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Fantasy The Vampire Era

There was two replies at once. One from Vetis, who was by the princess, and the other by the Prince, who she had to follow the commands of. "My apologies Sir, I will have to leave already" She appeared from behind the wall and curtesied, before running off, stopping only when she came into sight of the Prince. "I'm sorry, I was wandering through the castle to see if you had arrived and chosen to take a walk around to see your sister" She was slightly out of breath, having ran as fast as she could, while she already had been drank from. "I hope the dress is to your liking"
Mirror: "Judging by your height, voice, eyes and maturity, i can tell you are under 18, that means you're a child"
"I do not mind, and I do indeed enjoy the dress. It really brings out your features." Sedrian said. "Now feel free to call me by my first name, by the way what the hell is your name?" Sedrian asked raising an eyebrow, if she could call him by his first name, he would do the same. "Follow me while you answer." He said walking to his chambers.
Mirror: "I must go now" the Mirror Image vanished and his knowledge of the scouting trip flowed into Vetis' mind
"Of course" She nodded and followed by him, her hand automaticly going up to her neck, rubbing gently against whre he had bitten her. "It is Vanessa, that isthe name my parents gave me, Sedrian" It really did not feel natural to call him that. She had been raised being told to only adress vampires by Ma'am, miss or sir. It had been too beaten into her.
"Hey, I'm a tee-" She was cut off when he disappeared though Kira then added to herself with a scoff, "Creepy... thing." Then she spun on her heel and continued her walk, though now she was watching her back and quieting her footsteps.
Sedrian hopped onto his bed and patted it a few times. "Join me, Vanessa. What a pretty name." Sedrian spoke in a tone dark, yet sweet. He was a very good manipulator, and could sweet talk into, or out of almost anything. He motioned for her to join him, and smirked. "How many masters have you had? Am I the first or was there more?"
She closed her eyes for a moment and walked over, taking deep breaths for each step. This was far out of her comfort zone. Sitting down on the bed like he requested, she placed her hands on her lap. "My family served another vampire family before this, but I've never been the personal slave to anyone before"
Vineres strode out, returning to her room to gather Arya.

"Arya, I know you have grown weak. We are going into town to fetch me a new slave, this one for one sole purpose. To help you, and to feed. A weak slave is a useless one." She said, not wanting to show too much sympathy for the girl. She was human after all, and humans always die one way or another. Not that vampire didnt, but they are much less fragile.

A few moments passed before they were walking out from the building, Arya holding her things. Unlike her family Vineres preferred to walk from place to place, not wishing to be escorted. Intense senses allowed her to enjoy the air, the sounds around them. For her, focusing in on these things made it so much easier to ignore the thoughts that travelled into he mind from other's. Hearing other's minds wasn't something she did voluntarily exactly. Nor was being an empath to the dead, but she was born into it. Father than run, she coped.
Sedrian listened. "Well Vanessa you're lucky you got me as a master, I'm only as cruel as you make me. Screw up a few times, depending on what it is I probably won't even care. Just act normal when around me, as if I was an acquaintance." Sedrian said, then looked at the wound. "How's that treating you? This hurt?" He asked as he leaned in and licked the wound, blood getting onto his tongue.
"I've grown up being taught to not treat a vampire like I would treat another human" She flinched, barely visible, though she did, when he licked over the wound. "It just hurts a little bit... Nothing I can't handle" She closed her eyes, her heart beating faster as a reaction on feeling uncomfortable. Did he have to push her limits like that?
"I see, well you must obey me, so start by being normal. Of course that doesn't mean be intentionally tardy or anything, but I'd even like if you spoke sarcastically to me at times, I like my slaves to have some personality." Sedrian licking the wound again, slower this time, teasing her. "Oh what's the matter? Is this bugging you?" He asked sarcastically.
"it's not in my nature to do so.." Did he really have to do that?! Her hands landed on his chest, pushing him a little bit away, as much as she could push him away at least. "I'm terribly sorry, but that is making me extremly uncomfortable. And this dress?" She gestured to the dress, with pure distress and almost with tears in her eyes. "Is not me. I'm sorry, but this isn't me. I feel uncomfortable in situations like this"
In a remote forest, deep underground

In a far underground chamber Cain laid in his stone tomb residing thier for over 10,000 years. The temple in which he was in slowly came to life as four crystals unleashed their energy into the temple and through the roof up towerds the sky cutting through the earth. As the bright blue beam touched the clouds it opened a dark green portal above the temple into the spirit world in which Cains soul resided. It was time for him to return to the world he long sence had left. Cain exited the spectrial realm and into the material world in a bright purple light he shot towerds the earth at a fast speed slaming into the tomb, and right into his body. The lid to the tomb shot off landing a few feet away as Cain opened his eyes leaning up coughing like mad as air entered his lungs. Slowly he rose from his tomb as his wings outstretched he was weak oh so very weak with bony features almost appearing as a skelleton he floated out of the tomb, and onto the cold marble floor. He looked around at the pich black room and waved his hand at the walls on both sides of him as flames erupted onto the torches hanging from the walls. He made his way towerd the entrence to the tomb as he placed his hand on a panal on the door. It senced its masters energy signiture and opened to a hallway leading to the main room he bagan to walk towerds it slowly as his vision came into focuse.
"See there you go, standing up a bit, make a few demands or something. Sedrian then in the blink of an eye had his sword unsheathed, and the tip at her throat. "Don't push me though." He said. Then he sheathed the sword. "Go and dress in whatever's comfortable, and then come back. Don't try to tell me it's the outfit the law makes you wear either." Sedrian said. "Well, go, be back soon."
She stared wideeyed at the sword against her throat, barely nodding, walking backwards away from the sword and towards the door. "I'll be back soon..." When she reached the door she closed it behind her and darted towards her own bedchambers.

