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Fantasy The Vampire Era

The Queen moved her hands back to her lap, not saying anything else for the moment. She took her glass in her hands too, twirling the liquid around in it for a moment before putting it to her lips and taking a long sip. She set the glass back down, her eyes returning to Cain. Still, she did not speak. Her face contained a rather blank expression, aside from the amusement in her eyes as she watched the game play out before her.
"Indeed I have heard of he." He bowed his head. "Good to meet you Cain." He spoke calmly, but not weakly. "Mother I was wondering if you would help me solve a suitor issue."

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Queen Callisto turned her head towards her son as he spoke. A smile flickered across her face at his words. She seemed already to know her answer. "It depends what kind of issue it is, my dear." She crossed her legs one over the other, the first she had moved them since sitting down. The impeccable posture her back continued to maintain was not phased by the action. Her entire upper body remained still.
"The problem dear mother is that I don't have one." Sedrian said as he placed his left foot to it's side resting on his right leg. "I want one."

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At her son's words, Queen Callisto's smile broadened, something of a dangerous pleasure flashing behind her eyes. Her lips were still closed as they always were when she smiled, but it looked as if she could open them at any time to spark something more sinister. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them. Her face showed a hint of amusement at his words, if not interest. The Queen tilted her a few degrees to the side, staring at Sedrian with slow, careful eyes. "Do you have anyone in mind for this proposal, then?" She asked.
"That I think you'd approve? No. In total? Yes." Sedrian said. "The princess herself. The older one, obviously." He said. "Seeing as I'm not actually blood related to any of you, which might explain the lack of attention, I figured it'd be OK to want her."

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As Cain listen he smiled in amusment of the conversation being of marriage. He leaned into his chair as he listened intently while raisung his eyebrow when Sedrian mentioned a possible union between himself and the princess.
Queen Callisto's smile didn't fade as her son said this, nor did her eyes show any signs of surprise, almost as if this were the answer she'd been expecting. She noted Cain's bemusement out of the corner of her eye, but stayed focused on her son. "I see. You want Vineras's hand in marriage." She narrowed her eyes slightly, in a way that made her look almost calm. She stayed silent for a moment, considering this.

"It is not uncommon for 'siblings' to marry within our nobility." She said, pausing again and turning towards her son, the entirety of her form leaning towards him as she let her mouth curl upwards with an opening just big enough for the tips of her fangs to come down under her upper lip. One hand moved to trail down the side of his hair while the other stayed in her lap. Her eyes glowed just the faintest shade of red as she spoke. "You will marry Vineras, Sedrian." She leaned away again, going back to her former posture. She let her hand drift back to her lap and her face fell back into a relaxed smile. "I have the preparations made for the wedding. The ceremony will be held in two weeks." Her words held a note of finality to them.

