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Fantasy The Vampire Era

He smiled at Vetis's words " Indeed but yet darkness also can lie where light will sometimes not the only diffrence between the two really is the powers and path each chooses other then that both sides are the same in sertin ways." He said as he looked back at Vetis.
Cain looked down at Vetis's hands" They look offly familiar" he said as he took more of a look still walking slowly. He recalled his memories as he searched them for why they appeared familliar to him.
A image floated in his mind as he smilled then he looked away from vetis and kept walking. He smiled as he said" Maby ill remember another time" he said as he looked at the light.
Vineres' jaw dropped, and no words came out as she was more stunned than processing what she was just told.

"Oh... when?" Was all she managed to get out, looking from her new fiance to the wedding gift.
"Um... about two minutes ago. The queen made it so." Sedrian answered. He placed the item back into his pocket and sighed.

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The Queen listened to their conversation in silence, a faint hint of interest flickering across her face as they spoke. After they seemed to have finished, she held out her hand in that direction without comment on Vetis's form.

"Now, right this way." Her voice was blank as she started down the darkened hallway to the left.

Queen Callisto walked at a faster pace than when they had been looking at the pictures, leading the other two down the corridor in silence. As the three made their way down the corridor, the lights upon the walls became less and less frequent, until there were none at all. Still, the path stretched on in front of them in a straight line, continuing until they had walked a mile, then two. The path seemed much too long to fit inside any sort of structure, even a palace such as this. They should have been over the town at this distance, but the Queen kept on.

At the end of the darkened hallway was a set of stairs leading up. The top of the set was nowhere in sight.

She lifted the hem of her Kimono and started up the stairs without comment. If one were to count the stairs, they would find that there were exactly one thousand and one steps to climb before the light came fully into view and the steps opened up into a wide balcony. A small patio with a table and four chairs lay on the transparent floor of the balcony directly in front of them, which seemed to stretch endlessly out in front of them into a distant white light. A few other similarly sized objects seemed apparent in the distance, though it was hard to tell from here exactly what they were. The Queen peered down through the clear floor, the small smile from before returning to her face as she saw the face of the Earth rotating below them.

"Welcome to the Hall of Rebirth." She said after a moment. The Queen's gaze rose to her guests, the polite smile not fading in the least. "I must mention that we are no longer on the plane of the living, so I would advise extreme caution when removing anything from this place." She let her skirts fall back to the floor, as the glass-like plane was smooth and pristine.
Cain looked at the queen as they walked every know and then looking at the walls. He walked through the dark tunnel with little hinderence to his vision. As they entered the hall of rebirth he looked around at the familiar surroundings and smiled. He looked at the earth below " ahhh know i do miss this view" he said as he looked down.
Vetis' hand was now completely covered by the strange metal, when he entered the room with then, he showed no sign of awe. He looked at his hands and noticed that the speed of his evolution was increasing. He remembered what his father said 'The final metamorphosis of our Clan is the most powerful and yet can grant you years of power, the amount you will gain will always be unknown but your power will always evolve in the sense that you will constantly gain new powers'
Vineres couldn't find the focus to bring her jaw up from the floor as she slowly nodded in understanding.

"When is the wedding set for?" She asked. In all honesty, she was okay with this. Sedrian was attractive, powerful, and intimidating, but kind to her. Plus she knew they'd be in understanding if they had their more... 'personal' slaves around while the other was gone.
(Sorry I haven't been posting, I haven't got any notifications)

Kira awoke hours later, rubbing at her eyes with a frown. She was still stuck in a bed. She was able to feel her leg now, though it still hurt a bit to move it. She scowled with annoyance.

Alyssa had given up and just flopped in a random hallway, back pressed against the wall. She pouted slightly, trying to figure out where her family would be at the moment.
The Queen did not seem phased by the lack of a reaction coming from her guests, or the quickly-spreading transformation encasing Vetis.

"I see you are well acquainted with this plane." Her voice was lighthearted but not surprised. She didn't have to warn them about going too far into the light, beyond the point of no return, or not to switch paths once they'd entered the labyrinth, or not to touch objects they had not seen before, or any of the other quirks of this place.

Queen Callisto headed towards one of the chairs at the table, gesturing to invite her guests to sit with her. As she sat, the door they had entered through slowly faded into nothingness, leaving only empty space in it's wake.

"Would you all care for a game?" She said as she tucked her skirts beneath her and sat at one of the chairs. "Well, I suppose there's no use in asking now that we've entered this place, now is there?" Going through the labyrinth was the only way to exit the plane aside from reincarnation. The only way to get out alive. The labyrinth wasn't particularly hard to solve for someone with the right aged wisdom, but it was what lurked inside that often got the best of those living beings foolish enough to enter this plane too often. Each time you entered, the monsters, illusions, and puzzles you had to face to get out got stronger. If you brought more people, the challenges got stronger in proportion to the total number of times the plane had been visited by all members.

