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Fantasy The Vampire Era

Knowing just how stubborn the wild ones could be, he put a hand firmly on the girls shoulder as they started to walk towards one of the taverns. "First, let's go get you something to eat, what do you say?" He asked, though it wasn't really a question.
He looked her in the eyes " oh I find the city to be quit lovely and grand" he said kindly. putting his hands together he looked at her with his glowing purple eyes " I see the world has changed much over the past 10,000 years" he said with a calm voice. he gave a slight smile " I see your clan has thrived mutch over that time" he said with a intristed tone.
Rebel tried to get out of him grip but found herself unable too. Curses. This had to be the worst situation she'd been in since... well since she changed her name and started living on her own.
Queen Callisto continued to look at him with unwavering eyes. "Indeed it has. We have attained much through the continued work of our family. I, too, have a part to play in perpetuating this 'thriving', as you say. You see, we must continue doing our utmost to keep our world in order." The edges of her mouth tilted upward in a prideful smile as she spoke. She continued to sit with her back straight and her chin poised, her title as royalty not for naught as she continued to maintain her elegant stature.
He smiled " I see and indeed order has bin kept" he said with a unreadable tone. Waveing hus hand at the room " quite the exquisite room you have my dear " he said politely.

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Queen Callisto blinked once at his tone, her head tilting slightly as he waved his hand at the room. She maintained her smile as she spoke, closing her eyes only briefly before returning to the conversation with a slightly amused tome. "I thank you for the compliment. It pleases me to have caught the eye of the founder of our race, or so the legend goes." She changed her tone back to the one she had used before as she continued. "Indeed we have kept order, but there is yet a long way to go. We will continue to maintain this order in the future, in order to ensure the continued success of this thriving world we live in." Queen Callisto shifted her position, crossing her ankles as a knock was heard on the door.

"You may enter." She said. The doors opened and the servant from earlier wheeled in a cart with two golden pitchers of wine and two thin fine glasses to match. He set a small red tablecloth runner across the table between them, followed by the glasses. He poured Cain's drink first, setting the pitcher down beside glass in silence before moving on to Queen Callisto's and pouring her glass in like. He then bowed and withdrew, wheeling the cart out behind him as he left the room. Queen Callisto continued to look at Cain as the servant finished his works. The two glasses held similar looking drinks, though Cain's was slightly redder while Queen Callisto's had a purplish tint in nature. The fragrances of exquisite wine and specially prepared blood wafted up from the table. Queen Callisto's drink also had a slight fragrance of citrus to it, while Cain's could be said to carry a slight odor of cinnamon or something a bit sharper.
Cain took the glass and brought it to his nose slightly stiring the glass as he smelled. He smiled as he took a sip and placed the glass back on the table and looked her in the eyes" may I ask how you got all the humans into slavery?" He asked in a interested tone.

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Sedrian looked back at his sister. "What? You wanna say something?" Sedrian asked with a sigh. Still feeling despressed. Ah well, what could he do to feel like he was really important to this family? He looked away from her and Sage as his mind began to wander.

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"I don't care Sage." She said, just worried about her brother at this point.

Straightening her back, she patted the area in front of her

"Cmon, your turn lover boy." She said, trying to get a smile out of him. She wasn't sure view to do his hair. Eventually though she decided on an old eqyptian braid that would bring it all to the back, and used gold or silver ribbon to tie it up. The ribbon crossed over itself, forming a loop, then an X over the braid, then another loop around. This pattern repeated itself a few times over.
Aven stood some ways away, keeping her distance. She was inwardly berating herself for being so stupid, and was waiting for a hole to open up in the ground and eat her. At least she'd met Sage and Shadow the spider. Maybe if she jumped out a window...? No, wouldn't work. Ah well. at least the princess hasn't killed me yet. Gotta look at the bright side. Aven thought. She then realized she'd been making faces at herself during her conversation in her head, and hoped no one had noticed.
"Come on" Caedmon started to lead her towards the tavern, holding her close to his side. He didn't really care why she had been running. "Are you hungry?" He asked as gently as he could, openening the door forthe two.

