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Fantasy The Vampire Era

"That's wonderful to hear." She said without hesitation after he spoke. Yes, she would remember that image. Seeing *that* from the eyes of Cain himself helped her to gain some perspective on what information she had gathered.

In any case, she was well aware that Cain was not an opponent to be taken lightly. She did have one other idea, one she did not like to think of doing, but perhaps in this case it would be preferable. Queen Callisto ushered a servant over, her smile still in place.

"Maria," She said. She rarely ever used a servant's name, but she was in a good mood, so she decided to play it nice with her little pets. "Prepare the room for Sir Cain, will you? I want it to be perfect for him." With that, the shocked servant bowed and exited the room in a hurry. The Queen had even said it nicely. What exactly was going on? Who was this Sir Cain? Maria's thought's were clear on her face as she exited the room. Satisfied, the Queen went back to the people at hand. "Come, Vetis, sit." She said, offering him a seat with a wave of her hand. She then looked at Cain, setting up a mental barrier in her head. She sent out a short range telepathic message to Cain that anyone in the room could sense and understand quite easily, but that made it obvious who was in on the link. She made it clear to anyone who sensed this link that this was between her and Cain, and that no one was to interrupt.

Cain, a word, if I may. She thought, making it clear that she wanted to set up a temporary mental link between them.
Vetis shocked by the Queen's responce and the fact she didn't appear to demand his execution he sat and started to wonder, what is happening
Cain sat back down in his chair then looked in the queens eyes a smal flash of blue swirld with the purple as he heard her mental message. He nodded his head as he connected with her mind establishing his own mental barrier. He responded to her message " Indeed we may Callisto" he said calmly with a slightly amused tone.
Callisto maintained her smile and her stare as she sent a message across the link. I think it important to give fair warning, thus I have decided to make my offer now, rather than later. She continued without pausing. I am considering your words. I do not agree with you on the point of granting full freedom to humans, but, as I have said, I dislike needless killing of my own kind. Perhaps you would like to engage in a conversation of sorts, a negotiation of the current laws regarding the freedoms of humans. After the wedding ceremony, that is. She had thought about this kind of thing before, and though she did not fancy changing the laws of the Kingdom one bit against her will, there were sometimes more pressing concerns than granting those petty humans some protections from the power vampires held over them and a few freedoms under the law.
He smiled loooking at her and bowed his head " Indeed we may Callisto talks would be good indeed" he looked in her eyes as he said this. He disliked killing of his wn kind along with uneccessary wars. He still was quite calm and spoke again in her mind" perhaps you would show me around the castle if it is not a burden?" he said with a kind tone.
"No, it is alright. I apologize for having been so abhorrently rude earlier. I just needed you away so my mother didn't hurt you." She said, smiling to the girl again. Vineres hoped this one would learn quick. She was kind, and very pretty at that aswell.

"My name is Vineres. You may call me that here in private, but around others you must call me princess."

Vineres said the word with disdain, absolutely hating every syllable of it. She loves her rank, and was grateful for it. But most times the word princess was carried whit feelings of fragility and softness, weakness and no ability to power. This was not the case with her. As she was kind to her personal slaves, she'd gained a reputation in town for striking people if they were rude infront of her. She allowed a lot, but would not tolerate disrespect to others or herself from other vampires. She also was not weak, and had excelled in all of her combat classes, her best being swordsmanship.

"Yours is Aven, correct?"
The Queen nodded, bowing her head in turn and closing off the telepathy link. "I'll show you around the castle." She said aloud, turning to Sedrian as she spoke. "I'll leave you in charge of telling Vineras of the news of your engagement. I will make a more proper announcement in the near future." She smiled at her son, then turned to head out the exit, but paused part of the way there to look back at Vetis. "You should come as well, Vetis." She said, hinting that her words may be more than a suggestion.
"Very well." Sedrian stuffed the item into his coat pocket and left the room. He returned to his newly engaged fiance's room and knocked. "Hey, I got some important news to tell you." He said knocking once more.


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Aven nodded. "Yes, prin-" she stopped herself. "Vineres... And thank you, for not killing me and/or letting me get killed." She said, smiling slightly. Vineres seemed like a reasonable person, much better than her last owner. Aven absently shuffled her bare feet, fiddling with her fingers.

