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Fantasy The Vampire Era

"Cain? I have never heard of such a thing." She mused with a shrug. She kept a straight face to avoid yawning. The girl waiting for the vampire-thing to magically poof like she was used to seeing him do. It was annoying sorta.
She nodded and sat on the chair as he requested, her hand covering the marks on her neck. He should know better than to drink that much in that short time. Even Arya was rarely bitten that often and had so much blood drained in such short time. "I'll clean it" She made movements to stand up, but quickly sat back down, the whole world spinning as she tried to stand. She really would have to let him know when he wasdrinking oo much.
Cain looked at Vetis and spoke in his mind " I wish to know more of current affairs take me somewhere we may talk" he looked at the city as it came into view. He enced all the Vampyre in that city " So many " he thought as he noticed that the world was more technological now. He grew concerned with the lack of human presences.
Kira spun on her heel and began the long walk back to the tribe, though about half way there would collapse and feebly crawl under a bush before blacking out into sleep.
"Steep price for a girl on a chain... but I'll take it."

Arya took the coins from the small purse and handed it to her now previous master.

"I don't like the chain... not at all. But I cannot trust you yet, girl."
He checked the blood on his sleeve again. 'Stay there until you feel better." he said, and got up to go wash his jacket. He went into the bathroom, and wet up a rag, then he started wiping at the blood, it hadn't set yet, so it should be easy to get off this way.
"Don't take it personally." She said simply, before turning and bringing her with her.

Arya smiled to Sage, her arm still interlocked with Vinere's
"Of course" She looked defeated as he left the room, her shoulders falling to the ground. It felt like she was failing more and more for each second that passed. She couldn't even do this correctly. She couldn't provide her master enough blood for him to be happy without passing out eventually. Was she even suitable for a slave?
"My Lord, there is abandoned castle to the east, i'll head back and get more blood while you wait there" he pointed at a castle alike to the Royal Family's but destroyed, older and deserted
Cain looked at Vetis and noded his head " Very well i shall await you there " he headed towerds the castle. He landed at the entrence and looked around at the broken building seeing the debri scattered around he eyed the place "This will not do" he closed his eyes. He senced all the peices to the castle and willed them from the ground back to where they each belonged. The pieces sored through the air landing in their proper places as the building came back to its former glory. With a flick of his hand the torches bursted alight with flames then he proceeded to go inside. Entering the main hall he walked up into the throne room seeing a large throne, and sat himself upon it. He relaxed into the throne as he rubed his temples.
Sedrian finished cleaning the blood off his jacket, and then he returned to his room where his slave was. "Sleep." He requested. He picked her up and layed her out on his own bed. "Sleep, I'll return." Sedrian said calmly, he left the room and locked the door. Then he ran off into the night again, this time he was determined to find a little entertainment.

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Okay, she was as sure as she could be that it was safe. Rebel darted from the trees, aiming to make it to the door in one go.
Vetis appeared in the main hall of the newly remade castle with a crate, bigger then him. In the crate was jars of blood, "My Lord" he handed the crate to Cain
Cain levitated the crate to him poping open the lid moveing the jars out of the crate. The floated of into the celler as one remained, and levitated to his hand. He grabed it placeing it against his lips then drank. The blood flowed down his throught replenishing his energy then looked at Vetis. He bowed his head then looked him in the eyes " I am greatfull for your generocity" he placed the jar on a arm of the throne. He looked at Vetis " Know if you may i wish to know of present affairs of this world" he asked in a curious tone.
"Humanity is on the brink of extinction, Humans are either slaves to us Vampires or they reside in tribes. I have sworn service to the Royal Family as does every Elder Vampire and i have upholded the ancient pact of the Abaddon Clan, to revive you" Vetis looked up "I hope you find the blood satisfactory, My Lord"
He looked at Vetis" I see" he leaned back into his throne " The blood was satisfying thank you" he levitated the jar away. Looking once more at Vetis " The humans have sucumned to the vampyre is quite unfortunate. Who caused the vampyre to act so aggressively upon the mortal race?" he asked curiously.
He rubbed his chin" I see " he said as he stood. He looked at Vetis " This royal family tell me of them?" he said as he looked at Vetis. He leaned on his arm waiting to hear.
"All i can really say about them is that they are worthy and by far the greatest I've seen in the past 5000 years"
Sage smirked and looked down at the tarantula on her shoulder again. "I wonder how long until this royal dumps me." she whispered to it.
He looked a vetis " tell me what do you think of the current state of affairs?" he said with a serious face looking into his eyes. He spoke again " How do you think the vampyr's will react to my return?" he stated with a stern face.

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