That had been a close call. Her hand held over her throat where the sword had been, and the tears she had been pressing away, finally fell. Was this why everyone but her in her family had been killed? So that she could live just to supply a sick prince what he desired?

She dragged the dress over her head and put on another dress, one that covered her chest and shoulders, that reached her ancles and down ot her elbows before walking back to his chambers, knocking on the door.
Kira was still roaming the forest. It was late afternoon now. Kira didn't care though if she'd be in huge trouble again. She could do whatever she wanted. She could even leave the whole tribe if she wanted! She grinned at the though, though suddenly felt bad; she was the only family her father had left. Kira stopped walking, staring up at the sky to watch the sun begin the very slow process of shrinking. She probably should return to the cave... She was really tired and who knew when that strange vampire-thing would return if ever.
Sedrian chuckled to himself. She's finally getting a little bit of backbone. He heard the knocking. "Enter." He said. "Look, unless the door is locked, just come in. If it's empty, leave and lock the door. If it's empty and the key is in here, take the key, lock the door, and come find me." Sedrian said. She didn't need to be so polite around him, in fact he didn't really like it. Though he didn't like being pushed or touched in any kind of negative fashion. "Shut the door behind you and come feed me."

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Athis sighed replacing a his cloak and daggers in a small compartment in the outside wall of the Pigs Foot Tavern. The kill had been to easy he thought to himself. His target had been a middle age looking vampire who had been a prominent merchant but hadn't bothered with security. Gaining entry had been simple. He had simply scaled the wall and climbed through an unlocked window. After that a simple shot to the juggler coupled with a slash to the carotid artery had been sufficient to kill the creature. After that his actions while necessary, had been distasteful. He'd slashed the body to ribbons and removed all the valuables from the room before tipping over furniture and rooting through the closet. Basically the crime scene would look like a typical robbery gone wrong. Athis straightened himself and looked at the bag of jewels and coins he'd liberated from the merchants possession before tossing them inside the hidden compartment. He could use them later to buy some new gear he thought to himself while replacing the wooden plank that hid his compartment. Sighing once again Athis made his way into the Pig Foot Tavern, no doubt he'd be reprimanded for being a few minutes late. The punishment was never anything serious usually just an extra chore but the Pig's Foot was a nice tavern located in the richer portion of town and Athis didn't look forward to being yelled at by fat pompous vampires all day. Athis grimaced and then plastered a fake smile on his face as he entered the tavern. One day more humans would find the spine to fight back but until that time he had to keep up appearances.
She opened the door and walked in before he started talking, and it felt more and more like being punched in the stumach for each word. Her parents would have been ashamed. The girl they had been training her whole life to become a proper servant, was failing. The worst part was, she was failing in her job for a vampire. it couldn't be excused no matter how she had tried.

"Of course Sedrian" She whispered and nodded, walking over to him. Stopping right infront of him, she brushed her hair tothe side and tilted her head to make it easy for him.

((I have many threads to reply to :P gimme a chance to reply to all @Jafar ))
Sedrian grinned and sat up. He moved closer and sank his fangs into a new spot on her neck and started drinking. Grabbing her with his arms as he drank. Her blood was sweet, like a forbidden Elixir, and nobody ever did that for him before. He drank and drank until he reached the point where if he didn't stop she'd start to have problems, so he released his fangs from her neck and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Aw crap, whoops. This is my favorite coat."
Cain entered the main hall then headed for the door to the surface. He smelled the earthy air as the door opened and walked up the steps that spread through the ground upwerds towerds the surface. As he neared the the exit door the stair's lead to the edge of a high cliff the door being a part of the stone wall. he was very hungry and needed blood he must find food soon to restore his strength.
Kira watched silently until the sun disappeared behind the trees and the moon, she knew was beginning to rise. She was oblivious to anything around her at the moment. The main reason she was so transfixed on the sky's changing was because she was terribly tired. Kira yawned, rubbing at her eyes. She didn't want to sleep yet though, at least not in the open at night.
She had started to shiver, to tremble in his arms as he drank. The world was starting to spin, though she couldn't tell him to stop drinking. She was in no position to do such. When he released her, her knees bended under her, and she fell down at the ground. Her heart was beating at record speed, and she felt almost empty. Like something was missing. Andsomething was. There was blood missing. "apologies about the coat, Sedrian" Vanessa whispered, glad her brown hair covered her face.

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