain looked at the Callisto" After you mylady" he said as he got up and gave a slight bow arms pointing towerds the entrence.
Vetis stood up from the fall and replied "My Queen, this isn't what it looks like. This knowledge is restricted to the Abaddon Clan only" Vetis struck his gauntlets upon each other and looked at her "But I'm ready"
The Queen smiled and got up from her chair, walking slowly up to the entrance before stepping inside the portal. This was going to be fun.
Lethia sat with her wrists bound up in front of herself in a slightly uncomfortable position. Her knees were curled up into a ball and her bare feet flexed and dug into the wooden floor to try to keep her focused. She sat up straight and her hands dangled in between her legs with metal cuffs digging into her wrist. She was being moved through the town in a small wooden cart, not big enough for her to stretch out her legs. There was no room to even breathe. There was a single window on the door with long bars stretched across it. She tried her best to pull herself up from a sitting position to look out the window, but her cuffs dug deeper into her wrists and she cursed sitting back down.

Her long blonde hair frayed out around her in uneven lines and it went down to the bottom of her back. It was untrimmed and choppy, but it had been brush out the other day by a slaver who was trying to sell her off. Lethia didn’t see why they cared much about her hair. She tried to bite the slaver when he got near her face and now had a new cut down her stomach to show for it. Her skin was pale, but not as pale as the vampires around her and had scars across her arms and legs and a few on her midrift. One even went across the side of her cheek, but she still looked beautiful. Her eyes shone a piercing smoky gray that made her seem fragile and distance, but her mouth was turned into an irritated sneer.

They hadn’t told Lethia where they were taking her this time, but they never did. She had heard mention of a ‘wedding’ and ‘gifts’, but she had never understood what the point of weddings were. It didn’t seem to make sense for her that people would tie there lives to another’s to show commitment. Even than they weren’t always committed. It was more of a political statement than love in most cases.

As the cart stopped someone came to fetch Lethia from the back and grabbed her by the shoulder with a mighty push forward. She looked up at the castle and knew exactly where she was. She fought hard against his push, but didn’t have enough strength to do any good. When she realized it wouldn’t help, she stopped and let him escort her to the front door. He knocked and waited for an answer so that he could get Lethia off of his hands and onto another’s. She was more trouble than she was worth.

Lethia did her best to show no emotion at this point. She only had a cool, metallic stare that showed she wasn’t going down without a fight. She raised her head up and her eyes scanned around the area. She was trying to find something she could use to get out of here. Anything that could let her run, but they would catch her even if she managed to wither out of his iron grip and bolt into the forest. She would have to plan a better escape, once she was inside.
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"So you can read minds?" Aven asked, then thought about what Vineres said. "And now that you mention it... Everything in my head sounds the same but I know it isnt..." Her eyes widened and she smiled. "That is so cool!" She smushed her face with her hands, incapable of fully processing the information she now possessed. Realizing what she was doing, Aven stopped and looked back at Vineres. "So... Back to mind reading..." She waited for Vineres to say something.


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Vineres put a limp hand over her lips, trying not to laugh so loudly as her face scrunched up.

"I usually spend most of my time focusing on keeping it out. Its a little harder with new vampires, young humans, and just the fidgety in general. Some however I cannot hear at all. My mother for example. I've only heard her once, and she pushed the thoughts into my head. Other than that the stream is pretty constant." She said, tucking some hair behind her ears.
Aven scratched her neck. "Sorry... My thoughts can get kind of ramble-y. Hey, am I at least slightly interesting?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "So that's how you knew i was thinking about-" She cut herself off, flushing at the memory of her thoughts on vampire marriage. "Oops... Wait, so you and the prince aren't blood related?" She frowned, trying to piece things together.

"Not by a single drop." She said, bidding her head.

Vineres could tell adjusting to this life would be hard for the girl. She only hoped Aven wouldn't be around for a freak out. In those aspects, she was quite like her mother. She gets things done, but behind closed doors its too much work for her to be so demanding.

"He was indoctrinated into the family a very very long time ago. I'm honestly not sure where his blood standing is." She said, shrugging her shoulders.
Aven frowned, trying to register the word. "In... Indock... I don't even know how to pronounce that." She said, looking embarrassed.

Being the slave of a nobleman, Aven managed to pick up quite an interesting vocabulary, but, considering that she was in fact a slave, also had a slightly limited vocabulary on certain words. Such as indoctrinated.

Although, she did know many, many terms for endearment, as well as cuss words and insults. Hopefully, with the change of master, she'd tone down her colourful language, at least a little bit.

Vineres raised an eye brow, making the connections that Aven wasn't all too different from Arya, her previous slave. They'd both not been taught much prior but Vineres couldn't stand a slave that didn't have some knowledge under their wing. It made them more valuable, it also made them much more useful.

"Tonight you'll have lessons before feeding."

Announcing this made her shoulders square again, and face stern, but still caring. Well as caring as Vineres could get it.

"You previous owners obviously haven't spent much time on you."
Alyssa suddenly burst into Vineres's room, seeming to forget knocking or even announcing her arrival.

"Wheres Sedrian?" She demanded, wanting to see the person she thought was her big brother.
"I'm not quite sure lovely." She said, turning to her little sister. Right now, Vineres was too excited to be angry at her for interrupting.

"He's probably busy right now discussing our wedding."

Vineres said this as nonchalantly as possible, pretending to inspect her nails. After a couple moments she looked up to Alyssa, raising an eyebrow in a high arch. Her eyes practically pierced into whomever she was looking at, a trait she gathered from her mother and father.
"Oh okkkkk--- WAIT A MINUTE!" She began though suddenly screamed, gaping with huge eyes at Vineres. "Wedding? Can I be a flower-girl?" She giggled happily, though after a moment would tap her chin and ask in the most serious tone a hyper 7-year old could muster, "When you say 'our', do you mean you and Sedrian? That's sort of weird..."
Sedrian was behind Alyssa. "Hey there Alyssa. Heard you ask where I was." Sedrian said. He walked around to her and stopped when he was in front of her. "What's up?"
"Hi!" Alyssa squeaked, grinning happily. The conversation with Vineres apparently vanishing from her mind. "I just wanted to..." She hesitated actually unsure of some specific reason she had wanted to see him. "Can we play a game?" She randomly asked, eyes wide and hopefully staring up at him.
Sedrian stared down at his sister blankly. Then answered. "Sure, why not." He said crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yay!" Alyssa squealed giddily, though soon her face was serious again and she asked, "What game should we play?"
Aven had been thinking quite hard on the word indoctrinated, and finally snapped back to the conversation, remembering something Vineres had said. "Lessons?" She questioned, though she was mostly thinking of 'feeding'. She hadn't been a personal slave of her last owner, more his house in general, and had only been... Fed on... A few times, since her owner had had other slaves he fancied more than her. She barely remembered the experience though, so the thought was still quite terrifying. She shuddered and tried not to think about it, remembering Vineres' special ability and didn't want her fear to show.

"I don't know, I thought you did." He said sitting bending his knees to get at eye level with her.
Alyssa tapped her chin thoughtfully then shrugged and admitted, "No, I didn't think of any. I wanted to find you first...Don't you know any games?" She asked, looking back at him curiously.
Sedrian reached out and patted her head. "Nope sorry. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get fitted." Sedrian said standing up straight.

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