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Fantasy The Vampire Era

"I see." Sedrian said. "Living side by side. From what I read in the history books the humans hunted us, they never gave us a chance, they hunted and killed our race. They slaughtered us like cattle. My personal opinion is the humans got what they deserved. But that isn't all I asked."

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"The humans have done mistakes" She kept her eyes set on her feet, nervous,though she could not back out now. "Though, I see not why we should suffer for it generations later." At that she looked up to his eyes. "Have any humans that you know, tried to slaughter you? Have I tried to kill you? Not everyone is like we were years ago" She really did not want to answer the last part, so she closed her eyes and clenched her hands into little fists. "I do not know Sedrian. You scare me to be quite honest"
"I get that a lot." Sedrian said dissapointed, he was hoping to get something new. "Well, listen. Stop being so afraid to step outside your boundaries around me. Just as long as you don't touch me... negatively anyway, I won't care. Understand?" Sedrian asked. He wanted his slave to be able to speak her mind.

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"both parts have done mistakes.That's not something one can deny." She didn't like this. What did he expect her to say?

"It's not boundaries around you. It's boundaries for me. I don't feel comfortable being touched, or being in big groups. That's who I am."
"As long as you're being you, and not what you're being forced to be." Sedrian said. "I need a suitor. I want to get engaged." He looked over at his slave. "You're dismissed." He said. Then he started thinking. "I want a woman." He said mostly to himself.

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"Then please, do allow me to wear the usual outfit for slaves.That is what I feel comfortable in" She spoke with a weak tone, and nodded when he told her she was dismissed, though she lowered her head at his next words. "I am unfortunately not able to help you with finding a fiancèe, your mother might be better help with that"
"You could help me with that, of course that's only if I decide to turn you into one of us." Sedrian explained. "But yes, mother may be able to help. Oh, and sure, wear the slave outfit if you wish." Sedrian said. "I wonder what it would be like to turn my slave into a vampire?"

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She had turned to walk away, but froze when he spoke again. Turn her? No... No! He couldn't do that. She didn't want to become one of them. She didn't want to live forever. She actually wanted to be able to end her life when it bcame too miserable. "Thank you sir" By pure habit she adressed him like she would have done before, ignoring the command he had given her, and started to walk away again, while she felt as if she was turning into ice for each step. That could not be. She couldn't be changed. Just couldn't. She'd rather die.
Aven walked over to the princess, sitting down next to her. "Y-yes, your highness. I'm sorry for saying that to your mother earlier... My mouth sometimes says things faster than my brain can censor them..." She fiddled with her fingers, surprised at the princess's friendliness. "I'll try not to do it again... And I'm sorry, but I don't know your actual name... My previous owner called you princess, her highness, or lovely." She shuddered at the memory of him.

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Queen Callisto took a small sip of her glass, then placed it back down on the table. She looked at Cain, the same curiosity from before mirrored in her eyes. She took a short time to pause, then opened her mouth to speak. Her voice was filled with confidence - pride even. "We prefer the term 'servitude', but yes, the humans are in our service now." She said the word 'humans' oddly, as if she were reluctant to think of them as so. Nevertheless, she continued to speak. "We were able to take power from the humans in recent years thanks to the help of our many brethren and the powers of control we are gifted over them." She looked at Cain still, her stare unblinking. "Once they found out of our existence, we asserted ourselves over them before they could strike back and annihilate our race."
Sedrian walked up the stairs to the highest point in the castle. He was about to enter when he heard talking, it was mother, but who was she talking to? He didn't want to interrupt. His mother probably already knew he was there, he wouldn't go in unless invited. So for now, he decided to listen.

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Cain was about to respond when he senced another presence behind the door. He smiled " I do beleave we have comepony" he said in a calm tone. Uncrossing his legs and putting his hands on the arms of the chair.

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Rebel put her hands on her knees, her foot tapping restlessly. She was not going to eat, she was fine was her resolve as she held silence.
Queen Callisto nodded once, not glancing at the door before speaking. "Indeed. Shall I let him in? " She raised her eyebrows at Cain, her hands still folded over her lap.
(Sorry I haven't been posting. I haven't got any notifications.) Alyssa finished the braid then crawled farther onto the bed and began to jump and squeal. She waved her hands around and such too as if she were jumping incredibly high into the air and having the time of her life.

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"Alyssa, please. Do not jump and be so loud." She asked, smiling softly to her. She really wanted her to have fun, but now was not the time or place. Often times this happened with her. Aly would decide to make a playground out of the world around her, and sadly for those around her, vampire children didn't tire out as fast.
"Aww..." Alyssa whined, flopping over next to her sister. Though suddenly she threw herself off and announced, "I'm going to find Sedrian!" Then with a giggle she dashed across the room, threw open the door, and bolted out with the door slamming shut behind her. "Sedrian!!!!" The little girl would scream at the top of her lungs every few moments. Sometimes it was sing-songy other times it was just a plain screamy-command.
He looked at queen callisto and nodded his head. He awaited quietly for the new arrival to enter.

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Vetis had returned, he arrived at the castle, he was sitting on top. He saw the queen enter, he hid his presence sent down a mirror image clone to hide in the bushes before revealing itself
When Sedrian left, she darted off to her room. What was this for? Why would he even mention something like turning her to a vampire? She wasn't a vampire. she wasn't vampire quality. She belonged in the world of the living. Hiding under the duvet of her bed, she hoped this was just all a bad bad dream.
Queen Callisto turned her head towards the door, awaiting no further reply before speaking to her son. "Sedrian, you may enter. It's rude to eavesdrop, though, you know." A small smile cracked on her face for a moment before vanishing a second later while she waited for the younger Vampire to enter.
He enetered the room. "Can't help it mother. I'm that kinda guy, gotta know what's going on." He said as he sat down.

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Queen Callisto turned her head back to Cain then, holding out her hands and looking between them as she introduced them in turn. "Cain, this is my son, Prince Sedrian. Sedrian, this is someone you may be familiar with from stories of times past - Cain." She did not smile as she said this, but her eyes twinkled with something like a kind of hidden delight.
Alyssa was still screaming for Sedrian and running around the castle in search for her brother, and many bystanders cast the young princess odd glances, though Alyssa paid them no heed and hurried on, screaming like it was very important that she found the prince.

(And I have a church-thing to go to... I'll be back in a few hours)
Cain bowed his head to Sedrian " greetings young prince " he said in a polite tone. The cup levitated iff the table, and into his hands as he took a sip then held in his hand as he smiled his eyes flashing a bright red orange.

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