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Fantasy The Vampire Era

Sage nodded. "Yes ma'am." she quickly found a clean shirt and skirt and sat down on the bed.
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Vineres pulled the girl over to her and sat her against the head board. Straddling her lap, Vi made a quick meal of her, but was much more careful this time to not take too much. Her head ache now gone, she moved off of Sage and stood, walking tot he mirror. Her anger had subsided, now replaced by just.. an empty feeling. She found it fleeting more as she got older, but it was annoying none the less. It was like a fog clouded her head all at once, all of her own emotions replaced by everyone elses.

"Sage, I think you should know what I'm capable of. My brother is tall, strong, and scary as hell. He's a great shot and fights better than most I've seen." She said, still looking at her own form. Oh god how she hated being so lanky.

"But I do not choose to fight for fun, other than sword fighting. That's entertaining." Taking another moment to think through her words, she started again, "I feel and hear things. I know things I shouldn't. I'm not as psysically strong, but I get things done. I have a lot of power and people respect that. But The thing I need to know from you, is why can I not hear your thoughts so easily? I have to focus in on you, and put effort into it. Anyone else I have to do the exact opposite."
Sage narrowed her eyes at Vineres quietly. Finally she said, "I have gone through many master, and I'm sure you can tell I'm no longer a virgin. For that very reason I carefully guard my thoughts from every vampire I meet. And even before I was a slave, my life was dark. Because of that I make sure that it would take an extreme amount of energy to read my thoughts, enough to run down a vampire strength almost completely." she sneered, showing a new side of herself. "I doubt even your brother would give a penny for my thoughts."
"How do you know my name?" Kira exclaimed, brow furrowing and eyes glaring up and over at Cain. She didn't like her position at all. Not just her physical position, but more of a social or mental one. Here she was hurt and unable to walk or move much, and currently at the mercy of a mysterious know-it-all vampire!
"Not most vampires can do what I can do. Trust me, it's relaxing being around someone that isn't killing me every second of every day. I'm not ever going to go prying." She said, not even flinching as Sage snapped.

"Trust me, I know how bad a slave's life can be, before and after capture. I've just never met someone who focused on their mind rather than their body."
Her heart thudded in her chest as she ran through the streets, her feet slamming down on the ground for all she was worth. She could just about hear her pursuers behind her but sh had no idea how far behind they were. Dammit, they were forcing her to run further from the forest and towards that dreaded freaking royal castle of all places. Seven hells she was screwed.....
A chuckle burst out of Sage's mouth. "Your kidding right? Have you seen my body? I'm super tall, strong as an ox, and a straight as a stick. The only thing worth focusing on is my long long hair. It's kind of annoying sometimes."
He smiled " I searched your mind do not fret for I did not prob for anything but your name" he said. He bowed his head to her " forgive my rudness I am Cain" he said extending his hand to her.

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"Well hey, If you ever need help with it I'm your gal. I've got 930 years of experience dealing with long hair." She joked, smiling to her again.
Sage blushed. "R-Really? I'd like that. I've never had anyone do my hair before. Of course what do you expect from sewer girl?"
Vetis was traveling around the other side of the world, stopping slavery without the Royal Family noticing, he was almost done only the area where the Royal Family resided was left he thought to himself 'I was wrong about Cain, i thought he would be more blood thirsty and much more like Dracula' Vetis returned to his tower outside the Royal Family castle to rest before rejoining his master at the old castle.
She eyed the hand a moment, though made no other move. She had never been taught much manners or even how to greet someone such as shaking their hand. "Do you plan to feed me? And I don't mean blood-" There was a tint of disgust in her tone. "I mean real food. Like berries or... something." She finished, chin raised in a proper way as if she were a king demanding something from a servant. Kira wasn't known for being polite, more so the opposite and being outspoken and rather loud and annoying.
"Ofcourse." She said, briefly wondering where Vetis was. She had something very important to ask him.

"Go and grab me my brush, a couple pins, and a ribbon. I'll put it up nice for you." She said, sitting up straighter.
He looked at her as he moved his hand back to his lap" if you are hunger young one and if you ask nicely I shall have food brought to you" he said. He opened a mental link to vetis" I have found a young girl who was badly injured she requiers food as I do not know the area well I ask you if you may bring her some" he smiled at the girl.

