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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier shook his head at his friend. "You didn't have to inhale your breakfast mate, we've got time" He said with a laugh. "At Quidditch matches, each house shows up in the stands, so we can watch all the games. Its kind of big deal around here" He told him. "That is also why they do it on weekends so that everyone can attend them." Xavier added.
“Yea but I’m excited!” Aaron laughed. “You’ve got me hyped to see one of these games. If they’re as big as you say they are then surely the crowds are loud and huge!” he said, a glimmer of light in his hazel eyes. “Cmon cmon! Let’s go!” Aaron said, eagerly shaking Xavier. “Eat!” he said with a giggle.
Xavier looked at the boy, his excitement was definitely contagious. He laughed, listening to Aaron. "Okay okay!" He said with a laugh as Aaron shook him. Xavier finished his breakfast and got to his feet. He did wave goodbye to Ryan who waved back before returning to his food. Xavier looked over at Aaron. "Let's go check out the schedule then" He said with a wide grin on his face.
Aaron quickly got up, making sure not to pay any mind to Ryan and hoping to get out as soon as possible so that Xavier didn’t talk to the other Hufflepuff boy. Aaron quickly put an arm around Xavier’s shoulders as the two of them walked out of the Great Hall together. “Sounds like a plan to me!” he said with a grin, very glad to guide Xavier further away from Ryan.
Xavier felt Aaron put his arm around his shoulder and he blushed again at the contact. He allowed the boy to lead them out of the Great Hall and down towards the Courtyard. "Awesome!" He said with a wide grin. He had noticed that Aaron wasn't super happy about Ryan but he didn't pay any more attention to it. Eventually the Courtyard came into view, the schedule was posted on the entrance into the courtyard. "The schedule's over there" Xavier pointed it out to Aaron.
Soon the two boys entered the courtyard. It was quite a beautiful day. The sun was shining and there was a nice little breeze that ruffled the leaves in the trees. A strand of hair fell into Aaron’s eyes and he adjusted it back to its normal position as he took his arm off of Xavier and ran over to the schedule. As he looked, it appeared that on November 1st, Gryffindor would open out the season by playing Slytherin.
Xavier felt the loss of the boy's arm on his shoulders but watched as Aaron ran over to the schedule, a grin on his face as he stood in the center of the courtyard. He knew the first match would be the two houses that always clashed, Gryffindor and Slytherin. He felt the warmth of the sun on his skin and the breeze blew threw his hair. No one used the courtyard in the morning, so they had no worries that anyone would need it. While Aaron checked the schedule, Xaie tilted his head up to the sun, closing his eyes and soaking in the warmth. He could feel the effects of having little sleep but pushed it aside, content at the moment.
“Lookie here!” Aaron said as Xavier was taking in the sun. “Looks like Gryffindor’s got the opening game. They’re playing Slytherin. Rivals!” he told the Hufflepuff boy. “Then the next day it’s Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw!” he said. “We can see both, if you’d like!” Aaron said with a grin. “I can’t wait until next year when I can try out for the team!” he said, wishing first years were allowed.
Xavier opened his eyes and walked over to Aaron. The sun was nice, but he wanted to hang out with his friend too. "They always get the first match for some reason. I'd love to see both of them with you" He was happy that Aaron had found something he was really excited about. "I bet you'll be a great addition to the Gryffindor team next year too!" He said looking at him with a grin. "I'll even root for Gryffindor then" He said with a laugh, nudging the boys shoulder.
Aaron raised his eyebrows and a deep red blush came to his face as not only did Xavier say he’d love to watch both games with him, but he also said that he felt he would be a great addition to the Gryffindor team next year. “Y- you really think so?” Aaron asked softly, covering his cheeks with his hands since they were blushing so red. They felt warm to the touch. Aaron felt his heart flutter and butterflies in his stomach.
Xaie noticed the redness in Aarons cheeks and smiled at the boy. He nodded "Definitely! I mean, you were great with the flying right away. I think you were born for Quidditch" He said honestly. He felt a blush on his own face as he watched the boy cup his cheeks as if trying to hide the redness from Xavier. He felt his own heart flutter that something he said must've caused this reaction.
Aaron looked away, realizing that he was blushing profusely. He smiled shyly and twiddled with his fingers as Xavier complimented him. “You really know how to flatter me Xavier, stop it,” he said with a giggle. “Now let’s go back before I turn any more red,” he said with a chuckle. “Unless you just wanna hang out with me here…. It’s a nice day,” he suggested with a little sheepish smile.
Xavier couldn't help the smile and blush on his face as he looked at Aaron. "I was only speaking the truth mate" He said with a little chuckle. "I mean, its nice here in the Courtyard. The sun is warm, there's a nice breeze. We can hang out here" He said to the boy. He wanted to say that he kind of liked that he could turn Aaron's face red, but he didn't want to admit that just yet. He grabbed Aaron's hand and pulled him to the center of the courtyard, before sitting down on the grass. Xavier patted the spot next to him "Come sit down!" He said with a grin.
