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Fantasy The Vampire Era

Another one of the castle's workers, this one a vampire, ran into the room. She immediately back tracked and a look of fear came over her.

"Princess- I-I'm very sorry" She stuttered, worry obviously strewn over her face.

"Need not worry. Now what has happened?"

"Arya... she is dead." She said, her shoulders lax. Vineres felt a pang of hurt in her chest. Arya had been with her for 3 years- short for a vampire, especially for her age. But she knew this was a large chunk of a human life time. Arya was still young and it was a shame she had died.

"How?" She asked, teeth gritted.

"The girl accidentally cut herself while helping a cook slave... one of the workers lost it." She said. This happened alot, and while she couldn't punish him for killing a slave, Arya was a royal's personal slave. That was punishable enough.

"Let the other decide what to do with him" Vineres muttered. She was too tired to deal with it... he was a worthless vampire- there were too many of us anyways. She just wanted to believe it hadn't happened.
Sage woke up sometime later, feeling refreshed, being so used to being used to harbor a vampires desires. She walked to Vineres room and immediately saw the pain in her eyes. "Did something happen?" she asked.
"No. It's fine. Here, you should rest." She said, standing and taking the girl by her hand, leading her to the bed.

"I have other things I must attend to. I will be back soon. Open the door only for me, if someone comes asking for me, tell them I am in the main hall, they'll call apun me there."
Kira decided to stay in the forest a while longer. It wasn't worth walking another mile or so to get yelled at in front of everybody. She sighed then began to scale her way up a tree then sit on a branch. She was just humming and occasionally singing out loud to herself when suddenly her branch made a dangerous swooping downward motion and Kira shrieked, thinking it would surely break and send her falling 10 feet or so. The branch didn't break though. With a shaky sigh of relief she began to make her way toward the trunk though before she could make it close enough to grab onto, the branch snapped and Kira fell while screaming her lungs out. The shrill noise would probably be heard all around. She had been told she was a terribly loud screamer, which could be useful or dangerous, such as in times like this. Sharp pains shot all across her body as she hit the ground and went limp and with a sharp cry of pain, passed out in a heap on the forest's floor.
Vineres held onto her hand a little too long, just looking at the sheets.

"No... just stay in here."

without another word, she stepped off of the beds platform and walked out of the room. Her long hair flowed after her, and the door seemed to open and shut on on her command.

Making her way down the foyer there were small groups of people awaiting her. Angry practically radiated off of Vineres, bit she did not lash out at anyone or yell, but an energy seemed to follow her around.
Rebel had made it into the storage building sure, but getting out? That didn't really go to plan to say the least. Long story short, she got caught and she had no idea how. Now Rebel was running through the streets, her feet taking her in the complete opposite direction as to where she wanted to go
After the business of dealing with territory matters and signing off for some things to be delivered to the scouts, Vineres made her way back up stairs. She had considerably cooled down so people had stopped clearing rooms when she walked in.

The door to her room opened, and everything seemed undisturbed.

"Ary- uh... Sage? Are you awake?" She asked, closing the door gently behind her. As she strode across the room her thin over coat was shed and laid over a chair. She stepped behind the changing panels and quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a loose tank top, showing off her sides. Her hair had been pinned up, so as she stepped out from behind the screen it was pulled out and shook loose. Her white hair hung loose over her thin frame, going down to about her belly button.
Instead of going to sleep as she was told, Sage got up and went out of the castle. She found herself walking down to the sewers where all the nastiest. The awful stench that hung in the air always calmed Sage and made her feel better. Maybe I'll just stay here awhile. She thought.
Vineres searched the room, tossing the covers about until she called for a hand who had exeptional searching and retreiving abilites. When he was turned, his gain skills focused more on his smell and hearing, so they were higher even more than hers.

"Everett!" She called, gripping the cloth from the bed in one hand. Handing him her old uniform, she looked the boy in the eyes.

"Find her, bring her back here safe. She is my personal slave, I cannot have her harmed. So you understand? Take the tunnels if you must." She urged. Her voice was not angry, but firm. It was very important for Sage to have not left yet. If she was caught wearing Vineres' clothing and being out side of the castle walls, the both of them would suffer.

