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Fantasy The Vampire Era

He came upon the entrence and placed his hand on another panel that unlocked the stone door slowly it rose as the sunlight entered the hallway. He steped out into the light and looked around him then he heard the voice and turned towerds it seeing a male of his kin stand befor him. He looked at him and spoke " To whom may i ask speaks to me?" he said with bright yellow eyes.
Rebel waited in the tree line by the buildings. Once it was safe she was going to have to get in and out without getting caught, something she'd done a thousand times but she was still cautious all the same since you never know what can go wrong
Kira didn't realize there were vampires nearby and with a yawn she sat down, hugging her knees to her chest and laying her head down on them, then her eyes drifted shut though she mentally forbid herself from falling asleep... well, maybe just a few minutes...
It had appeared the child he met before was asleep in the forest, alone. He sent a Mirror Image to pick her up and take her back towards her tribe. The Mirror image rushed towards the girl, finding her asleep, he picked her up and carried her towards the path where her tribe lay 
"My Lord Cain, I'm Vetis Abaddon of the Abaddon Clan, I've summoned you to this world" he said holding out a jar of A+ Blood
Vineres approached the market place, a surge of sounds and voices hit her. Looping her arm around the shorter Arya's kept her grounded and from getting carried away in the sounds.

"Hello sir." She said approaching the slave trader.

"I believe you were the one I bought my dear Arya from. She has proven to be very useful, but now I see her growing weak. I fear to have worked to her too hard, after all a poorly treated and stupid human is a useless one."

Stiffening her back, Vineres was determined to get a strong one. Preferably a girl, as she shared the same desires as her brother from time to time.

"I need a strong one, and trusted we do good business I can assure you the royal family will much be pleased."

(( @Mikkelle Sting ))
Kira had been merely dozing when she suddenly felt herself being lifted and instantly she screamed at the top of her lungs, quite a loud, shrill shriek really. She had learned self-defense and aimed to punch whoever was holding her in the nose with another scream of rage. How dare anyone even touch her! Kira now struggled to free herself, once or twice screaming again. The fact it was a vampire only made her madder.
The man looked directly at Sage. "She's a really good one. She is real strong and won't give you trouble." Sage rolled her eyes. "Much. You forgot to in much trouble, sir."
The mirror managed to shake off the hits and spoke "Quite, the evil will hear you. I've come to save you, you were asleep when it turned night and i don't care to see dead children" he was in the unreleased form, he looked human the only part that made him seem a vampire was his speed and strength "I will let you down and explain the second you stop screaming"
She hissed, waiting impatiently to be put down. And if it wasn't done in mere seconds she would warn darkly, "Then it would be your fault that i'd be killed. I will keep screaming if you don't put me down!" Kira had actually never seen a real life vampire and didn't fear them really. She had only feared the mirror of one because it had surprised her. The stories the others of the tribe told about vampires were horrible, they were made to spark fear in the listeners.

Once Kira was put down she would step away and cross her arms then demand, "Explain now."
Cain took the jar of what he smelled was blood and took it drinking it quickly his eyes turned from yellow to a bright purple and he placed the jar on the ground wiping the blood from his mouth. His skin turned to a marble white with silver hair as his body filled back to that of a muscularly fit 25 year olf man. A black coat trimned with blood red appeared on him along with black pants. He looked at Vetis and spoke in a calm voice " My slumber was satisfying how is the worlds present condition?" he said as he flexed his wings.
Vetis: "Under our control, My Lord i must leave you for a time and i will return later" Vetis' vanished and so did his mirror only the mirror left for seconds only to have the real Vetis appear "You were asleep in the forest in the night" he looked human as if there were no vampire features on him 
"And as I've said before i don't care to see a child die, where is your tribe, i'll take you there and in return i will warn them"
"I wasn't asleep... I was just resting.. slightly." She protested, suddenly very confused of what was going on. "Leave me alone." The girl suddenly demanded, setting her jaw into a serious frown.
"Your obviously not a.. normal human." She replied sourly. Kira was stubborn, even when she was ready to drop anywhere to sleep.
Vineres smiled, trying to suppress a laugh.

"I trust your judgement. And she has a will, this is good. Let's just hope my brother doesn't get a hand of her." She laughed, looking to Sage briefly.

"How much is she?"
"I am a Vampire, the second oldest and one of the most powerful born, I've seen the rise and fall of humanity, i don't approve of slaves nor extinction"
Kira had no reply at first,only a frown. Though eventually she would ask "So why do you insist on helping me? So I can just be captured later?" She was mainly just trying to avoid leading vampires to her tribe. She would never be forgiven and they would all probably end up dying.
"My wife was human, originally a slave, I've served the Royal Family my whole life however when my wife died i promised i will never allow extinction of the human or allow all to turn into slaves"
"So I see. You're still a vampire though." Kira would say. She was determined she avoid any help from anyone. At least right now.
"I'm a man of honor, I've honored my duties as a Elder Vampire and i will always honor my wife." He sat down "I may be a Vampire but i look Human, 100%"
"Yet you have magic and you probably drink blood, which I personally find quite disgusting." Kira said. Then she would add, "I'm not showing you my tribe."
"I cannot grantee you safety as you return though, I must return to my Lord. Warn your people Cain has returned"
Cain took what he was told and pondered on it "In our control he said " then he began to flap his wings. He took off into the air and flew across the forest and servayed his surroundings. He took in the sites and spotted a city then proceed towerds it.
Sedrian took her hand and lifted her to her feet. "Sorry, your blood is just too delicious." He said as he sat her down on his chair. "Rest for a bit will ya." He said and sat down on the bed looking at the stain on his jacket. "Guess I can just clean it later." He said and sighed. His slave was his favorite possession, she was his favorite thing to be around, mess with, and drink from. If somebody killed her, he'd be upset.

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