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Fantasy The Vampire Era

"Hello mother." She smiled, bowing slightly.

Vineres was always much more mature than Seridan, possibly due to the fact that she was the only one related to their mother, however different they were.

"My apologies for the racket. I really hope we didn't disturb you from anything." Vineres said, completely honest with her words. Her mother was... intimidating to say the least. But she wanted to make the vampiress proud of her so the utmost pride was always taken. She was the one vampire Vineres truly respected more than anyone, even her father being the king. Her mother took most charge of the kingdom and made an example for everyone out there, that she was not to be reckoned with. Vineres had her chin up and shoulders back like shed always been taught, still only coming up to her brothers shoulder.
He looked at her sadly " I see.. that is most unfortunate " he looked outside " you humans have nothing to fear from me I wish to aid you " he said as he looked back to her. He stood up " you should rest know in the morning we will see about you returning home" Cain then picked up her plate and exited the room. After putting back up the barrier he took it back to the kitchen and headed outside looking at the moon. He thought to himself" I should see this royal family for myself" he extended his wings and took to the air and flew towerd the royal palace.

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Kira merely sat there a few moments though she gave up trying to be stubborn and hid herself under the covers till only the top of her head was visible. Then she would slowly drift into sleep, her dreams full of blood and iron bars basically trapping her until she herself was nothing more then blood.
Queen Callisto turned her head in the direction of her daughter, then squared off her body so that she was facing her. She did not smile as she had before, though her eyes still held the sparkle of amusement. She let her head down in a slow nod, returning the respect that had been given to her. When she opened her lips and spoke, it was after a short pause just long enough to acknowledge her daughter's words. She spoke what could have been a lighthearted tone on any other thirteen year old, the earlier menace in her voice lessening a bit. "It is alright." She paused again, not elaborating further on the topic, but her tone shifting ever so slightly as she let out another faint smile. "Besides, I got to see my lovely children. There is nothing wrong with that." Her words did still have a bit of an edge to them, but they seemed honest enough.
Cain soared through the sky just above the royal palace floating above it as he looked down upon it . He senced the many presences down below and he could distinctly sence the older vampyre to whom he senced were the royals. Slowly he lowered himself putting up a mental barrier along with a reflection spell that blocked most magice though his was more powerful.

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Aven's jaw dropped when the queen came over, and it occurred to her that pretty much the whole royal family was here, right now.

"You look like you're thirteen." It was out of her mouth before she could stop herself, and Aven clapped a hand over her mouth in horror at what she'd just said. To the queen no less!

"Oh damn, i'm so sorry." She said, but cringed at herself. You can't swear in front of the queen. Or the princess. Or the prince.

Well, were off to a great start, aren't we. Bloody slave of the princess and you can't keep your damn mouth shut long enough to live to see the next day. She thought. She bit her lip to keep herself from saying anything else, and waited.
"My mother has unique skill of age manipulation. Now keep quiet slave. Go to my room and lay out a fresh pair of clothes,make quick work of it. While you're in there... get dressed. That suitor which gifted you obviously didn't have enough class to dress you." She hissed. Shooing off Aven, she glanced to her brother before turning to her mother again.

"The suitor from Kremlin brought her for me as a gift... he is very persistent." she explained.
"Mommie!!" A shrill squeal was sounded down a hall and soon a small girl in a black dress hurried down the hall with something colorful in a fist. "Look what I got!" The little vampire would squeak, skidding to a stop near the queen. Then with big, hopeful eyes she would raise her hand out towards her mother and in her opened fist would be a few different-colored flowers with wrinkled and bent stems. Nevertheless it was a gift from the small princess and she was hoping her mother, the queen, would like it.

