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Fantasy The Vampire Era

He slept. The prince slept peacefully in his chambers dreaming of mayhem and chaos. He dreamt of killing thousands and thousands of humans with his bare hands and draining them of there blood. Then he heard words, the words of his slave. His eyes opened and he got dressed in his suit/armor. He opened the door after putting the sword sheath on his belt. "Evening. Come closer." Sedrian said motioning with his finger for her to approach.

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"Yes sir" The brunette nodded and walked closer, holding her head downwards, and her hands behind her back. Would he bite her again? Or was it just for her to correct his clothes he asked for her to approach him? "What is the issue?" She asked gently, hoping it was nothing. Maybe he just wanted to check that she wore the correct attire as always? A simple black dress over a white blouse with a collar high enough to cover the skin on her neck, but also possible to hold far enough down so that her neck was within reach.
It was later that day Kira was fed-up with being stuck in the dank cave. There was nothing to do. She was bored out.of.her.mind.

Only a moment later she stood up and walked outside with a stubborn expression on her face. Nobody stopped or questioned her. She walked down the trail and into the forest, then and only then did she begin running farther, and farther into the forest. She jumped over fallen logs, ducked under branches, and skipped over creeks on stepping stones. She felt free again, the only feeling she enjoyed anymore. She sent a glance up at the sun, though continued at her gleeful pace. It seemed impossible that vampires could be anywhere around.
Sedrian stared down at his obedient little slave and licked his lips. He never really cared about formalities or the way people dressed, in fact he'd prefer it if his slave's outfit was more... revealing. But rules were rules. He raised an arm and pulled his slave closer to him, then he leaned in close, and sank his fangs into her neck. He was thirsty, and his slave had such a marvelous scent. He continued to drink from her until finally he pulled his fangs out from her neck. "Delicious as always." He said and released her from his grip.
Feeling comfortable with the day, Rebel dropped down off the ridge and started walking through the forest. She knew she was headed towards the castle which was not exactly normal for a human. Usually they were staying away from the big monstrosity but Rebel knew that the best places to get food were closer to the leeches.
"I have a mirror image of me walking around the forest, to keep those Humans alert" He took a sip

The Mirror image clone stumbled in an area within the forest, it looked to it's side and saw a girl, the mirror image is a exact copy (except from powers) of Vetis' release state, an Elder Vampire 
Mirror: "Hello, little girl"

(@Lizzy )
Vineres could smell her brother's slave from even this distance, the aroma causing her to stiffen up.

"Arya, would you mind going and cleaning yourself? Use my bath, and get dressed into a clean dress when you're done. I haven't eaten all day." She said, smiling to the girl.

Arya was well behaved, so she trusted the girl to be on her own to do tasks. She was treated better than most slaves, and Vineres beleived a stupid and tortured slave was a useless one.

"A mirror image?" She asked, resuming conversation to Vetis.

"I didn't know of anyone who could actually preform such a thing. Are they intelligent?"
Kira skidded to a stop, nearly screaming as a figure came into view. Instantly she turned on a heel and sped back through the forest, though she had been running quite a while already and was about to slow her pace when she saw the vampire, well, she was pretty sure it was a vampire. So her normally quick pace was growing slower, which made Kira grow a bit desperate. She wanted nothing to do with vampires, but then again, she couldn't run home because the rest of the tribe would surely be discovered. If she hadn't been caught already Kira would turn left sharply and continue running. If the vampire wasn't close she would begin walking, trying to catch her breath.
"They are exact replaces of me, only with out my powers and they are forbidden to cause harm, when they vanish over there, i gain all the knowledge they accumulated" He grined
As his teeth sank into her neck, a small whimper escaped her lips, and her arms fell down by her side. She knew better than to utter a single word about how it felt to be bitten when she hadn't been prepared for it. In a way she hated it, but at the same time a vampires bite was a different form for drug. As he let go of her, she felt drained, and pulled up her collar again to hide any evidence of the biting. "Thank you sir" Her voice was no more than a whisper and she avoided to look at him. "Anything else you would like me to do?"
Mirror: "No need to worry, girl. I'm simply here to observe and you are right to fear a vampire" 
Mirror: "Even if we burn in the sun" a beam of light shined upon the mirror image, it didn't effect him in the slightest
"Yes, quit talking to me so formally, I don't like it. Also, wear something more... fun to look at." Sedrian said. "Come find me when you've done so, if I'm not in the castle, wait in my chambers. Oh, and make yourself comfortable when you do." Sedrian said. He was a little weird, but he didn't care. Quickly he ran past his slave and out into the night, to see what the night had in store for him this evening.
Kira turned to face the vampire and stared, horror clear in her bright green eyes. "Why?" She asked in a shaky tone, making it obvious she was scared. She wanted to know why he was here mainly, but she thought she knew the answer anyway; to find tribes and humans.
"Very interesting. So, do they feel anything? Or make you feel anything?"