Everett left, catching on to her smell quickly.
Cain was in the study going over old books as the window next to him was open. As he read he quickly stood up as he heard a loud cry in the distance. He quickly sprouted his wings long with 20 ft. wing span they were black bat like wings laced with flecks of dark red. He flew into the dark night the moon bright, and headed towerds the sound of what he can tell was a female. Upon flying over the forest he senced a faint life of a human female who he could know sence was injured...and bleeding. He followed the scent landing next to a human girl, and he noticed she was badly wounded the smell if blood filled his nose and intoxicated him. He grabbed her gently and lifted her into his arms as he launched back into the night sky. After a while he arrived at the castle walking inside in a rush as he headed for the infirmary. Once there he layed her on a old bed softly then covered her. He bite his finger and placed it over her mouth know opened with his other hand, and allowed a few drops of blood to fall into her mouth. It was not enough to turn her only ment to give her his healing abilities. The blood flowed inside her beginning the healing process.

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If Kira hadn't been unconscious she would have likely started screaming and throwing a hissy-fit all over again as she was picked up. The girl was limp and motionless, though far from dead. She didn't react to anything, not even the strange blood that entered her mouth. When she had fallen her leg had broken and her hands and an elbow had been cut open, though that was the worst of it. Her side was also bruised, but that only hurt when she leaned on it. However, all the pain, cuts, bones, and bruises began to heal, though her leg would take longer to fully heal.
Cain binded her leg with a brace then let her sleep as he pulled a chair to a desk a few feet away. He began reading a book about the events leading to the current time period. He was intrigued by what he read.

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A while later Kira's eyes snapped open. She gazed around for only a moment before throwing the blankets to the side as if they were disgusting and poisonous, and then trying to get up, though the brace greatly surprised her and she shrieked as she fell over. Instantly she tried to find a way to get the brace off, though would likely fail unless she had a much longer time to tear and pull at it. She didn't notice Cain quite yet either.
Cain turned a page as he heard her heart beat faster and her breath quicken. He heard her get up and try to tear of the brace. He spoke withought looking at her " I would not advise you do that young miss as your leg is not fully healed" he said. Then he looked at her with his glowing purple eyes and stood up walking towards her.

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"How would you know?" Kira hissed, though gave up trying to break the brace and instead sat up, crossing her arms as she glared over at Cain. One could say she wasn't very friendly to strangers.
He looked in her eyes " cause i was the one that found you and healed you befor some other vampyre found you which believe me with all that blood they would have" he stood a little away from her. He smiled " I will not hurt you Kira" he said while they chair slid across the room and behihind Cain which he then proceeded to sit crossing his leg over his knee.
"You know Shadow that new master of mine isn't half bad." she said to her tarantula who was scaling the walls of the sewers. "I mean, yeah she's a vampire and all, and yes she's also aggressive, but what vampire isn't?" She said rambling on to the tarantula.
Everett was silent, but knocked on the walls of the sewer as to not surprise Sage.

"Your master is summoning you." He said, nodding for her to get her pet and come with him.

"If scouts see you like this, they will kill you as an attempted run away."
Sage looked at Everett, surprised. "I wasn't running away. I come here every night." she sighed. "But if I have to let's go." she said pulling Shadow off the wall and setting him on her head.
"I'm sure she won't mind, just tell her." He said, before picking the girl up and running her through. Taking the back way in, he climbed up a side wall to reach Vineres room's balcony, and let himself in.

"Finally, you're back. Thank you Everett." Vineres said, standing and smoothing her shirt. Her hair was a mess and make up had since been taken off, but she didn't care.

"Sage, you could've been killed. I told you to stay in here."
Everett left, leave to two to their own.

Vineres walking forward and with a hand to her chin, raised the girls eyes to meet hers. Most humans can't stand looking at her like that for more than a few seconds, but she knew sage was different. Shed been through hell, but still went back to old habits.

"Just tell me next time. I don't want you ending up like Arya." She said.
Sage nodded. "Is there anything I can do for you right now?" She really felt it unfair that Vineres had served her so much, but she hadn't returned the gesture.
Vineres shrugged and ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breathe out.

"I dont know. I don't know."

She wasn't the type to use people, never really was. She wasn't the type to sue her slaves for sex and she went as long as she could without having to feed off them. No, she knew full well that humans couldn't withstand that constant feeding.

"Just get cleaned up and then join me on my bed. I'll feed and then go to my classes or sleep."

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