With that taken care of, she turned back to Cain. "I do hope you will stay around for the wedding."
Cain tilted his head in acknowledment " Indeed i will Lady Callisto" He said formaly. He looked at Sedrian " I do hope your futur union brings you joy young one" he said politly then he held his hand out to his side. A portal of blood about the size of a large silver round tray opened as a bright glowing red stone the size of a fist came through. It had twin dragons swirled around it. It floated to his hand then he grasped it the portal know closed. Cain looked at Callisto and sedrian" I will give this as a wedding gift" he said as he held it in his hands.
Queen Callisto bowed her head formally at Cain's words, but said nothing more. This part was up to Sedrian. She continued to smile, though now it had faded back to more of a polite gesture rather than an expression of actual joy or bemusement.
Sedrian nodded. "Your gift is graciously accepted." Sedrian spoke. He didn't want to just reach out and take it, he'd wait for him to hand it out to him. Sedrian stayed where he was, and smiled.
Caedmon was a patient man, and just waited as the food was placed infront of the young lady. "Eat, I insist." Maybe this was teh wrong way to approach it with her? "Alright. Let's start over again. I'm Caedmon, and I do not just randomly kidnap females to make them my slaves. Anyone who's been my slave have been treated with respect and care."
Cain smiled and levitated the stone to Sedrian as it went into his hands. A pulse went through Sedrians arm as the stone touched his skin the feeling of Old magice flowing through the stone. Cain looked Sedrian in the eyes and smiled.
"And I insist I'm fine" she retorted quickly. "Oh and that makes them being a slave alright does it?" Rebel snapped sarcastically. "Just cause you're nice to them doesn't take away what they are or what you are"
Vetis's Mirror Image came out of hiding and faced his masters "My Queen, My Lord." Vetis was changed, he was in his human disguise keeping a low profile in the area
The Queen stared with calm eyes at Vetis's image as he appeared. "Has something happened?" She asked with a level tone, her stare calculating his reaction. Her body stayed glued to where it was other than her turning her head to meet his form. Her eyes stayed fixated on him.
"My Queen, this is how i looked before i became an elder" Vetis's form flickered and vanished. His true self taking it's place "And that was a Mirror Image" Vetis got on one knee and bowed to the queen, "I'm sorry my Queen for avoiding my duties for some time"
Queen Callisto stayed silent for a moment before raising a hand to signal that he could rise. "Rise." She waited for him to do so before she spoke again. "Do tell me now, what caused you to avoid your duties as such?" Her arms lay calmly in her lap, her face holding no expression on it, but her stare was sharp and her words were somewhat chilled.
"My first task was to revive My Lord Cain. My next was given by Cain, to free Human slaves around the world" Vetis replied as he stood up and took his natural form.
The Queen closed her eyes at this, a small smile slowly spreading across her face, giving her an almost peaceful look. "I see." She said. "I believe that is a crime under the current law, is it not?" She asked, her eyes remaining closed as she said this.
"I am aware my queen however I am forced to follow the will of Cain, for the honor of my father" Vetis looked at Cain "You remember my father, Uvall Abaddon, you and him were close once"
Cain listened in as they spoke smileing as the words were spoken. He watched as things unfolded befor him and drank the rest of his wine laced blood. 
He smiled looking at Vetis " Indeed I do remember your father a great man he was" Cain smiled as he recalled the memories. He stood up and walked over to Vetis putting a hand on his shoulder " he served me well, and I am proud when I call him my brother" he said with pride. He pattede his shoulder then pulled it away as he looked back at the queen.
The Queen stayed completely still in her seat, her eyelids remaining closed as she spoke. "I assume you have a plan of sorts for this to be carried out, yes?" The question was directed at Cain this time. She opened her eyelids slowly, standing up from her seat in one graceful motion. She did not make any movements beyond that other than turning her frame towards Cain and Vetis. She spoke again without waiting for an answer. "You'll have to pardon my rudeness, but I'm perplexed as to why a higher being such as yourself has chosen this path?" She blinked slowly. "Well, it matters naught. You are our precious guest." She looked at him with cold, unmoving eyes. Her tone was sickly sweet, as if she'd just ingested a dose of honey and was lashing it back out in thick dollops. "I expect both of you are prepared for the time when we must meet as foes. But that time is not now." She blinked again, smiling in an almost childlike way, but something much darker lurked beneath the surface. "I would advise you that this plan is foolish, but I fear doing so will be of no use. I do not prefer the bloody path, nor do I mean any disrespect, but if you do choose to go down that road, know that you have made me your enemy. You see, I cannot allow such things to happen in my kingdom." She stood with her chin high and her back straight, exactly as any lady of the royal family should. "You may stay here until the ceremony, if you still wish to do so. I'm a lady of my word." The corners of her mouth turned upward again, a nearly perfect replica of any polite smile. Any passerby on the street would be fooled into thinking she was as innocent as a daisy. Her eyes, though, if you looked deep enough, were full of something similar to determination, only much, much more subtle, and much, much darker.
Vetis stood there waiting for Cain to respond to the Queen's remark, he would have to join Cain's side even though he served the Royal Family his whole life.
Cain smiled and looked at the queen and bowed his head " You are a fitting queen lady Callisto " he said kindly as he looked in her eyes which were glowing bright red with flares of yellow and orange. A link was formed with his mind to hers as he stared into her eyes. Senes of times long sence past flowed into her depicting the rise and fall of civilizations,then there came a scene playing in her head showing Cain when he was aproximatly 100,000 years old. He was standing on a hill of bodys both vamperic and human. Blood covered the ground that was littered with bodys missing various apendages. Cain was in his ultimate primal form to which he was given by his parents. His wings know were 25 ft long each black with glowing orange veins flowing through it as the tips of the bat like wings each had a long black claw at the end. He stood 10 ft tall with pitch black skin, and had long claws on each hand with scales flowing up to his shoulders. More scales ran up his back. There were two large ones on eighther side of his legs which took the shape of a bats four claws in the front one in the back. Cain was roaring at the sky as it swirled around him the ground shoook and cracked while rocks, bodys, trees and lava that seeped from the earth floated up into the thunder clouds above creating a vision of what man had called hell on earth. He had glowing red eyes with orange and yellow flares as he roared again lightning arching down from and across the sky. The scene left as Cains eyes changed back to a bright purple, and he stood there still smilling. He placed the glass on the table " I would love to stay for the ceremony my lady" he said politly.

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