Vanessa sighed as no one replied. Clearly it was a no human to interfer night. Turning on her heels, she walked away and down to the kitcchens to see if they needed any help there, or if it would be like she was invisible once again. Maybe she should just go back to sleep instead? She did need it in a way.
Sedrian laughed a little at the nickname. Then he could feel his hair being braided. He was only letting this happen because he liked her, he liked his hair going straight down or maybe flow a little, but he really didn't even like braids. "Having fun?" He asked her, he didn't wanna hurt her feelings and tell her to stop.

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"I'm fine" Rebel replied icily before just ignoring him as much as she could again but her eyes wandered around the room, several leeches looking round at the fresh human smell.
Smiling and breifly glancing up at the boy, she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Yes. Don't.worry, its a masculine brain. One the Egyptians would do as the went into war"

The clicking of heels couple be heard by her, and caught her interest.

"I believe we had a visitor that since left." She stated, wondering when the girl had stopped by the door, and why she hasn't heard it. Perhaps she was to caught up in hair to notice?
"It matters not." Sedrian said, then he stood up after the braids were finished. "I shall be going now. It's been lovely spending time with you tonight." He said and quickly kissed her cheek. He then left before another word could be set. He quickly bathed himself and took of the braids as he did so. After he finished he dressed and started walking around the castle. Maybe his mom was around.

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Caedmon quickly found a free table, and made her sit down. "They won't touch you while I'm here" He said simply, motioning for the bartender to come and let the girl order whatever she wanted.
She sat reluctantly and right on the edge of her seat, really not happy with this situation at all. Rebel shook her head at the bartender and watched him walk away. "I said I'm fine"
"you will have something to eat" He stated stubbornly and then ordered a soup with meat and bread, and a glass of blood for himself. He really didn't want the girl to pass out at some point.


Vanessa stopped when she reached the doors that would lead outdoors. She could have made it, she thought. She could have ran away, just leave everything behind and hide with the wild humans she had heard of. Though, as she thought so, her hand instintinctively went up to her throat, holding by the side of her neck where Sedrian had bitten her. She couldn't leave her work behind like that.
Sedrian was suddenly leaning against the door in front of his slave admiring his hand. "What's going on here Vanessa? Trying to run away?" He said as his hand dropped to his side, and he turned his head to face her. "Well? Is that the situation I'm seeing?"

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When Sedrian stood infront of her, she took a deep breath and held her breath. "Of course not. My duty lay with you" She spoke quietly, though she in a way did dream of escaping. It just wouldn't happen. Life wasn't fair, and she wouldn't get free. If she did even get out of the castle, she would just be caught and then be handed back to him, for him to kill her in the way he found suitable. "I was just admiring the world out there."
"I see. I don't believe you for a moment, however the fact that I didn't see you bolt proves that you have respect for your duties. Therefore I will not punish you, and we can forget this ever happened. One more thing, don't be so worried about freely wandering the palace. I am the prince, everybody knows you're my slave, they won't question you. If they do, tell them I said to find, and talk to me about any, and all issues they have with you." Sedrian said.

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Now that Seridan wasn't there, she looked to Aven and smiled.

"Come. Ive done everyone's hair but yours," she said, beckoning to the spot next to her.

"Tell me about yourself." She asked.

She pulled a few ties onto her wrist so as to use them when she needed them

"Aven is your name, correct?"
Of course she wouldn't be believed. She was a human, way below a vampire. How could it be that any human would even be able to put her duties over her own desire to be free?

"Thank you Sedrian" Of course she would have to thank him for not punishing her, it was her duty to be thankful for every good thing he did for her. "The others mainly just let me be." she whispered, though there was no way he wouldn't hear it
"Tell me something though, honestly, what do you think of this? Vampires ruling over humans I mean? Of me?" Sedrian asked. Never once had he thought to ask what a human thought of all this, he grew up with the vampires in control, he had even been a slave before he had been changed, but he never cared to remember those days, though he remembered being punished a lot for his lack of respect.

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"I wish they could live side by side, not with one ruling the other" She answered, though it was most likely not the answer he wished for. Though, he asked what she thought of him. Why did he do so? She hoped he didn't notice her lack of answer on that, and that she could just escape again.

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