Aaron grinned as Xavier said that he wanted to enjoy the nice weather out here with him. He blushed quickly as Xavier grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Aaron watched as Xavier sat down in a nice spot in the green grass. It was just a picturesque day. Aaron nodded and sat down directly next to Xavier, their shoulders touching they were so close.
Xavier was quite content now, sitting in the sun, shoulders brushing with Aaron, a gentle breeze in the air. He didn't want to say anything, do anything to mess this up. Unfortunately, he was so content that he actually found his head dipping, the bare 2 hours of sleep began catching up with him. He blinked open his eyes and yawned. "We've been to all the different classes, which one do you like so far?" He asked Aaron, hoping that if he started talking then the desire to rest would go away.
Aaron scooted over to be even closer to Xavier despite all of the room on the grass in the courtyard. He very much liked the feeling of having Xavier’s body close to his. Aaron grinned as Xavier asked him about his favorite class. “Oh, flying class by far! It’s the only class I’m really good at!” he said with a chuckle. “My least favorite has got to be potions. Professor Snape sucks- I’m convinced he hates children!” he said. “How about you? What’s been your favorite class so far?” he asked curiously.
Xavier blushed when Aaron moved closer to him, but he wasn't complaining. He enjoyed being close to the other boy. It was nice and he didn't want it to end. He listened to Aaron as he talked about his favorite class and his least favorite class. Xavier wasn't really surprised by the classes he'd talked about. "My favorite has to be Charms actually! It's so fascinating that simple words and a little magic can be so powerful. My least favorite has to be flying class. I'm way more comfortable on the Earth" Xavier said with a laugh. He was glad that Aaron had found his favorite and in a way, he found his favorite thing too. That would make the next six and half years easier having some class to enjoy.
“I had no doubt!” Aaron said, “You were really good in that class. Plus you really helped me out,” he said with a smile. Aaron laughed as Xavier told him that he’d much prefer to be on the ground. Interestingly enough, Aaron felt at home right up in the air on a broomstick. “Don’t worry mate, you’ll get the hang of it eventually. At least by the end of the year!” Aaron said.
Xaie blushed listening to the boy. "Thanks. I was glad I was able to help you too" He said with a smile. Xavier highly doubted he'd get used to be up in the air. He definitely wouldn't take the flying classes next year. "I'm not so certain. I know I won't take the flying class after this year since its optional for second years and up" He said.
“I probably won’t either considering I don’t think I need it,” he said. His thoughts then turned to his jealousy of the Ryan boy from before. “Say, who was that Ryan fellow?…. Where did you meet him?” he asked, trying to get a little more information on the other kid. Aaron selfishly wished he knew some sort of shrinking spell so he could take Ryan and hide him away somewhere from Xavier forever.
Xavier had listened to him and smiled when he said he probably wouldn't either. Then the boy asked about Ryan. "Oh, he's my new room mate. He seems much nicer than Eric. He even has a teddy too, but he didn't bring it with him." Xavier said with a little grin. He was unaware that there was any real jealousy in the air. "I had come back to my dorm last night, and he was asleep in the bed. At first I thought it was Eric, but then I had remembered that he was expelled. I met him this morning when he woke up" He added, bringing one leg to his chest, and stretching the other one out straight.
“Well I’m glad it’s much nicer than the other kid. He was a jerk. I’m glad they expelled him,” said Aaron. Aaron had both arms wrapped around his legs as he pulled them tight into his chest. “I- I’m still your best friend though, right?” Aaron asked.
Xavier listened to Aaron as he spoke, watching the lad. "I'm glad I don't have to watch my back at night" He said. What he heard next made his heart hurt. "Of course you're still my best friend" He said, leaning his shoulder against Aaron. "That'll never change, you and I against the world right?" He added, moving for a moment to throw his arm over the boy's shoulder, giving him a side hug.
Aaron felt a sense of relief, but that still didn’t mean he felt resentment towards Ryan. Aaron smiled and blushed slightly as Xavier brought him in for a side hug. “Right mate! You and I against the world!” he said with a determined nod. “We’re gonna become the greatest and most powerful wizards ever, together!” Aaron declared with a big grin. “Who can stop us?”
Xavier smiled at his friend. "I'd settle for great" He said with a laugh. He knew he had to talk about Harry Potter and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. There were wizards who wanted power and it didn't end well. He didn't want that for Aaron, he wanted him to grow up and live and maybe be a professional Quidditch player somewhere. "Easy there, let's go one year at time man" He said with a grin. "I still need to tell you about the famous Harry Potter. We have about two hours till lunch if you want to hear the story now" He knew that it would take away the innocence but he needed Aaron to know in case you-know-who tries anything.

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