"Out of curiosity, how many times have you been to this place, Vetis, Cain? For me it's something of a number in the hundreds." The Queen smiled and looked at Cain. "It may be presumptuous of me to assume so, but I believe that you, our creator, has another way out of this place. If I am incorrect, let it be so. It is of course up to you whether you play the game or not." Her eyes were smiling as she said this. It was assumable that Cain could get out easily even if he did play the game. No matter how many times he'd been here. But it was curious to her what he would do - how would he ruin her fun?
"As a matter of fact I do. Two weeks." Sedrian answered. "So we may need to get our best outfits ready." He said.


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"Yes we just may." She said, finally shutting her mouth and running and hand through her hair. Vineres could tell he asked mother for this, it was so obviously trailed in his head. But why she was quite sure.

"Sedrian... why me?" She asked, curious as to why he chose his own sister... not by blood but still someone he'd been raised with to marry. It happens often in the Royal families, but she never expected him to do such.
Sedrian sighed. "Well honestly I've wanted you for a long time. But the fact that we were supposed to be 'siblings' prevented my from working up the courage to even ask you out." Sedrian answered. Then he leaned forward and kissed her.
Aven, who had been watching the whole thing, now felt extremely uncomfortable. "Ooookay then..." She said under her breath, looking at the wall. Aren't they siblings? Isn't that kind of weird? She thought, shaking her head. Vampires are different, i guess... I bet the wedding will be huge... Aven tried to imagine what a vampire wedding would be like, especially for royalty. Dark, maybe? Lots of red? A pit of humans to snack on? Who knows.
Vineres kissed him back gently, her hand touching his cheek briefly before pulling back.

"If the wedding is so soon, I must go get sized." She said, knowing their mother probably already had a dress all set out for her. Hearing Avens thoughts so loudly make her chuckle, before she kissed Sedrian on the cheek and stepped back.

"I'll see you at dinner." She said teasingly.
Sedrian smirked in return. "I love you Vineres." He said. He might have been jumping the shark, but he spoke the truth. "Alright then, I'll see you later." He said and gave her a quick bow. Then he started walking away.

Rolling her eyes with a playful smirk, she shut the door behind him to look at Aven.

"Just letting you know, he is no way blood related to me." She said, hoping to ease her uncomfortableness.

"And yes, the wedding will be big. Huge really. This is actually a great political and economic desicion. That way it will still be complete and utter royal blood... well excluding Sedrians in the family. If I was to wed away to somewhere else, say Kremlin, there would be two new sets of families on the throne. Not that I'll ever be on the throne for year and year and years but still." She said, rambling off as she absentmindedly grabbed her brush and fixed her hair.
"Have you ever noticed how you can imagine a yell, or a scream, or even a whisper in your mind, but its always the same volume? You just know the difference?" She said, sitting down on the bed and raising an eyebrow to her. Most.of her slaves found out very soon of her skill, and soon after that found out that Vineres couldn't help it.
Vanessa laid still under the duvet, her heart as good as up in her throat. To even just mention the change of a human... How could he do something like that? Was it not bad enough she had no freedom already? He had to increase that lack... By even just suggesting to turn her into one of them. It would not happen. There was no way she would allow him to change her. That was the only thing she had anymore, that was truly hers.

Only her breath and life was hers.

Being turned into a vampire would even remove that.

As a vampire, life wouldn't end in. A natural way. You would have to be killed. By one another.

It just would not happen. She wouldn't let that happen.

Even though she had never been much of a believer, she prayed for the first time in her life, her voice weak where she had folded her hands together, praying that her life could end the way of a humans life, not of a vampire. Maybe an escape could be a clever idea?
Cain looked at Callisto with a wicked smile " I might have procured another way out in my 10,000 years here" he said still smiling. A faint glow appeared on his chest under his shirt. He looked at the maze" But it would be no fun if i simply just left" he said in a cheery tone.
Queen Callisto maintained a small smile on her face. She said nothing, but continued to hold out her hand inviting the other two to sit. Her other hand was folded across her lap once more. Her eyes stayed still, that amused look not fading from her mask. That is interesting indeed, Cain. She thought so that the other could hear it if he wished. She did not open a channel but simply sent the thought out into the open.
Cain loked at Callisto"Indeed it is" he said in a projected thought to her. He sat in a crystaline chair that rows from the ground. He rested his arms on the chairs arms and relaxed looking at the others.

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