Vineres was always very curious, wanting to learn anything she can. To her knowledge was power.
"No, they are just copies of me without feeling, without skills all they can do is scout although if used in combat situations they come in handy, distracting the enemy until i feel ready" He finished his glass "Sounds like your brother is up"
Rebel kept walking, but slower now. She was almost reaching the populated areas, yes it was only the outskirts but still needed to be careful not to get caught.
"Ah, understandable."

looking to the door as if listening, she stood and smoothed her dress.

"Yes, it does. Sometimes I wish hed sleep for eternity." She said jokingly.

"I'm going to go and accompany my slave girl and see if she has finished bathing. I've grown quite hungry over the day." She said, making her way out of the room.

"I shall see you soon, sir."
"There has to be a reason. There's a reason for everything. Plus, vampires kill and eat people. So either your trying to trick me, or your not a real vampire." Kira argued, crossing her arms over her chest and staring at him.
She took a deep breath as he walked out, her heart beating louder than she liked. If she had been able, she would have ran away to avoid this. Though she could not. She was bought and paid for, and if she did, she knew she would be free to kill. The destiny of a slave. She turned around when she thought he was gone, and walked back to her own chambers, quite simple with just a bed, a nighttable and a closet. What was it he expected for her to wear? One of the dresses he had provided her?

Changing, using her time, she put on one ofthe simple black dresses, with long sleeves but which showed more of her chest than the original one, that she had recieved some time ago and let down her hair. She hated this. Dressing more appealing meant eyes would fall on her. She wouldn't be able to hide away amongst everyone else then. As if it wasn't bad enough to be a human in a castle full of vampires.

After changing, she left the room and started to walk around in the castle, believing he adn't returned yet. So she walked directly to the library where she saw Vineres and Vetis. Should the little brunette approach them? Or should she just disapear again, like a good slave? Vanessa stood just hidden behind the door opening for a moment, trying to think.
"Slave for sale! Get your slave here! She's very good at ........... stuff!" the slave trader yelled while holding the chain that held Sage by the neck. Ignoring his yells she said in a bored tone, "Hey do you mind not holding my chain so tightly, sir? It kinda hurts my neck." the slave trader yanked her chain making her stumble. "Shut your yaper, human. I don't care if it hurts or not, your a slave not a royal." she sighed. "Whatever you say." she looked down at the spider resting on her shoulder. "See what I mean? So aggresive." she whispered.
Mirror: "You're also forgetting the most obvious piece of information, Vampires burn in sunlight" It grinned "I'm here to study the climate and furthermore scout out prey however I'm not like most Vampires" It chuckled "I don't kill children"

Vetis: "See you later, Princess" he sat down and poured himself another glass, picked up a book and began to read
Sedrian walked around the town quickly becoming bored, though it was nice to be able to leave the castle whenever he wanted, he almost never saw the king or queen, so he was free to mostly do whatever he wanted. He returned to the castle, and went looking for his slave. "Oh slave!" He yelled, he was hoping she had done as he had requested. Of course he wouldn't kill her, she was his primary source of entertainment.
"Prey? And I am not a child." Kira argued with a huff. It was true she probably looked and acted like one, but she was at least 15 in reality.

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