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The Queen waited for Cain and Vetis to follow her before making any further movements. Her hands were clasped in front of her kimono, the back of which trailed behind her when she walked, stopping it's movement only as she did. She stayed still as she watched her guests with keen interest.
Vetis was ready to follow and only waited for Cain to follow. Vetis' right eye started to twitch and burn, it felt like someone had pierced it with a knife. He clutched his right eye and waited
Cain came next to the queen and vetis awaiting to follow. He looked at vetis as he put a hand to his eyes Cain raised his eyebrow looking at him.
"Just a little pain, My father said it would happen sooner or later. I'll explain what it means later but, Lead on My Queen"
The Queen made no comment on his words, instead turning towards the door as two servants opened it for them. She walked out into the hallway, back towards the junction they had passed earlier to get to the room. When they arrived, she headed through up the main hallway, towards the back of the palace. Along the way, she pointed out several of the large elaborate paintings depicting various scenes or royalty from times past. She commented on the time and place or person each was depicting, ending her commentary with the name of the artist. There were many she left untouched. The ones she picked to show seemed the most grandiose, as if she had led this kind of tour before with people who wanted to see the wealth of her nation. She ignored most of the smaller paintings, and did not so much as glance at anything she did not show them, aside from one small painting of Egypt that seemed older than the rest. The Queen walked slowly so her guests had time to look at any paintings they pleased as the group passed by many sets of double doors on either side.
"It's no problem love. You're mine now. I keep mine safe to the best of my abilities until maybe a day where they can be freed" She said, the last half of her sentence very quiet. She couldn't risk someone else hearing her.

When Sedrian came tot he door, she got up and opened it for him. Raising a suspicious eyebrow to him, she smiled and giggled a little bit.

"What now? Have you managed dig up some ancient treasure?" Vineres joked as she looked up to him. Her brother was still a great deal taller than her, though she was now much stronger and more attuned in her abilities
"Oh boy how do I say this, eh, I'll be blunt about it." Sedrian said. "Dear, you and I are engaged to wed. Mother's guest even gave me a wedding gift." Sedrian said as he pulled out the object. "So yea." He finished.

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Cain walked beside the queen as he examined the paintings on the walls. He remembered some of the depictred but not all. As he walked he noticed the ancient egyptian painting. He remembered the times of old as memories flashed in his mind.
Vetis continued to follow the queen, the pain becoming increasingly unbearable. His fingers starting to burn, he took no notice
The Queen observed her guests' reactions, taking note of Vetis's pain but paying it no mind for the moment. She reached the end of the long hall where a pair of elaborate golden doors stood in front of them. She smiled again and opened her mouth to speak.

"Since you are very special guests, I will give you a choice." She snapped her fingers, and the hall suddenly widened and opened up at the end, revealing a passage to the left, and one to the right that stretched out into the distance on either side. The light seemed to dwindle near further into the hallway so that seeing what lay at the end of each became nearly impossible, even for a Vampire. However, the left hallway gave off a slight aura of light and wind, whereas the right one gave of a chilling feeling of darkness and despair. The golden doors in front of them looked more grand than anything else they'd passed so far.

"Now, we can go straight, left, or right. The decision is yours."
Vetis looked to the right with delight "My Lord, you may choose" 
Vetis' finger nails began to change to a metallic black and grew longer till they became claws. The substance changed to steel and he no longer had normal nails
Cain observed the change to Vetis with intrigment yet also some concern. He looked at the two hallways and senced something in the path of light. He was interested in this seeing as the dark path was interesting the light seemed more.... alluring in a sence. He pointed down towerds the path of light " What do you think of the light path Vetis?" he said as he looked at way.
"Well, I always pick the dark overall because the Light is evil. If you want to go down that path, My Lord, I will follow you"
He smiled" Light and dark are one in the same it is ones actions that dictates whether they are good or evil" he said as he looked towerds the light. He gave a slight chuckle " besides i like to corrupt the light" he said as he started to walk towerds it.
"Yet, Light acts all good and innocent when they are really putting on a guise and causing mass genocide" Vetis scratched his chin and noticed his nails then hid them "And the Dark is the only honest, yet the Light makes the Dark appear evil. I'm truly a man of the good and the Dark, yet I hate all the Light gives off"

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