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Fantasy The Vampire Era

He stood up and walked towerd vetis and looked at him " Do you beleave the humans should be enslaved?" he looked at him curiously.
"No, I never agree with slavery nor extinction. I believe that Vampires should do as we are now, no extinction, hunts, except without slaves"
He smiled " agreed we are on that matter" he summoned a golden neckless from a vault located deep underneath the castle. He handed it to vetis the necklace had a large blood red ruby in the center of a black iron pendent" take this to were ever they sell slaves" he said slaves with disgust. He walked towerds a door leading to the study then looked over his shoulder " they will not be a slave , but shall be merly a hireed aid nothing more" then he opened the door and walked to the study.
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Vineres turned from the dealer and walked, a slave on either side. She was especially hungry now that she hadn't fed from Arya. And that would most indefinitely be an issue.

About 15 minutes in, they came to the castle. She ordered Arya off to go read and rest, Boeing to the girl before she left.

Sage had been brought into Vi's room, and unchained.

"Now, there will be some rules you must follow. Not mine, but they are rules non the less." She said, sitting on her bed.

"You know the basics. do as told blah blah blah. But you must not wander too far until you have been around me enough. I treat my spaces very well, I don't even like calling them that. You're humans and deserve freedom. But you need food and its either be a slave here or be killed else where."

"With that, Sage you will address me by my name, and stay in line. Stay clean and if you attack me I swear to hell you'll be a dead girl."
Sage held her hands up in defense. "Hey, its not me who usually does the attacking, but the owner. And as for the staying clean thing, I'll have to remember that one."
Vineres couldn't help but laugh.

"Well I'll remind you then if you get dirty." She said, smiling to the girl.

"Oh and also.... don't tempt my brother. Seridan.. he's harboured a hatred like.my father for humans for many a century. Though the royal hand, Vetis can be trusted. He raised me and feels the same. If you need anything, you go to him. Understand?"
Sage's smile disappeared. "I think I'll keep away from your brother. I'm sorry, but I don't really...... favor guys. Especially vampire guys." she said and then turned away.
Vineres understood quickly, and it took all the strength she had to block out thoughts and feelings coming from the girl. She didn't want to violate her privacy, nor did she want to feel how uncomfortable or sad she was.

"I understand. I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable," She pleaded, "I didn't mean to imply that. Just he can be a rude creature. It would pain me to have to take him down for touching or scaring someone I have laid claim to."
Raising an eye brow, Vineres leaned back with her arm behind her, propping her up.

"How so?"
"Well your so much nicer than all the others I've met. But of course you may be like that one I met who hated me after I told her about my pet problem."
"You think you have a pet problem?" She asked, trying to restrain another laugh.

"Most vampires with any higher than civilian ranking have slaves. Now that's a pet problem my dear. Animals and insects is not an issue. Just keep them in here and not the rest of the castle."
"Ofcourse not. Just as I said earlier, the little one is to stay in here. Not to wander. Out side of my room I cannot account for his saftey." She said. Vampires in the royal family were very concious about insects and animals being inside.
Sage grinned at her. "Thank you very much, ma'am." she said and set Shadow on her head. "I know I probably shouldn't be asking this, but was your stomach growling erlier? Or do you have like a pet wolf, or something?"
"I'm hungry. Arya is too weak, in all honesty hunger was my reason for buying you so quickly." She said, her eyes now giving off a sense like she was about to die. She held her composure though, being a royal she was always to do so.

"I hate doing this... but I need fresh blood. I've been drinking wine for a week."
"My apologies." She grunted, before rushing forward and grabbing the girl. She could tell she's been through many masters, but the smell was still sweet non the less. Almost like she'd never been fed from.

One hand was on Sage's back, and the other on her arm practically holding her there in a death grip.Only a moment's hesitation stood before her as she bit the girl, longer than normal fangs biting in, then quickly retracting to allow the flow of blood past the skin.
Sage was so used to being handled this way that she didn't even flinch anymore. She took in breaths slowly and tried to think of something else other than her crimson blood spilling from her neck.
Kira woke up in the morning under the bush and instantly crawled out and sat down cross-legged while fixing her hair quickly. Where was she? She rubbed the heel of her palm to her forehead and slowly the night before came back to her. Vampires. Being really tired. Falling asleep on the ground while trying to walk back home. Of course. Kira gave a soft moan then shakily stood up, gazing around her. Now the question was should she risk heading home, or have a bigger risk by staying out here?
Though the command was that she had to sleep, she couldn't do it. Though her whole being tried to drag her under to the sweet darkness that sleep was, it was impossible. So with carefull steps, some time after her master had left, she left the room, making sure to close it behind her though she didn't lock it, and hurried off to her own room. She needed to be somewhere safe now. It just felt too... Too hurt, like she would break if someone touched her now.

Reaching the room, she hurried over to her bed and hid under the covers like she had done when she was just a small child, scared of monsters under the bed. The only thing was, the monsters weren't hiding under beds, they wer out there in the open, doing as pleased them.
Puling away quickly, Vineres could tell she'd already taken a toll on the girl. Picking her up, she carried her into the bathroom and licked the rest of the wound clean, her saliva slowly healing it.

"If it would not disturb you, I'd like to give you new dress and have you clean." She asked the girl, sitting her down on the counter.
"That would be fine." Sage said, feeling floaty and disoriented. No matter how many times they do it, my body still has the same reaction. She thought.
Taking an old silver pin, she put the girl's hair up in a messy bun and went to retrieve a fresh uniform. For tonight though, she'd wear a simple night dress. It was one of her own, but she didn't mind. Arya had worn many of her clothes if for some strange reason a need implied. Walking back in, she handed it to her.

"I'll leave you for your privacy, but call if you need anything. I'll run you a bath and when you're done, change into this. Rest."

With that she simply turned on the faucet and laid out a hair brush, tooth brush, whatever else she'd need, and left to go wait in her room. Father wasn't home, and Seridan was doing whatever so she simply focused on writing in a language she'd learned last year, trying to perfect her fluid written speech.

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