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Fantasy The Vampire Era

Aven tensed at the hand on her shoulder, but followed the princess inside. "My pleasure my lady. I'm afraid i must take my leave, various duties to attend you see." The man said, bowing. "Until next time." He walked down the hallway.
Bowing back, she hastily closed the door behind him.

"I am so sorry you had to deal with him." She chuckled, smiling to Aven
Sedrian returned to the castle and decided to bug the princess. "Oh princess! It's me! Where are ya!?" He yelled loud enough that the whole castle could hear him. "Hello!?"
Aven looked surprised, but slowly smiled back. "It's fine-" She was interrupted by someone yelling for the princess. She smirked. "Looks like you're popular, princess."
Kira would rise her head slightly then let it drop against the headboard or wall again with a groan of boredom. She wasn't made for sitting in one place for over 10 minutes, she wasn't good at it at all either. "Stupid leg." She grumbled, casting a glare down at the broken leg. It was just laying there on the bed while her other was slightly bent in a more comfortable position. Wheres Mr.Cheery-Fangs gone to now? She thought with a roll of her eyes.
Cain exited the city and flew towerds the castle. He landed I front of the castle a few minutes later as he then walked up and opened the door going inside. The door closed as he walked to the castles kitchen placing the food on a counter " know lets see if I remember this" he began to make a meal for the girl. He made a steak meal with some randome vegetables and took it to the girl. He lifted the barrier to the door and walked in closeing it behind him. He placed the plate on the table along with a knife and fork. He looked at kira " I hope this will suffice" he said to her.

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"Not popular, just have an annoying brother." She smiled, running out into the hallways.

"up stairs, prince!" She yelled, running down the hallway. Her and brother may have had completely different views on absolutely everything, but she did love him. And hey, he could be fun to be around occasionally.
"Ah." Sedrian said as he dashed up into the hallway. "What's up sis?" Sedrian asked. She was definitely more mature on a regular basis then he was. He however, could intimidate people more easily. "Mind if I tag along with whatever you're doing?"
Aven backed up somewhat behind the princess. She'd learned the hard way that vampires were unpredictable, strong, and very dangerous. Or at least, all the one's she'd met. This one didn't seem to want to eat anyone, but he was intimidating.
Kira looked over at Cain expectantly, though her eyes widened in pure disbelief at what he had brought her. Real meat, that was even cooked, clean vegetables, and a fork and knife. Kira had never used a fork before and studied it for a moment, to stubborn to ask about it. She tried to hide her surprise as well as she took the plate and silverware and eventually decided to use the fork like a knife. Stabbing her food that was.

Kira picked up the fork and brought it down sharply onto a carrot then uncertainly brought it to her mouth, though suddenly she turned her head, studying Cain's face and asking suspiciously, "Did you do anything to it? Don't lie, because I will know..." She added darkly, triyng to appear more threatening then she actually was.
"Well, I was about to fix up the slave that suitor from the Kremlin brought as a gift, but I don't think I'll let you get at her quite yet." She said, smiling to herself. Seridan was a complete perve to the slaves and workers when he liked.

"He seems to fancy me a mighty bit. But he smells like the rats."
He laughed " no my dear theres is nothing in that other then what you see" he smiled. Sitting in the chair he looked at her" if I wanted to kill you I would not do it through poison " he said crossing his leg over the other.

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"Obviously." She rolled her eyes to his final statement, though that was all she said before beginning to eat her food quickly, obviously quite hungry. It was when she was half-way through her meal did she pause to ask suspiciously once again, "What do you want with me then?" Her tongue would flicker out quickly to get at any piece of food that had escaped her mouth as she looked over at him.
He looked at the ceiling quizickly " hmm what do I want...."he tapped tge chair " aww id like to know more about what has happened with the humani" he looked at her smiling. He leaned back in his chair his hands together under his chin as he looked at her.

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"What happened to the humans? Wouldn't you know already, seeing you're a vampire and likely were part of the war.?....Vampires age differently right?" Kira asked with a frown. Apparently they seemed to be opposites. She was younger, female, human, not very cheery. He was probably much older -if she were right about vampire aging-, male, and much to perky and happy to her liking. a grumpy-vampire could be much worse Kira grudgingly guessed and was slightly thankful for Cain's nicer personality.
"Is that right sis? Well I like mine." Sedrian said. His slave was so much fun, and he was molding her into a slave with personality.