(This is my new character, her sheet is finished)
Aven nodded quickly, slipping inside the princess's room, and breathed a sigh of relief not to have to be standing there anymore. She stepped forward only to almost run into another girl. "Oh, um, hi? You must be the princess's other slave..."
Queen Callisto heard the human's comment, but before she had time to respond to the human or either of her daughters, her chin jerked up suddenly as a presence disturbed the air above the royal palace. She did not forget the human's comment or her daughters' words, but that would come later. "I sense we have another visitor." She spoke as she still stared upwards. There was more to this presence than would perhaps meet the inexperienced eye. She lowered her head after another moment, looking between her children. "Vineras, Alyssa. You'll have to excuse me for a moment." She gave another small smile, then lifted her skirts and glided towards the entrance, her form slowly changing to that of a twenty-five year old as she walked. She reached the door, and motioned for the guards to open it. She did not step outside, but instead stood in the entrance and looked up at the sky. "To whom do I owe this pleasure?" Her tone was neutral, if not with a bit of an edge, as she did not yet recognize the source of the presence for who it was.
"Yeah, did you come with the guy who was yelling about something outside?" she asked, Shadow, her tarantula making himself known when he climbed onto her head.
Alyssa slowly brought the flowers back to her side in dismay, expression clearly showing her disappointment. Though not one to ever wait patiently she turned around to her older sister and offered a single flower, "You want a flower?" She blinked, hoping her sister would at least respond. She wasn't mad or upset with the queen, just a little disappointed her gift hadn't been taken right away but rather put on hold.
Aven followed the tarantula with her eyes. "Yeah... He's my owner-" She shook her head. "Was," Aven corrected herself. "He gave me to the princess as a gift, for his love..." She giggled, then cringed at the fresh memory of what had just happened. "Ooh, that's gonna suck later... Nice spider by the way."
Cain floated down a few feet infront of the famle vampyre. His wings flaked with red folded behind him his eyes glowed bright purple and he smiled giving a slight bow" I am Cain" he said with a calm voice. He looked in her eyes " might I ask yours?" He said in a polite tone.

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Vineres knelt down to Alyssa after watching their mother leave, and ushered her to go ask the cooks for a meal, then come find her again in her room

"You must be sure to not bother mummy. But I would love one." She said with a smile, taking one of the mangled flora and tucking it behind her ear.

"Now go lovely, I'll do your hair along with my slave's later."

With that she strode up the stairs, seeing her brother had already left. She needed the solace of her room, and quite frankly, of Sage. She quickly entered in the door and shut and locked it behind her, casting a very quick spell to block any sound from leaving through the cracks.

"I am so sorry for that. My mother would've had our heads right there. She wouldn't have flinched. You're lucky she was pulled away by a visitor." She said, her voice still very hushed to the human. Striding across the room, her heels clicked with each step to the balcony doors, which she locked.
Sage was startled by the complement, used to the slaves screaming and running for their lives. "Huh, that's a first. Well, I'm Sage." she said sticking out her hand.
Aven smiled, shaking Sage's hand. "Name's Aven, nice to meet you. Does it have a name? The spider i mean?" She seemed fascinated by the fact that the tarantula hadn't run away yet, perfectly happy on Sage's head.
Queen Callisto answered calmly, without hesitation. "I am Callisto, Queen of the Royal Court, if you please." She did not move anything aside from her lips. She sensed something from this man she had not sensed in a long time. She opened her mouth once more, but spoke in a tongue only familiar to those who once travelled the sands of ancient Egypt. "If you are who you claim to be, then I see it to be true that you have awoken from your long slumber." Her tone was neutral, the language of ancient Egypt flowing naturally from her lips.
"I call him Shadow, but he's been called 'horrible beast' more than once." she said taking Shadow off her head and placing him gently in her hand so Aven could get a better look at him.
Alyssa smiled gleefully then scampered off to the kitchen and asked for a meal. She was given a plate of things she didn't bother to properly look at then she hurried back towards her sister's room, anxious to see Vineres again. Unable to use her hands she tried knocking with her elbow instead, though if that failed she would call, "Vineres! I'm here!"
Vineres walked and opened the door for her sister, taking the plate from the youngling before letting her in.

"Go sit on the bed. I'm going to teach you how to braid hair." She said, smiling to sage. She was keeping her promise of doing her hair, but shed have some help this time.
"The other slaves say my hair is too short to braid though..." Alyssa whined softly once climbing up onto the bed and sitting nicely, in an innocent yet cute fashion. Her legs were slightly spread apart and her hands were clasped together and resting in her lap, or more of between her legs.
Cain spoke back in the same ancient toung of egypt easily" Indeed I have callisto for even your blood recognizes me. The blood stired slightly within her as he said this. He shiwed her the rinf on his finger showing his symbol and also that of the first clan of vampyre had in their book of the vampyre race's past.

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Queen Callisto looked at the objects without surprise. She switched back to the modern common tongue after looking them over without moving. "I don't suppose you came without a reason." She said, her eyes unquestioning. "Shall we head inside, then? I should think you might prefer to talk in the comfort of the upstairs parlor for these more delicate matters." She still stared at him, shifting her weight slightly backwards towards the door, but made no movement aside from that.

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