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"Nicely? No. I'd rather just starve." Kira said with a stubborn frown. She was being sarcastic, though was unsure if Cain was in turn. To avoid seeing the vampire smile or look at her Kira brought a hand closer to her face to study her nails. She hadn't even glanced at them for a really long time. They were chipped badly which made uneven points along the nails and there were dirt all over them and even cuts and scars along her hand. Her palm had quite a few Calluses(Not sure if that's the right word...) too. Eventually she'd drop her hand to her side and stare back at Cain emotionlessly. If he was still smiling at her she would scowl lightly.
This sucks. Aven thought. The man in front of of her jerked her forwards by the arm, leading her down a hallway. "Where are we going?" She asked. The man jerked her arm again. "Be quiet. With you as a gift, i might be able to win the princess's favour." He sighed, as if daydreaming about the princess. Aven rolled her eyes, but followed. Maybe the princess would be less horrible than this dirtbag?
He smiled and stood up" if I wanted to hurt you I very well could have bye know" he said. Then he placed the chair back at the table he looked at her. He bowed his head" you will remain here till your healed" he said while waving his hand at the windows putting a barrier on them. He smiled" ill have food brought to you shortly" he opened the door then closed it behind him butting a barrier on it as well. Walking to the throne room he sat as he pondered what to do next.

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"The bathroom." She said, but perked up when she heard people coming down the hall. Groaning, she pulled herself up and stepped back behind the changing screen.

"What is it!" She yelled to whoever was outside of her door, hurridly trying to change into something she could be seen by others in.
Instantly Kira felt needs to escape. She hated and even loathed being stuck somewhere. Sure, being forbidden to leave the cave had been terrible, but she could at least move and talk to other humans, and if she really wanted to, she could just disobey and leave. But here there wasn't anyone but some cheery vampire, there was no way out unless she became a brilliant escape-artist, and to top it all off her leg was broken and felt like a fat stick. Great. Growling and grumbling things under her breath she slowly pulled herself up and plopped onto the bed, eventually adjusting herself into a straighter sitting position against the headboard. Then her gaze drifted about, looking for any way to escape, though she wouldn't be stupid enough to actually use them unless she felt the need to escape, or she was closer to being able to move her leg. What a sucky day.
The man pulled Aven to a stop and told her to be presentable. Pff, like that was possible, considering her lack of proper clothes. Or shoes for that matter, but Aven didn't care about that.

"My lady, it is I, your favourite suitor! I have brought you a gift!" He said, quickly fixing his (In Aven's opinion) unfixable hair,
"Give me a moment! I'll be right out!" She said again, rolling her eyes to the boy's words. He's been insistant for years they marry, as her mother has been too.

Finally getting dressed into something more presentable (Just a less revealing shirt and tights, so not much better for a suitor), she opened the door.

"My apologies for having taken so long, I was uh... having a meal." She said, subconsciously wiping her lip of the last of Sage.
Cain decided to venture out into the city putting on a black leather jacket over his current attire(see normal form). Exititng the castle he extended his wings taking off into the night sky. After a few minutes he landed infront of the entrence into the city walking into the it his presence naturally know had grown in strength as his body regained its full strength. All the vampires in the city know knew he was there at least only that a strong presence was. He walked among the others as the looked at him he sorted through their minds getting what ever information he could. Discovering where he could abtain food for the human girl he traveled more into the city to reach the place called a food market. As he arrived he could smell all the meats and plants humans could consume and entered into the store. He walked along the lanes picking various foods from the shelves and placed them in a thing called a cart. He also aquiered some stakes then headed for the front to pay. As they bagged his things he pulled out a small bag of colden coins placeing it infront of the cashier. He took the bags " have a good day"he said as he walked out the store the cashier open mouthed as he opened the bag of gold. Cain then proceeded to walk down the main road.
The man waved a hand. "Not to worry my lady." He motioned to Aven. "I have brought you a gift! I thought perhaps you would like some choice of meals, as well as extra help. One as beautiful as you should be treated well!" He bowed slightly. Aven rolled her eyes at him for what felt like the hundredth time that day, but stayed quiet.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise, and jaw hung open a little.

"Oh... uh, thank you my love. This is very kind of you" she said, noting how the girl seemed annoyed by him. Chuckling a little she smiled to the girl.

"How about we get you fed and clothed, love." Vineres said, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. She smiled sweetly and led her inside of her room.

"I must thank you again, it is very thought full of you."

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