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"Just dont get jealous of Sage and this new girl."

Sage was going to turn out a wonderful slave in her opinion, however much she hated calling them that in the first place. Humans deserved freedom, but speaking up about it could get her killed here. The new girl... when wasn't sure about her yet.

"And trust me, I'll know" she teased, talking a fingernail to her temple.
He looked in her eyes" my dear iv bin asleep for over 10,000 years I do not know of this war or what happened for I was not there" he said with a smile.

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"Hmmph. Well vampires randomly popped up everywhere and started killing humans in the most disturbing way ever. Ew." She began, making a face. Then she began explaining again, "That started a huge war and we surrendered before all of humanity died out. Vampires took many as slaves and many more died. Quite a few escaped to the woods however and that's where I was born quite a while later. I've heard there are only 100 or so humans left in the forest...Not around here though. It's all around the world.. Or nation.. I don't even know." Kira shrugged, then went back to eating. eventually she would finish then put her plate back on the table.
"You have another slave...? I'm sorry, i really should know your name, princess..." Aven said, hoping she wouldn't eat her for her lack of knowledge. She shuffled her bare feet, the floor cold underneath.
"Hey sis, may I speak to you in private?" Sedrian asked. He wanted to talk with her about something that was on his mind. He also assumed it was on her mind to, he knew her pretty well after all these years they had spent together.

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Queen Callisto sauntered down the stairs in a slow, unhurried manner as her eyes dragged across the room and settled on each face for a moment before moving on. She trailed her fingers across the smooth wooden railing, her bare feet making soft pads of noise with each foot that descended another step. About three steps from the bottom of the staircase, she paused and let out a small smile. "My dears," She spoke slowly, her words laced with thick poison as she fluttered her eyelids twice. "What is all this racket?" The queen had just finished up a lovely snack upstairs, and though she had been kind enough to wipe off her mouth, the scent of blood still clung to her. Right now, she dawned a rather low cut purple kimono that she had taken a liking to when a noble from overseas had brought it to her. It trailed along the floor behind her, her sleeves draped over her hands. She appeared around the age of thirteen as of this moment, though the outfit and the look in her eyes made her look more mature than that.
Athis walked past through an alleyway and picked up a bundle of wood as well as a walking stick. The purchase had gone off without a hitch he thought to himself slinging the bundle of wood onto his shoulder using a rope that had been attached. His kill last night had gone unnoticed which was fine but the vampires had been complacent for to long, as had the slaves had lived to long without a glimmer of hope. Athis adjusted the rope on his shoulder so it rested more comfortably.

He made it to the Pigs Foot an hour later. He dropped the fire wood and carefully extracted four arrows from the scattered kindling. The inanimate objects had a sinister air about them. They were shaped like crescent moons and their blades stretched the length of his palm. Guillotine arrows he thought to himself smiling, even the name dripped of malice. He placed the arrows into their hiding spot along with the walking stick . Quickly he replaced the board covering his hiding place and sighed. His lunch was up, back to pretending.
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Sedrian looked back to see the Queen. "What up mom?" Sedrian asked. Of course they weren't actually related, but she had been the one to take him in. He wasn't related to his sister either, in fact he had thought about asking her out before, but she treated him like a brother, so he treated her like a sister. But anyway, the queen was his favorite of the household leaders. She was like him in a lot of ways.

Queen Callisto came the rest of the way down the stairs, putting care into each step as she approached her son. She looked up at the taller Vampire with a smile not unlike her previous one, but this one showed a hint of amusement. She did rather enjoy this. "Now, Sedrian." She began, putting on the best 'motherly' tone a thirteen year old could possibly muster. "You know that's not how you talk to your mother." Her lips were still curled up in that amused smile, her eyes dancing with withheld chuckles as she reached up and touched her son on the cheek. She let one finger glide about two inches down his skin before she withdrew her touch and backed up two steps. "But yes, I have had the most wonderful meal, thank you for asking." She didn't pay any mind to any of the humans in the room, and instead just tilted her head to the side in the direction of the general commotion. "I see you have been doing well yourself, yes?" A small upward tilt still pulled at the corner of her lips, as if she was toying with the thought of 'entertaining' some of the wonderful company.

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